Land remote sensing and global environmental change (New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLand remote sensing and global environmental change: NASA's earth observing system and the science of ASTER and MODIS / ed. by B.Ramachandran, Ch.O.Justice, M.J.Abrams. - New York: Springer, 2011. - xlii, 873 p.: ill., maps. - (Remote sensing and digital image processing; vol.11). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.857-873. - ISBN 978-1-4419-6748-0

Оглавление / Contents
Part I
The Earth Observing System and the Evolution of ASTER and MODIS

1  Evolution of NASA's Earth Observing System and
   Development of the Moderate-Resolution Imaging
   Spectroradiometer and the Advanced Spaceborne 
   Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Instruments ....... 3
   Vincent Salomonson, Michael J. Abrams, Anne Kahle, William
   Barnes, Xiaoxiong Xiong, and Yasushi Yamaguchi
2  Philosophy and Architecture of the EOS Data and
   Information System .......................................... 35
   Martha Maiden
3  Lessons Learned from the EOSDIS Engineering Experience ...... 49
   Evelyn Nakamura

Part II
ASTER and MODIS: Instrument Design, Radiometry, and Geometry

4  Terra ASTER Instrument Design and Geometry .................. 59
   Hiroyuki Fujisada
5  ASTER VNIR and SWIR Radiometric Calibration and
   Atmospheric Correction ...................................... 83
   Kohei Arai, Kurtis Thome, Akira Iwasaki, and Stuart Biggar
6  ASTER TIR Radiometric Calibration and Atmospheric
   Correction ................................................. 117
   Hideyuki Tonooka
7  Terra and Aqua MODIS Design, Radiometry, and Geometry in
   Support of Land Remote Sensing ............................. 133
   Xiaoxiong Xiong, Robert Wolfe, William Barnes, Bruce
   Guenther, Eric Vermote, Nazmi Saleous, and Vincent

Part III
ASTER and MODIS: Data Systems

8  ASTER and MODIS Land Data Management at the Land
   Processes, and National Snow and Ice Data Centers .......... 167
   John Daucsavage, Marilyn Kaminski, Bhaskar Ramachandran,
   Calli Jenkerson, Karla Sprenger, Ron Faust, and Tamara
9  An Overview of the EOS Data Distribution Systems ........... 183
   H.K. Ramapriyan, Robin Pfister, and Beth Weinstein
10 The Language of EOS Data: Hierarchical Data Format ......... 203
   Larry Klein, Andrey Savtchenko, Abe Taaheri, Cid
   Praderas, and Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa

Part IV
ASTER Science and Applications

11 The ASTER Data System: An Overview of the Data Products
   in Japan and in the United States .......................... 233
   Hiroshi Watanabe, Bryan Bailey, Kenneth Duda, Yoshiaki
   Kannari, Akira Miura, and Bhaskar Ramachandran
12 ASTER Applications in Volcanology .......................... 245
   Minoru Urai and David Pieri
13 Issues Affecting Geological Mapping with ASTER Data:
   A Case Study of the Mt Fitton Area, South Australia ........ 273
   Robert Hewson and Thomas Cudahy
14 ASTER Data Use in Mining Applications ...................... 301
   Sandra Perry and Fred Kruse
15 ASTER Imaging and Analysis of Glacier Hazards .............. 325
   Jeffrey Kargel, Roberto Furfaro, Georg Kaser, Gregory
   Leonard, Wolfgang Fink, Christian Huggel, Andreas Kaab,
   Bruce Raup, John Reynolds, David Wolfe, and Marco Zapata
16 ASTER Application in Urban Heat Balance Analysis:
   A Case Study of Nagoya ..................................... 375
17 Monitoring Urban Change with ASTER Data .................... 397
   Maik Netzband, Elisabeth Schopfer, and Matthias S. Möller
   Soushi Kato and Yasushi Yamaguchi
18 Estimation of Methane Emission from West Siberian Lowland
   with Subpixel Land Cover Characterization Between MODIS
   and ASTER .................................................. 421
   Wataru Takeuchi, Tomoko Nakano, and Yoshifumi Yasuoka
19 ASTER Stereoscopic Data and Digital Elevation Models ....... 439
   Thierry Toutin
20 Using ASTER Stereo Images to Quantify Surface Roughness .... 463
   Amit Mushkin and Alan Gillespie
21 Technoscientific Diplomacy: The Practice of International
   Politics in the ASTER Collaboration ........................ 483
   Dan Plafcan

