Ronse De Craene L.P. Floral diagrams: an aid to understanding flower morphology and evolution (Cambridge, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRonse De Craene L.P. Floral diagrams: an aid to understanding flower morphology and evolution. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. - xv, 441 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.465-402. - Glossary: p.403-413. - Taxonomic ind.: p.414-429. - Sub. ind.: p.430-441. - ISBN 978-0-521-49346-8

Оглавление / Contents
   Foreword .................................................... xi
   Preface ................................................... xiii
   Acknowledgments ............................................. xv

Part I   Introduction to floral diagrams ........................ 1

1  Introduction to flower morphology ............................ 3
   1.1  Definition of flowers ................................... 3
   1.2  Floral organs ........................................... 5
        1.2.1  Perianth ......................................... 5
        1.2.2  Androecium ....................................... 8
        1.2.3  Gynoecium ....................................... 14
   1.3  The floral axis and receptacle ......................... 18
   1.4  Floral nectaries ....................................... 21
   1.5  Relationship of flowers with inflorescences ............ 22
        1.5.1  Terminal and lateral flowers .................... 22
        1.5.2  Pseudanthia ..................................... 23
        1.5.3  Bracts and bracteoles ........................... 24
        1.5.4  Epicalyx and calyculus .......................... 24
   1.6  Symmetry and orientation of flowers .................... 25
   1.7  Phyllotaxis ............................................ 28
        1.7.1  Whorls and spirals .............................. 28
        1.7.2  Merism .......................................... 30
        1.7.3  Aestivation patterns ............................ 32
   1.8  Fusion of floral parts ................................. 33
        1.8.1  Congenital and postgenital fusion ............... 33
        1.8.2  Sympetaly and common stamen-petal tubes ......... 34
2  Floral diagrams ............................................. 36
   2.1  Definition and significance of floral diagrams ......... 36
   2.2  Types of floral diagrams ............................... 37
   2.3  Floral diagrams and floral formulae .................... 38
   2.4  Problems of three-dimensional complexity ............... 39
   2.5  Representation of accessory structures ................. 41
   2.6  Floral heteromorphism and unisexual flowers ............ 43
   2.7  Floral development and floral diagrams ................. 44
   2.8  Evolutionary developmental genetics and floral
        diagrams ............................................... 48
3  Floral diagrams used in this book ........................... 51

Part II Floral diagrams in the major clades .................... 55

4  Systematic significance of floral diagrams .................. 57
   4.1  Floral diagrams and molecular phylogeny ................ 57
        4.1.1  Molecular and morphological characters .......... 57
        4.1.2  The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification ... 59
        4.1.3  Fossil flowers and floral diagrams .............. 61
   4.2  Overview of floral diagrams in the major clades of
        flowering plants ....................................... 62
5  Basal angiosperms: the ascent of flowers .................... 63
   5.1  The ANA-grade: Amborellales, Austrobaileyales,
        Nymphaeales ............................................ 63
   5.2  Magnoliales ............................................ 70
   5.3  Laurales ............................................... 75
   5.4  Piperales .............................................. 82
6  Monocots: variation on a trimerous Bauplan .................. 88
   6.1  The basal monocots: Acorales and Alismatales ........... 88
   6.2  The lilioids: Asparagales, Dioscoreales, Pandanales,
        Liliales ............................................... 98
   6.3  The commelinids: Arecales, Commelinales, Poales,
        Zingiberales .......................................... 112
7  Early diverging eudicots: a transition between two
   worlds ..................................................... 129
   7.1  Ranunculales .......................................... 129
   7.2  The basal eudicot grade: Sabiales, Proteales,
        Trochodendrales, Buxales .............................. 140
8  Basal core eudicots: the event of pentamerous flowers ...... 149
   8.1  Gunnerales and Berberidopsidales ...................... 149
   8.2  Santalales ............................................ 154
   8.3  Dilleniales ........................................... 159
9  Caryophyllids: how to reinvent lost petals ................. 163
   9.1  Polygonales ........................................... 164
   9.2  Core Caryophyllales ................................... 175
10 Rosids: the diplostemonous alliance ........................ 193
   10.1 Saxifragales .......................................... 193
   10.2 Malvids ............................................... 203
        10.2.1 Early diverging malvids: Geraniales,
               Myrtales ....................................... 203
        10.2.2 Remaining malvids: Malvales, Brassicales,
               Sapindales ..................................... 217
   10.3  Fabids ............................................... 243
        10.3.1 COM-clade: Celastrales-Oxalidales-
               Malpighiales ................................... 244
        10.3.2 Remaining fabids: Cucurbitales, Fabales,
               Fagales, Rosales ............................... 269
11 Asterids: tubes and pseudanthia ............................ 292
   11.1 Basal asterids: Cornales, Ericales .................... 292
   11.2 Lamiids: Solanales, Gentianales, Lamiales ............. 314
   11.3 Campanulids: Dipsacales, Apiales, Asterales ........... 333

Part III Conclusions .......................................... 349

12 Distinctive systematic characters and cryptic
   apomorphies ................................................ 351
13 Floral diagrams and major angiosperm groups ................ 353
   13.1 Basal angiosperms, monocots and early diverging
        eudicots .............................................. 353
   13.2 Core eudicots ......................................... 357
14 Outlook .................................................... 364

   References ................................................. 365
   Glossary ................................................... 403
   Taxonomic index ............................................ 414
   Subject index .............................................. 430

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