Green G.W. The aporia of inner sense: the self-knowledge of reason and the critique of metaphysics in Kant (Leiden; Boston, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGreen G.W. The aporia of inner sense: the self-knowledge of reason and the critique of metaphysics in Kant. - Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2010. - vi, 352 p. - Bibliogr.: p.335-344. - Ind.: 345-352. - ISBN 978-90-04-18270-7

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgements .............................................. vii
Volume Foreword ................................................ ix

Chapter One. Introduction: An Aporia of Inner Sense? ............ 1

Chapter Two. The Self-Knowledge of Reason: The Transcendental
    Topid and The Atopicality of Time .......................... 29
I   Critique of Pure Reason: A General Introduction to The
    Self-Knowledge of Reason ................................... 29
II  The Intuitive Aspect of Cognition (Materialiter sic 
    Dicta) ..................................................... 45
    i   The Passivity of our Knowledge (Per Modum
        Recipientis) ........................................... 45
    ii  The Transcendental Determination of Space (Situs
        corporis) .............................................. 54
    iii The Transcendental Determination of Time (Situs
        temporis) .............................................. 60
III The Intellective Aspect of Cognition (Idealiter sic 
    Dicta) ..................................................... 93
    i   Form and Function ...................................... 93
    ii  Self-consciousness and Self-cognition ................. 113
        a. A First Attempt at Deduction ....................... 113
        b. A Second Attempt at Deduction ...................... 132
    iii An Analytic of (Synthetic) Principles; Axioms,
        Anticipations, Analogies, and the Amplification of 
        Inner Intuition ....................................... 172
    iv  A Problematic Idealism ................................ 191
    v   Seelenlehre, Weltwissenschaft, Gotteserkenntnis ....... 223

Chapter Three. Conclusion: The Antinomy Between Theory of
    Knowledge and Critique of Metaphysics in Kant's 
    Critique of Pure Reason ................................... 291

Chapter Four. Appendix: The Aporia of Inner Sense and The
    Vom Inneren Sinne Fragment: A Principle for the
    Development of Kant's Theoretical Philosophy? ............. 309

Bibliography .................................................. 335

Index ......................................................... 345

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