E-commerce adoption and small business in the global marketplace: tools for optimization (Hershey; New York, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаE-commerce adoption and small business in the global marketplace: tools for optimization / B.Thomas, G.Simmons, [editors]. - Hershey; New York: Business Science Reference, 2010. - xxv, 343 p.: ill. - Premier reference source. - Ref.: p.289-331. - Ind.: p.340-343. - ISBN 978-160566998-4

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... xv
Preface ....................................................... xvi
Acknowledgment ................................................ xxv

                            Section 1
             E-Commerce Trading and Small Business

Chapter 1
Facilitating E-Commerce Adoption: An Electronic Customs
System .......................................................... 1
   Marta Raus, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
   Roman Boutellier, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Chapter 2
E-Commerce Trading Patterns within the SME Sector: An
Opportunity Missed? ............................................ 23
   Paul Jones, University of Glamorgan, UK
   Gary Packham, University of Glamorgan, UK
   David Pickernell, University of Glamorgan, UK
   Paul Beynon-Davies, Cardiff University, UK

                            Section 2
            E-Commerce and Small Business in Different
                      Countries and Regions

Chapter 3
E-Crime and Non-Compliance with Government Regulations on
E-Commerce: Barriers to E-Commerce Optimization in South
African SMEs ................................................... 47
   M.E. Kyobe, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Chapter 4
Determinants of E-Commerce Adoption among Small and Medium-
Sized Enterprises in Malaysia .................................. 67
   Sim Chia Hua, Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia
   Modapothala Jashua Rajesh, Swinburne University of
   Technology, Malaysia
   Lau Bee Theng, Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia

Chapter 5
E-Commerce and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in
S.E. Wales ..................................................... 86
   Brychan Thomas, University of Glamorgan, UK
   Geoff Simmons, University of Ulster, UK
   Gary Packham, University of Glamorgan, UK
   Christopher Miller, University of Glamorgan, UK

                            Section 3
               Internet Marketing and Small Business

Chapter 6
The Effectiveness of Internet Portals on the E-Commerce
Activities of Rural SME Business Owners: A Study of Rural
SMEs in Scotland .............................................. 100
   John Sanders, Heriot-Watt University, UK
   Laura Galloway, Heriot-Watt University, UK
   David Deakins, University of the West of Scotland, UK

Chapter 7
Internet Marketing and SMEs ................................... 116
   Daniel John Doiron, University of New Brunswick, Saint
   John Campus, Canada

                            Section 4
          The International Dimension of ICT, Websites and
                     E-Commerce for Small Business

Chapter 8
Small Business Sales Growth and Internationalization Links
to Web Site Functions in the United Kingdom ................... 139
   Robert Williams, NEO, UK
   Gary R Packham, University of Glamorgan, UK
   Brychan C. Thomas, University of Glamorgan, UK
   Piers Thompson, University of Wales Institute, UK

Chapter 9
ICT Opportunities Unlimited: The International Dimension in
Opportunity Development ....................................... 174
  Ingrid Wakkee, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  Peter van der Sijde, VU University Amsterdam,
  The Netherlands

                            Section 5
          E-Business and E-Marketing among Small Business

Chapter 10
E-Business among Ethnic Minority Businesses: The Case of
Ethnic Entrepreneurs .......................................... 187
   Martin Beckinsale, Leicester Business School, UK

Chapter 11
The 'Knock-on' Effect of E-Business upon Graphic Design SMEs
in South Wales ................................................ 208
   Lyndon Murphy, University of Wales Newport, UK
   Joanna Jones, University of Wales Newport, UK
   Huw Swayne, University of Glamorgan, UK
   Brychan Thomas, University of Glamorgan, UK

Chapter 12
Electronic Customer Relationship Management and SME
Marketing Practice: Exploring Potential Synergies ............. 220
   Fiona McMahon, University of Ulster, UK
   Aodheen O'Donnell, University of Ulster, UK

Chapter 13
Understanding the Factors Affecting the Adoption of
E-Marketing by Small Business Enterprises ..................... 237
   Hatem El-Gohary Bradford University School of
   Management, UK
   Myfanwy Trueman, Bradford University School of
   Management, UK
   Kyoko Fukukawa, Bradford University School of
   Management, UK

                            Section 6
              Small Business and Electronic Retailing

Chapter 14
Multichannel Integration for Small and Medium Retailers ....... 259
   Daniela Andreini, University of Bergamo, Italy

Chapter 15
E-Fulfilment and Offshore Centres: Economic Policy
Implications for Small Business ............................... 275
   Simon McCarthy, University of Glamorgan, UK
   Brychan Thomas, University of Glamorgan, UK
   Geoff Simmons, University of Ulster, UK

Compilation of References ..................................... 289
About the Contributors ........................................ 332
Index ......................................................... 259

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