Pretzsch H. Forest dynamics, growth and yield: from measurement to model (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPretzsch H. Forest dynamics, growth and yield: from measurement to model. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. - xix, 664 p.: ill., maps. - Ref.: p.619-653. - Ind.: p.655-664. - ISBN 978-3-642-14861-3

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Forest Dynamics, Growth, and Yield: A Review, Analysis
   of the Present State, and Perspective ........................ 1
   1.1  System Characteristics of Trees and Forest Stands ....... 1
        1.1.1  Differences in the Temporal and Spatial Scale
               Between Trees and Humans ......................... 2
        1.1.2  Forest Stands are Open Systems ................... 6
        1.1.3  Forests are Strongly Structurally Determined
               Systems .......................................... 8
        1.1.4  Trees, Forest Stands, and Forest Ecosystems
               are Shaped by History ........................... 11
        1.1.5  Forests are Equipped with and Regulated by
               Closed Feedback Loops ........................... 12
        1.1.6  Forest Ecosystems are Organised
               Hierarchically .................................. 14
        1.1.7  Forest Stands are Systems with Multiple
               Output Variables ................................ 20
   1.2  From Forest Stand to Gene Level: The Ongoing Spatial
        and Temporal Refinement in Analysis and Modelling
        of Tree and Forest Stand Dynamics ...................... 21
        1.2.1  Experiments, Inventories, and Measurement
               of Structures and Rates ......................... 22
        1.2.2  From Proxy Variables to "Primary" Factors for
               Explanations and Estimations of Stand and Tree
               Growth .......................................... 24
        1.2.3  From Early Experience Tables to
               Ecophysiologically Based Computer Models ........ 26
   1.3  Bridging the Widening Gap Between Scientific Evidence
        and Practical Relevance ................................ 29
        1.3.1  Scale Overlapping Experiments ................... 29
        1.3.2  Interdisciplinary Links Through Indicator
               Variables ....................................... 31
        1.3.3  Link Between Experiments, Inventories, and
               Monitoring by Classification Variables .......... 32
        1.3.4  Model Development ............................... 33
        1.3.5  Link Between Models and Inventories: From
               Deductive to Inductive Approaches ............... 35
   Summary ..................................................... 37
2  From Primary Production to Growth and Harvestable Yield
   and Vice Versa: Specific Definitions and the Link Between
   Two Branches of Forest Science .............................. 41
   2.1  Link Between Forest Growth and Yield Science and
        Production Ecology ..................................... 41
   2.2  General Definitions and Quantities: Primary
        Production, Growth and Yield ........................... 42
        2.2.1  Gross and Net Primary Production ................ 44
        2.2.2  Gross and Net Growth ............................ 46
        2.2.3  Gross and Net Yield ............................. 47
   2.3  Specific Terminology and Quantities in Forest Growth
        and Yield Science ...................................... 48
        2.3.1  Growth and Yield of Individual Trees ............ 50
        2.3.2  Growth and Yield at the Stand Level ............. 56
   2.4  Stem and Merchantable Volume Growth as a Percentage
        of Gross Primary Production ............................ 64
        2.4.1  From Standing Volume or Stem or Merchantable
               Wood Volume to Total Biomass .................... 66
        2.4.2  Ephemeral Turnover Factor torg, for Estimation
               of NPP .......................................... 72
        2.4.3  Deriving Harvested Volume Under Bark from
               Standing Volume over Bark ....................... 76
        2.4.4  Conversion of Merchantable Wood Volume to GPP ... 78
   2.5  Dead Inner Xylem ....................................... 81
   2.6  Growth and Yield and Nutrient Content .................. 84
        2.6.1  From Total Biomass to the Carbon Pool ........... 85
        2.6.2  Nutrient Minerals ............................... 85
   2.7  Efficiency of Energy, Nitrogen, and Water Use .......... 89
        2.7.1  Energy Use Efficiency (EUE) ..................... 90
        2.7.2  Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) ................... 93
        2.7.3  Water Use Efficiency (WUE) ...................... 94
   Summary ..................................................... 95
3  Brief History and Profile of Long-Term Growth and Yield
   Research ................................................... 101
   3.1  From Rules of Thumb to Sound Knowledge ................ 101
   3.2  Foundation and Development of Experimental Forestry ... 104
   3.3  From the Association of German Forest Research
        Stations to the International Union of Forest
        Research Organizations (IUFRO) ........................ 105
   3.4  Growth and Yield Science Section of the German Union
