Essentials of Chinese medicine; Vol.2: Clinical fundamentals in Chinese medicine (Dordrecht; New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEssentials of Chinese medicine. Vol.2: Clinical fundamentals in Chinese medicine / ed. by Z.Liu; associate ed. L.Liu. - Dordrecht; New York: Springer, 2009. - xlvii, 492 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.487-492. - ISBN 978-1-84882-592-5

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ v
Preface ....................................................... vii
Acknowledgements ............................................. xiii
Note on Organization of Volume 2 ............................... xv
Contributors ................................................ xivii

Part I  Meridians, Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Chapter 1  Meridians: General Introduction ...................... 3

Section 1  Introduction ......................................... 3
I   Basic Concepts .............................................. 3
II  Functions of Meridians ...................................... 3
    1  Physiology ............................................... 4
    2  Pathology ................................................ 4
    3  Diagnostics .............................................. 4
    4  Treatment ................................................ 4
    5  Prevention of Disease and Health Preservation ............ 5

Section 2  Composition of Meridian System ....................... 5
I   Twelve Main Meridians ....................................... 5
II  Eight Irregular Meridians ................................... 7
III Fifteen Collaterals ......................................... 8
IV  Twelve Divergent Meridians .................................. 8
V   Twelve Muscle Meridians ..................................... 8
VI  The 12 Cutaneous Regions .................................... 9
Guidance for Study .............................................. 9
I   Aim of Study ................................................ 9
II  Objectives of Study ......................................... 9
III Exercises for Review ........................................ 9

Chapter 2  Overview of Acupoints ............................... 11

Section 1  Classification and Nomenclature of Acupoints ........ 11
I   Classification of Acupoints ................................ 11
    1  Acupoints of the 14 Meridians ........................... 11
    2  Extra-Meridian Acupoints ................................ 11
    3  Ashi Acupoints .......................................... 12
II  Nomenclature of Acupoints .................................. 12

Section 2  Acupoints in Therapeutics ........................... 12
I   Local Treatment ............................................ 13
II  Remote Treatment ........................................... 13
III Special and Specific Therapeutic Properties ................ 13

Section 3  Acupoints with Specific Properties .................. 14
I   Shu Acupoints .............................................. 14
II  Yuan (Source) and Luo (Connecting) Acupoints ............... 14
III Back-Shu and Front-Mu Acupoints ............................ 15
IV  Influential Acupoints ...................................... 15
V   Xi (Cleft) Points .......................................... 16
VI  Lower-He (Sea) Acupoints ................................... 16
VII Confluence Acupoints ....................................... 16

Section 4  Techniques of Locating Acupoints .................... 16
I   Finger Measures ............................................ 16
II  Comparative Measures ....................................... 17
III Anatomical Landmarks ....................................... 17
IV  Simple Location ............................................ 21
Guidance for Study ............................................. 22
I   Aim of Study ............................................... 22
II  Objectives of Study ........................................ 22
III Exercises for Review ....................................... 22

Chapter 3  Descriptions of Specific Acupoints .................. 23

Section 1  Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin ........................ 23
I   Pathway .................................................... 23
II  Main Applications .......................................... 23
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 24

Section 2  Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming ........... 27
I   Pathway .................................................... 27
II  Main Applications .......................................... 27
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 29

Section 3  Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming ................... 32
I   Pathway .................................................... 32
II  Main Applications .......................................... 34
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 34

Section 4  Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin ...................... 42
I   Pathway .................................................... 42
II  Main Applications .......................................... 42
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 42

Section 5  Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin ...................... 47
I   Pathway .................................................... 47
II  Main Applications .......................................... 48
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 48

Section 6  Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang ............ 50
I   Pathway .................................................... 50
II  Main Applications .......................................... 51
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 51

Section 7  Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang .................... 55
I   Pathway .................................................... 55
II  Main Applications .......................................... 56
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 56

Section 8  Kidney Meridian of Foot-Shaoyin ..................... 67
I   Pathway .................................................... 67
II  Main Applications .......................................... 68
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 68

Section 9  Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin ................. 71
I   Pathway .................................................... 71
II  Main Applications .......................................... 72
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 73

Section 10 Sanjiao Meridian of Hand-Shaoyang ................... 75
I   Pathway .................................................... 75
II  Main Applications .......................................... 76
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 76

Section 11 Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang ............... 80
I   Pathway .................................................... 80
II  Main Applications .......................................... 82
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 82

Section 12 Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin ....................... 88
I   Pathway .................................................... 88
II  Main Applications .......................................... 89
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 89

Section 13 Du Meridian ......................................... 93
I   Pathway .................................................... 93
II  Main Applications .......................................... 93
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 94

Section 14 Ren Meridian ........................................ 98
I   Pathway .................................................... 98
II  Main Applications .......................................... 99
III Commonly Used Acupoints .................................... 99

Section 15 Extra-Meridian Acupoints ........................... 103
I   Acupoints on Head and Neck ................................ 103
II  Acupoints on Chest and Abdomen ............................ 104
III Acupoints on Back ......................................... 105
IV  Acupoints on Upper Extremities ............................ 106
V   Acupoints of Lower Extremities ............................ 107
Guidance for Study ............................................ 108
I   Aim of Study .............................................. 108
II  Objectives of Study ....................................... 108
III Exercises for Review ...................................... 109

Chapter 4  Techniques of Acupuncture and Moxibustion .......... 111

Section 1  Filiform Needle .................................... 111
I   Structure and Selection of Needle ......................... 111
II  Preparations Prior to Acupuncture Treatment ............... 111
    1  Patient's Posture ...................................... 111
    2  Sterilization .......................................... 114
III Techniques of Needling .................................... 114
    1  Inserting Needle ....................................... 115
    2  Angle and Depth of Insertion ........................... 117
    3  Manipulations and Arrival of Qi (Needling Sensation) ... 118
    4  Reinforcing and Reducing Techniques .................... 122
    5  Complex Reinforcing and Reducing Techniques ............ 123
    6  Retention and Withdrawal of Needle ..................... 124
IV  Management of Possible Accidents .......................... 125
    1  Fainting ............................................... 125
    2  Stuck Needle ........................................... 125
    3  Bent Needle ............................................ 125
    4  Broken Needle .......................................... 126
    5  Hematoma ............................................... 126
    6  Pneumothorax ........................................... 126
    7  Unanticipated Complications ............................ 127
V   Cautions and Precautions .................................. 127

Section 2  Three-Edged Needles ................................ 128
I   Structure ................................................. 128
II  Applications .............................................. 128
III Techniques ................................................ 128
    1  Spot Pricking .......................................... 128
    2  Scattered Pricking ..................................... 129
    3  Tissue-Breaking Pricking ............................... 129
IV  Cautions and Precautions .................................. 129

Section 3  Plum Blossom Needle ................................ 130
I   Structure of Plum Blossom Needle .......................... 130
II  Applications .............................................. 130
III Technique ................................................. 130
IV  Areas of Application ...................................... 131
V   Cautions and Precautions .................................. 134

Section 4  Electro-Acupuncture ................................ 135
I   Technique ................................................. 135
II  Applications .............................................. 136
III Cautions and Precautions .................................. 136

