Koskinen E.J. Physics of space storms: from the solar surface to the earth (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKoskinen E.J. Physics of space storms: from the solar surface to the earth. - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. - 419 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.399-410. - Ind.: p.411-419. - ISSN 978-3-642-00310-3

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ XI
Acknowledgements ............................................... XV
1  Stormy Tour from the Sun to the Earth ........................ 1
   1.1  Source of Space Storms: the Sun ......................... 1
        1.1.1  The Sun as a star ................................ 2
        1.1.2  Solar spectrum ................................... 5
        1.1.3  Solar atmosphere ................................. 7
        1.1.4  Rotation of the Sun .............................. 8
        1.1.5  Sunspots and solar magnetism .................... 11
        1.1.6  Coronal activity ................................ 16
   1.2  The Carrier to the Earth: the Solar Wind ............... 21
        1.2.1  Elements of solar wind expansion ................ 21
        1.2.2  The interplanetary magnetic field ............... 25
        1.2.3  The observed structure of the solar wind ........ 28
        1.2.4  Perturbed solar wind ............................ 29
   1.3  The Magnetosphere ...................................... 32
        1.3.1  Formation of the Earth's magnetosphere .......... 32
        1.3.2  The outer magnetosphere ......................... 34
        1.3.3  The inner magnetosphere ......................... 37
        1.3.4  Magnetospheric convection ....................... 40
        1.3.5  Origins of magnetospheric plasma ................ 44
        1.3.6  Convection and electric fields .................. 45
   1.4  The Upper Atmosphere and the Ionosphere ................ 48
        1.4.1  The thermosphere and the exosphere .............. 49
        1.4.2  Structure of the ionosphere ..................... 50
        1.4.3  Electric currents in the polar ionosphere ....... 51
   1.5  Space Storms Seen from the Ground ...................... 54
        1.5.1  Measuring the strength of space storms .......... 55
        1.5.2  Geomagnetically induced currents ................ 57
2  Physical Foundations ........................................ 59
   2.1  What is Plasma? ........................................ 59
        2.1.1  Debye shielding ................................. 60
        2.1.2  Plasma oscillations ............................. 61
        2.1.3  Gyro motion ..................................... 62
        2.1.4  Collisions ...................................... 63
   2.2  Basic Electrodynamics .................................. 64
        2.2.1  Maxwell's equations ............................. 64
        2.2.2  Lorentz force ................................... 66
        2.2.3  Potentials ...................................... 66
        2.2.4  Energy conservation ............................. 70
        2.2.5  Charged particles in electromagnetic fields ..... 71
   2.3  Tools of Statistical Physics ........................... 73
        2.3.1  Plasma in thermal equilibrium ................... 73
        2.3.2  Derivation of Vlasov and Boltzmann equations .... 75
        2.3.3  Macroscopic variables ........................... 78
        2.3.4  Derivation of macroscopic equations ............. 80
        2.3.5  Equations of magnetohydrodynamics ............... 82
        2.3.6  Double adiabatic theory ......................... 86
3  Single Particle Motion ...................................... 89
   3.1  Magnetic Drifts ........................................ 89
   3.2  Adiabatic Invariants ................................... 93
        3.2.1  The first adiabatic invariant ................... 93
        3.2.2  Magnetic mirror and magnetic bottle ............. 95
        3.2.3  The second adiabatic invariant .................. 96
        3.2.4  Betatron and Fermi acceleration ................. 96
        3.2.5  The third adiabatic invariant ................... 97
   3.3  Motion in the Dipole Field ............................. 98
   3.4  Motion Near a Current Sheet ........................... 103
        3.4.1  The Harris model ............................... 104
        3.4.2  Neutral sheet with a constant electric field ... 106
        3.4.3  Current sheet with a small perpendicular
               magnetic field component ....................... 107
   3.5  Motion in a Time-dependent Electric Field ............. 108
        3.5.1  Slow time variations ........................... 108
        3.5.2  Time variations in resonance with gyro
               motion ......................................... 108
        3.5.3  High-frequency fields .......................... 109
4  Waves in Cold Plasma Approximation ......................... 113
   4.1  Basic Concepts ........................................ 113
        4.1.1  Waves in linear media .......................... 113
        4.1.2  Wave polarization .............................. 117
        4.1.3  Reflection and refraction ...................... 118
   4.2  Radio Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere .............. 121
        4.2.1    Isotropic, lossless ionosphere ............... 121
        4.2.2  Weakly inhomogeneous ionosphere ................ 124
        4.2.3  Inclusion of collisions ........................ 128
        4.2.4  Inclusion of the magnetic field ................ 129
   4.3  General Treatment of Cold Plasma Waves ................ 130
        4.3.1  Dispersion equation for cold plasma waves ...... 130
