Selin H. Global governance of hazardous chemicals: challenges of multilevel management (Cambridge; London, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSelin H. Global governance of hazardous chemicals: challenges of multilevel management. - Cambridge; London: MIT Press, 2010. - xi, 235 p. - (Politics, science, and the environment). - Ref.: p.203-220. - Ind.: p.221-235. - ISBN 978-0-262-01395-6

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ............................................... vii
List of Acronyms ............................................... ix

1  Global Governance and the Chemicals Regime ................... 1
2  Institutional Analysis and the Chemicals Regime ............. 21
3  Global Chemicals Use and Management in a Historical 
   Perspective ................................................. 39
4  The Basel Convention and Hazardous Waste Management ......... 63
5  The Rotterdam Convention and the Trade in Hazardous 
   Chemicals ................................................... 85
6  The CLRTAP POPs Protocol and Regional Standards ............ 111
7  The Stockholm Convention and Global POPs Controls .......... 135
8  Multilevel Governance and Chemicals Management: Past,
   Present, and Future ........................................ 163

Notes ......................................................... 197

References .................................................... 203

Index ......................................................... 221

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