Section 5  Scalp Acupuncture .................................. 136
I   Stimulation Zones and Main Applications ................... 136
    1  Motor Zone ............................................. 137
    2  Sensory Zone ........................................... 137
    3  Chorea-Tremor Zone ..................................... 138
    4  Vertigo-Auditory Zone .................................. 138
    5  Second Speech Zone ..................................... 139
    6  Third Speech Zone ...................................... 139
    7  Praxis Zone ............................................ 140
    8  Foot-Motor-Sensory Zone ................................ 140
    9  Visual Zone ............................................ 140
    10 Balance Zone ........................................... 141
    11 Stomach Zone ........................................... 141
    12 Thoracic-Cavity Zone ................................... 142
    13 Reproduction Zone ...................................... 142
II  Technique ................................................. 142
III Cautions and Precautions .................................. 142

Section 6  Ear Acupuncture .................................... 143
I   Surface Anatomy of Ear .................................... 144
II  Distribution of Ear Acupoints ............................. 145
III Commonly Used Auricular Acupoints ......................... 145
    1  Helix Crus and Helix ................................... 147
    2  Scapha ................................................. 147
    3  Superior Antihelix Crus ................................ 148
    4  Inferior Antihelix Crus ................................ 148
    5  Antihelix .............................................. 149
    6  The Triangular Fossa ................................... 149
    7  The Tragus ............................................. 150
    8  The Antitragus ......................................... 150
    9  Helix Crus ............................................. 151
    10 Cymba Conchae .......................................... 152
    11 Cavum Conchae .......................................... 152
    12 Earlobe ................................................ 153
    13 Back Surface of Auricle ................................ 153
IV  Clinical Application of Ear Acupuncture ................... 154
    1  Selection of Acupoints ................................. 154
    2  Techniques of Ear Acupuncture .......................... 154
    3  Cautions and Precautions ............................... 156
    4  Management of Accidents During Ear Acupuncture ......... 156

Section 7  Moxibustion and Cupping Therapy .................... 157
I   Moxibustion ............................................... 157
    1  Commonly Used Moxibustion .............................. 157
    2  Cautions and Precautions of Moxibustion ................ 161
II  Cupping Therapy ........................................... 162
    1  Types of Jars .......................................... 162
    2  Applications ........................................... 163
    3  Techniques ............................................. 163
    4  Cup Manipulation ....................................... 164
    5  Removing Jar ........................................... 165
    6  Cautions and Precautions ............................... 167
Guidance for Study ............................................ 167
I   Aim of Study .............................................. 167
II  Objectives of Study ....................................... 167
III Exercises for Review ...................................... 168

Chapter 5  Principles of Acupuncture Therapeutics ............. 171

Section 1  Principles of Acupuncture Treatment ................ 171
I   Regulate Yin-Yang ......................................... 171
II  Strengthen Body Resistance and Eliminate Pathogens ........ 171
III Distinguish Root and Appearance ........................... 172

Section 2  Acupoint Selection ................................. 172
I   Select Acupoints on Diseased Meridian ..................... 173
II  Combine Interior-Exterior Acupoints ....................... 173
III Combine Anterior-Posterior Acupoints ...................... 173
IV  Combine Distant-Local Acupoints ........................... 173
V   Combine Left-Right Acupoints .............................. 174

Section 3  Application of Specific Acupoints .................. 174
I   Application of Shu Acupoints .............................. 174
II  Application of Back-Shu and Front-Mu Acupoints ............ 176
III Application of Yuan and Luo Acupoints ..................... 176
IV  Application of Confluence Acupoints ....................... 178
V   Application of Influential Acupoints ...................... 178
VI  Application of Lower He (Sea) Acupoints ................... 178
VII Application of Xi (Cleft) Acupoints ....................... 179
Guidance for Study ............................................ 180
I   Aim of Study .............................................. 180
II  Objectives of Study ....................................... 180
III Exercises for Review ...................................... 180

Part II Chinese Materia Medica

Chapter 6  Basic Theory of Chinese Materia Medica ............. 183

Section 1  Properties of Herbs ................................ 183
I   Nature and Flavor ......................................... 183
    1  Nature ................................................. 183
    2  Flavor ................................................. 184
II  Lifting, Lowering, Floating and Sinking ................... 186
III Meridian Affinity ......................................... 186
IV  Toxicity .................................................. 188

Section 2  Clinical Use of Herbs .............................. 188
I  Herb Interactions .......................................... 189
    1  Single ................................................. 189
    2  Mutual Reinforcement ................................... 189
    3  Assistance ............................................. 189
    4  Restraint .............................................. 190
    5  Antidote ............................................... 190
    6  Mutual Inhibition ...................................... 190
    7  Antagonism ............................................. 190
    8  Summary ................................................ 191
II  Contraindications ......................................... 191
    1  Incompatibility of Herbs ............................... 191
    2  Contraindications in Pregnancy ......................... 191
    3  Dietary Avoidance ...................................... 192
III Dosage and Administration ................................. 192
    1  Dosage ................................................. 192
    2  Adjustment of Dosage ................................... 193
    3  Administration ......................................... 193
Guidance for Study ............................................ 194
I   Aim of Study .............................................. 194
II  Objectives of Study ....................................... 195
III Exercises for Review ...................................... 195

Chapter 7  Commonly Used Herbs ................................ 197

Section 1  Herbs That Release Exterior ........................ 197
I  Warm-Acrid Herbs That Release Exterior ..................... 198
    1  Mahuang (Ephedra sinica) ............................... 198
    2  Guizhi (Cinnamomum cassia) (Cinnamon) .................. 199
    3  Xixin (Asarum heterotropoides, sieboldii) (Manchurian 
       Wild Ginger) ........................................... 199
    4  Zisu (Perilla frutescens) .............................. 200
    5  Jingjie (Schizonepeta tenuifolia) ...................... 200
    6  Fangfeng (Saposhnikovia divaricata) .................... 201
    7  Qianghuo (Notopterygium incisum, franchetti,
       forbesi) ............................................... 201
    8  Baizhi (Angelica dahurica, anomala, taiwaniana) ........ 202
II  Cool-Acrid Herbs That Release Exterior .................... 202
    1  Bohe (Mentha haplocalyx) (Peppermint) .................. 202
    2  Niubangzi (Arctium lappa) (Burdock Fruit) .............. 203
    3  Sangye (Moms alba) (Mulberry) .......................... 203
    4  Juhua (Chrysanthemum morifolium) (Chrysanthemum) ....... 203
    5  Chaihu (Bupleurum chinense, scorzonerifolium) 
       (Thoroughwax) .......................................... 204
    6  Gegen (Pueraria lobata) (Kudzu Vine) ................... 204
    7  Chantui (Cryptotympana atrata) (Cicada) ................ 205

Section 2  Herbs That Cool Heat ............................... 205
I   Herbs That Cool Heat and Purge Fire ....................... 206
    1  Shigao (Gypsum) ........................................ 206
    2  Zhimu (Anemarrhena asphodeloides) ...................... 207
    3  Zhizi (Gardenia jasminoides) (Gardenia) ................ 207
    4  Xiakucao (Prunella vulgaris) (Self-Heal) ............... 208
II  Herbs That Cool Heat and Dry Dampness ..................... 208
    1  Huangqin (Scutellaria baicalensis) (Baical Skullcap) ... 208
    2  Huanglian (Coptis chinensis) (Golden Thread) ........... 209
    3  Huangbai (Phellodendron chinense, amurense) (Amur
       Cork-Tree) ............................................. 209
    4  Longdancao (Gentiana scabra, triflora) (Chinese
       Gentian) ............................................... 210
III Herbs That Cool Heat and Detoxify Poison .................. 210
    1  Jinyinhua (Lonicera japonica) (Honeysuckle) ............ 210
    2  Lianqiao (Forsythia suspensa) (Weeping Golden Bell) .... 211
    3  Pugongying (Taraxacum mongolicum) (Dandelion) .......... 211
    4  Banlangen (Isatis indigotica, tinctoria) ............... 212
    5  Yuxingcao (Houttuynia cordata) ......................... 212
    6  Shegan (Belamcanda chinenesis) (Blackberry Lily) ....... 212
IV  Heat-Clearing and Blood-Cooling Herbs ..................... 213
    1  Baitouweng (Pulsatilla chinensis and Other Species)
       (Nodding Anemone) ...................................... 213
    2  Shengdihuang (Rehmannia glutinosa) ..................... 213
    3  Chishaoyao (Paeonia lactiflora, veitchii, obovata)
       (Red Peony) ............................................ 214
    4  Mudanpi (Paeonia suffruticosa) (Tree Peony) ............ 214
V   Endogenous Heat-Cooling Herbs ............................. 215
    1  Qinghao (Artemisia annua, apiacea) (Wormwood) .......... 215
    2  Digupi (Lycium chinensis) (Wolfberry) .................. 215

