Light-harvesting antennas in photosynthesis (Dordrecht; London, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLight-harvesting antennas in photosynthesis / ed. by B.R.Green, W.W.Parsons. - Dordrecht; London: Kluwer Academic, 2003. - xx, 513 p., 8 p. of plates: ill. (some col.). - (Advances in photosynthesis and respiration; vol.13). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.495-513. - ISBN 978-90-481-5668-5

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Оглавление / Contents
Editorial ..................................................... vii
Contents ....................................................... xi
Preface ...................................................... xvii
Color Plates ................................................. CP-1

Part I. Introduction to Light-Harvesting

1  Photosynthetic Membranes and Their Light-Harvesting
   Antennas .................................................. 1-28
   Beverley R. Green, Jan M. Anderson and William W. Parson
   Summary ...................................................... 2
   I    Introduction ............................................ 2
   II   Photosynthetic Prokaryotes .............................. 6
   III  Chloroplasts of Photosynthetic Eukaryotes .............. 14
   To be Continued ............................................. 23
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 23
   References .................................................. 23

2  The Pigments ............................................. 29-81
   Hugo Scheer
   Summary ..................................................... 29
   I    Introduction ........................................... 30
   II   Functions: A Short Overview ............................ 30
   III  The Pigments ........................................... 34
   IV   Analytics .............................................. 67
   V    Pigment Substitution Methods ........................... 69
   References .................................................. 71
3  Optical Spectroscopy in Photosynthetic Antennas ......... 83-127
   William W. Parson and V. Nagarajan
   Summary ..................................................... 84
   I     Introduction .......................................... 84
   II    Absorption Coefficient ................................ 85
   III   Charge-Transfer Transitions ........................... 86
   IV    Circular Dichroism .................................... 86
   V     Configuration Interactions ............................ 90
   VI    Dipole Strength ....................................... 92
   VII   Electromagnetic Radiation ............................. 92
   VIII  Excitons .............................................. 95
   IX    Fluorescence Yield and Lifetime ...................... 100
   X     Infrared Spectroscopy ................................ 101
   XI    Internal Conversion .................................. 103
   XII   Linear Dichroism and Fluorescence Anisotropy ......... 103
   XIII  Mathematical Tools ................................... 106
   XIV   Raman Scattering ..................................... 107
   XV    Resonance Energy Transfer ............................ 108
   XVI   Singlet and Triplet States ........................... 111
   XVII  Spectral Bandshapes and Dynamics ..................... 113
   XVIII Spontaneous Fluorescence ............................. 116
   XIX   Time-Resolved Spectroscopy ........................... 118
   XX    Transition Dipoles ................................... 120
   XXI   Wavefunctions ........................................ 123
   Acknowledgement ............................................ 125
   References ................................................. 125

4  The Evolution of Light-harvesting Antennas ............. 129-168
   Beverley R. Green
   Summary .................................................... 130
   I     Introduction ......................................... 130
   II    Origins .............................................. 131
   III   How Proteins and Their Genes Evolve .................. 136
   IV    Pigment Biosynthesis Genes ........................... 142
   V     Photosynthetic Reaction Centers and the Core 
         Antenna Family ....................................... 145
   VI    Phycobiliproteins .................................... 148
   VII   LHC Superfamily ...................................... 150
   VIII  Single Membrane Helix Antennas of Purple and Green
         Filamentous Bacteria ................................. 155
   IX    Antenna Proteins Unique to Certain Groups ............ 156
   X     The Big Picture: The Five Divisions of 
         Photosynthetic Bacteria .............................. 157
   References ................................................. 160

Part II. Structure and Function in Light-Harvesting

5  The Light-Harvesting System of Purple Bacteria ......... 169-194
   Bruno Robert, Richard J. Cogdell and Rienk van 
   Summary .................................................... 170
   I     Introduction ......................................... 170
   II    Components of the Light-Harvesting System of Purple
         Bacteria ............................................. 171
   III   Structure-Function Relationships in Bacterial
         Antennas ............................................. 176
   IV    Energy Transfer in Light-Harvesting Proteins from 
         Purple Bacteria ...................................... 181
   V     Conclusion ........................................... 188
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 188
   References ................................................. 188

