Macleod H.A. Thin-film optical filters (Boca Raton, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMacleod H.A. Thin-film optical filters. - 4th ed. - Boca Raton: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2010. - xviii, 782 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.773-782. - ISBN 978-1-4200-7302-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface to the Fourth Edition ................................ xiii
Symbols and Abbreviations ...................................... xv

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Early History ........................................... 1
   1.2  Thin-Film Filters ....................................... 5
   References .................................................. 10
2  Basic Theory ................................................ 13
   2.1  Maxwell's Equations and Plane Electromagnetic Waves .... 13
        2.1.1  The Poynting Vector ............................. 18
   2.2  The Simple Boundary .................................... 21
        2.2.1  Normal Incidence ................................ 23
        2.2.2  Oblique Incidence ............................... 27
       p-Polarized Light ...................... 28
       s-Polarized Light ...................... 30
        2.2.3  The Optical Admittance for Oblique Incidence .... 31
        2.2.4  Normal Incidence in Absorbing Media ............. 33
        2.2.5  Oblique Incidence in Absorbing Media ............ 38
   2.3  The Reflectance of a Thin Film ......................... 42
   2.4  The Reflectance of an Assembly of Thin Films ........... 45
   2.5  Reflectance, Transmittance, and Absorptance ............ 48
   2.6  Units .................................................. 51
   2.7  Summary of Important Results ........................... 52
   2.8  Potential Transmittance ................................ 57
   2.9  A Theorem on the Transmittance of a Thin-Film
        Assembly ............................................... 60
   2.10 Coherence .............................................. 61
   2.11 Incoherent Reflection at Two or More Surfaces .......... 66
   References .................................................. 71
3  Theoretical Techniques ...................................... 73
   3.1  Quarter- and Half-Wave Optical Thicknesses ............. 73
   3.2  Admittance Loci ........................................ 74
   3.3  Electric Field and Losses in the Admittance Diagram .... 80
   3.4  The Vector Method ...................................... 87
   3.5  The Herpin Index ....................................... 89
   3.6  Alternative Method of Calculation ...................... 89
   3.7  Smith's Method of Multilayer Design .................... 92
   3.8  The Smith Chart ........................................ 95
   3.9  Reflection Circle Diagrams ............................. 97
   References ................................................. 103
4  Antireflection Coatings .................................... 105
   4.1  Antireflection Coatings on High-Index Substrates ...... 106
        4.1.1  The Single-Layer Antireflection Coating ........ 106
        4.1.2  Double-Layer Antireflection Coatings ........... 112
        4.1.3  Multilayer Coatings ............................ 121
   4.2  Antireflection Coatings on Low-Index Substrates ....... 129
        4.2.1  The Single-Layer Antireflection Coating ........ 130
        4.2.2  Two-Layer Antireflection Coatings .............. 130
        4.2.3  Multilayer Antireflection Coatings ............. 140
   4.3  Equivalent Layers ..................................... 156
   4.4  Antireflection Coatings for Two Zeros ................. 168
   4.5  Antireflection Coatings for the Visible and the
        Infrared .............................................. 172
   4.6  Inhomogeneous Layers .................................. 179
   4.7  Further Information ................................... 182
   References ................................................. 183
5  Neutral Mirrors and Beam Splitters ......................... 185
   5.1  High-Reflectance Mirror Coatings ...................... 185
        5.1.1  Metallic Layers ................................ 185
        5.1.2  Protection of Metal Films ...................... 187
        5.1.3  Overall System Performance, Enhanced
               Reflectance .................................... 193
        5.1.4  Reflecting Coatings for the Ultraviolet ........ 196
   5.2  Neutral Beam Splitters ................................ 198
        5.2.1  Beam Splitters Using Metallic Layers ........... 198
        5.2.2  Beam Splitters Using Dielectric Layers ......... 201
   5.3  Neutral-Density Filters ............................... 205
   References ................................................. 207
6  Multilayer High-Reflectance Coatings ....................... 209
   6.1  The Fabry-Perot Interferometer ........................ 209
   6.2  Multilayer Dielectric Coatings ........................ 215
        6.2.1  All-Dielectric Multilayers with Extended
               High-Reflectance Zones ......................... 225
        6.2.2  Coating Uniformity Requirements ................ 230
   6.3  Losses ................................................ 234
   References ................................................. 238
7  Edge Filters ............................................... 241