Section 3  Herbs That Induce Catharsis ........................ 216
    1  Dahuang (Rheum palmatum, officinale) (Rhubarb) ......... 216
    2  Mangxiao (Mirabilite) (Sodium Sulfate) ................. 217
    3  Fanxieye (Cassia angustifolia) (Senna) ................. 217

Section 4  Herbs That Dispel Wind-Dampness .................... 218
    1  Duhuo (Angelica pubescens) ............................. 218
    2  Mugua (Chaenomeles speciosa, lagenaria) (Chinese
       Quince) ................................................ 219
    3  Fangji (Stephania Tetrandra) ........................... 219
    4  Qinjiao (Gentiana macrophylla, crassicaulis) (Large-
       Leaf Gentian) .......................................... 220
    5  Sangjisheng (Loranthus parasiticus) (Mulberry
       Mistletoe) ............................................. 220
    6  Weilingxian (Clematis chinensis) ....................... 221

Section 5  Aromatic Herbs That Dissipate Dampness ............. 221
    1  Cangzhu (Atractylodes lanced) .......................... 222
    2  Houpo (Magnolia officinalis) (Magnolia) ................ 222
    3  Huoxiang (Agastache rugosa) (Giant Hyssop) ............. 223
    4  Peilan (Eupatoriumfortunei) (Mist Flower) .............. 223
    5  Sharen (Amomum villosum, xanthioides) .................. 223

Section 6  Herbs That Drain Water and Dampness ................ 224
    1  Fuling (Poria cocos) (Tuckahoe) ........................ 224
    2  Yiyiren (Coix lachryma-jobi) (Job's-Tears) ............. 225
    3  Zexie (Alisma plantago-aquatica, orientale) (Water
       Plantain) .............................................. 225
    4  Cheqianzi (Plantago asiatica) (Plantain) ............... 226
    5  Yinchenhao (Artemisia capillaris) (Oriental
       Wormwood) .............................................. 226
    6  Jinqiancao (Lysimachia christinae, Glochoma
       longituba) (Christina Loosestrife) ..................... 226
    7  Zhuling (Polyporus umbellatus) ......................... 227
    8  Huzhang (Polygonum cuspidatum) (Giant Knotgrass) ....... 227

Section 7  Herbs That Warm Interior ........................... 228
I   Fuzi (Aconitum carmichaeli) (Monkshood) ................... 228
    1  a Chuanwu (Aconitum carmichaeli) (Monkshood) ........... 229
    2  Rougui (Cinnamomum cassia) (Cinnamon) .................. 229
    3  Ganjiang (Zingiber officinale) (Ginger) ................ 230
    4  Wuzhuyu (Evodia rutaecarpa) ............................ 230
    5  Dingxiang (Syzygium caryophyllata, aromaticum)
       (Clove) ................................................ 231

Section 8  Herbs That Regulate Qi ............................. 231
    1  Chenpi (Citrus tangerina, reticulata) (Tangerine) ...... 232
    2  Zhishi (Citrus aurantium) (Immature Orange) ............ 232
    3  Muxiang (Aucklandia lappa) ............................. 233
    4  Xiangfu (Cyperus rotundus) (Nutgrass) .................. 233
    5  Chuanlianzi (Melia toosendan) (Chinaberry) ............. 234
    6  Xiebai (Allium macrostemon) (Long Stem Onion) .......... 234

Section 9  Herbs That Relieve Food Retention .................. 234
    1  Maiya (Hordeum vulgare) (Barley) ....................... 235
    2  Shenqu (Massa medicata fermentata) (Medicated
       Leaven) ................................................ 235
    3  Shanzha (Crataegus pinnatifida) (Chinese Hill Haw) ..... 236
    4  Laifuzi (Raphanus sativus) (Radish) .................... 236

Section 10 Herbs That Stimulate Blood Circulation and Remove
           Blood Stasis ....................................... 237
    1  Chuanxiong (Ligusticum chuanxiong, wallichii)
       (Sichuan Lovage) ....................................... 237
    2  Yujin (Curcuma wenyujin, aromatica) (Tumeric) .......... 238
    3  Yanhusuo (Corydalis yanhusuo) .......................... 238
    4  Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) (Red Sage) ............... 239
    5  Yimucao (Leonurus heterophyllus, japonicus) (Mother-
       Wort) .................................................. 239
    6  Taoren (Prunus persica) (Peach) ........................ 240
    7  Honghua (Carthamus tinctorius) (Safflower) ............. 240
    8  Niuxi (Achyranthes bidentata) .......................... 240
    9  Sanleng (Sparganium stoloniferum) (Bur Reed) ........... 241
    10 Ezhu (Curcuma aeruginosa, zedoaria) (Zedoary) .......... 241

Section 11 Herbs That Dissolve Phlegm or Stop Cough and
           Relieve Asthma ..................................... 242
    1  Banxia (Pinellia ternata) .............................. 242
    2  Jiegeng (Platycodon grandiflorum) ...................... 243
    3  Beimu (Fritillaria cirrhosa, verticillata) ............. 243
    4  Gualou (Trichosanthes kirilowii) (Snake-Gourd) ......... 244
    5  Xingren (Prunus armeniacd) (Apricot) (Also Known as
       Kuxingren) ............................................. 244
    6  Baibu (Stemona sessilifolia) ........................... 245
    7  Zisuzi (Perilla frutescens) ............................ 245
    8  Sangbaipi (Moms alba) (White Mulberry) ................. 245
    9  Tinglizi (Lepidium apetalum) (Pepper Weed) ............. 246

