Vogt L.J. Electricity pricing: engineering principles and methodologies (Boca Raton; London, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаVogt L.J. Electricity pricing: engineering principles and methodologies. - Boca Raton: CRC; London: Taylor & Francis, 2009. - xix, 676 p.: ill. - (Power engineering; 33). - Bibliogr.: p.655-659. - Ind.: p.661-676. - ISBN 978-0-8247-2753-6

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ..................................................... xiii
Preface ........................................................ xv
About the Author .............................................. xix

Chapter 1
Overview of Electricity Pricing
1.1  Introduction ............................................... 1
1.2  Objectives of the Electric Tariff .......................... 7
1.3  Traditional Price Regulation .............................. 10
1.4  Impacts of Industry Restructuring on Electricity
     Pricing ................................................... 12
1.5  The Role of Engineering in Electricity Pricing ............ 18
1.6  Chapter Organization ...................................... 20

Chapter 2
Prerequisite Concepts
2.1  Introduction .............................................. 23
2.2  The Cardinal Laws of Electricity .......................... 24
2.3  Fundamental Load Characteristics .......................... 36
2.4  Elements of Utility Costs and Pricing ..................... 50
2.5  Summary ................................................... 59

Chapter 3
Electric End Uses
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 61
3.2  Customer End-Use Needs .................................... 62
3.3  End-Use Value ............................................. 89
3.4  Customer End-Use Research ................................. 91
3.5  Summary .................................................. 104

Chapter 4
Customers: Electric Service Requirements
4.1  Introduction ............................................. 105
4.2  Customer Electricity Requirements ........................ 106
4.3  Nonphysical Service Requirements ......................... 116
4.4  The Customer as Energy Manager ........................... 120
4.5  Customer-Owned Power Systems ............................. 124
4.6  Wholesale and Compound Retail Customers .................. 132
Summary ....................................................... 134

Chapter 5
Power Delivery Systems: Transmission and Distribution
5.1  Introduction ............................................. 135
5.2  Power Distribution ....................................... 142
5.3  Power Transmission ....................................... 173
5.4  Summary .................................................. 190

Chapter 6
Electric Power Production
6.1  Introduction ............................................. 193
6.2  Power Production Technologies ............................ 195
6.3  Classifications of Generation ............................ 214
6.4  Generation Operation and Control ......................... 219
6.5  Summary .................................................. 225

Chapter 7
Revenue Metering and Billing
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 227
7.2  Metering of Electrical Energy ............................ 229
7.3  Metering of Demand ....................................... 237
7.4  Special Metering Considerations .......................... 244
7.5  Meter Data Acquisition, Processing, and Billing .......... 252
7.6  Summary .................................................. 262

Chapter 8
The Rate Schedule: Pricing Methods and Risk
8.1  Introduction ............................................. 263
8.2  Qualifying Service Provisions ............................ 267
8.3  Rate Structure Forms ..................................... 271
8.4  Attendant Billing Provisions ............................. 309
8.5  Summary .................................................. 331

Chapter 9
The Mathematics of Rates
9.1  Introduction ............................................. 335
9.2  Graphical Representation of Rates ........................ 337
9.3  Formulary Representation of Rates ........................ 352
9.4  Rate Comparison Methods .................................. 364
9.5  Summary .................................................. 387

Chapter 10
Billing Data Statistics and Applications
10.1 Introduction ............................................. 389
10.2 Characteristics of Billing Data .......................... 391
10.3 Bill Frequency Analyses .................................. 404
10.4 Bill Frequency Revenue Analyses .......................... 407
10.5 Revenue Forecasting Methodologies ........................ 421
10.6 Summary .................................................. 440

Chapter 11
Cost-of-Service Methodology
11.1 Introduction ............................................. 443
11.2 Cost-of-Service Study Overview ........................... 445
11.3 Cost Functionalization ................................... 454
11.4 Cost Classification ...................................... 494
11.5 Cost Assignment .......................................... 530
11.6 Cost-of-Service Study Results ............................ 562
11.7 Summary .................................................. 570

Chapter 12
Translating Costs to Prices
12.1 Introduction ............................................. 571
12.2 Coincidence Factor—Load Factor Relationship .............. 576
12.3 Cost Curve Development ................................... 587
12.4 Rate Design Methodology .................................. 597
12.5 Guiding Principles of Ratemaking ......................... 610
12.6 Summary .................................................. 611

Appendix A
Unit Conversions .............................................. 613
Appendix В
Uniform System of Electric Accounts ........................... 617
Appendix С
Industry Classification Systems ............................... 639
Appendix D
Internet Resources ............................................ 651

Bibliography .................................................. 655
Index ......................................................... 661

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