1 Types of experimental complex plasmas ........................ 1
Vladimir E. Fortov, Alexey G. Khrapak, Vladimir I.
Molotkov, Gregor E. Morfill, Oleg F. Petrov, Hubertus M.
Thomas, Olga S. Vaulina, Sergey V. Vladimirov
1.1 Complex plasmas in rf discharges ........................ 3
1.1.1 The GEC-RF-Reference Cell ........................ 4
1.1.2 Symmetrically driven if discharge for
microgravity experiments ........................ 10
1.1.3 Complex plasmas in inductively coupled
discharges ...................................... 15
1.2 Complex plasmas in dc discharges ....................... 17
1.2.1 Ground-based experiments ........................ 17
1.2.2 Microgravity experiments ........................ 31
1.3 Thermal complex plasmas ................................ 36
1.3.1 Source of thermal plasma with macroparticles .... 37
1.3.2 Plasma diagnostics .............................. 38
1.3.3 Particle diagnostics ............................ 38
1.3.4 Spatially ordered structures in thermal
plasmas ......................................... 40
1.4 Other types of complex plasmas ......................... 41
1.4.1 Complex plasmas at cryogenic temperatures ....... 41
1.4.2 Experiments with complex plasma induced by
UV-radiation .................................... 45
1.4.3 Nuclear-induced and track complex plasmas ....... 49
1.4.4 Particle structures in a dc discharge in the
presence of magnetic fields ..................... 53
1.4.5 "Small" dust structures: Coulomb or Yukawa
clusters and balls .............................. 58
1.4.6 Complex plasmas with non-spherical particles .... 65
1.5 Formation and growth of dust particles ................. 73
2 Basic plasma-particle interactions .......................... 99
Sergey A. Khrapak and Alexey V. Ivlev
2.1 Charging of particles in complex plasmas ............... 99
2.1.1 Charging in collisionless plasmas .............. 100
2.1.2 Effect of plasma collisionality on the
particle charging .............................. 111
2.1.3 Experimental determination of the particle
charge ......................................... 118
2.1.4 Emission processes ............................. 123
2.1.5 Quasineutrality of complex plasmas ............. 125
2.1.6 Fluctuations of the particle charge ............ 125
2.2 Electric potential distribution around a particle ..... 127
2.2.1 Isotropic plasmas .............................. 127
2.2.2 Anisotropic plasmas ............................ 133
2.3 Interparticle interactions ............................ 136
2.3.1 Isotropic plasmas .............................. 136
2.3.2 Anisotropic plasmas ............................ 138
2.3.3 Experiments .................................... 139
2.4 Momentum exchange ..................................... 141
2.4.1 Momentum transfer cross section ................ 141
2.4.2 Momentum exchange rates ........................ 147
2.4.3 Momentum exchange diagram ...................... 149
2.5 Forces on particles ................................... 153
2.5.1 Ion drag force ................................. 153
2.5.2 Other forces ................................... 166
2.6 Particle surface temperature .......................... 168
3 Particle dynamics .......................................... 185
Alexey V. Ivlev
3.1 Vertical oscillations in an rf sheath ................. 185
3.2 Non-Hamiltonian dynamics .............................. 186
3.2.1 Role of variable charges ....................... 186
3.2.2 Role of plasma wakes ........................... 191
3.3 Kinetics of ensembles with variable charges ........... 193
4 Waves and instabilities .................................... 199
Alexey V. Ivlev and Sergey A. Khrapak
4.1 Wave excitation technique ............................. 200
4.2 Waves in ideal (gaseous) complex plasmas .............. 201
4.2.1 Major wave modes ............................... 202
4.2.2 Damping and instabilities ...................... 205
4.3 Waves in strongly coupled (liquid) complex plasmas .... 210
4.3.1 Longitudinal waves ............................. 212
4.3.2 Transverse waves ............................... 213
4.4 Waves in plasma crystals .............................. 214
4.4.1 One-dimensional strings ........................ 214
4.4.2 Two-dimensional triangular lattice ............. 215
4.4.3 Three-dimensional plasma crystals .............. 220
4.4.4 Instabilities in plasma crystals ............... 221
4.5 Nonlinear waves ....................................... 222
4.5.1 Ion solitons and shocks ........................ 222
4.5.2 Dust solitons and shocks ....................... 223