Section 12 Herbs That Restore (Tonics) ........................ 246
    1  Renshen (Panax ginseng) (Ginseng) ...................... 247
    2  Dangshen (Codonopsis pilosula) (Asia Bell) ............. 247
    3  Huangqi (Astragalus membranaceus, monaholicus)
       (Milkvetch) ............................................ 248
    4  Baizhu (Atractylodes macrocephala) ..................... 248
    5  Gancao (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) (Chinese Liquorice) ..... 249
    6  Shanyao (Dioscorea opposita) (Chinese Yam) ............. 249
    7  Shudihuang (Rehmannia glutinosa) ....................... 250
    8  Heshouwu (Polygonum multiflorum) (Fleece-Flower) ....... 250
    9  Danggui (Angelica sinensis) ............................ 251
    10 Baishaoyao (Paeonia lactiflora) (White Peony) .......... 251
    11 Ejiao (Equus asinus) (Donkey-Hide Gelatin) ............. 252
    12 Beishashen (Glehnia littoralis) ........................ 252
    13 Yuzhu (Polygonatum odoratum) (Fragrant Solomon's 
       Seal) .................................................. 252
    14 Maimendong (Ophiopogon japonicus) (Lily-Turf) .......... 253
    15 Gouqizi (Lycium barbarum) (Wolfberry) .................. 253
    16 Baihe (Lilium brownii) (Lily) .......................... 254
    17 Nuzhenzi (Ligustrum lucidum) (Wax Privet) .............. 254
    18 Mohanlian (Eclipta prostrata) .......................... 255
    19 Guiban (Chinemys reevesii) (Tortoise) .................. 255
    20 Biejia {Amyda sinensis) (Turtle) ....................... 255
    21 Yinyanghuo (Epimedium brevicornum, grandiflorum)
       (Barren-wort) .......................................... 256
    22 Duzhong (Eucommia ulmoides) ............................ 256
    23 Xuduan (Dipsacus asperoides) (Himalayan Teasel) ........ 257
    24 Bajitian (Morinda officinalis) ......................... 257
    25 Buguzhi (Psoralea corylifolia) ......................... 258
    26 Hutaoren (Juglans regia) (Walnut) ...................... 258
    27 Roucongrong (Cistanche deserticola) .................... 258
    28 Dongchongxiacao (Cordyceps sinensis) (Chinese
       Caterpillar Fungus) .................................... 259

Section 13 Herbs That Calm Mind ............................... 259
    1  Suanzaoren (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa)
       (Chinese Jujube) ....................................... 260
    2  Baiziren (Biota orientalis) (Chinese Tree of Life) ..... 260
    3  Yuanzhi {Polygala tenuifolia) (Milk Wort) .............. 261
    4  Muli (Ostrea gigas, rivularis) (Oyster) ................ 261
    5  Longgu (Os Draconis) (Fossil Bone) ..................... 262
    6  Cishi (Magnetitium) (Magnetite) ........................ 262

Section 14 Herbs That Calm Liver and Extinguish Wind .......... 262
    1  Tianma (Gastrodia elata) ............................... 263
    2  Gouteng (Uncaria rhynchophylla) ........................ 264
    3  Shijueming (Haliotis diversicolor) (Abalone) ........... 264
    4  Dilong (Pheretima aspergillum) (Earthworm) ............. 264
    5  Baijiangcan (Bombyx mori) (Silkworm) ................... 265
    6  Quanxie (Buthus martensii) (Scorpion) .................. 265
    7  Wugong (Scolopendra subspinipes) (Centipede) ........... 266

Section 15 Aromatic Herbs That Open Orifices (Resuscitate) .... 266
    1  Shichangpu (Acorus gramineus, tatarinowii) (Sweet
       Flag) .................................................. 267
    2  Shexiang (Moschus moschiferus) (Musk) .................. 267
    3  Suhexiang (Liquidambar orientalis) (Storax) ............ 268
    4  Bingpian (Dryobalanops aromatica) (Borneol) ............ 268

Section 16 Herbs That Stop Bleeding ........................... 269
    1  Xiaoji (Cephalanoplos segetum) (Field Thistle) ......... 269
    2  Diyu (Sanguisorba officinalis) (Garden Burnet) ......... 269
    3  Baiji (Bletilla striata) ............................... 270
    4  Sanqi (Panax pseudoginseng, var. notojinseng) .......... 270
    5  Qiancao (Rubia cordifolia) (India Madder) .............. 271
    6  Aiye {Artemisia argyi) (Argy Wormwood) ................. 271

Section 17 Herbs That Stabilize and Astringe .................. 271
    1  Fuxiaomai (Triticum aestivum) (Wheat) .................. 272
    2  Wuweizi (Schisandra chinensis) ......................... 273
    3  Wumei (Prunus mume) (Plum) ............................. 273
    4  Lianzi (Nelumbo nucifera) (Lotus) ...................... 273
    5  Shanzhuyu (Cornus officinalis) (Bunchberry) ............ 274
    6  Sangpiaoxiao (Paratenodera sinensis) (Praying
       Mantis) ................................................ 274

Section 18 Herbs That Expel Parasites ......................... 275
    1  Shijunzi {Quisquslis indica) (Rangoon Creeper) ......... 275
    2  Kuliangenpi (Melia azedarach, toosendan)
       (Chinaberry) ........................................... 276
    3  Binglang (Areca catechu) (Betel Palm) .................. 276
    4  Nanguazi (Cucurbita moschata) (Pumpkin) ................ 277
Guidance for Study ............................................ 277
I   AimofStudy ................................................ 277
II  Objectives of Study ....................................... 277
III Exercises for Review ...................................... 277

Part III  Chinese Medicinal Formulas

Chapter 8  Basic Principles of CM Herbal Formulation .......... 285

Section 1  Construction of Herbal Formulas .................... 285
I   Composition of Formulas ................................... 285
II  Modification of Formulas .................................. 286
    1  Modification of Ingredients ............................ 287
    2  Modification of Amounts ................................ 287
    3  Modification of Formulation ............................ 288

Section 2  Classification of Herbal Formulas .................. 288

Section 3  Common Dosage Forms of Herbal Formulas ............. 289
I   Decoctions ................................................ 289
II  Powders ................................................... 289
III Pills ..................................................... 290
IV  Soft Extracts ............................................. 290
V   Medicinal Wines ........................................... 290

Section 4  Drug Administration ................................ 291
I   Decocting Herbs ........................................... 291
II  Methods of Administration ................................. 292
    1  Timing of Administration ............................... 292
    2  Arrangement of Administration .......................... 292
Guidance for Study ............................................ 292
I   Aim of Study .............................................. 292
II  Objectives of Study ....................................... 293
III Exercises for Review ...................................... 293

Chapter 9  Commonly Used Herbal Formulas ...................... 295

Section 1  Formulas That Release Exterior ..................... 295
I   Mahuang Tang (Ephedra Decoction) .......................... 296
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 296
    2  Composition ............................................ 296
    3  Application ............................................ 297
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 297
    5  Comments ............................................... 297
    6  Case Study: Influenza in a Young Adult Male ............ 298
II  Guizhi Tang (Cinnamomum Decoction) ........................ 298
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 298
    2  Composition ............................................ 298
    3  Application ............................................ 299
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 299
    5  Comments ............................................... 299
    6  Case Study: Fever in an Adult Female ................... 300
    7  Case Study: Excessive Sweating in a Young Adult Male ... 300
III Jiu Wei Qianghuo Tang (Nine-Ingredient Qianghuo
    Decoction) ................................................ 301
    1  Source: Ci Shi Nan Zhi (Hard-Won Knowledge) ............ 301
    2  Composition ............................................ 301
    3  Application ............................................ 301
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 301
    5  Comments ............................................... 302
    6  Clinical Study: Acute Wind-Cold Illness ................ 302
IV  Xiao Qing Long Tang (Little Green Dragon Decoction) ....... 303
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 303
    2  Composition ............................................ 303
    3  Application ............................................ 303
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 303
    5  Comments ............................................... 304
    6  Clinical Study: Bronchial Asthma ....................... 304
V   Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang (Ephedra, Almond, Gypsum and
    Licorice Decoction) ....................................... 305
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 305
    2  Composition ............................................ 305
    3  Application ............................................ 305
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 305
    5  Comments ............................................... 306
    6  Case Study: Measles in a 3-Year-Old Girl ............... 306
VI  Sang Ju Yin (Mulberry and Chrysanthemum Drink) ............ 307
    1  Source: Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Analysis of Febrile
       Illnesses) ............................................. 307
    2  Composition ............................................ 307
    3  Application ............................................ 307
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 307
    5  Comments ............................................... 308
    6  Case Study: Exogenous Wind-Heat Illness in
       a 26-Year-Old Male ..................................... 308
VII Yin Qiao San (Lonicera and Forsythia Powder) .............. 309
    1  Source: Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Analysis of Febrile
       Illnesses) ............................................. 309
    2  Composition ............................................ 309
    3  Application ............................................ 309
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 309
    5  Comments ............................................... 310
    6  Clinical Study: Acute Exogenous Wind-Heat Illnesses .... 310
VIII Section Summary .......................................... 310
    1  Acrid-Warm Release of Exterior ......................... 311
    2  Acrid-Cool Release of Exterior ......................... 311