   7.1  Thin-Film Absorption Filters .......................... 241
   7.2  Interference Edge Filters ............................. 242
        7.2.1  The Quarter-Wave Stack ......................... 243
        7.2.2  Symmetrical Multilayers and the Herpin Index ... 244
       Application of the Herpin Index to
                        the Quarter-Wave Stack ................ 248
       Application of the Herpin Index to
                        Multilayers of Other Than Quarter-
                        Waves ................................. 253
        7.2.3  Performance Calculations ....................... 256
       Transmission at the Edge of a Stop
                        Band .................................. 256
       Transmission in the Center of a Stop
                        Band .................................. 258
       Transmission in the Pass Band ......... 260
       Reduction of Pass-Band Ripple ......... 262
       Summary of Design Procedure so Far .... 265
       More Advanced Procedures for
                        Eliminating Ripple .................... 266
       Practical Filters ..................... 281
       Extending the Rejection Zone by
                        Interference Methods .................. 283
       Extending the Transmission Zone ....... 287
      Reducing the Transmission Zone ........ 295
      Edge Steepness ........................ 296
   References ................................................. 297
8  Band-Pass Filters .......................................... 299
   8.1  Broadband-Pass Filters ................................ 299
   8.2  Narrowband Filters .................................... 302
        8.2.1  The Metal-Dielectric Single-Cavity Filter ...... 302
        8.2.2  The All-Dielectric Single-Cavity Filter ........ 310
       Case 1: Even Number (2x) of Layers .... 313
       Case II: Odd Number (2x + 1) of
                        Layers ................................ 315
       Phase Shift: Case 1 ................... 316
       Phase Shift: Case II .................. 317
        8.2.3  The Solid Etalon Filter ........................ 325
        8.2.4  The Effect of Varying the Angle of Incidence ... 329
       Simple Tilts in Collimated Light ...... 329
       Case I: High-Index Cavities ........... 332
       Case II: Low-Index Cavities ........... 333
       Effect of an Incident Cone of Light ... 335
        8.2.5  Sideband Blocking .............................. 341
   8.3  Multiple Cavity Filters ............................... 342
        8.3.1  Thelen's Method of Analysis .................... 349
   8.4  Higher Performance in Multiple-Cavity Filters ......... 356
        8.4.1  Effect of Tilting .............................. 364
        8.4.2  Losses in Multiple Cavity Filters .............. 367
       Case I: High-Index Cavities ........... 368
       Case II: Low-Index Cavities ........... 369
        8.4.3  Further Information ............................ 369
   8.5  Phase Dispersion Filter ............................... 370
   8.6  Multiple Cavity Metal-Dielectric Filters .............. 377
        8.6.1  The Induced-Transmission Filter ................ 380
       Potential Transmittance ............... 381
       Optimum Exit Admittance ............... 382
       Maximum Potential Transmittance ....... 384
       Matching Stack ........................ 384
       Front Surface Equivalent Admittance ... 386
        8.6.2  Examples of Filter Designs ..................... 386
   8.7  Measured Filter Performance ........................... 396
   References ................................................. 399
9  Tilted Coatings ............................................ 403
   9.1  Modified Admittances and the Tilted Admittance
        Diagram ............................................... 403
   9.2  Application of the Admittance Diagram ................. 411
   9.3  Polarizers ............................................ 425
        9.3.1  The Brewster Angle Polarizing Beam Splitter .... 425
        9.3.2  Plate Polarizer ................................ 430
        9.3.3  Cube Polarizers ................................ 431
   9.4  Nonpolarizing Coatings ................................ 431
        9.4.1  Edge Filters at Intermediate Angle of
               Incidence ...................................... 432
        9.4.2  Reflecting Coatings at Very High Angles of
               Incidence ...................................... 437
        9.4.3  Edge Filters at Very High Angles of
               Incidence ...................................... 441
   9.5  Antireflection Coatings ............................... 442
        9.5.1  p-Polarization Only ............................ 442
        9.5.2  s-Polarization Only ............................ 443
        9.5.3  s- and p-Polarization Together ................. 444
   9.6  Retarders ............................................. 447
        9.6.1  The Ellipsometric Parameters and Relative
               Retardation .................................... 447
        9.6.2  Series of Coated Surfaces ...................... 448
        9.6.3  Retarders ...................................... 449
        9.6.4  Simple Retarders ............................... 451
        9.6.5  Multilayer Retarders at One Wavelength ......... 455
        9.6.6  Multilayer Retarders for a Range of
