Recent sawfly research: synthesis and prospects (Keltern, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRecent sawfly research: synthesis and prospects / ed. by S.M.Blank, S.Schmidt, A.Taeger. - Keltern: Goecke & Evers, 2006. - 701 p.: ill. (some col.), 16 pl., maps. + 1 CD-ROM. - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 3-937783-19-9

Оглавление / Contents
Manfred Kraus .................................................. 13
David R. Smith ................................................. 19


Lars Vilhelmsen: Developments in 'Symphytan' Phylogenetics in
   the 20th Century: Towards a Consensus ....................... 31
Magdalene Westendorff: Chromosomes of Sawflies (Hymenoptera:
   Symphyta) - A Survey Including New Data ..................... 39

Life History & Ecology

Jean-Luc Boevé: DifFering Patterns of Chemically-Mediated
   Defence Strategies in Nematinae versus Phymatocerini 
   Larvae (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) ........................ 63
Ewald Altenhofer & Hubert Pschorn-Walcher: Zur Faunistik, 
   Biologie und Parasitierung der minierenden Blattwespen
   der Tribus Pseudodineurini (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) .... 73
Alison Barker: Further Descriptions of Dolerus Larvae 
   (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), with Notes on Larval
   Identification and Feeding Habits ........................... 83
Mikk Heidemaa & Marko Prous: The Larvae of Empria pumila
   (Konow, 1896) and E. pumiloides Lindqvist, 1968 
   (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) ............................... 97
Veli Vikberg: Pristiphora Latreille, 1810 (Hymenoptera: 
   Tenthredinidae: Nematinae) - Two Closely Related Species
   Feeding on Lathyrus and Salix and Notes on Species Feeding
   on Leguminous Plants ....................................... 105
Andrew D. Liston & Jochen Späth: On the Biology of Abia
   nitens (Linné, 1758) (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Cimbicidae):
   a Thermophile Sawfly with a Diurnal Larval Feeding-
   Pattern .................................................... 129
Alexey G. Zinovjev: Taxonomic Position and Biology of
   Pontania myrtillifoliae Benson, 1960 (Hymenoptera:
   Tenthredinidae) ............................................ 139
Andreas Floren & Manfred Kraus: Sawflies (Hymenoptera: 
   Symphyta) from Temperate Primary Forests and Forest
   Plantations of East-Poland Collected by Insecticidal
   Knockdown Fogging .......................................... 143
Christoph Saure & Stephan M. Blank: Pflanzenwespen 
   (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) in einer ostdeutschen 
   Agrarlandschaft und ihre Bedeutung für die 
   Übertragung von Rapspollen ................................. 157
Mirco Rodeghiero: On the Sawfly Pristiphora subarctica
   (Forsslund, 1936) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) in
   Spruce Plantations of the Southern Alps .................... 167
Stefan Schmidt, Gimme H. Walter, Jan Grigg, & Chris 
   J. Moore: Sexual Communication and Host Plant Association
   of Australian Pergid Sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: 
   Pergidae) .................................................. 173


Alexey G. Zinovjev & Veli Vikberg: Euura salicicola E.A.
   Smith, 1879, a Gall-making Sawfly from North America, 
   a New Synonym of the European Euura atra (Jurine, 1807)
   (Hymenoptera: Tenthredini dae) ............................. 197
Stephan M. Blank & Andreas Taeger: Taxonomy and Evolution of
   Tenthredo (Elinora) Species Similar to T. dahlii and T.
   koehleri (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) ..................... 199
Tomasz Huflejt: Descriptions of a New Species and Two 
   Previously Unknown Males of the Genus Pristiphora
   Latreille, 1810 (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from
   Poland ..................................................... 229
Jean Lacourt: Descriptions de deux nouvelles espèces et de 
   deux nouveaux genres de Nematinae des Vosges (N-E de la
   France) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) ...................... 235
Jean Lacourt: Redescription d'Hypolaepus (Pteronidea) putoni
   (Konow, 1903) (Hyme-noptera: Tenthredinidae: Nematinae) .... 241
Andrew D. Liston, Andreas Taeger & Stephan M. Blank: 
   Comments on European Sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) ...... 245
Stephan M. Blank, Manfred Kraus & Andreas Taeger: Orussus
   smithi sp. n. and Notes on Other West Palaearctic
   Orussidae (Hymenoptera) .................................... 265
Tikahiko Naito & Ryochi Inomata: A New Triploid Thelytokous
   Species of the Genus Pachyprotasis Hartig, 1837 (Hyme
   noptera: Tenthredinidae) from Japan and Korea .............. 279
Gangrou Xiao .................................................. 284
Akihiko Shinohara & Gangrou Xiao: Some Leaf-rolling Sawflies
   (Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae: Pamphiliinae) from China in
   the Collection of the Research Institute of Forest 
   Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing ........... 285
Frank Koch: The Symphyta of the Ethiopian Region. Genus 
   Athalia Leach, 1817 - Athalia vollenhoveni-group 
   (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae: Allantinae) .................. 297
Andreas Taeger & Stephan M. Blank: Bibliographie Notes ........ 319


Thierry Noblecourt: Donnees faunistiques sur quelques 
   Hyménoptères Symphytes (Siricidae, Pamphiliidae,
   Xyelidae, Tenthredinidae) rares ou nouveaux pour la 
   France (deuxieme note) ..................................... 333
Mikk Heidemaa: Additions and Changes to the Checklist of
   Sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) of Estonia (I) ............ 341
Fausto Pesarini & Giuseppe Fabrizio Turrisi: Interesting 
   Records of Sawflies from Italy (Hymenoptera: Symphyta:
   Xyelidae, Pamphiliidae, Siricidae, Orussidae, Cimbicidae 
   & Diprionidae) ............................................. 343
Bruno Peter: Erstnachweise von 18 Pflanzen-wespenarten
   (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) für die Schweiz .................... 349
Renate Freundt: Die Pflanzenwespenfauna einer
   Naturschutzfläche in Wesel / Nieder-rhein: erste
   Ergebnisse ................................................. 353
Christoph Saure: Corynis amoena (Klug, 1834) (Hymenoptera: 
   Cimbicidae): Neu oder Wiederfund für Deutschland ........... 359
Ewald Jansen: Vergleichende Untersuchung der 
   Blattwespenfauna (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) des 
   Kämmereiforstes bei Eilenburg in den 30er und 90er 
   Jahren des 20. Jahr hunderts ............................... 363
Sevda Hastaoǧlu Örgen & Hasan H. Başibüyük:
   Members of the Sawfly Family Argidae (Hymenoptera) from 
   Turkey ..................................................... 393


Andreas Taeger, Stephan M. Blank & Andrew D. Liston:
   European Sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) - A Species 
   Checklist for the Countries ................................ 399
Meicai Wei, Haiyan Nie & Andreas Taeger: Sawflies 
   (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) of China - Checklist and Review
   of Research ................................................ 505
Malkiat S. Saini, Stephan M. Blank & David R. Smith: 
   Checklist of the Sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) of 
   India ...................................................... 575
David R. Smith: Checklist of the Pergidae (Hymenoptera: 
   Symphyta) of the Western Hemisphere, with a New Genus and
   Two New Species ............................................ 613
Stefan Schmidt:  Checklist of the Pergidae (Hymenoptera:
   Symphyta) of Australasia ................................... 627


Abstracts ..................................................... 637
Index of Sawfly Names ......................................... 643
Index of Family Group Names ................................... 693
Index of Plant Names .......................................... 695
Addresses ..................................................... 697
Contents of the CD-ROM ........................................ 701
Colour Plates ................................................ 1-16

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