Section 2  Formulas That Drain Downward ....................... 312
I   Da Cheng Qi Tang (Potent Purgation Decoction) ............. 312
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 312
    2  Composition ............................................ 312
    3  Application ............................................ 313
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 313
    5  Comments ............................................... 313
    6  Case Study: Acute Dysentery in a 47-Year-Old Male ...... 314
II  Wen Pi Tang (Spleen-Warming Decoction) .................... 315
    1  Source: Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Essential
       Prescriptions for Emergency) ........................... 315
    2  Composition ............................................ 315
    3  Application ............................................ 315
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 316
    5  Comments ............................................... 316
    6  Case Study: Cold Accumulation in a 78-Year-Old Male .... 316
III Dahuang Mudanpi Tang (Rhubarb and Tree Peony Decoction) ... 317
    1  Source: Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials of the Golden
       Cabinet) ............................................... 317
    2  Composition ............................................ 317
    3  Application ............................................ 317
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 318
    5  Comments ............................................... 318
    6  Case Study: Acute Appendicitis in a 21-Year-Old Male ... 319
IV  Maziren Wan (Cannabis Pill) ............................... 319
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 319
    2  Composition ............................................ 319
    3  Application ............................................ 320
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 320
    5  Comments ............................................... 320
    6  Clinical Study: Post-surgical Constipation ............. 321
V   Section Summary ........................................... 321

Section 3  Formulas That Harmonize ............................ 322
I   Xiao Chaihu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) .............. 323
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 323
    2  Composition ............................................ 323
    3  Application ............................................ 323
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 323
    5  Comments ............................................... 324
II  Da Chaihu Tang (Major Bupleurum Decoction) ................ 324
    1  Source: Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials of the Golden
       Cabinet) ............................................... 324
    2  Composition ............................................ 324
    3  Application ............................................ 324
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 325
    5  Comments ............................................... 325
    6  Clinical Study: Acute Pancreatitis ..................... 326
III Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang (Artermisia-Scutellaria
    Gallbladder-Clearing Decoction) ........................... 326
    1  Source: Chong Ding Tong Su Shang Han Lun (Popular
       Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Illnesses, Revised
       Edition) ............................................... 326
    2  Composition ............................................ 326
    3  Application ............................................ 326
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 327
    5  Comments ............................................... 327
    6  Case Study: Exposure to Summer Heat with Dampness,
       Erroneously Treated, in a 48-Year-Old Woman ............ 327
IV  Xiao Yao San (Carefree Powder) ............................ 328
    1  Source: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Prescriptions
       from the Taiping Benevolent Pharmaceutical Bureau) ..... 328
    2  Composition ............................................ 328
    3  Application ............................................ 328
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 329
    5  Comments ............................................... 329
    6  Case Study: Breast Mass in a 33-Year-Old Female ........ 330
V   Banxia Xie Xin Tang (Stomach-Fire-Draining Pinellia
    Decoction) ................................................ 330
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 330
    2  Composition ............................................ 330
    3  Application ............................................ 331
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 331
    5  Comments ............................................... 331
    6  Case Study: Vomiting in a 36-Year-Old Male ............. 332
VI  Tong Xie Yao Fang (Essential Formula for Painful
    Diarrhea) ................................................. 333
    1  Source: Yi Xue Zheng Zhuan (Records of Orthodox
       Medicine) .............................................. 333
    2  Composition ............................................ 333
    3  Application ............................................ 333
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 333
    5  Comments ............................................... 334
    6  Case Study: Diarrhea in a 30-Year-Old Male ............. 334
VII Section Summary ........................................... 334

Section 4  Formulas That Clear Heat ........................... 335
I  Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) ........................ 336
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 336
    2  Composition ............................................ 336
    3  Application ............................................ 336
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 337
    5  Comments ............................................... 337
    6  Case Study: Seasonal Febrile Illness in a 54-Year-Old
       Male ................................................... 338
    7  Case Study: Heatstroke in a 38-Year-Old Female ......... 338
II  Qing Ying Tang (Nutritive-Clearing Decoction) ............. 339
    1  Source: Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Analysis of Febrile
       Illnesses) ............................................. 339
    2  Composition ............................................ 339
    3  Application ............................................ 339
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 339
    5  Comments ............................................... 340
    6  Case Study: Heat at the Nutritive Level in a 17-Year-
       Old Female ............................................. 340
III Huanglian Jie Du Tang (Coptis Detoxification Decoction) ... 341
    1  Source: Wai Tai Mi Yao (Essentials of Medical Secrets
       from Imperial Library) ................................. 341
    2  Composition ............................................ 341
    3  Application ............................................ 341
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 341
    5  Comments ............................................... 342
    6  Case Study: Biliary Infection in a 35-Year-Old Male .... 342
IV  Qing Wen Bai Du Yin (Drink for Clearing Pestilential
    Illness and Detoxification) ............................... 343
    1  Source: Yi Zhen Yi De (Successes in Pestilential
       Rashes) ................................................ 343
    2  Composition ............................................ 343
    3  Application ............................................ 343
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 344
    5  Comments ............................................... 344
    6  Clinical Study: Ecephalitis В .......................... 344
V   Dao Chi San (Red-Conducting Powder) ....................... 345
    1  Source: Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue (Key to Children's
       Illnesses) ............................................. 345
    2  Composition ............................................ 345
    3  Application ............................................ 345
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 345
    5  Comments ............................................... 346
    6  Clinical Study: Painful and Impeded Urination .......... 346
VI  Longdan Xie Gan Tang (Liver-Clearing Gentiana
    Decoction) ................................................ 346
    1  Source: Yi Fang Ji Jie (Explanation of Collected
       Prescriptions) ......................................... 346
    2  Composition ............................................ 346
    3  Application ............................................ 347
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 347
    5  Comments ............................................... 348
    6  Clinical Study: Hepatitis .............................. 348
VII Shaoyao Tang (Peony Decoction) ............................ 349
    1  Source: Su Wen Qi Yi Bao Ming Ji (Collection on
       Pathogenesis for Preserving Life) ...................... 349
    2  Composition ............................................ 349
    3  Application ............................................ 349
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 350
    5  Comments ............................................... 350
VIII Qing Wei San (Stomach-Clearing Powder) ................... 351
    1  Source: Lan Shi Mi Cang (Private Records of the
       Orchid Cabinet) ........................................ 351
    2  Composition ............................................ 351
    3  Application ............................................ 351
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 351
    5  Comments ............................................... 352
    6  Clinical Study: Acute Periodontitis .................... 352
IX  Qinghao Biejia Tang (Woomwood and Turtle Shell
    Decoction) ................................................ 352
    1  Source: Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Analysis of Febrile
       Illnesses) ............................................. 352
    2  Composition ............................................ 352
    3  Application ............................................ 353
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 353
    5  Case Study: Relapsing Fever in a 21-Year-Old Male ...... 353
X   Section Summary ........................................... 354