4.5.3 Mach cones ..................................... 227
5 Kinetic studies of fluids and solids with complex
plasmas .................................................... 239
Alexey V. Ivlev, Gregor E. Morfill, and Sergey A. Khrapak
5.1 Phase diagram of complex plasma ....................... 240
5.2 Strongly coupled fluids ............................... 244
5.2.1 Atomistic dynamics in fluids ................... 245
5.2.2 Kinetics of stable shear flows ................. 249
5.2.3 Kinetics of heat transport ..................... 252
5.2.4 Hydrodynamics at the discreteness limit ........ 255
5.2.5 Confined fluids ................................ 261
5.2.6 Electrorheological fluids ...................... 263
5.3 Solids ................................................ 268
5.3.1 Atomistic dynamics in crystals ................. 268
5.3.2 Scalings in 2D crystallization ................. 270
5.3.3 Dynamics of dislocations ....................... 274
5.3.4 3D crystallization ............................. 276
6 Dusty plasmas in the solar system .......................... 291
Mihály Horányi, Ove Havnes, Gregor E. Morfill
6.1 Introduction .......................................... 291
6.2 Noctilucent clouds .................................... 291
6.3 Planetary rings ....................................... 296
6.3.1 Simplified dynamics ............................ 296
6.3.2 Saturn's E-ring ................................ 299
6.3.3 Spokes ......................................... 302
6.4 Lunar surface ......................................... 306
6.4.1 Imaging ........................................ 307
6.4.2 Plasma and electric field measurements ......... 309
6.4.3 Dust measurements .............................. 312
6.4.4 The lunar dust environment ..................... 314
6.5 Summary ............................................... 315
7 Numerical simulation of complex plasmas .................... 325
Olga S. Vaulina and Boris A. Klumov
7.1 Molecular dynamics simulations of complex plasmas:
Basic concepts ........................................ 325
7.1.1 Methods of simulation of the dynamics of dust
particles ...................................... 325
7.1.2 Equations of motion of dust particles .......... 326
7.2 Numerical simulation of spatial correlations between
dust particles ........................................ 329
7.2.1 Pair and three-particle correlation
functions ...................................... 329
7.2.2 Pair correlation functions and phase states
of the particle subsystems ..................... 334
7.3 Transport properties of complex plasma: Numerical
study ................................................. 337
7.3.1 Transport of particles in non-ideal media ...... 337
7.3.2 Diffusivity .................................... 339
7.3.3 Viscosity ...................................... 344
7.4 Complex plasmas in narrow channels .................... 347
7.4.1 2D complex plasmas in narrow channels .......... 347
7.4.2 3D complex plasmas in narrow channels .......... 351
7.5 Crystallization waves in complex plasmas .............. 357
7.5.1 Local order analysis of 3D data ................ 362
7.6 On the role of dust in cometary plasma ................ 367
7.7 Electronegative complex plasmas ....................... 375
8 Diagnostics of complex plasma .............................. 385
Oleg F. Petrov and Olga S. Vaulina
8.1 Introduction .......................................... 385
8.2 Light scattering and absorption measurements .......... 385
8.2.1 Mie theory ..................................... 386
8.2.2 Determination of the size, concentration, and
refractive index of particles .................. 388
8.3 Spectral methods of determination of particle
parameters ............................................ 392
8.3.1 Particle temperature ........................... 392
8.3.2 The spectrometric method of the particle size
and refractive index determination ............. 396
8.3.3 Simultaneous determination of the particle
size, refractive index, and temperature ........ 396
8.3.4 The effect of particles on the determination
of the concentration of alkali metal atoms
and the gas temperature ........................ 397
9 Applications ............................................... 401
Vladimir E. Fortov, Alexey G. Khrapak, Sergey
V. Vladimirov
9.1 Technological and industrial aspects .................. 401
9.2 Dust in fusion reactors ............................... 404
9.3 Nuclear photovoltaic electric battery ................. 407
Index ......................................................... 413