Tulku R. The ri-me philosophy of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great: a study of the Buddhist lineages of Tibet (Boston; London, 2006 (2007)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTulku R. The ri-me philosophy of Jamgцn Kongtrul the Great: a study of the Buddhist lineages of Tibet / ed. by A.Helm. - Boston; London: Shambhala, 2006 (2007). - xvi, 318 p. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.311-318.

Оглавление / Contents
Homage ......................................................... xi
Preface ...................................................... xiii
1  The Meaning of Ri-me ......................................... i
2  The Biography of Kongtrul Yönten Gyatso ..................... 15
3  The History of the Teaching Lineages That Came to Tibet ..... 55
   The Teaching Lineages of the Sutras ......................... 55
      Vinaya ................................................... 55
      Abhidharma ............................................... 58
      Pramana .................................................. 60
      Prajnaparamita ........................................... 65
      Madhyamaka ............................................... 68
   The Teaching Lineages of the Tantras ........................ 74
      The Teaching Lineages of the Nyingma Tantras ............. 74
      The Sarma Teachings of the Mother and Father Tantras ..... 79
      The Three Lower Tantras .................................. 93
4  The History of the Eight Practice Lineages .................. 97
   The Teachings of the Nyingma Lineage ........................ 97
      The Mind Transmission Lineage ............................ 97
      The Symbolic Transmission Lineage ........................ 98
      The Hearing Transmission Lineage ......................... 98
      The Six Transmission Lineages ............................ 99
      Kama: The Oral Tradition ................................ 105
      Terma: The Hidden Treasures ............................. 117
   The History of the Kadampa Tradition ....................... 121
      Jowo Je Atisha .......................................... 121
      Atishas Main Students ................................... 122
   The Gelugpa Tradition ...................................... 124
      Tsongkhapa Lozang Dragpa ................................ 124
      Tsongkhapa's Students and Lineage Holders ............... 126
   The History of the Lamdre Practice Lineage ................. 127
      Virupa and Drogmi ....................................... 127
      Sachen Kunga Nyingpo .................................... 129
      Sakya Pandita and Chogyal Phagpa ........................ 131
      Other Sakya Lineage Holders ............................. 132
   The History of the Marpa Kagyu Lineage ..................... 133
      Marpa Lotsawa ........................................... 134
      Milarepa ................................................ 135
      Rechungpa and His Lineage ............................... 135
      Gampopa and His Lineage ................................. 136
      The Tsalpa Kagyu and Barom Kagyu ........................ 137
      The Kamtsang Kagyu and the Karmapas ..................... 138
      The Phagdru Kagyu Lineage ............................... 140
      The First Three of the Eight Kagyu Subschools ........... 141
      The Drugpa Kagyu Lineage ................................ 142
         The Last Four Kagyu Subschools ....................... 143
   The History of the Shangpa Kagyu Lineage ................... 143
   The History of the Shije, or Pacification, Lineage ......... 146
         The Chod Lineage ..................................... 148
   Jordruk: The Lineage of the Six-Branched
         Practice of Vajra Yoga ............................... 150
   The History of the Approach and Accomplishment of the
   Three Vajras ............................................... 153
5  The Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages ..... 155
   Ngagyur Nyingma: The Early Translation Tradition ........... 155
      Dzogchen ................................................ 155
      Kama .................................................... 158
      Terma ................................................... 158
      Pure Vision ............................................. 160
      Refutation of Criticism of the Nyingma Teachings ........ 161
   The Main Teachings of the Kadampa .......................... 161
      Specific Scriptures, Instructions, and Oral
      Instructions ............................................ 162
      Teachings for the Three Types of Individuals ............ 162
   The Essence of the Teachings of the Gelugpa ................ 164
      The Three Foundations of Practice ....................... 165
      Ground, Path, and Result ................................ 165
   The Teachings of the Glorious Sakyapa ...................... 167
      The Three Visions ....................................... 167
      The Presentation of the Path ............................ 168
      Tantric Practice ........................................ 169
      The Golden Teachings of the Sakya ....................... 171
   The Teachings of the Dagpo Kagyu ........................... 172
      Ground, Path, and Result ................................ 172
      The Six Yogas of Naropa ................................. 173
      Sutra Mahamudra ......................................... 174
      Tantra Mahamudra ........................................ 175
      Special Teachings of the Individual Kagyu Lineages ...... 177
   The Teachings of the Shangpa Kagyu ......................... 180
      The Six Yogas of the Shangpa Kagyu ...................... 180
      Mahamudra in the Shangpa Kagyu Tradition ................ 181
      Descriptions of Accomplishment .......................... 181
   The Teachings of the Pacification Lineage .................. 182
   The Teachings of the Chod Lineage .......................... 184
   The Six-Branched Practice ofVajra Yoga ..................... 187
   The Approach and Accomplishment of the Three Vajras ........ 189

6  Rangtong and Shentong Madhyamaka ........................... 193
   An Overview of Madhyamaka .................................. 193
   Rangtong Madhyamaka ........................................ 195
      The Svatantrika Tradition ............................... 195
      The Prasangika Lineage in Tibet ......................... 196
      The Common View of Prasangika and Svatantrika ........... 197
      The Five Great Reasonings of Madhyamaka ................. 199
      Distinctions between Prasangika and Svatantrika 
      Madhyamaka .............................................. 202
      An Overview of the Prasangika Analysis .................. 204
      The Three Special Points of Chandrakirti ................ 208
      The Eight Special Points of Tsongkhapa .................. 209
      The Five Special Points of Kongtrul ..................... 210
      Tagtsang Lotsawa's Way of Teaching Prasangika 
      Madhyamaka .............................................. 213
   Shentong Madhyamaka ........................................ 214
      The Sources of Shentong ................................. 214
      The Views of Shakya Chogden and Dolpopa ................. 216
      The Shentong View of the Ground Madhyamaka .............. 218
      The Shentong Understanding of the Three Natures ......... 220
      Shentong Is Not the Same as Chittamatra ................. 223
      Taranatha's Refutation of Shentong as Vedanta ........... 224
      The Main Differences between Rangtong and Shentong ...... 226
      Equal Respect for the Traditions of Nagarjuna and 
      Asanga .................................................. 227
      Distinguishing Vijnanavada and Chittamatra .............. 230
   Tantra Madhyamaka .......................................... 232
7  The Traditions of the Nyingma and Sarma Tantras ............ 237
   Classifications of the Tantras ............................. 237
   Commonalities of the Nyingma and Sarma Tantras ............. 239
   Distinctions in the Nyingma and Sarma Tantras .............. 241
   Mipham Rinpoche's Rebuttal of the Criticism of the 
   Nyingma Tantras ............................................ 244
   Thukan Chökyi Dorje's Refutation ..........,................ 251
   Atisha's Statements on the Early Tantras ................... 255
   Specific Criticism of the Dzogchen Teachings ............... 257
   Shechen Gyaltsap's Refutation of the Criticism of the
   Dzogchen Teachings ......................................... 260

Acknowledgments ............................................... 287
Notes ......................................................... 289
Sources ....................................................... 293
Index ......................................................... 311

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