        of Forest Research Organisations ...................... 105
   3.5  Continuity in Management of Long-Term Experiment
        Plots in Bavaria as a Model of Success ................ 107
   3.6  Scientific and Practical Experiments .................. 110
   3.7  Establishment and Survey of Long-Term Experimental
        Plots ................................................. 112
        3.7.1  Establishment of Experimental Plots and Trial
               Plots .......................................... 112
        3.7.2  Measuring Standing and Lying Trees ............. 115
   Summary .................................................... 118
4  Planning Forest Growth and Yield Experiments ............... 121
   4.1  Key Terminology in the Design of Long-Term
        Experiments ........................................... 121
   4.2  The Experimental Question and its Four Component
        Questions ............................................. 123
        4.2.1  Which Question Should Be Answered? ............. 123
        4.2.2  With What Level of Accuracy Should the
               Question be Answered? .......................... 124
        4.2.3  What Level of Spatial-Temporal Resolution is
               Wanted in the Explanation? ..................... 124
        4.2.4  Why and for What Purpose Should the Question
               be Answered? ................................... 124
   4.3  Biological Variability and Replicates ................. 125
        4.3.1  Total Population and Sample .................... 125
   4.4  Size of Experimental Plot and Trial Plot Number ....... 126
   4.5  Block Formation and Randomisation: Elimination of
        Systematic Error ...................................... 128
   4.6  Classical Experimental Designs ........................ 129
        4.6.1  One-Factor Designs ............................. 130
        4.6.2  Two-Factor or Multifactor Analysis ............. 133
        4.6.3  Split-Plot and Split-Block Designs ............. 137
        4.6.4  Trial Series and Disjunct Experimental Plots ... 139
   4.7  Special Experimental Designs and Forest Growth
        Surveys ............................................... 141
        4.7.1  From Stand to Individual Tree Experiments ...... 141
        4.7.2  Experiments and Surveys of Growth
               Disturbances ................................... 144
        4.7.3  Artificial Time Series or Growth Series ........ 145
   Summary .................................................... 148
5  Description and Quantification of Silvicultural
   Prescriptions .............................................. 151
   5.1  Kind of Thinning ...................................... 154
        5.1.1  Thinning According to Social Tree Classes
               by Kraft (1884) ................................ 154
        5.1.2  Thinning According to Combined Tree and Stem
               Quality Classes from the Association of
               German Forest Research Stations (1902) ......... 156
        5.1.3  Thinning After the Selection of Superior or
               Final Crop Trees ............................... 160
        5.1.4  Thinning Based on Diameter Class or Target
               Diameter ....................................... 164
   5.2  Severity of Thinning .................................. 166
        5.2.1  Thinning Based on a Target Stand Density
               Curve .......................................... 167
        5.2.2  Approaches for Regulating Thinning Severity
               and Stand Density .............................. 167
        5.2.3  Selection of Density Classes ................... 170
        5.2.4  Management of Stand Density in Fertilisation
               and Provenance Trials .......................... 171
        5.2.5  Individual Tree Based Thinning Prescriptions ... 172
   5.3  Intensity of Thinning ................................. 175
   5.4  Algorithmic Formulation of Silvicultural
        Prescriptions for Forest Practice and Growth and
        Yield Models .......................................... 177
   Summary .................................................... 178
6  Standard Analysis of Long-Term Experimental Plots .......... 181
   6.1  From Measurement to Response Variables ................ 183
   6.2  Importance of Regression Sampling for Standard
        Analysis .............................................. 184
        6.2.1  Principle of Regression Sampling ............... 184
        6.2.2  Linear Transformation .......................... 184
   6.3  Determination of Stand-Height Curves .................. 186
        6.3.1  Function Equations for Diameter-Height
               Relationships .................................. 187
        6.3.2  Selection of the Most Suitable Model
               Function ....................................... 188
   6.4  Diameter-Height-Age Relationships ..................... 189
        6.4.1  Method of Smoothing Coefficients ............... 191
        6.4.2  Growth Function Methods for Strata Mean
               Trees .......................................... 193
        6.4.3  Age-Diameter-Height Regression Methods ......... 195
   6.5  Form Factors and Volume Calculations for Individual
        Trees ................................................. 196
        6.5.1  Form Factors ................................... 197
