Jarry P. Advanced design techniques and realizations of microwave and RF filters (Hoboken, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаJarry P. Advanced design techniques and realizations of microwave and RF filters / P.Jarry, J.Beneat. - Hoboken: J. Wiley & Sons: IEEE Press, 2008. - xix, 354 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.353-354. - ISBN 978-0-470-18310-6

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ..................................................... xiii
Preface ........................................................ xv

PART I  MICROWAVE FILTER FUNDAMENTALS ........................... 1

1  Scattering Parameters and ABCD Matrices ...................... 3
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
   1.2  Scattering Matrix of a Two-Port System .................. 4
        1.2.1  Definitions ...................................... 4
        1.2.2  Computing the 5 Parameters ....................... 6
        1.2.3  S-Parameter Properties .......................... 10
   1.3  ABCD Matrix of a Two-Port System ....................... 10
        1.3.1  ABCD Matrix of Basic Elements ................... 11
        1.3.2  Cascade and Multiplication Property ............. 12
        1.3.3  Input Impedence of a Loaded Two-Port ............ 14
        1.3.4  Impedance and Admittance Inverters .............. 14
        1.3.5  ABCD-Parameter Properties ....................... 17
   1.4  Conversion from Formulation S to ABCD and ABCD to 5 .... 18
   1.5  Bisection Theorem for Symmetrical Networks ............. 18
   1.6  Conclusions ............................................ 21
   References .................................................. 21
2  Approximations and Synthesis ................................ 23
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 23
   2.2  Ideal Low-Pass Filtering Characteristics ............... 24
   2.3  Functions Approximating the Ideal Low-Pass Magnitude
        Response ............................................... 25
        2.3.1  Butterworth Function ............................ 25
        2.3.2  Chebyshev Function .............................. 26
        2.3.3  Elliptic Function ............................... 27
        2.3.4  Generalized Chebyshev (Pseudoelliptic)
               Function ........................................ 29
   2.4  Functions Approximating the Ideal Low-Pass Phase
        Response ............................................... 30
        2.4.1  Bessel Function ................................. 30
        2.4.2  Rhodes Equidistant Linear-Phase Function ........ 31
   2.5  Low-Pass Lumped Ladder Prototypes ...................... 32
        2.5.1  General Synthesis Technique ..................... 32
        2.5.2  Normalized Low-Pass Ladders ..................... 36
   2.6  Impedance and Frequency Scaling ........................ 39
        2.6.1  Impedance Scaling ............................... 39
        2.6.2  Frequency Scaling ............................... 40
   2.7  LC Filter Example ...................................... 41
   2.8  Impedance and Admittance Inverter Ladders .............. 41
        2.8.1  Low-Pass Prototypes ............................. 41
        2.8.2  Scaling Flexibility ............................. 42
        2.8.3  Bandpass Ladders ................................ 44
        2.8.4  Filter Examples ................................. 45
   2.9  Conclusions ............................................ 46
   References .................................................. 46
3  Waveguides and Transmission Lines
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 49
   3.2  Rectangular Waveguides and Cavities .................... 49
        3.2.1  Rectangular Waveguides .......................... 49
        3.2.2  Rectangular Cavities ............................ 52
   3.3  Circular Waveguides and Cavities ....................... 53
        3.3.1  Circular Waveguides ............................. 53
        3.3.2  Cylindrical Cavities ............................ 55
   3.4  Evanescent Modes ....................................... 56
   3.5  Planar Transmission Lines .............................. 57
   3.6  Distributed Circuits ................................... 60
   3.7  Conclusions ............................................ 63
   References .................................................. 64
4  Categorization of Microwave Filters
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 67
   4.2  Minimum-Phase Microwave Filters ........................ 68
        4.2.1  General Design Steps ............................ 68
        4.2.2  Minimum-Phase Filter Examples ................... 70
   4.3  Non-Minimum-Phase Symmetrical Response Microwave
        Filters ................................................ 70
        4.3.1  General Design Steps ............................ 71
        4.3.2  Non-Minimum-Phase Symmetrical Response Filter
               Examples ........................................ 73
        4.3.3  Microwave Linear-Phase Filters .................. 73
   4.4  Non-Minimum-Phase Asymmetrical Response Microwave
        Filters ................................................ 74
        4.4.1  General Design Steps ............................ 74
        4.4.2  Non-Minimum-Phase Asymmetrical Response
               Filter Examples ................................. 77
        4.4.3  Multimode Microwave Filters by Optimization ..... 79
   4.5  Conclusions ............................................ 79
   References .................................................. 80