Section 5  Formulas That Warm Interior ........................ 355
I   Li Zhong Wan (Middle-Jiao-Regulating Pill) ................ 356
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 356
    2  Composition ............................................ 356
    3  Application ............................................ 356
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 357
    5  Comments ............................................... 357
    6  Case Study: Spleen Insufficiency with Diarrhea in 
       a 39-Year-Old Male ..................................... 357
II  Xiao Jian Zhong Tang (Minor Middle-Jiao-Strengthening
    Decoction) ................................................ 358
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 358
    2  Composition ............................................ 358
    3  Application ............................................ 358
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 359
    5  Comments ............................................... 359
    6  Case Study: Abdominal Pain in a Male ................... 360
III Si Ni Tang (Frigid-Extremities Decoction) ................. 360
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 360
    2  Composition ............................................ 360
    3  Application ............................................ 360
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 360
    5  Comments ............................................... 361
    6  Case Study: Coma in a 30-Year-Old Female ............... 361
IV  Danggui Si Ni Tang (Angelica Frigid-Extremities
    Decoction) ................................................ 362
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 362
    2  Composition ............................................ 362
    3  Application ............................................ 362
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 363
    5  Comments ............................................... 363
    6  Case Study: Severe Exposure to Cold in a 30-Year-Old
       Male ................................................... 364
V  Yang He Tang (Yang-Normalizing Decoction) .................. 364
    1  Source: Wai Ke Zheng Zhi Quan Sheng Ji (Treatise on
       the Diagnosis and Treatment of Surgical Illnesses) ..... 364
    2  Composition ............................................ 364
    3  Application ............................................ 364
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 365
    5  Comments ............................................... 365
    6  Case Study: Osteoma in a 17-Year-Old Male .............. 365
VI  Section Summary ........................................... 366

Section 6  Formulas That Restore (Tonify) ..................... 366
I   Si Jun Zi Tang (Four Nobles Decoction) .................... 367
    1  Source: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Prescriptions
       from the Taiping Benevolent Pharmaceutical Bureau) ..... 367
    2  Composition ............................................ 367
    3  Application ............................................ 368
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 368
    5  Comments ............................................... 368
II  Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Middle-Restoring and Qi-Augmenting
    Decoction) ................................................ 369
    1  Source: Pi Wei Lun (Treatise on the Spleen and the
       Stomach) ............................................... 369
    2  Composition ............................................ 369
    3  Application ............................................ 369
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 370
    5  Comments ............................................... 370
    6  Case Study: Postpartum Anuria in a 28-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 370
III Yu Ping Feng San (Jade-Screen Powder) ..................... 371
    1  Source: Yi Fang Lei Ju (Classified Prescriptions) ...... 371
    2  Composition ............................................ 371
    3  Application ............................................ 371
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 371
    5  Comments ............................................... 372
    6  Case Study: Cold Urticaria in a 37-Year-Old Female ..... 372
IV  Sheng Mai San (Pulse-Generating Powder) ................... 373
    1  Source: Yi Fang Qi Yuan (The Sources of Medicine) ...... 373
    2  Composition ............................................ 373
    3  Application ............................................ 373
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 373
    5  Comments ............................................... 374
    6  Case Study: Sudden Prostration in a 65-Year-Old Male ... 374
V   Si Wu Tang (Four Substances Decoction) .................... 374
    1  Source: Xian Shou Li Shang Xu Duan Bi Fang (Secret
       Celestial Prescriptions for Wounds and Fractures) ...... 374
    2  Composition ............................................ 374
    3  Application ............................................ 375
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 375
    5  Comments ............................................... 375
VI  Gui Pi Tang (Spleen-Restoring Decoction) .................. 376
    1  Source: Ji Sheng Fang (Life-Saving Prescriptions) ...... 376
    2  Composition ............................................ 376
    3  Application ............................................ 376
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 377
    5  Comments ............................................... 377
VII Ba Zhen Tang (Eight Treasures Decoction) .................. 378
    1  Source: Zheng Ti Lei Yao (Classification and
       Treatment of Traumatic Injuries) ....................... 378
    2  Composition ............................................ 378
    3  Application ............................................ 378
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 378
    5  Comments ............................................... 379
    6  Clinical Study: Habitual Miscarriage ................... 379
VIII Liu Wei Dihuang Wan (Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill) ...... 380
    1  Source: Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue (Key to
       Therapeutics of Children's Illnesses) .................. 380
    2  Composition ............................................ 380
    3  Application ............................................ 380
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 380
    5  Comments ............................................... 381
    6  Case Study: Chronic Nephritis in a 26-Year-Old Male .... 382
IX  Fried Gancao Tang (Fried Licorice Decoction) .............. 383
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 383
    2  Composition ............................................ 383
    3  Application ............................................ 383
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 383
    5  Comments ............................................... 384
    6  Case Study: Rheumatic Heart Illness in a 35-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 384
X   Yi Guan Jian (Yin-Generating Liver-Opening
    Prescription) ............................................. 385
    1  Source: Xu Ming Yi Lei An (Supplement to Case Records
       of Celebrated Physicians) .............................. 385
    2  Composition ............................................ 385
    3  Application ............................................ 385
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 385
    5  Comments ............................................... 386
    6  Case Study: Chronic Hepatitis in a 40-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 386
XI  Baihe Gu Jin Tang (Lily Metal-Solidifying Decoction) ...... 386
    1  Source: Shen Zhai Yi Shu ............................... 386
    2  Composition ............................................ 386
    3  Application ............................................ 387
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 387
    5  Comments ............................................... 388
    6  Case Study: Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Hemoptysis
       in a 34-Year-Old Female ................................ 388
XII Shen Qi Wan (Kidney-Qi Pill) .............................. 388
    1  Source: Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials of the Golden
       Cabinet) ............................................... 388
    2  Composition ............................................ 388
    3  Application ............................................ 389
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 389
    5  Comments ............................................... 389
    6  Clinical Study: Relapsing Mouth Ulcers ................. 390
XIII Section Summary .......................................... 390

Section 7  Formulas That Astringe and Stabilize ............... 391
I   Si Shen Wan (Four Miracle-Herbs Pill) ..................... 392
    1  Source: Nei Ke Zhai Yao (Essentials of Internal
       Medicine) .............................................. 392
    2  Composition ............................................ 392
    3  Application ............................................ 392
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 393
    5  Comments ............................................... 393
    6  Case Study: Hypersensitive Enteritis ................... 393
    7  Case Study: Enuresis in a 16-Year-Old Male ............. 394
II  Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang (True Man's Zang-Nourishing
    Decoction) ................................................ 394
    1  Source: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Prescriptions
       of the Taiping Benevolent Bureau) ...................... 394
    2  Composition ............................................ 394
    3  Application ............................................ 395
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 395
    5  Comments ............................................... 395
    6  Clinical Study: Post-dysentery Syndrome ................ 396
III Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan (Gold Lock Semen-Stabilizing Pill) .... 396
    1  Source: Yi Fang Ji Jie (Explanation of Collected
       Prescriptions) ......................................... 396
    2  Composition ............................................ 396
    3  Application ............................................ 396
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 397
    5  Comments ............................................... 397
    6  Case Study: Galactorrhea (Milk Production) in
       a 53-Year-Old Female ................................... 397
IV  Gu Chong Tang (Chong Meridian Stabilizing Decoction) ...... 398
    1  Source: Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi Lu (Discourse on
       Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine) ............... 398
    2  Composition ............................................ 398
    3  Application ............................................ 398
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 399
    5  Comments ............................................... 399
    6  Clinical Study: Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding ......... 400
V   Section Summary ........................................... 400