        4.3.2  Parallel propagation (θ = 0) ................... 133
        4.3.3  Perpendicular propagation (θ = Π/2) ............ 136
        4.3.4  Propagation at arbitrary angles ................ 137
5  Vlasov Theory .............................................. 141
   5.1  Properties of the Vlasov Equation ..................... 141
   5.2  Landau's Solution ..................................... 143
   5.3  Normal Modes in a Maxwellian Plasma ................... 148
        5.3.1  The plasma dispersion function ................. 148
        5.3.2  The Langmuir wave .............................. 149
        5.3.3  The ion-acoustic wave .......................... 150
        5.3.4  Macroscopic derivation of Langmuir and
               ion-acoustic modes ............................. 151
   5.4  Physics of Landau Damping ............................. 153
   5.5  Vlasov Theory in a General Equilibrium ................ 155
   5.6  Uniformly Magnetized Plasma ........................... 157
        5.6.1  Perpendicular propagation (θ = Π/2) ............ 159
        5.6.2  Parallel propagation (θ = 0) ................... 161
        5.6.3  Propagation at arbitrary angles ................ 161
6  Magnetohydrodynamics ....................................... 163
   6.1  From Hydrodynamics to Conservative MHD Equations ...... 163
   6.2  Convection and Diffusion .............................. 166
   6.3  Frozen-in Field Lines ................................. 168
   6.4  Magnetohydrostatic Equilibrium ........................ 171
   6.5  Field-aligned Currents ................................ 173
        6.5.1  Force-free fields .............................. 173
        6.5.2  Grad-Shafranov equation ........................ 176
        6.5.3  General properties of force-free fields ........ 177
        6.5.4  FACs and the magnetosphere-ionosphere
               coupling ....................................... 178
        6.5.5  Magnetic helicity .............................. 180
   6.6  Alfvén Waves .......................................... 183
        6.6.1  Dispersion equation of MHD waves ............... 183
        6.6.2  MHD wave modes ................................. 184
   6.7  Beyond MHD ............................................ 186
        6.7.1  Quasi-neutral hybrid approach .................. 187
        6.7.2  Kinetic Alfven waves ........................... 189
7  Space Plasma Instabilities ................................. 191
   7.1  Beam-plasma Modes ..................................... 192
        7.1.1  Two-stream instability ......................... 193
        7.1.2  Buneman instability ............................ 195
   7.2  Macroinstabilities .................................... 196
        7.2.1  Rayleigh-Taylor instability .................... 196
        7.2.2  Farley-Buneman instability ..................... 199
        7.2.3  Ballooning instability ......................... 200
        7.2.4  Kelvin-Helmholtz instability ................... 202
        7.2.5  Firehose and mirror instabilities .............. 204
        7.2.6  Flux tube instabilities ........................ 206
   7.3  Microinstabilities .................................... 207
        7.3.1  Monotonically decreasing distribution
               function ....................................... 207
        7.3.2  Multiple-peaked distributions .................. 208
        7.3.3  Ion-acoustic instability ....................... 210
        7.3.4  Electrostatic ion cyclotron instability ........ 212
        7.3.5  Current-driven instabilities perpendicular
               to В ........................................... 213
        7.3.6  Electromagnetic cyclotron instabilities ........ 215
        7.3.7  Ion beam instabilities ......................... 217
8  Magnetic Reconnection ...................................... 219
   8.1  Basics of Reconnection ................................ 219
        8.1.1  Classical MHD description of reconnection ...... 220
        8.1.2  The Sweet-Parker model ......................... 221
        8.1.3  The Petschek model ............................. 223
        8.1.4  Asymmetric reconnection ........................ 225
   8.2  Collisionless Reconnection ............................ 227
        8.2.1  The tearing mode ............................... 228
        8.2.2  The collisionless tearing mode ................. 229
        8.2.3  Tearing mode or something else? ................ 231
        8.2.4  The Hall effect ................................ 232
   8.3  Reconnection and Dynamo ............................... 236
        8.3.1  Current generation at the magnetospheric
               boundary ....................................... 236
        8.3.2  Elements of solar dynamo theory ................ 238
        8.3.3  The kinematic αω dynamo ........................ 241
9  Plasma Radiation and Scattering ............................ 245
   9.1  Simple Antennas ....................................... 245
   9.2  Radiation of a Moving Charge .......................... 248
   9.3  Bremsstrahlung ........................................ 251
   9.4  Cyclotron and Synchrotron Radiation ................... 255
   9.5  Scattering from Plasma Fluctuations ................... 258
   9.6  Thomson Scattering .................................... 261
10 Transport and Diffusion in Space Plasmas ................... 267
   10.1 Particle Flux and Phase Space Density ................. 267
   10.2 Coordinates for Particle Flux Description ............. 269
   10.3 Elements of Fokker-Planck Theory ...................... 271
   10.4 Quasi-Linear Diffusion Through Wave-Particle
        Interaction ........................................... 273
