Fringe 2009: 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFringe 2009: 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology / ed. by W.Osten, M.Kujawinska. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. - xxiv, 785 p.: ill. + 1 CD-ROM. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-642-03050-5

Оглавление / Contents
Conference Committee .......................................... VII
Preface ........................................................ IX

Key Note

Holography in the '60s and '70s - A View from the Fringes ....... 2
   С.М. Vest

Topic 1: New Methods and Tools for Data Acquisition and

Coherence Holography: A Thought on Synthesis and Analysis of
Optical Coherence Fields (invited paper) ....................... 14
   M. Takeda, W. Wang, D.N. Naik
The Polarization Approach in Measuring Correlation Properties
of Optical Fields .............................................. 22
   0.V. Angelsky, С.Y. Zenkova, N.V. Gorodyns'ka
Real-time Coherence Holography ................................. 28
   D.N. Naik, T. Ezawa, Y. Miyamoto, M. Takeda
Coherence and Correlation in Digital Holography ................ 34
   I. Yamaguchi
Analysis of fringe formation and localization in optical
interferometry using optical coherence ......................... 41
   С.S. Narayanamurthy
Quantitative Phase Imaging in Microscopy (invited paper) ....... 50
   С.JR. Sheppard, S.S. Kou, S. Mehta
Comparison and unification of speckle-based phase retrieval
and holography with applications in phasefront alignment and
recognition .................................................... 57
   P.F. Almoro, G. Pedrini, F. Zhang, A.M.S. Maallo,
   A. Anand, P.N. Gundu, W. Wang, A. Asundi, W. Osten,
   S.G. Hanson
High Precision Object Phase Reconstruction with Modified
Phase Retrieval ................................................ 63
   S. Förster, H. Gross
Phase retrieval with an LCoS display: characterization and
application .................................................... 72
   С. Kohler, F. Zhang, W. Osten
Digital dynamic-fringe pattern processing without frequency
carrier, using wideband phase-shifting algorithms .............. 78
   J.C. Estrada, F. Mendoza-Santoyo, M. de la Torre,
   T. Saucedo
Error-compensating phase-shifting Fizeau interferometry with
a wavelength-tunable laser diode ............................... 87
   Y. Ishii, S. Idoi, H. Fujita, H. Funamizu
Lateral Shearing Interferometer based on a Spatial Light
Modulator in the Fourier Plane ................................. 93
   C. Falldorf, R. Klattenhoff, A. Gesierich, C. v. Kopylow,
   R. Bergmann
Digital phase shifting holography and holographic
interferometry ................................................. 99
   M. Kujawińska, N. Kumar, A. Michalkiewicz
Fourier-transform method with high accuracy by use of
iterative technique narrowing the spectra of a fringe
pattern ....................................................... 106
   S. Nakayama, H. Toba, N. Fujiwara, T. Gemma, M. Takeda
Fringe pattern processing using a new adaptive and
steereable asynchronous algorithm ............................. 112
   J.A. Quiroga, J.A. Gómez-Pedrero, M. Servín
Synthetic Aperture Digital Holography (invited paper) ......... 118
   J. Rosen, B. Katz
A new application of the Delaunay triangulation: The
processing of speckle interferometry signals .................. 123
   S. Equis, P. Jacquot
Phase analysis of interference signal with optical Hilbert
transform based on orthogonal linear polarization phase
shifting ...................................................... 132
   V.D. Madjarova, H. Kadono, N. Kurita
Digital Fourier-transform processing for analysis of speckle
photographs ................................................... 138
   K.A. Stetson
Wavefront evaluation in phase shifting interferometry based
on recurrence fringe processing with 3D prediction ............ 142
   I. Gurov, A. Karpets, E. Vorobeva
White-light fringe analysis with low-cost CCD camera .......... 149
   Z. Buchta, P. Jedlička, M. Matějka, V. Kolařik, B. Mikel,
   J. Lazar, O. Čip
Design and assessment of Differential Phase-Shifting
Algorithms by means of their Fourier representation ........... 153
   M. Miranda, B.V. Dorrío
A Nonlinear Technique for Automatic Twin-Image and Zero-
Order Term Suppression in Digital Holographic Microscopy ...... 160
   N. Pavillon, C.S. Seelamantula, M. Unser, C. Depeursinge
Modified two-step phase-shifting algorithm: analysis,
demonstration, and application ................................ 164
   X.-F. Meng, X. Peng, L.-Z. Cai, A-M. Li, J.-P. Guo, Y.-R.
The Used of Reference Wave for Diagnostics of Phase
Singularities ................................................. 170
   0.V. Angelsky, A.P. Maksimyak, P.P. Maksimyak
New convolution algorithms for reconstructing extended
objects encoded in digitally recorded holograms ............... 174
   P. Picart, P. Tankam, D. Mounier, Z. Peng, J.-C. Li
Reconstruction of noisy measured sharp edges at thin sheet
metal components .............................................. 180
   J. Weickmann, A. Liedl, P.-F. Brenner, A. Weckenmann
Reduction of speckles in digital holographic interferometry ... 184
   S. Hertwig, H. Babovsky, A. Kiessling, R. Kowarschik
Normalization and denoising in a multi-source and multi-
camera profilometric system ................................... 189
   E. Stoykova, A. Gotchev, V. Sainov
Automated Phase Map Referencing Against Historic Phase Map
Data .......................................................... 193
   R.M. Groves, D. Derauw, C. Thizy, I. Alexeenko, W. Osten,
   M. Georges, V. Tornari
Numerical multiplexing and de-multiplexing techniques for
efficient storage and transmission of digital holographic
information ................................................... 197
   M. Paturzo, P. Memmolo, A. Tulino, A. Finizio, L. Miccio,
   P. Ferraro
Fringe Pattern Normalization Using Bidimensional Empirical
Mode Decomposition and the Hilbert Transform .................. 201
   M.B. Bernini, A. Federico, G.H. Kaufmann
Complementary Filtering Approach to Enhance the Optical
Reconstruction of Holograms from a Spatial Light Modulator .... 205
   M. Agour, C. Falldorf, C. von Коруlow
Combination of Phase Stepping and Fringe Tracking to
Evaluate Strain from Noisy DSPI Data .......................... 211
   E. Hack
Influence of filter operators on 3D coordinate calculation
in fringe projection systems .................................. 215
   С. Bräuer-Burchardt, M. Heinze, C. Munkelt, P. Kühmstedt,
   G. Notni
Polarization interferometry of singular structure of organic
crystal polarization properties ............................... 221
   S.B. Yermolenko, M.P. Gorsky, Y.A. Ushenko, A.G. Pridiy
Zero order interferometry technique for measuring the
Lyapunov's maximal index in optical fields .................... 225
   M.S. Gavrylyak, A.P. Maksimyak, P.P. Maksimyak
Orientation-selective spiral-phase contrast microscopy ........ 230
   G. Situ, M. Warber, G. Pedrini, W. Osten