        6.5.2  Volume Calculations for Individual Trees ....... 199
   6.6  Stand Mean and Cumulative Values at the Time of
        Inventory and for the Periods Between Inventories ..... 199
        6.6.1  Reference Area ................................. 199
        6.6.2  Tree Number .................................... 199
        6.6.3  Mean Diameter and Mean Diameter of the Top
               Height Tree Collective ......................... 200
        6.6.4  Mean and Top Height ............................ 201
        6.6.5  Slenderness hq/dq and h100/d100 .................. 203
        6.6.6  Stand Basal Area and Volume .................... 203
        6.6.7  Growth and Yield Characteristics ............... 204
   6.7  Results of Standard Analysis .......................... 205
        6.7.1  Presentation in Tables ......................... 205
        6.7.2  Stand Development Diagrams ..................... 211
   Summary .................................................... 220
7  Description and Analysis of Stand Structures ............... 223
   7.1  Structures and Processes in Forest Stands ............. 225
        7.1.1  Interaction Between Structures and Processes ... 225
        7.1.2  Effect of Initial Structure on Stand
               Development .................................... 227
   7.2  Descriptions of Stand Structure ....................... 229
        7.2.1  Tree Distribution Maps and Crown Maps .......... 230
        7.2.2  Three-Dimensional Visualisation of Forest
               Growth ......................................... 234
        7.2.3  Spatial Occupancy Patterns ..................... 239
   7.3  Horizontal Tree Distribution Patterns ................. 242
        7.3.1  Poisson Distribution as a Reference for
               Analysing Stand Structures ..................... 243
        7.3.2  Position-Dependent Distribution Indices ........ 246
        7.3.3  Distribution Indices Based on Sample
               Quadrats ....................................... 252
        7.3.4  K-Function ..................................... 256
        7.3.5  L-Function ..................................... 260
        7.3.6  Pair Correlation Functions for Detailed
               Analysis of Tree Distribution Patterns ......... 261
   7.4  Stand Density ......................................... 266
        7.4.1  Stocking Density ............................... 266
        7.4.2  Percentage Canopy Cover (PCC) .................. 267
        7.4.3  Mean Basal Area, mBA, by Assmann (1970) ........ 269
        7.4.4  Quantifying Stand Density from the Allometry
               Between Mean Size and Plants per Unit Area ..... 270
        7.4.5  Crown Competition Factor CCF ................... 273
        7.4.6  Density of Spatial Occupancy and Vertical
               Profiles ....................................... 274
   7.5  Differentiation ....................................... 276
        7.5.1  Coefficient of Variation of Tree Diameters
               and Heights .................................... 276
        7.5.2  Diameter Differentiation by Füldner (1995) ..... 276
        7.5.3  Species Richness, Species Diversity, and
               Structural Diversity ........................... 279
   7.6  Species Intermingling ................................. 284
        7.6.1  Species Intermingling Index by Fuldner
               (1996) ......................................... 284
        7.6.2  Index of Segregation from Pielou (1977) ........ 285
   Summary .................................................... 287
8  Growing Space and Competitive Situation of Individual
   Trees ...................................................... 291
   8.1  The Stand as a Mosaic of Individual Trees ............. 292
   8.2  Position-Dependent Competition Indices ................ 292
        8.2.1  Example of Competitor Identification and
               Competition Calculation ........................ 293
        8.2.2  Methods of Competitor Identification ........... 295
        8.2.3  Quantifying the Level of Competition ........... 299
        8.2.4  Evaluation of Methods .......................... 302
   8.3  Position-Independent Competition Measures ............. 305
        8.3.1  Crown Competition Factor ....................... 305
        8.3.2  Horizontal Cross-Section Methods ............... 306
        8.3.3  Percentile of the Basal Area Frequency
               Distribution ................................... 307
        8.3.4  Comparing Position-Independent with Position-
               Dependent Competition Indices .................. 308
   8.4  Methods Based on Growing Area ......................... 311
        8.4.1  Circle Segment Method .......................... 311
        8.4.2  Rastering the Stand Area ....................... 312
        8.4.3  Growing Area Polygons .......................... 313
   8.5  Detailed Analysis of a Tree's Spatial Growth
        Constellation ......................................... 315
        8.5.1  Spatial Rastering and Dot Counting ............. 315
        8.5.2  Calculation of Spatial Distances ............... 318
        8.5.3  Crown Growth Responses to Lateral
               Restriction .................................... 320
   8.6  Hemispherical Images for Quantifying the Competitive
        Situation of Individual Trees ......................... 321