Section 8  Formulas That Calm the Mind ........................ 400
I   Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan (Celestial Emperor's Heart-
    Nourishing Pill) .......................................... 401
    1  Source: She Sheng Mi Pou (Exposition on Health
       Conservation) .......................................... 401
    2  Composition ............................................ 401
    3  Application ............................................ 401
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 402
    5  Comments ............................................... 402
II  Suanzaoren Tang (Jujube Seed Decoction) ................... 403
    1  Source: Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials of the Golden
       Cabinet) ............................................... 403
    2  Composition ............................................ 403
    3  Application ............................................ 403
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 403
    5  Comments ............................................... 404
    6  Clinical Study: Insomnia ............................... 404

Section 9  Formulas That Open Orifices (Resuscitate) .......... 404
I   An Gong Niuhuang Wan (Palace-Calming Gallstone Pill) ...... 405
    1  Source: Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Analysis of Febrile
       Illnesses) ............................................. 405
    2  Composition ............................................ 405
    3  Application ............................................ 405
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 406
    5  Comments ............................................... 406
    6  Case Study: Acute Hepatic Coma in a 5-Year-Old Boy ..... 406
II  Suhexiang Wan (Storax Pill) ............................... 407
    1  Source: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Prescriptions
       from the Taiping Benevolent Pharmaceutical Bureau) ..... 407
    2  Composition ............................................ 407
    3  Application ............................................ 408
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 408
    5  Comments ............................................... 408
III Section Summary ........................................... 409

Section 10 Formulas That Regulate Qi .......................... 409
I   Yue Ju Wan (Stagnation-Releasing Pill) .................... 410
    1  Source: Dan Xi Xin Fa (Danxi's Experience in
       Medicine) .............................................. 410
    2  Composition ............................................ 410
    3  Application ............................................ 410
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 410
    5  Comments ............................................... 410
    6  Case Study: Chronic Cholecystitis in a 38-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 411
II  Banxia Houpo Tang (Pinellia and Magnolia Decoction) ....... 412
    1  Source: Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials of the Golden
       Cabinet) ............................................... 412
    2  Composition ............................................ 412
    3  Application ............................................ 412
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 412
    5  Comments ............................................... 413
    6  Case Study: Globus Hystericus in a 52-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 413
    7  Case Study: Dizziness in a 46-Year-Old Male ............ 414
III Suzi Jiang Qi Tang (Perilla Qi-Suppressing Decoction) ..... 414
    1  Source: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Prescriptions
       from the Taiping Benevolent Pharmaceutical Bureau) ..... 414
    2  Composition ............................................ 414
    3  Application ............................................ 415
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 415
    5  Comments ............................................... 416
    6  Case Study: Chronic and Acute Asthma in a 56-Year-Old
       Male ................................................... 416
IV  Ding Chuan Tang (Asthma-Relieving Decoction) .............. 417
    1  Source: She Sheng Zhong Miao Fang (Effective
       Prescriptions for Health Conservation) ................. 417
    2  Composition ............................................ 417
    3  Application ............................................ 417
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 417
    5  Comments ............................................... 418
V   Xuanfu Daizhe Tang (Inula and Hematite Decoction) ......... 418
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 418
    2  Composition ............................................ 418
    3  Application ............................................ 419
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 419
    5  Comments ............................................... 419
    6  Case Study: Morning Sickness in a 24-Year-Old Female ... 420
VI  Section Summary ........................................... 420

Section 11 Formulas That Regulate Blood ....................... 421
I   Taohe Cheng Qi Tang (Peach Pit Qi-Activating Decoction) ... 422
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 422
    2  Composition ............................................ 422
    3  Application ............................................ 422
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 422
    5  Comments ............................................... 423
    6  Case Study: Ectopic Pregnancy in a 40-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 423
II  Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Decoction for Releasing Blood
    Stasis) ................................................... 424
    1  Source: Yi Lin Gai Cuo (Corrections of Medical
       Errors) ................................................ 424
    2  Composition ............................................ 424
    3  Application ............................................ 424
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 425
    5  Comments ............................................... 425
    6  Case Study: Refractory Insomnia in a 42-Year-Old
       Male ................................................... 425
    7  Case Study: Persistent Hiccup in a 24-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 426
III Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang (Yang-Tonifying Balance-Restoring
    Decoction) ................................................ 426
    1  Source: Yi Lin Gai Cuo (Corrections of Medical
       Errors) ................................................ 426
    2  Composition ............................................ 426
    3  Application ............................................ 428
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 428
    5  Comments ............................................... 428
    6  Clinical Study: Hemiplegia due to Wind-Induced
       Stroke ................................................. 429
IV  Wen Jing Tang (Meridian-Warming Decoction) ................ 429
    1  Source: Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials of the Golden
       Cabinet) ............................................... 429
    2  Composition ............................................ 429
    3  Application ............................................ 430
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 430
    5  Comments ............................................... 430
    6  Case Study: Metrorrhagia in a 24-Year-Old Female ....... 431
V   Sheng Hua Tang (Generation and Transformation 
    Decoction) ................................................ 431
    1  Source: Fu Qingzhu Nu Ke (Fu Qingzhu's Obstetrics and
       Gynecology) ............................................ 431
    2  Composition ............................................ 431
    3  Application ............................................ 431
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 432
    5  Comments ............................................... 432
VI  Xiaoji Yin Zi (Thistle Decoction) ......................... 432
    1  Source: Ji Sheng Fang (Life-Saving Prescriptions) ...... 432
    2  Composition ............................................ 432
    3  Application ............................................ 433
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 433
    5  Comments ............................................... 433
    6  Case Study: Acute Glomerulonephritis in a 13-Year-Old
       Male ................................................... 434
VII Section Summary ........................................... 434

Section 12 Formulas That Eliminate Dampness ................... 435
I   Ping Wei San (Stomach-Settling Powder) .................... 436
    1  Source: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Prescriptions
       from the Taiping Benevolent Pharmaceutical Bureau) ..... 436
    2  Composition ............................................ 436
    3  Application ............................................ 436
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 436
    5  Comments ............................................... 437
II  Huoxiang Zheng Qi San (Hyssop Qi-Regulating Powder) ....... 437
    1  Source: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Prescriptions
       from the Taiping Benevolent Pharmaceutical Bureau) ..... 437
    2  Composition ............................................ 437
    3  Application ............................................ 438
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 438
    5  Comments ............................................... 438
    6  Clinical Study: Acute Gastroenteritis .................. 439
III Ba Zheng San (Eight-Herb Rectification Powder) ............ 439
    1  Source: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Prescriptions
       from the Taiping Benevolent Pharmaceutical Bureau) ..... 439
    2  Composition ............................................ 439
    3  Application ............................................ 439
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 440
    5  Comments ............................................... 440
    6  Clinical Study: Pyelonephritis (Inflammation of the
       Kidney Pelvis) ......................................... 440
IV  San Ren Tang (Three-Seeds Decoction) ...................... 441
    1  Source: Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Analysis of Febrile
       Illnesses) ............................................. 441
    2  Composition ............................................ 441
    3  Application ............................................ 441
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 441
    5  Comments ............................................... 442
    6  Case Study: Illness of Dampness-Heat in a 35-Year-Old
       Male ................................................... 442
V   Zhen Wu Tang (True Warrior Decoction) ..................... 443
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 443
    2  Composition ............................................ 443
    3  Application ............................................ 443
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 443
    5  Comments ............................................... 444
    6  Case Study: Edema in a 59-Year-Old Male ................ 444
VI  Section Summary ........................................... 444

