Duckworth D.S. Mipam on Buddha-nature: the ground of the Nyingma tradition (Albany, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDuckworth D.S. Mipam on Buddha-nature: the ground of the Nyingma tradition. - Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008. - xxxiv, 292 p. - Bibliogr.: p.265-279. - Ind.: p.281-292. - ISBN 978-0-7914-7521-8

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
   Introduction ................................................ xi
   Presence and Absence ....................................... xii
   Historical Survey ......................................... xvii
   Monastic Education and the Nonsectarian Movement ............ xx
   Life and Works of Mipam .................................. xxiii
   Summary of Contents ..................................... xxviii
   The End of the Beginning ................................. xxxii

Chapter 1. Buddha-Nature and the Unity of the Two Truths ........ 1
   Introduction ................................................. 1
   Mipam's Synthesis ............................................ 4
   Two Truths ................................................... 6
   Buddha-Nature as the Unity of Appearance and
   Emptiness ................................................... 13
   Buddha-Nature as the Definitive Meaning ..................... 20
   Conclusion .................................................. 26

Chapter 2. Middle Way of Prāsaṅgika and Yogācāra ............... 27
   Introduction ................................................ 27
   Svātantrika-Prāsaṅgika ...................................... 28
   Dialectical Ascent .......................................... 39
   Foundations of Yogācāra ..................................... 45
   Prāsaṅgika versus Yogācāra .................................. 51
   Conclusion .................................................. 53

Chapter 3. The Present Absence ................................. 55
   Introduction ................................................ 55
   Other-Emptiness in the Jonang ............................... 57
   Other-Emptiness and the Nyingma: Lochen Dharmaśrī ........... 66
   Another Emptiness? Emptiness of Self / Other ................ 71
   Phenomena and Suchness ...................................... 73
   De / limiting Emptiness ..................................... 81
   Emptiness as the Unity of Appearance and Emptiness .......... 85
   Conclusion .................................................. 91

Chapter 4. Buddha-Nature and the Ground of the Great
   Perfection .................................................. 93
   Introduction ................................................ 93
   Distinguishing the Views on Buddha-Nature ................... 94
   Buddha-Nature as Heritage, Buddha-Nature as the Ground ...... 99
   Appearance and Reality ..................................... 107
   Conclusion ................................................. 114

Chapter 5. The Indivisible Ground and Fruition ................ 117
   Introduction ............................................... 117
   Establishing Buddha-Nature: The Immanent Buddha ............ 118
   Establishing Appearances as Divine ......................... 124
   Buddha-Nature and a Difference Between Sutra and Mantra .... 131
   Conclusion ................................................. 139

Conclusion .................................................... 141

Translations of Primary Texts ................................. 145
   Appendix 1. Lion's Roar: Exposition of Buddha-Nature ....... 147
      Stating Other Traditions ................................ 149
      Presenting Our Authentic Tradition ...................... 153
         The Meaning of the First Verse "Because the body of
         the perfect Buddha is radiant" ....................... 153
         The Meaning of the Second Verse "Because thusness
         is indivisible" ...................................... 159
         The Meaning of the Third Verse "Because of
         possessing heritage" ................................. 162
      Refuting the View that [the Basic Element] Is Truly
      Established and Not Empty ............................... 167
      Refuting the View that [the Basic Element] Is a Void
      Emptiness ............................................... 168
      Refuting the Apprehension of [the Basic Element] as
      Impermanent and Conditioned ............................. 170
   Appendix 2. Notes on the Essential Points of [Mipam's] 
      Exposition [of Buddha-Nature] ........................... 181
Notes ......................................................... 191
Bibliography .................................................. 265
Index ......................................................... 281

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