        8.6.1  Fish-Eye Images as a Basis for Spatial
               Analyses ....................................... 321
        8.6.2  Methodological Principles of Fish-Eye
               Projection in Forest Stands .................... 323
        8.6.3  Quantifying the Competitive Situation of
               Individual Trees in a Norway Spruce-European
               Beech Mixed Stand .............................. 325
   8.7  Edge Correction Methods ............................... 326
        8.7.1  Edge Effects and Edge Correction Methods ....... 326
        8.7.2  Reflection and Shift ........................... 327
        8.7.3  Linear Expansion ............................... 328
        8.7.4  Structure Generation ........................... 332
        8.7.5  Evaluation of Edge Correction Methods .......... 333
   Summary .................................................... 334
9  Effects of Species Mixture on Tree and Stand Growth ........ 337
   9.1  Introduction: Increasing Productivity with Species
        Mixtures? ............................................. 337
        9.1.1  Fundamental Niche and Niche Differentiation .... 338
        9.1.2  Maximizing Fitness isn't Equivalent to
               Maximizing Productivity ........................ 340
        9.1.3  The Balance Between Production Promoting
               and Inhibiting Effects is Important ............ 341
   9.2  Framework for Analysing Mixing Effects ................ 343
        9.2.1  Ecological Niche ............................... 343
        9.2.2  Site-Growth Relationships ...................... 344
        9.2.3  Risk Distribution .............................. 344
        9.2.4  Comparison of Mixed Stands with Neighbouring
               Pure Stands: Methodological Considerations ..... 348
   9.3  Quantifying Effects of Species Mixture at Stand
        Level ................................................. 351
        9.3.1  Cross-Species Diagrams for Visualising
               Mixture Effects ................................ 351
        9.3.2  Nomenclature, Relations and Variables for
               Analysing Mixture Effects ...................... 352
        9.3.3  Mixture Proportion ............................. 354
        9.3.4  Examining Effects of Species Mixture on
               Biomass Productivity in Norway Spruce-
               European Beech Stands: An Example .............. 356
        9.3.5  Examining Mean Tree Size in Norway Spruce-
               European Beech Stands: An Example .............. 360
   9.4  Quantifying Mixture Effects at the Individual Tree
        Level ................................................. 363
        9.4.1  Efficiency Parameters for Individual Tree
               Growth ......................................... 363
        9.4.2  Application of Efficiency Parameters for
               Detecting Mixture Effects ...................... 365
   9.5  Productivity in Mixed Forest Stands ................... 371
        9.5.1  The Mixed Stands Issue: A Central European
               Review and Perspective ......................... 371
        9.5.2  Benchmarks for Productivity of Mixed Stands
               Compared to Pure Stands ........................ 372
        9.5.3  Spatial and Temporal Niche Differentiation as
               a Recipe for Coexistence and Cause of Surplus
               Productivity ................................... 375
        9.5.4  Crown Shyness .................................. 376
        9.5.5  Growth Resilience with Structural and Species
               Diversity ...................................... 377
   Summary .................................................... 378
10 Growth Relationships and their Biometric Formulation ....... 381
   10.1 Dependence of Growth on Environmental Conditions and
        Resource Availability ................................. 381
        10.1.1 Unimodal Dose-Effect-Curve ..................... 381
        10.1.2 Dose-Effect-Rule by Mitscherlich (1948) ........ 383
        10.1.3 Combining the Effects of Several Growth
               Factors ........................................ 386
   10.2 Allometry at the Individual Plant Level ............... 387
        10.2.1 Allometry and Its Biometric Formulation ........ 387
        10.2.2 Examples of Allometry at the Individual Plant
               Level .......................................... 389
        10.2.3 Detection of Periodic Changes in Allometry ..... 391
   10.3 Growth and Yield Functions of Individual Plants ....... 393
        10.3.1 Physiological Reasoning and Biometrical
               Formulation of Growth Functions ................ 393
        10.3.2 Overview Over Approved Growth and Yield
               Functions ...................................... 394
        10.3.3 Relationship Between Growth and Yield .......... 397
   10.4 Allometry at the Stand Level: The Self-Thinning
        Rules from Reineke (1933) and Yoda et al. (1963) ...... 399
        10.4.1 Reineke's (1933) Self-thinning Line and Stand
               Density Index .................................. 400
        10.4.2 -З/2-Power Rule by Yoda et al. (1963) .......... 402
        10.4.3 Link Between Individual Tree and Stand
               Allometry ...................................... 405
