Levitan M.A. Sedimentation history in the Arctic Ocean and subarctic seas for the last 130 kyr (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLevitan M.A. Sedimentation history in the Arctic Ocean and subarctic seas for the last 130 kyr / M.A.Levitan, Yu.A.Lavrushin. - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. - xxix, 387 p.: ill., maps. - (Lecture notes in earth sciences; 18). - Ref.: p.357-379. - Ind.: p.381-387. - ISBN 978-3-642-00287-8; ISSN 0930-0317

Оглавление / Contents
Part I
Geological and Paleoecological Events of the Late Pleistocene
and Holocene in Northern Eurasia

1  Geological and Paleoecological Events of the Late 
   Pleistocene along Eurasian Coastal Areas of the Arctic 
   Ocean ........................................................ 3
   General Upper Pleistocene Stratigraphic Scheme for Northern
   Eurasia ...................................................... 3
   Duration of the Mikulino Interglaciation ..................... 5
   Correlation of the Natural Events Correlative with MIS
   5d-5a in Northern West Europe and Northwestern Russia ........ 6
2  Late Pleistocene Geologic-Paleoecological Events in the
   North of European Russia .................................... 11
   Relationship between Land and Sea Areas during the
   Mikulino Interglacial in Northern Eurasia ................... 11
   Genetic Types of Continental Sediments ...................... 14
   Marine Sediments of the Boreal Transgression in the North
   of European Russia .......................................... 15
3  Main Geologic-Paleoecological Events of the Late
   Pleistocene in the North of Western Siberia ................. 31
4  Geologic-Paleoecological Events of the Late Pleistocene in
   the Northern-Siberian Lowland and Taimyr Peninsula .......... 37
5  The Late Glacial Time and Holocene of Northern Eurasia ...... 43
6  Outlines of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene History of
   the East Arctic Seas ........................................ 47
7  The Deglaciation Time and Holocene of Northern Eurasia ...... 57

Part II
Marine Sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas

8  The Seas of West Subarctic Region ........................... 61
   Geologic and Oceanographic Setting .......................... 61
   History of Sedimentation .................................... 68
      History of Sedimentation Rates ........................... 68
      History of Sedimentation on the Vøring Plateau During
      the Last 25 ka ........................................... 88
      History of Sedimentation at the Continental Margin of
      Eastern and South-Eastern Greenland During the Last
      130 ka .................................................. 107
9  The Arctic Ocean ........................................... 113
   Recent Environment ......................................... 113
      Morphostructure, Oceanographic and Sea-Ice Setting,
      Recent Sediments and Their Mineral Composition .......... 113
      Facies Variations of Holocene Sediments on the Yermak
      Plateau (According to Study Data of > 63 mkm Fraction) .. 124
   History of Sedimentation ................................... 136
      History of Sedimentation Rates During the Last 130 ka ... 136
      History of Sedimentation on the Yermak Plateau During
      the Last 190 ka ......................................... 148
      Organic-Geochemical Sediment Studies of the Eastern
      Part of the Central Arctic .............................. 173
10 The Western Arctic Seas .................................... 177
   Recent Sedimentation Environment ........................... 177
      The Barents Sea ......................................... 177
      The Kara Sea ............................................ 178
      Surface Sediments of the Pechora Sea .................... 179
      Surface Sediments of St. Anna Trough .................... 186
      Facies Zonality of Surface Sediments in the Eastern
      Kara Sea ................................................ 194
   History of Sedimentation ................................... 210
      Late- and Post-Glacial History of Sedimentation in the
      Eastern Part of the Barents Sea ......................... 210
      Holocene Sedimentation History in the Southern Novaya
      Zemlya Trough ........................................... 224
      History of Sedimentation in the Pechora Sea During the
      Late Pleistocene and Holocene ........................... 241
      Light Fraction Mineralogy of the Upper Quaternary
      Sediments from the Saint Anna Trough and Its
      Paleoceanographic Interpretation ........................ 247
      Holocene History of Yenisei River Discharge ............. 256
      Holocene History of Ob River Discharge .................. 272
11 Eastern Arctic Seas ........................................ 289
   Recent Sedimentation Environment ........................... 289
      The Laptev Sea .......................................... 289
      The East Siberian Sea ................................... 290
      The Chukchi Sea ......................................... 291
   History of Sedimentation ................................... 291
      History of Sedimentation in the Laptev Sea During the
      Late Weichselian to Holocene by Geophysical and
      Geochemical Data ........................................ 292
      Holocene History of the Lena and Other Rivers
      Discharge in the Laptev Sea ............................. 295
      Organic Geochemical Data About Sedimentation History
      Along the Continental Slope of the East Siberian Sea
      During the Last Climatic Cycle .......................... 297
      Preliminary Data About Accumulation of Diatom-Bearing
      Clayey Silts at the Chukchi Sea Shelf ................... 298
12 Seas of the Eastern Subarctic .............................. 301
   Recent Sedimentation Environment ........................... 301
   History of Sedimentation ................................... 307
      History of Sedimentation in the Deep-Water Part of the
      Shirshov Ridge (Bering Sea) During the Last Three
      Marine-Isotope Stages ................................... 307
      History of Sedimentation in the Northern Sea of
      Okhotsk During the Last 1.1 Ma .......................... 310

Part III
The Late Pleistocene Paleogeographic Events of Northern
Eurasia and History of Sedimentation in the Subarctic Seas
and the Arctic Ocean in Relation to the Northern Hemisphere
Glaciation during the Last Climatic Cycle

13 Characteristic Features of the Mikulino Landscapes ......... 333
14 Results of Paleoclimate Studies ............................ 337
15 Particularities of Sedimentation Processes Within the
   Continental Blocks and Marine Basins ....................... 345
   Deglaciation Peculiarities ................................. 345
   Facies Variability during Glaciations, Deglaciations,
   Interglacials .............................................. 349
   Geological History of the Arctic Ocean Sea Ice during the
   Last 60 ka ................................................. 350
   Intercoupling of Atmo-, Hydro-, Cryo-, Bio-, and
   Lithospheres ............................................... 353

References .................................................... 357

Index ......................................................... 581

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