6  Antenna Complexes from Green Photosynthetic Bacteria ... 195-217
   Robert E. Blankenship and Katsumi Matsuura
   Summary .................................................... 195
   I     Introduction ......................................... 196
   II    Chlorosome Structure, Pigment Stoichiometry and 
         Protein Content ...................................... 201
   III   Redox-Dependent Regulation of Energy Transfer in
         Chlorosomes .......................................... 204
   IV    Fenna-Matthews-Olson Protein ......................... 207
   V     Kinetics and Pathways of Energy Transfer in
         Chlorosomes and Membranes of Green Bacteria .......... 209
   VI    Conclusions and Future Work .......................... 210
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 211
   References ................................................. 211

7  Light-Harvesting in Photosystem il ..................... 219-251
   Herbert van Amerongen and Jan P. Dekker
   Summary .................................................... 220
   I     Introduction ......................................... 220
   II    The Photosystem II Genes and Proteins ................ 221
   III   Individual Photosystem II Antenna Complexes .......... 222
   IV    Reaction Center Containing Photosystem II
         Complexes ............................................ 235
   V     Overall Trapping of Excitation Energy ................ 242
   References ................................................. 245

8  Structure and Function of the Antenna System in 
   Photosystem I .......................................... 253-279
   Petra Fromme, Eberhard Schlodder and Stefan Jansson
   Summary .................................................... 254
   I     Introduction ......................................... 254
   II    The Architecture of Cyanobacterial Photosystem I ..... 255
   III   Structural Organization of the Core Antenna System ... 261
   IV    Plant Photosystem I .................................. 266
   V     Excitation Energy Transfer and Trapping in PS I ...... 270
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 275
   References ................................................. 275

9  Antenna Systems and Energy Transfer in Cyanophyta and
   Rhodophyta ............................................. 281-306
   Mamoru Mimuro and Hiroto Kikuchi
   Summary .................................................... 282
   I     Introduction ......................................... 282
   II    Molecular Architecture of Antenna Systems in 
         Cyanobacteria and Red Algae .......................... 282
   III   Energy Flow in Antenna Systems of Cyanobacteria ...... 291
   IV    Three-Dimensional Structures of Phycobiliproteins .... 292
   V     Electronic States of Chromophores in
         Phycobiliproteins .................................... 298
   VI    Energy Transfer ...................................... 301
   VII   Concluding Remarks ................................... 302
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 302
   References ................................................. 302

10 Antenna Systems of Red Algae: Phycobilisomes with
   Photosystem II and Chlorophyll Complexes with 
   Photosystem I .......................................... 307-322
   Elisabeth Gantt, Beatrice Grabowski and Francis X. 
   Cunningham, Jr.
   Summary .................................................... 307
   I     Introduction ......................................... 308
   II    Structure and Composition of the Antenna Systems ..... 308
   III   Phylogenetic Implications of LHC Structure and 
         Function ............................................. 315
   IV    Light Acclimation Responses .......................... 315
   V     Energy Distribution .................................. 318
   VI    Future Problems to be Addressed ...................... 319
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 319
   References ................................................. 319

11 Light-Harvesting Systems in Chlorophyll c-Containing 
   Algae .................................................. 323-352
   Alisdair N. Macpherson and Roger G. Hitler
   Summary .................................................... 324
   I     Introduction ......................................... 324
   II    Groups Having One Main Light Harvesting System ....... 328
   III   Groups Having Two Distinct Light Harvesting 
         Systems .............................................. 333
   IV    Concluding Remarks ................................... 347
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 348
   References ................................................. 348