        10.4.4 Allometric Scaling as General Rule ............. 406
   10.5 Stand Density and Growth .............................. 407
        10.5.1 Assmann's Concept of Maximum, Optimum and
               Critical Stand Density ......................... 409
        10.5.2 Biometric Formulation of the Unimodal Optimum
               Curve of Volume Growth in Relation to Stand
               Density and Mean Tree Size ..................... 411
   10.6  Dealing with Biological Variability .................. 415
        10.6.1 Quantifying Variability ........................ 416
        10.6.2 Reproduction of Variability .................... 418
   Summary .................................................... 420
11 Forest Growth Models ....................................... 423
   11.1 Scales of Observation, Statistical and Mechanistic
        Approaches to Stand Dynamics .......................... 425
        11.1.1 Scales of Forest Growth and Yield Research
               and Models ..................................... 425
        11.1.2 From the Classical Black-Box to White-Box
               Approaches ..................................... 426
        11.1.3 Тор-Down Approach vs Bottom-Up Approach ........ 428
   11.2 Model Objectives, Degree of System Abstraction,
        Database .............................................. 429
        11.2.1 Growth Models as Nested Hypotheses About
               Systems Behaviour .............................. 430
        11.2.2 Growth Models as a Decision Tool for Forest
               Management ..................................... 430
   11.3 Growth Models Based on Stand Level Mean and
        Cumulative Values ..................................... 432
        11.3.1 Principles of Yield Table Construction ......... 432
        11.3.2 From Experience Tables to Stand Simulators ..... 437
   11.4 Growth Models Based on Tree Number Frequencies ........ 445
        11.4.1 Representing Stand Development by Systems of
               Differential Equations ......................... 445
        11.4.2 Growth Models Based on Progressing
               Distributions .................................. 446
        11.4.3 Stand Evolution Models - Stand Growth as a
               Stochastic Process ............................. 449
   11.5 Individual Tree Growth and Yield Models ............... 450
        11.5.1 Overview of the Underlying Principles of
               Individual-Tree Models ......................... 451
        11.5.2 Growth Functions as the Core Element of
               Individual-Tree Models ......................... 453
        11.5.3 Overview of Model Types ........................ 455
   11.6 Gap and Hybrid Models ................................. 456
        11.6.1 Development Cycle in Gaps ...................... 457
        11.6.2 JABOWA - Prototype Model from Botkin et al.
               (1972) ......................................... 458
   11.7 Matter Balance Models ................................. 462
        11.7.1 Increasing Structural and Functional
               Accordance of Models with Reality .............. 462
        11.7.2 Modelling of the Basic Processes in Matter
               Balance Models ................................. 465
        11.7.3 Overview of Matter Balance Model Approaches .... 476
   11.8 Landscape Models ...................................... 478
        11.8.1 Application of Landscape Model LandClim ........ 481
   11.9 Visualisation of Forest Stands and Wooded
        Landscapes ............................................ 482
        11.9.1 Visualisation Tools TREEVIEW and L-VIS ......... 484
   11.10 Perspective .......................................... 488
   Summary .................................................... 490
12 Evaluation and Standard Description of Growth Models ....... 493
   12.1 Approaches for Evaluation of Growth Models and
        Simulators ............................................ 494
        12.1.1 Suitability for a Given Purpose ................ 494
        12.1.2 Validation of the Biometric Model .............. 496
        12.1.3 Suitability of the Software .................... 499
        12.1.4 Customising Models and Simulators for End-
               Users .......................................... 500
   12.2 Examples of Model Validation .......................... 503
        12.2.1 Validation on the Basis of Long-Term Sample
               Plots and Inventory Data ....................... 503
        12.2.2 Comparison with Growth Relationships ........... 508
        12.2.3 Comparison with Knowledge from Experience ...... 510
   12.3 Standards for Describing Models and Simulators ........ 510
   Summary .................................................... 512
13 Application of Forest Simulation Models for Decision
   Support in Practice ........................................ 515
   13.1 Model Objective and Prediction Algorithm .............. 516
        13.1.1 Model Objective ................................ 516
        13.1.2 Prediction Algorithm ........................... 516
        13.1.3 Database ....................................... 519
   13.2 Site-Growth Model ..................................... 519
        13.2.1 The Principles of Controlling Individual Tree
               Growth by Means of Site Factors ................ 520
        13.2.2 Modelling the Potential Age-Height Curve in
