Arnold A. Sea cows, shamans, and scurvy: Alaska's first naturalist: Georg Wilhelm Steller (New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаArnold A. Sea cows, shamans, and scurvy: Alaska's first naturalist: Georg Wilhelm Steller. - New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2008. - xii, 227 p.: ill., maps. - Bibliogr.: p.211-216. - Ind.: p.217-227. - ISBN-10 0-374-39947-6; ISBN-13 978-0-374-39947-4

Оглавление / Contents
1 Sonntagskind: A Sunday's Child, 1709—1734 ..................... 3
2  Russia's Great Explorations: The First and Second Kamchatka
   Expeditions, 1725-1730 and 1733-1743 ........................ 10
3  On to Russia: Stoller Becomes Steller, St. Petersburg,
   1734 ........................................................ 21
4  Steller's Journey Begins, Siberia, 1738-1739 ................ 30
5  The Barguzin Mountains, 1739-1740 ........................... 42
6  Provisioning the Expedition, March 1733-June 1734 ........... 48
7  Captain Martin Spangberg: Okhotsk, the Kuril Islands,
   and Japan, 1734-1741 ........................................ 53
8  The Volcanic Wilderness of Kamchatka, 1740-1741 ............. 63
9  Avacha Bay: Steller Signs On to the St. Peter, 1741 ......... 80
10 They Set Sail for America, June 1741 ........................ 86
11 Return Voyage: Kayaks and Death, July—September 1741 ........ 98
12 A Devastating Voyage: Scurvy and Williwaws, September-
   November 1741 .............................................. 111
13 Kamchatka or a Barren Island?, November—December 1741 ...... 118
14 Bering Island, December 1741-May 1742 ...................... 129
15 Sea Eagles and Sea Cows: The Natural History of Bering 
   Island, May—August 1742 .................................... 137
16 A Safe Return to Kamchatka, August 1742-July 1744 .......... 147
17 Steller on Trial, August 1744-November 1746 ................ 155
Afterword ..................................................... 163
Appendix: Concordance for Animals and Plants
Mentioned in the Text ......................................... 167
Time Line: Georg Wilhelm Steller .............................. 171
Notes ......................................................... 173
Source Notes .................................................. 205
Bibliography .................................................. 211
Index ......................................................... 217

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