Continuity and discontinuity in the peopling of Europe: one hundred fifty years of Neanderthal study (Dordrecht; New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаContinuity and discontinuity in the peopling of Europe: one hundred fifty years of Neanderthal study: proc. of the intern. congr. to commemorate "150 years of Neanderthal discoveries, 1856-2006", organized by S.Condemi, W. von Koenigswald, T.Litt, F.Schrenk, held at Bonn, 2006. Volume I / ed. by S.Condemi, G.-Ch.Weniger. - Dordrecht; New York: Springer, 2011. - xxi, 386 p.: ill. (1 col.), maps. - (Vertebrate paleobiology and paleoanthropology series). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.383-386. - ISBN 978-94-007-0491-6

Оглавление / Contents
1  Neanderthals and Emergent Paleoanthropology 50 Years Ago ..... 1
   F. Clark Howell
2  One Hundred Fifty Years of Neanderthal Discoveries: 
   Continuity and Discontinuity ................................ 11
   Silvana Condemi
3  The Genus Homo: Origin, Speciation and Dispersal ............ 17
   Winfried Henke and Thorolf Hardt
4  Before the Neanderthals: Hominid Evolution in Middle
   Pleistocene Europe .......................................... 47
   Ian Tattersall
5  The Earliest European Human Peopling After the Recent 
   Discoveries: Early Neanderthals or Different Lineages? ...... 55
   Francesco Mallegni
6  The Gran Dolina-TD6 Human Fossil Remains and the Origin 
   of Neanderthals ............................................. 67
   José María Bermúdez de Castro, María Martinón-Torres,
   Aida Gómez-Robles, Ann Margvelashvili, Juan Luis Arsuaga,
   José Miguel Carretero, Ignacio Martinez, and Susana 
7  The Hominid Fossils from China Contemporaneous with the
   Neanderthals and Some Related Studies ....................... 77
   Wu Liu and Xiujie Wu
8  Behavioral and Cultural Origins of Neanderthals:
   A Levantine Perspective ..................................... 89
   Naama Goren-Inbar
9  Discontinuities in the Faunal Assemblages and Early Human
   Populations of Central and Western Europe During the 
   Middle and Late Pleistocene ................................ 101
   Wighart von Koenigswald
10 Neanderthal Geographical and Chronological Variation ....... 113
   Bernard Vandermeersch and Maria Dolores Garralda
11 A Preliminary Approach to the Neanderthal Speciation by
   Distance Hypothesis: A View from the Shoulder Complex ...... 127
   Jean-Luc Voisin
12 Facts and Ideas in Paleolithic Growth Studies 
   (Paleoauxology) ............................................ 139
   Anne-Marie Tillier
13 Dental Development and Age at Death of a Middle 
   Paleolithic Juvenile Hominin from Obi-Rakhmat Grotto,
   Uzbekistan ................................................. 155
   Tanya M. Smith, Donald J. Reid, Anthony J. Olejniczak,
   Shara Bailey, Mica Glantz, Bence Viola, and Jean-Jacques 
14 Computerized Reconstruction of Prenatal Growth 
   Trajectories in the Dentition: Implications for the 
   Taxonomic Status of Neandertals ............................ 165
   Patricia Smith, Gal Avishai, Ralph Müller, and Yankel Gabet
15 Endostructural Characterisation of the Regourdou 
   1 Neanderthal Proximal Arm: Bilateral Asymmetry and
   Handedness ................................................. 175
   Virginie Volpato, Christine Couture, Roberto
   Macchiarelli, and Bernard Vandermeersch
16 A Three-Dimensional Look at the Neanderthal Mandible ....... 179
   Katerina Harvati, Nandini Singh, and Elisabeth 
   Nicholson López
17 Integration and Homology of "Chignon" and "Hemibun" 
   Morphology ................................................. 193
   Philipp Gunz and Katerina Harvati
18 Virtual Synthesis of the Skull in Neanderthals by FESS ..... 203
   Ulrich Witzel
19 Neandertal mtDNA from a Late Pleistocene Human Mandible
   from the Covadel Gegant (Spain) ............................ 213
   Juan Luis Arsuaga, Rolf Quam, Joan Daura, Montserrat 
   Sanz, Maria Eulàlia Subira, Love Dalén, and Anders
20 Towards Neanderthal Paleogenomics .......................... 219
   David Caramelli, Lucio Milani, Roscoe Stanyon, and 
   Carles Lalueza Fox
21 Twelve Years of Neandertal Genetic Discoveries: 
   State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges ..................... 223
   Ludovic Orlando and Catherine Hänni
22 Radiocarbon Dating the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic
   Transition: The Demise of the Last Neanderthals and 
   the First Appearance of Anatomically Modern Humans in
   Europe ..................................................... 239
   Olaf Jöris, Martin Street, Thomas Terberger, and 
   Bernhard Weninger
23 Archaeological, Paleontological and Genomic 
   Perspectives on Late European Neandertals at Vindija
   Cave, Croatia .............................................. 299
   Ivor Janković, Ivor Karavanić, James C.M. Ahern, Dejana
   Brajković, Jadranka Mauch Lenardić, and Fred H. Smith
24 Late Neandertals and Early Modern Humans in Europe,
   Population Dynamics and Paleobiology ....................... 315
   Erik Trinkaus
25 Aliens from Outer Time? Why the "Human Revolution" Is
   Wrong, and Where Do We Go from Here? ....................... 331
   João Zilhão
26 Neandertals and the Roots of Human Recency ................. 367
   Milford H. Wolpoff and Rachel Caspari
27 Epilogue: 150 Years of Neanderthal Research - A
   Hopeless Situation but Not Serious ......................... 379
   Gerd-Christian Weniger

Index ......................................................... 383

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