   10.5 Kinetic Equation with Fokker-Planck Terms ............. 276
11 Shocks and Shock Acceleration .............................. 279
   11.1 Basic Shock Formation ................................. 280
        11.1.1 Steepening of continuous structures ............ 280
        11.1.2 Hydrodynamic shocks ............................ 282
   11.2 Shocks in MHD ......................................... 283
        11.2.1 Perpendicular shocks ........................... 283
        11.2.2 Oblique shocks ................................. 285
        11.2.3 Rotational and tangential discontinuities ...... 287
        11.2.4 Thickness of the shock front ................... 288
        11.2.5 Collisionless shock wave structure ............. 290
   11.3 Particle Acceleration in Shock Waves .................. 293
        11.3.1 Shock drift acceleration ....................... 294
        11.3.2 Diffusive shock acceleration ................... 295
        11.3.3 Shock surfing acceleration ..................... 297
12 Storms on the Sun .......................................... 299
   12.1 Prominences and Coronal Loops ......................... 300
   12.2 Radio Storms on the Sun  .............................. 302
        12.2.1 Classification of radio emissions .............. 303
        12.2.2 Physical mechanisms for solar radio
               emissions ...................................... 304
   12.3 Solar Flares .......................................... 307
        12.3.1 Observational characteristics of solar
               flares ......................................... 307
        12.3.2 Physics of solar flares ........................ 311
   12.4 Coronal Mass Ejections ................................ 314
        12.4.1 CMEs near the Sun .............................. 315
        12.4.2 Propagation time to 1 AU ...................... 317
        12.4.3 Magnetic structure of ICMEs .................... 318
   12.5 CMEs, Flares and Particle Acceleration ................ 320
13 Magnetospheric Storms and Substorms ........................ 323
   13.1 What are Magnetic Storms and Substorms? ............... 323
        13.1.1 Storm basics ................................... 324
        13.1.2 The concept of substorm ........................ 326
        13.1.3 Observational signatures of substorms .......... 326
   13.2 Physics of Substorm Onset ............................. 333
        13.2.1 The outside-in view ............................ 334
        13.2.2 The inside-out view ............................ 339
        13.2.3 External triggering of substorm expansion ...... 342
        13.2.4 Timing of substorm onset ....................... 342
   13.3 Storm-Time Activity ................................... 345
        13.3.1 Steady magnetospheric convection ............... 345
        13.3.2 Substorm-like activations and sawtooth
               Events ......................................... 348
   13.4 ICME-Storm Relationships .............................. 350
        13.4.1 Geoeffectivity of an ICME ...................... 350
        13.4.2 Different response to different drivers ........ 352
   13.5 Storms Driven by Fast Solar Wind ...................... 354
        13.5.1 27-day recurrence of magnetospheric activity ... 354
        13.5.2 Differences from ICME-driven storms ............ 355
   13.6 Energy Budgets of Storms and Substorms ................ 357
        13.6.1 Energy supply .................................. 357
        13.6.2 Ring current energy ............................ 358
        13.6.3 Ionospheric dissipation ........................ 360
        13.6.4 Energy consumption farther in the
               magnetosphere .................................. 362
        13.6.5 Energy transfer across the magnetopause ........ 362
   13.7 Superstorms and Polar Cap Potential Saturation ........ 365
        13.7.1 Quantification of the saturation ............... 366
        13.7.2 Hill-Siscoe formulation ........................ 366
        13.7.3 The Alfven wing approach ....................... 368
        13.7.4 Magnetosheath force balance .................... 369
14 Storms in the Inner Magnetosphere .......................... 371
   14.1 Dynamics of the Ring Current .......................... 372
        14.1.1 Asymmetric structure of the ring current ....... 372
        14.1.2 Sources of the enhanced ring current ........... 373
        14.1.3 Role of substorms in storm evolution ........... 376
        14.1.4 Loss of ring current through charge exchange
               collisions ..................................... 376
        14.1.5 Pitch angle scattering by wave-particle
               interactions ................................... 379
        14.1.6 ENA imaging of the ring current ................ 381
   14.2 Storm-Time Radiation Belts ............................ 382
        14.2.1 Sources of radiation belt ions ................. 382
        14.2.2 Losses of radiation belt ions .................. 383
        14.2.3 Transport and acceleration of electrons ........ 384
        14.2.4 Electron losses ................................ 390
15 Space Storms in the Atmosphere and on the Ground ........... 393
   15.1 Coupling to the Neutral Atmosphere .................... 393
        15.1.1 Heating of the thermosphere .................... 394
        15.1.2 Solar proton events and the middle
               atmosphere ..................................... 394
   15.2 Coupling to the Surface of the Earth .................. 395

References .................................................... 399

Index ......................................................... 411

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