               Dependence on Site Conditions .................. 520
   13.3 Generation of Initial Values for Simulation Runs ...... 525
        13.3.1 Stand Structure Generator STRUGEN .............. 526
   13.4 Spatially Explicit Modelling of the Growth
        Arrangement of the Individual Trees ................... 528
        13.4.1 Index KKL as the Indicator of the Crown
               Competition .................................... 528
        13.4.2 Index NDIST as the Indicator for Competition
               Asymmetry ...................................... 528
        13.4.3 Index KMA for the Species Mixture in the
               Neighbourhood of Individual Trees .............. 529
   13.5 Application for Scenario Analysis at the Stand
        Level: A Pure Norway Spruce Stand vs a Norway Spruce
        - European Beech Mixed Stand .......................... 530
        13.5.1 Growth and Yield at the Stand Level ............ 530
        13.5.2 Growth and Yield on Tree Level ................. 532
        13.5.3 Modelling Structural Diversity ................. 532
        13.5.4 Multi-Criteria Considerations .................. 534
   13.6 Growth Models for Dynamic Enterprise Planning ......... 535
        13.6.1 Simulation at the Enterprise Level for Long-
               Term Strategic Planning ........................ 536
        13.6.2 Application of Models for Decision Support ..... 537
        13.6.3 Application of the Munich Forestry Enterprise
               Forest Management Plan ......................... 540
   13.7 Estimation of Growth and Yield Responses to Climate
        Change ................................................ 543
        13.7.1 Dependence of Response Patterns on Site and
               Tree Species ................................... 544
        13.7.2 Sensitivity Analysis at the Regional Level ..... 545
        13.7.3 Development of Silvicultural Measures for
               Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change .... 548
   Summary .................................................... 549
14 Diagnosis of Growth Disturbances ........................... 553
   14.1 Growth Models as Reference ............................ 556
        14.1.1 Comparison with Yield Table .................... 556
        14.1.2 Dynamic Growth Models as Reference ............. 557
        14.1.3 Synthetic Reference Curves ..................... 559
   14.2 Undisturbed Trees or Stands as a Reference ............ 560
        14.2.1 Increment Trend Method ......................... 560
        14.2.2 Pair-Wise Comparison ........................... 565
        14.2.3 Reference Plot Comparison ...................... 566
        14.2.4 Reference Plot Comparison by Indexing .......... 570
        14.2.5 Regression-Analytical Estimation of Increment
               Decrease ....................................... 572
   14.3 Growth Behaviour in Other Calendar Periods as
        Reference ............................................. 576
        14.3.1 Individual Growth in Previous Period as
               Reference ...................................... 576
        14.3.2 Long-Term, Age-Specific Tree Growth as
               Reference (Constant Age Method) ................ 579
        14.3.3 Growth Comparison of Previous and Subsequent
               Generation at the Same Site .................... 580
        14.3.4 Diagnosis of Growth Trends from Succeeding
               Inventories .................................... 582
   14.4 Dendro-Chronological Time Series Analysis ............. 585
        14.4.1 Elimination of the Smooth Component ............ 586
        14.4.2 Indexing ....................................... 587
        14.4.3 Response Function .............................. 588
        14.4.4 Quantification of Increment Losses ............. 589
   Summary .................................................... 590
15 Pathways to System Understanding and Management ............ 593
   15.1 Overview of Knowledge Pathways in Forest Growth and
        Yield Research ........................................ 594
        15.1.1 Observation, Measurement, and Collection of
               Data ........................................... 595
        15.1.2 Description .................................... 597
        15.1.3 Formulation of Hypotheses for Elements of
               Individual System Elements ..................... 597
        15.1.4 Test of Hypotheses ............................. 599
        15.1.5 Models as a Chain of Hypotheses ................ 602
        15.1.6 Test of Model Hypothesis by Simulation ......... 603
        15.1.7 Application of the Model in Research,
               Practice, and Education ........................ 604
        15.1.8 Relationships, Rules, Laws, and Theories ....... 604
   15.2 Transfer of Knowledge from Science to Practice ........ 611
        15.2.1 Concept of Forest Ecosystem Management ......... 611
        15.2.2 Long-Term Experiments and Models for Decision
               Support ........................................ 613
   Summary .................................................... 615

References .................................................... 619

Index ......................................................... 655

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