Goldstein N. Global warming (New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGoldstein N. Global warming / foreword by K.H.Cook. - New York: Facts On File, 2009. - xi, 340 p. - (Global issues). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.327-340. - ISBN 978-0-8160-6769-5

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword by Kerry Harrison Cook ................................. v
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................. ix

PART I  At issue

Chapter 1  Introduction ......................................... 3
   Historical Background ........................................ 3
   The Science of Climate Change ................................ 6
   Present and Future Climate Change ........................... 34
   Adaptation and Mitigation ................................... 54

Chapter 2  Focus on the United States .......................... 66
   Historical Background ....................................... 66
   Climate Change and the United States ........................ 85
   Adaptation and Mitigation ................................... 91

Chapter 3  Global Perspectives ................................ 102
   Brazil: Fuel v. Forests .................................... 102
   Australia: High and Dry .................................... 109
   Germany: Leader of the Pack ................................ 116
   China: The Development Dilemma ............................. 122

PART II  Primary Sources

Chapter 4  United States Documents ............................ 139

Chapter 5  International Documents ............................ 194

PART III  Research Tools

Chapter 6  How to Research Global Warming ..................... 221
   Using This Book's Resources ................................ 221
   Finding Information Independently .......................... 222
   Accessing the Library's Information Online ................. 223
   Using the Internet to Find Information ..................... 224
   Finding Reliable Information ............................... 225

Chapter 7  Facts and Figures .................................. 232
   Science and Global Climate Change .......................... 232
   United States .............................................. 246

Chapter 8  Key Players A to Z ................................. 252

Chapter 9  Organizations and Agencies ......................... 261

Chapter 10 Annotated Bibliography ............................. 275
   Science .................................................... 276
   Policy, Impacts, and Mitigation ............................ 288
   Nonprint Resources ......................................... 300
   Web Sites and Documents .................................... 304

Chronology .................................................... 311
Glossary ...................................................... 320
Index ......................................................... 327

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