Radioactivity and pollution in the Nordic seas and Arctic region: observations, modeling, and simulations (Berlin; New York, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаRadioactivity and pollution in the Nordic seas and Arctic region: observations, modeling, and simulations / O.M.Johannessen et al. - Berlin; New York: Springer; Chichester: Praxis Pub., 2010. - xxxvi, 408 p.: ill., maps. - (Springer-Praxis books in geophysical sciences Nansen Center's polar series; N 5). - Ref.: p.375-402. - Ind.: p.403-408. - ISBN 978-3-540-24232-1

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi
List of figures .............................................. xiii
List of tables ................................................ xix
List of abbreviations and acronyms ............................ xxv
List of contributors ......................................... xxix
List of authors .............................................. xxxi
Introduction ............................................... xxxiii

1  Sources of anthropogenic pollution in the Nordic Seas
   and Arctic ................................................... 1
   1.1  Radioactive contamination: classification and
        description of sources .................................. 1
        1.1.1  Classification of sources ........................ 1
        1.1.2  Nuclear power plants (NPPs) ...................... 4
        1.1.3  Nuclear industry enterprises ..................... 6
        1.1.4  Scientific and research reactors and
               laboratories .................................... 14
        1.1.5  Special combines ................................ 15
        1.1.6  Nuclear weapons tests and "peaceful" nuclear
               explosions ...................................... 16
        1.1.7  Military bases, nuclear icebreakers, and
               submarines ...................................... 22
        1.1.8  Miscellaneous accidents ......................... 24
   1.2  Radioactive pollution: major Russian nuclear
        industries ............................................. 25
        1.2.1  The Mayak Production Association, Chelyabinsk ... 25
        1.2.2  The Siberian Chemical Combine, Tomsk-7 .......... 40
        1.2.3  The Mining Chemical Combine. Krasnoyarsk-26 ..... 47
   1.3  Non-radioactive pollution .............................. 51
        1.3.1  Main sources of marine pollution in the
               Russian Arctic .................................. 51
        1.3.2  Distribution of pollution in the Russian
               Arctic Seas and coastal areas ................... 56

2  Study region and environmental datasets ..................... 87
   2.1  Geographical description of the study region ........... 87
        2.1.1  The Ob' and Yenisei River systems ............... 88
        2.1.2  Kara Sea region ................................ 106
        2.1.3  The Nordic Seas and adjacent seas .............. 125
   2.2  Description of environmental and pollution data ....... 133
        2.2.1  Databases and information system ............... 133
        2.2.2  Environmental data ............................. 138
        2.2.3  Radioactive and non-radioactive pollution
               data ........................................... 144

3  Generic model system (GMS) for simulation of radioactive
   spread in the aquatic environment .......................... 147
   3.1  Rationale, concept, and structure of the GMS .......... 147
        3.1.1  GMS structure and data streams ................. 148
        3.1.2  Modeling management ............................ 150
   3.2  Atlantic and Arctic Ocean model ....................... 150
        3.2.1  General model description ...................... 150
        3.2.2  Radionuclide tracer module ..................... 154
        3.2.3  Model validation results ....................... 155
        3.2.4  Extension and validation of the Arctic/North
               Atlantic model ................................. 155
   3.3  Kara Sea shelf sea model .............................. 160
        3.3.1  General model description ...................... 160
        3.3.2  Model validation results ....................... 164
   3.4  The Ob' and Yenisei River and estuary models .......... 171
        3.4.1  One-dimensional model to simulate the
               transport of radionuclides in a river system-
               RIVTOX ......................................... 172
        3.4.2  Numerical model for three-dimensional
               dispersion simulation of radionuclides in
               stratified water bodies-THREETOX ............... 184
        3.4.3  River model validation results ................. 198

4  Studies of potential radioactive spread in the Nordic
   Seas and Arctic using the generic model system (GMS) ....... 213
   4.1  Simulation of past contamination of the Nordic
        Seas and Arctic from anthropogenic releases ........... 214
        4.1.1  River and estuary transport and dilution of
               radioactive pollutants from rivers to the
               Kara Sea ....................................... 214
        4.1.2  Transport and dilution of radioactive waste
               and dissolved pollutants in the Kara Sea ....... 241
        4.1.3  Transport and dilution of radioactive waste
               and dissolved pollutants from all sources ...... 248
   4.2  Scenarios for potential future releases of
        radioactivity ......................................... 258
        4.2.1  "The Mayak PA" scenario ........................ 258
        4.2.2  "Krasnoyarsk" scenario ......................... 258
        4.2.3  "Tomsk" scenario ............................... 261
        4.2.4  "C02-doubling" scenario ........................ 262
        4.2.5  "Submarine" scenarios .......................... 262
   4.3  Assessments of potential accidental releases for the
        21st century .......................................... 263
        4.3.1  Potential  radioactive contamination  from
               rivers  to  the Kara Sea ....................... 264
        4.3.2  Potential radioactive contamination in the
               Kara Sea ....................................... 269
   4.4  Transport of radioactivity in the Arctic and
        possible impact of climate change ..................... 276
        4.4.1  Accident scenario of 90Sr from the Ob' and
               Yenisei Rivers ................................. 276
        4.4.2  Spread of accidentally released  90Sr under
               present and 2 * CO2 warming scenarios .......... 277
   4.5  Potential transport of radioactivity from submarine
        accidents ............................................. 278
        4.5.1  Local model simulations ........................ 279
        4.5.2  Large-scale model simulations .................. 280

5  Studies of the spread of non-radioactive pollutants in
   the Arctic using the generic model system (GMS) ............ 283
   5.1  Approach to simulation of pollutants in the aquatic
        environment ........................................... 283
        5.1.1  Persistent organic pollutants .................. 283
        5.1.2  Basic processes and equations for modeling ..... 284
        5.1.3  Modeling POP transport in the environment ...... 288
   5.2  Modeling PCB spread in Arctic rivers and coastal
        waters using the GMS .................................. 295
        5.2.1  Modification of the models for simulation of
               PCBs ........................................... 295
        5.2.2  GMS application to simulate the transport and
               fate of PCBs released in the Yenisei River
               and estuary .................................... 298
   5.3  Modeling petroleum hydrocarbon spread using the GMS ... 299
        5.3.1  Processes of oil spread in the marine
               environment .................................... 299
        5.3.2  Modeling oil spread in the marine
               environment .................................... 303

6  Assessment and input to risk management .................... 309
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 309
        6.1.1  Purpose, endpoints, and philosophy ............. 309
        6.1.2  Source term characteristics .................... 310
        6.1.3  Environmental characteristics .................. 310
        6.1.4  Time frames and societal assumptions ........... 310
   6.2  Scenarios ............................................. 311
        6.2.1  Source term scenarios .......................... 311
        6.2.2  Climate scenarios .............................. 311
   6.3  Formulation and implementation of dose models ......... 312
   6.4  Results ............................................... 313
   6.5  Conclusions ........................................... 321

   A  Time series of annual average concentrations of
      radionuclides in water and sediments by accident
      scenario and location used for dose calculations ........ 325
   В  Doses to individuals in critical groups from all
      accident scenarios given by radionuclide and exposure
      pathway ................................................. 335

Afterword ..................................................... 373
References .................................................... 375
Index ......................................................... 403

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