Topic 2: Application Enhanced Technologies

Model-based white light interference microscopy for
metrology of transparent film stacks and optically-
unresolved structures (invited paper) ......................... 236
   P. de Groot, X. Colonna de Lega, J. Liesener
Limitations and Optimization of Low-coherence Interferometry
for High Precision Microscopic Form Measurement ............... 244
   P. Lehmann, J. Niehues
Instantaneous Wavelength Detection by a Whole-Field k-space
Method ........................................................ 250
   A. Davila, J.M. Huntley, P.D. Ruiz, J.M. Coupland
Limiting aspects in length measurements by interferometry ..... 256
   R. Schödel
Aspects of design and the characterization of a high
resolution heterodyne displacement interferometer ............. 263
   С. Weichert, J. Flügge, R. Köning, H. Bosse, R. Tutsch
The femtosecond optical synthesizer as a tool for
determination of the refractive index of air in ultra-
precise measurement of lengths ................................ 269
   O. Cip, R. Smid, B. Mikel, M. Cizek, B. Ruzicka, J. Lazar
Digital holographic microscopy with a simultaneous phase-
shifting interferometer for measuring the angular spectrum
generated by micro-optical structures (invited paper) ......... 275
   B. Lee, J. Hahn, Y. Lim, H. Kim, E.-H. Kim
Resolution enhancement in digital holography by a two-
dimensional electro-optically tunable phase grating ........... 283
   M. Paturzo, A. Finizio, S. De Nicola, P. Ferraro
Resolution improvement in lensless digital holographic
interferometry ................................................ 289
   D. Claus, M. Fritzsche, B. Timmerman, P. Bryanston-Cross
Digital holography catching up with analogue holography both
in resolution and in field of view with a bottom-line
camera ........................................................ 298
   F. Gyímesi, V. Borbély, Z. Füzessy, B. Ráczkevi
Fresnel and Fourier digital holography architectures:
a comparison .................................................. 304
   D.P. Kelly, D.S. Monaghan, N. Pandey, В.М. Hennelly
The last Word on Three-Flat Calibration - are we there yet? ... 309
   J. Burke, B. Oreb
A New Flatness Reference Measurement System Based on
Deflectometry and Difference Deflectometry .................... 318
   G. Ehret, M. Schulz, M. Stavridis, С. Elster
Quasi absolute Test for Aspherics via dual Wavefront
Holograms and a radial Shear Position ......................... 324
   K. Mantel, I. Harder, E. Geist, N. Lindlein
Rapid and flexible measurement of precision aspheres .......... 330
   E. Garbusi, G. Baer, C. Pruss, W. Osten
Measurement of the shape of objects by the interferometry
with two wavelengths .......................................... 339
   P. Pavlicek, G. Häusler
Recording-plane division multiplexing (RDM) in pulsed
digital holography for optical metrology ...................... 345
   X. Wang, С. Yuan, H. Zhai
Identification of deformation components in TV holography
and digital holography ........................................ 350
   J. Kornis, R. Séfel
Extending the capabilities of the sphere interferometer of
PTB by a stitching procedure .................................. 354
   G. Bartl, A. Nicolaus
Fringe contrast improving in low coherence interferometry
by white light emitting diodes spectrum shaping ............... 358
   A. Pakula, L. Salbut
Absolute testing of aspherics in transmitted light using an
amplitude DOE ................................................. 364
   A. Berger, K. Mantel, I. Harder, N. Lindlein
MEMS Calibration Standards for the Optical Measurement of
Displacements ................................................. 369
   J. Gaspar, M.E. Schmidt, G. Pedrini, W. Osten, O. Paul
About the feasibility of nearfield-farfield transformers
based on optical metamaterials ................................ 375
   S. Maisch, P. Schau, K. Frenner, W. Osten
Analogy of white-light interferometry and pulse shaping ....... 384
   R. Berger, W. Osten

Topic 3: 4D Optical Metrology over a Large Scale Range

Nanomeasuring and Nanopositioning Engineering (invited
paper) ........................................................ 390
   G. Jäger, E. Manske, T. Hausotte, H.-J. Büchner