Part III. Biogenesis, Regulation and Adaptation

12 Biogenesis of Green Plant Thylakoid Membranes .......... 353-372
   Kenneth Cline
   Summary .................................................... 353
   I     Introduction ......................................... 354
   II    Methodologies for Higher Plant Chloroplasts .......... 354
   III   Overview of Localization Processes ................... 356
   IV    Different Mechanisms Address Different
         Translocation Problems ............................... 359
   V     The In Vivo Site of Thylakoid Protein Transport and
         Insertion ............................................ 364
   VI    Chlorophyll Synthesis And The Insertion Of Antenna 
         Proteins ............................................. 364
   VII   Future Prospects ..................................... 367
   References ................................................. 368

13 Pulse Amplitude Modulated Chlorophyll Fluorometry and its
   Application in Plant Science ........................... 373-399
   G. Heinrich Krause and Peter Jahns
   Summary .................................................... 373
   I     Introduction ......................................... 374
   II    The Measuring Principle of the Pulse Amplitude
         Modulation Fluorometer ............................... 374
   III   Initial and Variable Fluorescence .................... 375
   IV    Ratio of Maximum Variable to Maximum Total
         Fluorescence, FV/FM .................................. 378
   V     Fluorescence Quenching ............................... 379
   VI    Photosynthetic Yield and Rate of Linear Electron 
         Transport Determined by Fluorescence Analysis ........ 388
   VII   Application of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in the 
         Study of Mutants ..................................... 391
   VIII  Conclusion and Perspectives .......................... 392
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 393
   References ................................................. 393

14 Photostasis in Plants, Green Algae and Cyanobacteria:
   The Role of Light Harvesting Antenna Complexes ......... 401-421
   Norman P.A. Huner, Gunnar Öquist and Anastasios Melis
   Summary .................................................... 402
   I     Introduction ......................................... 402
   II    Stress and Photostasis ............................... 404
   III   Acclimation And Photostasis .......................... 409
   IV    Chloroplast Biogenesis and Photostasis ............... 415
   V     Sensing Mechanisms Involved in Photostasis ........... 416
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 416
   References ................................................. 417

15 Photoacclimation of Light Harvesting Systems in
   Eukaryotic Algae ....................................... 423-447
   Paul G. Falkowski and Yi-Bu Chen
   Summary .................................................... 424
   I     Introduction ......................................... 424
   II    Photoacclimation ..................................... 425
   III   Light in aquatic environments ........................ 425
   IV    Physiological Responses to Changes in Spectral 
         Irradiance ........................................... 429
   V     Light Harvesting Systems and the Effective 
         Absorption Cross Section of Photosystem II ........... 432
   VII   Light Harvesting Complexes ........................... 438
   VIII  The 'Nested Signal' Hypothesis ....................... 442
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 443
   References ................................................. 443

16 Multi-level Regulation of Purple Bacterial Light-
   harvesting Complexes ................................... 449-470
   Conan S. Young and J. Thomas Beatty
   Summary .................................................... 450
   I     Introduction ......................................... 450
   II    Gene Organization and Expression ..................... 452
   III   Assembly of LH Complexes ............................. 459
   IV    Other genes and proteins relevant to LH complex
         assembly or structure ................................ 462
   V     Concluding Remarks and Future Prospects .............. 464
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 465
   References ................................................. 465

17 Environmental Regulation of Phycobilisome 
   Biosynthesis ........................................... 471-493
   Arthur R. Grossman, Lorraine G. van Waasbergen and 
   David Kehoe
   Summary .................................................... 471
   I     Introduction ......................................... 472
   II    Phycobilisome Structure .............................. 472
   III   Complementary Chromatic Adaptation ................... 473
   IV    Model for the Control of Complementary Chromatic
         Adaptation ........................................... 481
   V     Control of Phycobilisome Biosynthesis During 
         Nutrient Limitation .................................. 482
   VI    Concluding Remarks ................................... 488
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 488
   References ................................................. 488

Index ......................................................... 495

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