Section 13 Formulas That Dissipate Phlegm ..................... 445
I   Er Chen Tang (Two Aged-Herbs Decoction) ................... 446
    1  Source: Cheng Fang Qie Yong (Applications of 
       Established Formulas) .................................. 446
    2  Composition ............................................ 446
    3  Application ............................................ 446
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 446
    5  Comments ............................................... 447
    6  Case Study: Teeth Grinding in a 25-Year-Old Male ....... 447
    7  Case Study: Night Cough in an Adult Male ............... 448
II  Wen Dan Tang (Gallbladder-Warming Decoction) .............. 448
    1  Source: San Yin Ji Yi Bing Zheng Fang Lun (Treatise
       on the Three Categories of Pathogenic Factors of
       Illnesses) ............................................. 448
    2  Composition ............................................ 448
    3  Application ............................................ 448
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 449
    5  Comments ............................................... 449
    6  Case Study: Dizziness in a 56-Year-Old Male ............ 449
III Banxia Baizhu Tianma Tang (Pinellia-Atractylodes-
    Gastrodia Decoction) ...................................... 450
    1  Source: Yi Xue Xin Wu (Insights from Medical
       Studies) ............................................... 450
    2  Composition ............................................ 450
    3  Application ............................................ 450
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 450
    5  Comments ............................................... 451
    6  Case Study: Meniere's Syndrome in a 70-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 451
IV  Mengshi Gun Tan Wan (Chlorite Phlegm-Expelling Pill) ...... 452
    1  Source: Dan Xi Xin Fa Fu Yu (Supplement to Danxi's
       Methods of Treatment) .................................. 452
    2  Composition ............................................ 452
    3  Application ............................................ 452
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 453
    5  Comments ............................................... 453
    6  Case Study: Asthma with Cough in a 45-Year-Old Male .... 453
V   Section Summary ........................................... 454

Section 14 Formulas That Dispel Wind .......................... 454
I   Xiao Feng San (Wind-Extinguishing Powder) ................. 455
    1  Source: Wai Ke Zheng Zong (Orthodox Exogenous
       Illnesses) ............................................. 455
    2  Composition ............................................ 455
    3  Application ............................................ 456
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 456
    5  Comments ............................................... 456
    6  Clinical Study: Eczema ................................. 457
II  Duhuo Jisheng Tang (Pubescens and Loranthus Decoction) .... 457
    1  Source: Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Essential
       Prescriptions for Emergency) ........................... 457
    2  Composition ............................................ 457
    3  Application ............................................ 458
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 458
    5  Comments ............................................... 459
    6  Case Study: Rheumatism in a 31-Year-Old Female ......... 459
III Lingjiao Gouteng Tang (Horn and Uncaria Decoction) ........ 460
    1  Source: Tong Su Shang Han Lun (Popular Treatise on
       Exogenous Febrile Illnesses) ........................... 460
    2  Composition ............................................ 460
    3  Application ............................................ 460
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 460
    5  Comments ............................................... 461
    6  Case Study: Psychosis in a 24-Year-Old Male ............ 461
IV  Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (Liver-Sedating and Wind-
    Extinguishing Decoction) .................................. 462
    1  Source: Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi Lu (Discourse on
       Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine) ............... 462
    2  Composition ............................................ 462
    3  Application ............................................ 463
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 463
    5  Comments ............................................... 463
    6  Clinical Study: Headache ............................... 464
V   Tianma Gouteng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink) .......... 464
    1  Source: Za Bing Zheng Zhi Xin Yi (New Concepts for
       the Diagnosis and Treatment of Miscellaneous
       Illnesses) ............................................. 464
    2  Composition ............................................ 464
    3  Application ............................................ 465
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 465
    5  Comments ............................................... 465
    6  Case Study: Meniere's Syndrome in a 39-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 465
VI  Da Ding Feng Zhu (Major Wind-Extinguishing Pearls) ........ 466
    1  Source: Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Analysis of Febrile
       Illnesses) ............................................. 466
    2  Composition ............................................ 466
    3  Application ............................................ 466
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 467
    5  Comments ............................................... 467
    6  Case Study: Post-radiation Tongue Atrophy in a 
       50-Year-Old Female ..................................... 467
    7  Case Study: High Blood Pressure in a 65-Year-Old
       Male ................................................... 468
VII Section Summary ........................................... 468

Section 15 Formulas That Relieve Dryness ...................... 469
I   Xing Su San (Apricot and Perilla Powder) .................. 469
    1  Source: Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Analysis of Febrile
       Illnesses) ............................................. 469
    2  Composition ............................................ 469
    3  Application ............................................ 470
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 470
    5  Comments ............................................... 471
    6  Clinical Study: Cough .................................. 471
II  Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang (Dryness-Moistening Lung-Rescuing
    Decoction) ................................................ 471
    1   Source: Yi Men Fa Lu (Principles and Regulations
        for the Medical Profession) ........................... 471
    2  Composition ............................................ 471
    3  Application ............................................ 472
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 472
    5  Comments ............................................... 473
    6  Case Study: Autumn Dryness in a 41-Year-Old Female ..... 473
III Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang (Yin-Nourishing Lung-Clearing
    Decoction) ................................................ 474
    1  Source: Chong Lou Yu Yao (Jade Key to the Private
       Chamber) ............................................... 474
    2  Composition ............................................ 474
    3  Application ............................................ 474
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 474
    5  Comments ............................................... 475
    6  Case Study: Severe Sore Throat in a Female ............. 475
IV  Section Summary ........................................... 475

Section 16 Formulas That Relieve Accumulations ................ 476
I   Bao He Wan (Harmony-Preserving Pill) ...................... 476
    1  Source: Dan Xi Xin Fa (Danxi's Experience in
       Medicine) .............................................. 476
    2  Composition ............................................ 476
    3  Application ............................................ 477
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 477
    5  Comments ............................................... 477
    6  Case Study: Indigestion in a 35-Year-Old Female ........ 478
II  Zhishi Dao Zhi Wan (Orange Stagnation-Relieving Pill) ..... 478
    1  Source: Nei Wai Shang Bian Huo Lun (Guide for the
       Perplexities of Internal and External Injuries) ........ 478
    2  Composition ............................................ 478
    3  Application ............................................ 479
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 479
    5  Comments ............................................... 479
    6  Clinical Application: Impaired Intestinal Motility ..... 480
III Jian Pi Wan (Spleen-Invigorating Pill) .................... 480
    1  Source: Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng (Standards of Diagnosis
       and Treatment) ......................................... 480
    2  Composition: The Herbs in This Formula Are Not
       Classified ............................................. 480
    3  Application ............................................ 481
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 481
    5  Comments ............................................... 481
IV  Section Summary ........................................... 482

Section 17 Formulas That Expel Worms .......................... 482
I   Wumei Wan (Mume Pill) ..................................... 482
    1  Source: Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Attack) ........ 482
    2  Composition ............................................ 482
    3  Application ............................................ 483
    4  Analysis of the Formula ................................ 483
    5  Comments ............................................... 483
    6  Case Study: Roundworm Infestation in a 22-Year-Old
       Female ................................................. 484
Guidance for Study ............................................ 484
I   Aim of Study .............................................. 484
II  Objectives of Study ....................................... 484
III Exercises for Review ...................................... 485

Index ......................................................... 487

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