Reconstruction of Shape using Gradient Measuring Optical
Systems ....................................................... 398
   J. Seewig, T. Damm, J. Frasch, D. Kauven, S. Rau,
   J. Schnebele
Metrological SPM with positioning controlled by green light
interferometry ................................................ 405
   J. Lazar, P. Klapetek, O. Číp, M. Čížek, J. Hrabina,
   M. Šerý
Measuring Shape and Surfaces down to the Nanometer and
Nanosecond scales by Digital Holographic Microscopy ........... 411
   C. Depeursinge, I. Bergoend, N. Pavillon, J. Kühn,
   T. Colomb, F. Montfort, E. Cuche, Y. Emery
Deflectometry: 3D-Metrology from Nanometer to Meter ........... 416
   G. Häusler, M.C. Knauer, C. Faber, C. Richter,
   S. Peterhänsel, C. Kranitzky, K. Veit
3-D Sensing for Microstructures Using Dynamic DOEs ............ 422
   S. Dong, X. Peng, Y. Guan, A. Li, Y. Yin, J. Tian
Doppler phase-shift fringe analysis and digital holography
using high-speed digital camera ............................... 428
   T. Yatagai, D. Barada
Shape and Deformation Measurement of Moving Object by
Sampling Moiré Method ......................................... 433
   Y. Morimoto, M. Fujigaki, A. Masaya, K. Shimo
New Interferometry Tools for AeroOptics ....................... 439
   J. Trolinger, V. Markov
Dynamic Fizeau Interferometers ................................ 445
   B. Kimbrough, B. Medower, J. Millerd
Surface contouring of vibrating objects using quadrature
transform ..................................................... 455
   R. Legarda-Saenz, R. Rodriguez-Vera, J.A. Rayas
Development and Application of a 10 Hz Nd:YAG Double Pulse
Laser for Vibration Measurements with Double Pulse ESPI ....... 461
   E.H. Nösekabel, W. Honsberg, R. Kelnberger
Combining novel fringe analysis and photogrammetry for
industrial shape measurement .................................. 467
   Y.R. Huddart, J.D.R. Valera, A.J. Moore
Digital holographic interferometry for deformation
measurement by means of an acoustical device .................. 472
   H. Fischer, R. Tutsch
Pump-probe interference microscope observation for
femtosecond-laser induced phenomena ........................... 477
   Y. Hayasaki, A. Takita, M. Isaka
Three-dimensional shape measurement of dynamic objects with
spatially isolated surfaces ................................... 481
   Q. Zhang, X. Su, L. Xiang
Optical design of a DOE-based laser interferometer for
inspection of MEMS/MOEMS ...................................... 485
   M. Józwik, M. Kujawińska, U.D. Zeitner, K.H. Haugholt
Time Resolved High Resolution Shape and Colour Measurement
using Fringe Projection ....................................... 489
   Z. Zhang, D.P. Towers, С.Е. Towers
Dynamic 3-D shape measurement techniques with marked fringes
tracking ...................................................... 493
   X. Su, Q. Zhang, Y. Xiao, L. Xiang
Optical measurement and color map projection system to
highlight geometrical features on free form surfaces .......... 497
   T.L. Pinto, A.V. Fantin, C.A. Carvalho, A. Albertazzi
Digital holographic recording of large scale objects for
metrology and display ......................................... 501
   T. Meeser, S. Huferath-von Lüpke, T. Kreis
Multiwavelength laser interferometry .......................... 505
   B. Mikel, M. Cizek, Z. Buchta, J. Lazar, O. Cip
Accurate and fast three-dimensional imaging with use of
fringe projection profilometry ................................ 509
   A. Li, X. Peng, Y. Yin, Y. Guan, X. Liu
3D vibration analysis of granular materials with two-color
digital Fresnel holography .................................... 513
   P. Tankam, P. Picart, D. Mounier, J.-P. Boileau,
   V. Tournat, V. Gusev
System for transient spatio-temporal (4D) vibration imaging
and non-destructive inspection ................................ 519
   J.M. Kilpatrick, A. Apostol, V. Markov
Microelements vibration measurement using quasi-heterodyning
method and smart-pixel camera ................................. 523
   A. Styk, M. Kujawińska, P. Lambelet, A. Røyset, S. Beer
Dynamic multipoint vibrometry using spatial light
modulators .................................................... 528
   F. Schaal, M. Warber, С. Rembe, T. Haist, W. Osten