               Wavelengths .................................... 459
   9.7  Optical Tunnel Filters ................................ 464
   References ................................................. 467
10 Color in Optical Coatings .................................. 471
   10.1 Color Definition ...................................... 471
   10.2 The 1964 Supplementary Colorimetric Observer .......... 478
   10.3 Metamerism ............................................ 479
   10.4 Other Color Spaces .................................... 480
   10.5 Hue and Chroma ........................................ 481
   10.6 Brightness and Optimal Stimuli ........................ 482
   10.7 Colored Fringes ....................................... 485
   References ................................................. 487
11 Production Methods and Thin-Film Materials ................. 489
   11.1 The Production of Thin Films .......................... 490
        11.1.1 Thermal Evaporation ............................ 491
        11.1.2 Energetic Processes ............................ 501
        11.1.3 Other Processes ................................ 513
        11.1.4 Baking ......................................... 517
   11.2 Measurement of the Optical Properties ................. 520
   11.3 Measurement of the Mechanical Properties .............. 540
   11.4 Toxicity .............................................. 550
   11.5 Summary of Some Properties of Common Materials ........ 551
   References ................................................. 561
12 Factors Affecting Layer and Coating Properties ............. 569
   12.1 Microstructure and Thin-Film Behavior ................. 569
   12.2 Sensitivity to Contamination .......................... 584
   References ................................................. 592
13 Layer Uniformity and Thickness Monitoring .................. 595
   13.1 Uniformity ............................................ 595
        13.1.1 Flat Plate ..................................... 597
        13.1.2 Spherical Surface .............................. 598
        13.1.3 Rotating Substrates ............................ 598
        13.1.4 Use of Masks ................................... 603
   13.2 Substrate Preparation ................................. 604
   13.3 Thickness Monitoring and Control ...................... 607
        13.3.1  Optical Monitoring Techniques ................. 608
        13.3.2  The Quartz-Crystal Monitor .................... 618
        13.3.3  Monitoring by Deposition Time ................. 620
   13.4 Tolerances ............................................ 621
   References ................................................. 636
14 Specification of Filters and Environmental Effects ......... 641
   14.1 Optical Properties .................................... 641
        14.1.1 Performance Specification ...................... 641
        14.1.2 Manufacturing Specification .................... 644
        14.1.3 Test Specification ............................. 644
   14.2 Physical Properties ................................... 648
        14.2.1 Abrasion Resistance ............................ 648
        14.2.2 Adhesion ....................................... 651
        14.2.3 Environmental Resistance ....................... 652
   References ................................................. 653
15 System Considerations: Applications of Filters and
   Coatings ................................................... 655
   15.1 Potential Energy Grasp of Interference Filters ........ 659
   15.2 Narrowband Filters in Astronomy ....................... 665
   15.3 Atmospheric Temperature Sounding ...................... 670
   15.4 Order Sorting Filters for Grating Spectrometers ....... 679
   15.5 Glare Suppression Filters and Coatings ................ 691
   15.6 Some Coatings Involving Metal Layers .................. 695
        15.6.1 Electrode Films for Schottky-Barrier
               Photodiodes .................................... 695
        15.6.2 Spectrally Selective Coatings for
               Photothermal Solar Energy Conversion ........... 698
        15.6.3 Heat Reflecting Metal-Dielectric Coatings ...... 703
   References ................................................. 705
16 Other Topics ............................................... 707
   16.1 Rugate Filters ........................................ 707
   16.2 Ultrafast Coatings .................................... 718
   16.3 Automatic Methods ..................................... 729
   16.4 Gain in Optical Coatings .............................. 740
         16.4.1 Oblique Incidence ............................. 744
   16.5 Photonic Crystals ..................................... 748
        16.5.1 What Is a Photonic Crystal? .................... 750
        16.5.2 Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals .............. 750
        16.5.3 One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals .............. 751
   References ................................................. 756
17 Characteristics of Thin-Film Dielectric Materials .......... 759
   References ................................................. 766

Bibliography .................................................. 771
Index ......................................................... 773

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