Kline J.M. Ethics for international business: decision making in a global political economy (New York, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKline J.M. Ethics for international business: decision making in a global political economy. - 2nd ed. - New York: Routledge, 2010. - xiv, 278 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.269-278. - ISBN 978-0-415-99942-7

Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures ................................................ xi
Preface ...................................................... xiii

Chapter 1  The Value Foundation for a Global Society ............ 1
Introduction .................................................... 1
Why Ethics Matters .............................................. 2
Studying Ethics for International Business ...................... 3
Organization of the Book ........................................ 4
Personal and Organizational Decision Making ..................... 6

Chapter 2  Ethics and International Business .................... 7
Introduction .................................................... 7
Ethical Analysis ................................................ 7
Ethical Concepts and Principles ................................. 9
Legal and Social Contracts ..................................... 12
Contracts with a Global Society ................................ 14
Delimiting Corporate Social Responsibility ..................... 15
Using Ethical Analysis in a Global Political Economy ........... 17
Developing an Ethical Framework ................................ 18
Case Scenario Methodology ...................................... 18
   Exhibit 2.1 A Mine for Tambogrande, Peru .................... 20

Chapter 3  Human Rights Concepts and Principles ................ 27
Introduction ................................................... 27
Individual Rights, State Authority and Human Rights ............ 27
Civil and Political Rights and/or Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights ................................................ 29
  Exhibit 3.1 US Human Rights Policy ........................... 30
Ethical Minimum Conditions and Corollary Obligations ........... 32
  Exhibit 3.2 Selling Kidneys in Moldova ....................... 34
International Business, Human Rights and Good Corporate
Citizenship .................................................... 38
  Exhibit 3.3 Google and Internet Rights in China .............. 42

Chapter 4  Political Involvements by Business .................. 47
Introduction ................................................... 47
Contrasting Standards of Corporate Responsibility .............. 48
Lessons from the South African Experience ...................... 49
  Exhibit 4.1 The Choice to Reform or Withdraw ................. 56
Historical Choices in Angola and Uganda ........................ 58
Sudan '5 Internal Conflicts .................................... 61
  Exhibit 4.2 China Invests in Sudan's Oil Fields .............. 63
Military Repression in Burma ................................... 65
Governance and Resource Allocation in Nigeria .................. 68
  Exhibit 4.3 Defining Shell's Role in Nigeria ................. 70
"Foreigners" Allocate Chad's Oil Revenue ....................... 73
Ethical Issues and Case Experience on Business Political
Involvements ................................................... 76

Chapter 5  Labor and Production Standards ...................... 85
Introduction ................................................... 85
Peeking Inside a "Sweatshop" ................................... 86
  Exhibit 5.1 From Sixth Grade to the Shoe Factory ............. 88
Assessing Supply Chain Responsibilities ........................ 92
  Exhibit 5.2 Wal-Mart Sets Chinese Supplier Standards ......... 96
Living Wage, Debt Bondage and Union Rights ..................... 98
Communities and the Foreign Production Process ................ 101
  Exhibit 5.3 The Bhopal Gas Leak's Continuing Saga ........... 105
Emerging Efforts Toward Common International Standards ........ 106

Chapter 6  Product and Export Controls ........................ 111
Introduction .................................................. 111
Actors and Decision Tools ..................................... 112
Product Risk for Consumers .................................... 113
  Exhibit 6.1 Exporting Goods Banned at Home .................. 114
Risk and Benefits for Multiple Stakeholders ................... 118
Product Use and Abuse ......................................... 123
International Trade in Hazardous Waste ........................ 124
  Exhibit 6.2 Scavenging Dumped Computers in Ghana ............ 126
The Movement Toward Global Standards .......................... 129
A Triple Dilemma for Pharmaceuticals .......................... 131
  Exhibit 6.3 Drug Tests and Infected Babies in Thailand ...... 133

Chapter 7  Marketing Motives and Methods ...................... 145
Introduction .................................................. 145
Choices for Marketing Standards and Values .................... 146
International Marketing of Tobacco ............................ 150
  Exhibit 7.1 No "Mild" Cigarettes in the European Union ...... 155
Advertising Alcoholic Beverages ............................... 156
International Codes for Marketing Infant Formula .............. 158
General International Marketing Techniques .................... 161
Obesity and the Marketing Connection .......................... 162
  Exhibit 7.2 Stop Soft Drink Ads for Kids .................... 164
Racial, Ethnic and Socioeconomic Marketing Issues ............. 165
  Exhibit 7.3 Promoting Skin-Whiteners in India ............... 167
Marketing Through Bribery and Facilitating Payments ........... 170
  Exhibit 7.4 Debating Standards for "Petty Corruption" ....... 172

Chapter 8  Culture and the Human Environment .................. 177
Introduction .................................................. 177
Cultural Change in a Global Political Economy ................. 178
Systemic Dimensions of Cultural Change ........................ 179
  Exhibit 8.1 Community Contracts in Papua New Guinea ......... 182
Clashes Between Local Culture and Global Values ............... 185
  Exhibit 8.2 Fast Food and "Gender Apartheid" in Saudi
  Arabia ...................................................... 188
  Exhibit 8.3 GE Confronts Fetus Bias ......................... 193
Challenging Cultural Traditions: Music, Movies and Malls ...... 195
  Exhibit 8.4 Selling Starbucks in the Forbidden City ......... 199
Blends and Contrasts in Corporate Culture ..................... 202

Chapter 9  Nature and the Physical Environment ................ 207
Introduction .................................................. 207
Conceptualizing the Human Relationship with Nature ............ 208
Protection, Restoration and Sustainable Development ........... 209
  Exhibit 9.1 Ecuador and Chevron/Texaco Dispute Oil Damage ... 212
Preservation Versus Development—Who Pays and How? ............. 214
  Exhibit 9.2 Guyana's Rain Forest Proposal ................... 217
Market Mechanisms and Global Warming .......................... 221
Goals for Water Resource Management ........................... 224
  Exhibit 9.3 Calculating the Costs of Bottled Water .......... 226
Human Modifications of Nature Through Biogenetics ............. 227
  Exhibit 9.4 Debates Over Genetically Modified Crops ......... 229
Decisions to Alter or Adjust to the Natural Environment ....... 233

Chapter 10 Business Guidance and Control Mechanisms ........... 239
Introduction .................................................. 239
National and International law ................................ 240
Business Codes and Monitoring Mechanisms ...................... 243
  Exhibit 10.1 Developing Codes for Food Companies ............ 245
Investment, Divestment and Shareholder Activism ............... 247
  Exhibit 10.2 Shareholders with a Mission .................... 249
Consumer Boycotts and Certification Schemes ................... 250
Selecting the Best Means to an End ............................ 254

Chapter 11 Deciding Ethical Dilemmas .......................... 257
Introduction .................................................. 257
Evolving Global Concern ....................................... 258
Evolving Global Standards ..................................... 259
Role Responsibilities and Approaches .......................... 261
Personal Decision Making ...................................... 263
Further Reading ............................................... 265

Index ......................................................... 269

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