PART II MINIMUM-PHASE FILTERS .................................. 83

5  Capacitive-Gap Filters for Millimeter Waves ................. 85
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 85
   5.2  Capacitive-Gap Filters ................................. 86
        5.2.1  Capacitive-Gap Filter Structure ................. 86
        5.2.2  Design Procedures ............................... 87
        5.2.3  Step-by-Step Design Example ..................... 91
        5.2.4  Filter Realizations ............................. 93
   5.3  Extension to Millimeter Waves .......................... 95
        5.3.1  Millimeter-Wave Technology ...................... 95
        5.3.2  Fifth-Order Chebyshev Capacitive-Gap Filter at
               35 GHz .......................................... 96
   5.4  Electromagnetic Characterization of SSS ................ 99
   5.5  Conclusions ........................................... 102
   References ................................................. 102
6  Evanescent-Mode Waveguide Filters with Dielectric
   Inserts .................................................... 105
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 105
   6.2  Evanescent-Mode Waveguide Filters ..................... 106
        6.2.1  Scattering and ABCD Descriptions of the
               Structure ...................................... 108
        6.2.2  Equivalent Circuit of the Structure ............ 110
        6.2.3  Filter Design Procedure ........................ 115
        6.2.4  Design Examples and Realizations ............... 117
   6.3  Folded Evanescent-Mode Waveguide Filters .............. 121
        6.3.1  Scattering and ABCD Descriptions of the
               Additional Elements ............................ 123
        6.3.2  Filter Design Procedure ........................ 125
        6.3.3  Design Examples and Realizations ............... 125
   6.4  Conclusions ........................................... 127
   References ................................................. 128
7  Interdigital Filters ....................................... 131
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 131
   7.2  Interdigital Filters .................................. 131
   7.3  Design Method ......................................... 135
        7.3.1  Prototype Circuit .............................. 135
        7.3.2  Equivalent Circuit ............................. 137
        7.3.3  Input and Output ............................... 140
        7.3.4  Case of Narrowband Filters ..................... 141
        7.3.5  Frequency Transformation ....................... 141
        7.3.6  Physical Parameters of the Interdigital
               Filter ......................................... 142
   7.4  Design Examples ....................................... 145
        7.4.1  Wideband Example ............................... 145
        7.4.2  Narrowband Example ............................. 147
   7.5  Realizations and Measured Performance ................. 148
   7.6  Conclusions ........................................... 150
   References ................................................. 151
8  Combline Filters Implemented in SSS ........................ 153
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 153
   8.2  Combline Filters ...................................... 153
   8.3  Design Method ......................................... 156
        8.3.1  Prototype Circuit .............................. 156
        8.3.2  Equivalent Circuit ............................. 157
        8.3.3  Input and Output ............................... 159
        8.3.4  Feasibility .................................... 162
        8.3.5  Physical Parameters of the Combline
               Structure ...................................... 162
   8.4  Design Example ........................................ 165
   8.5  Realizations and Measured Performance ................. 168
   8.6  Conclusions ........................................... 169
   References ................................................. 170


9  Generalized Interdigital Filters with Conditions on
   Amplitude and Phase ........................................ 173
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 173
   9.2  Generalized Interdigital Filter ....................... 174
   9.3  Simultaneous Amplitude and Phase Functions ............ 175
        9.3.1  Minimum-Phase Functions with Linear Phase ...... 175
        9.3.2  Non-Minimum-Phase Functions with Simultaneous
               Conditions on the Amplitude and Phase .......... 177
        9.3.3  Synthesis of Non-Minimum-Phase Functions with
               Simultaneous Conditions on the Amplitude and
               Phase .......................................... 180
   9.4  Design Method ......................................... 182
        9.4.1  Even-Mode Equivalent Circuit ................... 182
        9.4.2  Frequency Transformation ....................... 186
        9.4.3  Physical Parameters of the Interdigital
               Structure ...................................... 187
   9.5  Design Example ........................................ 191
   9.6  Realizations and Measured Performance ................. 194
   9.7  Conclusions ........................................... 195
   References ................................................. 197
10 Temperature-Stable Narrowband Monomode TE on Linear-Phase
   Filters .................................................... 199
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 199
   10.2 TEon Filters .......................................... 200
   10.3 Low-Pass Prototype .................................... 200
        10.3.1 Amplitude ...................................... 200
        10.3.2 Delay .......................................... 201
        10.3.3 Synthesis of the Low-Pass Prototype ............ 202
   10.4 Design Method ......................................... 204
        10.4.1 Matching the Coupling .......................... 204
        10.4.2 Selecting the Cavities ......................... 207
        10.4.3 Defining the Coupling .......................... 208
   10.5 Design Example ........................................ 210
   10.6 Realizations and Measured Performance ................. 213
        10.6.1 Amplitude and Phase Performance ................ 213
        10.6.2 Temperature Performance ........................ 214
   10.7 Conclusions ........................................... 215
   References ................................................. 217