Part V
MODIS Science and Applications

22 MODIS Land Data Products: Generation, Quality Assurance
   and Validation ............................................. 509
   Edward Masuoka, David Roy, Robert Wolfe, Jeffery
   Morisette, Scott Sinno, Michael Teague, Nazmi Saleous,
   Sadashiva Devadiga, Christopher O. Justice, and Jaime
23 MODIS Directional Surface Reflectance Product: Method,
   Error Estimates and Validation ............................. 533
   Eric Vermote and Svetlana Kotchenova
24 Aqua and Terra MODIS Albedo and Reflectance Anisotropy
   Products ................................................... 549
   Crystal Barker Schaaf, Jichung Liu, Feng Gao, and Alan
   H. Strahler
25 MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity .............. 563
   Zhengming Wan and Zhao-Liang Li
26 MODIS Vegetation Indices ................................... 579
   Alfredo Huete, Kamel Didan, Willem van Leeuwen, Tomoaki
   Miura, and Ed Glenn
27 Leaf Area Index and Fraction of Absorbed PAR Products
   from Terra and Aqua MODIS Sensors: Analysis, Validation,
   and Refinement ............................................. 603
   Ranga Myneni, Yuri Knyazikhin, and Nicolay Shabanov
28 MODIS-Derived Terrestrial Primary Production ............... 635
   Maosheng Zhao, Steven Running, Faith Ann Heinsch, and
   Ramakrishna Nemani Contributors
29 MODIS-Derived Global Fire Products ......................... 661
   Christopher 0. Justice, Louis Giglio, David Roy, Luigi
   Boschetti, Ivan Csiszar, Diane Davies, Stefania Korontzi,
   W. Schroeder, Kelley O'Neal, and Jeff Morisette
30 MODIS Snow and Ice Products, and Their Assessment and
   Applications ............................................... 681
   George Riggs and Dorothy Hall
31 Characterizing Global Land Cover Type and Seasonal
   Land Cover Dynamics at Moderate Spatial Resolution With
   MODIS Data ................................................. 709
   Mark Friedl, Xiaoyang Zhang, and Alan Strahler
32 MODIS Vegetative Cover Conversion and Vegetation
   Continuous Fields .......................................... 725
   Mark Carroll, John Townshend, Matthew Hansen, Charlene
   DiMiceli, Robert Sohlberg, and Karl Wurster
33 Multisensor Global Retrievals of Evapotranspiration
   for Climate Studies Using the Surface Energy Budget
   System ..................................................... 747
   Matthew McCabe, Eric Wood, Hongbo Su, Raghuveer
   Vinukollu, Craig Ferguson, and Z. Su

Part VI
The Future of Land Remote Sensing

34 The Evolution of U.S. Moderate Resolution Optical Land
   Remote Sensing from AVHRR to VIIRS ......................... 781
   Christopher O. Justice, Eric Vermote, Jeff Privette, and
   Alain Sei
35 The Future of Landsat-Class Remote Sensing ................. 807
   Samuel Goward, Darrel Williams, Terry Arvidson, and James
36 International Coordination of Satellite Land
   Observations: Integrated Observations of the Land .......... 835
   John Townshend, John Latham, Christopher O. Justice,
   Anthony Janetos, Richard Conant, Olivier Arino, Roberta
   Balstad, Alan Belward, Jay Feuquay, Jiyuan Liu, Dennis
   Ojima, Christiana Schmullius, Ashbindu Singh, and Jeff

Index ......................................................... 857

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