Weintraub P. Cure unknown: inside the Lyme epidemic (New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWeintraub P. Cure unknown: inside the Lyme epidemic. - New York: St. Martin's Press, 2008. - xxiv, 408 p. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.399-408. - ISBN-10 0-312-37812-2; ISBN-13 978-0-312-37812-7

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments .............................................. xiii
Foreword by Hillary Johnson .................................... xv
Introduction: Navigating by Lymelight ........................... 1
Prologue: Second Journey Out .................................... 7

PART ONE: DOORS OF PERCEPTION .................................. 23

1  Into the Woods .............................................. 25
2  A Place in the Whirlwind .................................... 33
3  Son of a Preacher Man ....................................... 40
4  Connecticut Genesis ......................................... 43
5  A New Disease and a Ring of Fire ............................ 48
6  Finding Lyme's Counterculture ............................... 54
7  Hide in Plain Sight ......................................... 59
8  The Epidemic Spreads ........................................ 64
9  Crossing the Line ........................................... 69
10 The Rocky Road .............................................. 72
11 Then There Were Three ....................................... 74
12 Night Falls Fast ............................................ 77
13 Discovering the Spirochete .................................. 80
14 The Chasm Widens ............................................ 89
15 How the Lyme World Split in Two ............................. 97
16 Lost in the Ruins: The Infestation of the Suburbs .......... 105

PART TWO: THE LYME DIASPORA ................................... 111

17 Mutts Like Us: Lyme Tests and Tribulations ................. 113
18 Patients Dispossessed ...................................... 121
19 The Scourge of "Lime" Disease .............................. 126
20 Peeling the Onion .......................................... 133
21 Family Therapy ............................................. 141
22 Bicycle Boy and Other Lymebrains ........................... 144
23 A Devastating Realization .................................. 155
24 Longing for Lyme ........................................... 158
25 A Nantucket Burning: I'm Diagnosed with Babesiosis ......... 159
26 Photo Safari ............................................... 163
27 Tick Menagerie: The Coinfections of Lyme Disease ........... 165
28 Hole in the Donut: The Fight over Southern Lyme ............ 172
29 Restricting Diagnosis and Keeping the Riffraff Out of
   Lyme ....................................................... 187
30 The Long Road Home ......................................... 206
31 Reporting Our Pediatrician ................................. 209
32 The Lyme Inquisition: Doctors on the Run ................... 213
33 A Note from the Underground ................................ 228
34 Second-Chance Kids ......................................... 231

PART THREE: A SEARCH FOR ANSWERS .............................. 235

35 Once Bitten: Accepting the Spirochete's Endless Love ....... 237
36 Secrets of an Evil Genius: The Evidence for Persistence .... 241
37 Mother Makes Four .......................................... 253
38 The Big Sleep: Our Younger Son Falls Ill ................... 256
39 Houston Calling ............................................ 260
40 Putting Treatment to the Test .............................. 263
41 Busted Flat in Chappaqua ................................... 277
42 Resurrection ............................................... 280
43 Lyme Disease and Immunity: The Search for the Golden
   Fleece ..................................................... 282
44 How I Cured My Own Lyme Disease ............................ 290
45 Pay It Forward ............................................. 293
46 A Family Affair ............................................ 296
47 Red-Flagged at Blue Cross: The Role of Managed Care ........ 298
48 The Vaccine Connection: Lyme Gets a Business Model ......... 309
49 Over and Out, Colorado ..................................... 320
50 The Falmouth Reunion ....................................... 322
51 Getting Dr. Jones .......................................... 324
52 The Never-Ending Story: What Happened to My Family ......... 331
53 Starting Over: Don't Get Slymed Again ...................... 339
54 And the Bands Play On ...................................... 347

Notes and References .......................................... 355

Index ......................................................... 399

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