11 Asymmetrical Capacitive-Gap Coupled Line Filters ........... 221
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 221
   11.2 Capacitive-Gap Coupled Line Filters ................... 222
   11.3 Synthesis of Low-Pass Asymmetrical Generalized
        Chebyshev Filters ..................................... 222
        11.3.1 In-Line Network ................................ 225
        11.3.2 Analysis of the In-Line Network ................ 226
        11.3.1 Synthesis of the In-Line Network ............... 229
        11.3.4 Frequency Transformation ....................... 232
   11.4 Design Method ......................................... 233
   11.5 Design Example ........................................ 238
   11.6 Realization of the CGCL Filter ........................ 243
   11.7 Conclusions, 244 References ........................... 245
12 Asymmetrical Dual-Mode TE102/TE301 Thick Iris Rectangular
   In-Line Waveguide Filters with Transmission Zeros .......... 247
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 247
   12.2 TE102/TE301 Filters ................................... 248
   12.3 Synthesis of Low-Pass Asymmetrical Generalized
        Chebyshev Filters ..................................... 248
        12.3.1 Fundamental Element ............................ 249
        12.3.2 Analysis of the In-Line Network ................ 250
        12.3.3 Synthesis by Simple Extraction Techniques ...... 252
        12.3.4 Frequency Transformation ....................... 254
  12.4  Design Method ......................................... 256
        12.4.1 Equivalent Circuit of Monomode and Bimode
               Cavities ....................................... 256
        12.4.2 Optimization Approach .......................... 256
   12.5 Design Example ........................................ 262
   12.6 Realizations and Measured Performance ................. 266
        12.6.1 Third-Order Filter with One Transmission
               Zero ........................................... 266
        12.6.2 Fourth-Order Filter with Two Transmission
               Zeros .......................................... 268
   12.7 Conclusions ........................................... 269
   References ................................................. 270
13 Asymmetrical Cylindrical Dual-Mode Waveguide Filters with
   Transmission Zeros
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 273
   13.2 Dual-Mode Cylindrical Waveguide Filters ............... 274
   13.3 Synthesis of Low-Pass Asymmetrical Generalized
        Chebyshev Filters ..................................... 275
        13.3.1 Synthesis From a Cross-Coupled Prototype ....... 275
        13.3.2 Extracting the Elements from the Chain
               Matrix ......................................... 277
        13.3.3 Coupling Graph and Frequency Transformation .... 281
  13.4  Design Method ......................................... 284
        13.4.1 Rotation Matrix ................................ 284
        13.4.2 Cruciform Iris ................................. 286
        13.4.3 Physical Parameters of the Irises .............. 290
  13.5  Realizations and Measured Performance ................. 292
        13.5.1 Fourth-Order Filter with One Transmission
               Zero on the Left ............................... 292
        13.5.2 Fourth-Order Filter with Two Ransmission
               Zeros on the Right ............................. 293
        13.5.3 Sixth-Order Filter with One Transmission Zero
               on the Right ................................... 295
   13.6  Conclusions .......................................... 296
   References ................................................. 296
14 Asymmetrical Multimode Rectangular Building Block Filters
   Using Genetic Optimization ................................. 299
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 299
   14.2 Multimode Rectangular Waveguide Filters ............... 300
   14.3 Optimization-Based Design ............................. 302
        14.3.1 Genetic Algorithm .............................. 302
        14.3.2 Example ........................................ 308
   14.4 Realizations .......................................... 313
        14.4.1 Fourth-Order Filter with Two Transmission
               Zeros .......................................... 313
        14.4.2 Seventh-Order Filter with Four Transmission
               Zeros .......................................... 314
        14.4.3 Extension to a Tenth-Order Filter with Six
               Transmission Zeros ............................. 318
   14.5 Conclusions ........................................... 320
   References ................................................. 320

Appendix 1: Lossless Systems .................................. 323
Appendix 2: Redundant Elements ................................ 325
Appendix 3: Modal Analysis of Waveguide Step
            Discontinuities ................................... 328
Appendix 4: Trisections with Unity Inverters on the

            Inside or on the Outside .......................... 338
Appendix 5: Reference Fields and Scattering Matrices for
            Multimodal Rectangular Waveguide Filters .......... 340

Index ......................................................... 353

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