Pulvers J.N. The roles of the genes <I>Aspm</I> and <I>Brcal</I> in the development of the mouse neocortex: Diss. ... Dr. rer. nat. (Dresden, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPulvers J.N. The roles of the genes Aspm and Brcal in the development of the mouse neocortex: Diss. ... Dr. rer. nat. - Dresden: Technische Universität, 2009. - 97 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.79-96.

Оглавление / Contents
Table of figures ................................................ 6
Table of tables ................................................. 7
Abbreviations ................................................... 8
Summary ......................................................... 9
Acknowledgements ............................................... 11

1  Introduction ................................................ 12
   1.1  Development of the mammalian neocortex ................. 12
        1.1.1  The mammalian embryonic neural tube ............. 12
        1.1.2  The development and organisation of the
               neocortex ....................................... 13
   1.2  Neural progenitor cells of the mammalian neocortex ..... 15
        1.2.1  Neuroepithelial cells ........................... 15
        1.2.2  Radial glial cells .............................. 15
        1.2.3  Basal (intermediate) progenitor cells ........... 15
        1.2.4  Neural progenitor lineages and modes of
               division ........................................ 16
        1.2.5  Mitosis of neural progenitor cells .............. 17
        1.2.6  Apoptosis of neural progenitor cells ............ 17
   1.3  Neural progenitor proliferation and differentiation .... 18
        1.3.1  Onset and gradient of neurogenesis .............. 18
        1.3.2  Symmetric versus asymmetric progenitor cell
               division ........................................ 18
   1.4  Regulation of neocortex size and cytoarchitecture ...... 19
        1.4.1  Radial unit hypothesis and cortical size ........ 19
        1.4.2  Subventricular zone progenitors and cortical
               size ............................................ 19
        1.4.3  Radial neuronal migration ....................... 20
        1.4.4  Tangential neuronal migration ................... 20
        1.4.5  Human genetic disorders of cortical
               development ..................................... 21
        1.4.6  Neural progenitor apoptosis and brain size
               regulation ...................................... 22
   1.5  Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly ............... 23
        1.5.1  Clinical definitions ............................ 23
        1.5.2  Mapped loci and identified genes ................ 23
        1.5.3  Molecular evolution of microcephaly genes ....... 24
   1.6  Aspm ................................................... 26
        1.6.1  Primary microcephaly (MCPH5) .................... 26
        1.6.2  Aspm protein domains and interaction partners ... 28
        1.6.3  Expression pattern and subcellular
               localisation .................................... 29
        1.6.4  Abnormal spindle - Drosophila melanogaster ...... 29
        1.6.5  Role of ASPM in brain development ............... 30
        1.6.6  ASPM and brain size evolution ................... 30
   1.7  Brca1 .................................................. 31
        1.7.1  Tumour suppression and breast cancer
               susceptibility .................................. 31
        1.7.2  Brca1 protein domains and interaction
               partners ........................................ 31
        1.7.3  Expression pattern and subcellular
               localisation .................................... 32
        1.7.4  Brca1 knockout mouse models ..................... 32
        1.7.5  Role of Brca1 in brain development .............. 32
   1.8  Aims of this study ..................................... 33
        1.8.1  Regulation of cortical size ..................... 33
        1.8.2  The function of Aspm in cortical development .... 33
        1.8.3  The function of Brca1 in cortical development ... 33

2  Results ..................................................... 34
   2.1  Role of Aspm in the development of the neocortex ....... 34
        2.1.1  Generation of Aspm gene trap mutant mice ........ 34
        2.1.2  Generation of ASPM humanised mice ............... 36
        2.1.3  Brain size reduction in Aspm mutants, rescued
               by HsASPM ....................................... 36
        2.1.4  Subcellular localisation of mutant Aspm
               proteins ........................................ 39
        2.1.5  Mitotic progression and cleavage plane
               orientation ..................................... 43
   2.2  Role of Brca1 in the development of the neocortex ...... 45
        2.2.1  Cerebral cortex-specific ablation of Brca1 ...... 45
        2.2.2  Conditional Brca1 ablation results in smaller
               neocortex ....................................... 45
        2.2.3  Cortical layering is not perturbed upon Brca1
               ablation ........................................ 47
        2.2.4  Reduction in deep-layer but not upper-layer
               neurons upon Brca1 ablation ..................... 50
        2.2.5  Ventricular surface and progenitor number
               reduction upon Brca1 ablation ................... 51
        2.2.6  Conditional Brca1 ablation causes apoptosis in
               progenitors and neurons ......................... 51
        2.2.7  Conditional Brca1 ablation does not alter the
               mitotic index ................................... 55
        2.2.8  No alteration in the Tbr2 lineage upon Brca1
               ablation ........................................ 57
        2.2.9  Increase in nuclear translocation of p53 upon
               Brca1 ablation .................................. 58

3  Discussion .................................................. 60
   3.1  Role of Aspm in the development of the neocortex ....... 60
        3.1.1  Aspm as a regulator of brain size ............... 60
        3.1.2  Aspm and regulation of cleavage plane
               orientation ..................................... 61
        3.1.3  Function of the Aspm C-terminal domain .......... 62
   3.2  Role of В real in the development of the neocortex ..... 64
        3.2.1  Brca1 and the regulation of neocortex size ...... 64
        3.2.2  Specificity and extent of increased apoptosis ... 64
        3.2.3  Molecular cause of increased apoptosis upon
               Brca1 ablation .................................. 66
        3.2.4  Role of Brca1 in mammalian brain evolution ...... 66

4  Materials and Methods ....................................... 67
   4.1  Materials .............................................. 67
        4.1.1  Equipment ....................................... 67
        4.1.2  Chemicals ....................................... 68
        4.1.3  Reagents and buffers ............................ 68
        4.1.4  Kits ............................................ 70
        4.1.5  Antibodies ...................................... 71
        4.1.6  Oligonucleotides ................................ 71
        4.1.7  Plasmids ........................................ 73
        4.1.8  Bacterial strains and cell lines ................ 73
        4.1.9  Mouse lines ..................................... 73
        4.1.10 Computer software ............................... 74
   4.2  Methods ................................................ 75
        4.2.1  Tissue dissection, processing, and sectioning ... 75
        4.2.2  Cell culture and transfection ................... 75
        4.2.3  Immunofluorescence staining ..................... 75
        4.2.4  TUNEL staining .................................. 75
        4.2.5  BrdU administration and detection ............... 75
        4.2.6  In situ hybridisation ........................... 76
        4.2.7  Nissl staining .................................. 76
        4.2.8  Nucleic acid extraction and purification, PCR,
               and cloning ..................................... 76
        4.2.9  Genotyping of mouse lines ....................... 77
        4.2.10 Brain size measurement on histological
               sections ........................................ 78
        4.2.11 Microscopy and image processing ................. 78
        4.2.12 Statistical data analysis and graph plotting .... 78

5  References .................................................. 79

6  List of publications ........................................ 97

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