Topic 4: Hybrid Measurement Techniques

Optoelectronic method for device characterization and
experimental validation of operational performance (invited
paper) ........................................................ 534
   R.J. Pryputniewicz
Computational inverse holographic imaging: toward perfect
reconstruction of wavefield distributions ..................... 542
   V. Katkovnik, A. Migukin, J. Astola
Cooperative Sensor Approach for holistic geometrical
Measurement Tasks on Cutting Tools ............................ 550
   A. Weckenmann, L. Shaw
View Planning for 3D Reconstruction using Time-of-Flight
Camera Data as a-priori Information ........................... 556
   C. Munkelt, M. Trummer, P. Kuehmstedt, J. Denzler,
   G. Notni
Stereo vision based approach for extracting features from
digital holograms ............................................. 562
   T. Pitkäaho, T.J. Naughton
Flexible Combination of Optical Metrology Strategies for the
Automated Assembly of Solid State Lasers ...................... 568
   R. Schmitt, A. Pavim
A Numerical Simulation Benchmark of Tilt Scanning
Interferometry for 3D Metrology ............................... 572
   G.E. Galizzi, P.D. Ruiz, G.H. Kaufmann
A virtual telecentric fringe projection system ................ 576
   K. Haskamp, M. Kästner, E. Reithmeier
Inspection of an extended surface by an active 3D
multiresolution technique ..................................... 580
   J. Vargas, R. Restrepo, J.A. Quiroga, T. Belenguer
Automated Multiscale Measurement System for micro optical
elements ...................................................... 584
   W. Lyda, A. Burla, T. Haist, J. Zimmermann, W. Osten,
   O. Sawodny
Simulation based sensitivity analysis and optimization of
Scatterometry measurements for future semiconductor
technology nodes .............................................. 592
   V. Ferreras Paz, T. Schuster, K. Frenner, W. Osten,
   L. Sziksai, M. Mört, C. Hohle, H. Bloess
Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry at Long Infrared
Wavelengths. Scattering Requirements .......................... 596
   J.-F. Vandenrijt, C. Thizy, I. Alexeenko, I. Jorge,
   I. López, I. S. de Ocáriz, G. Pedrini, W. Osten,
   M. Georges

Topic 5: New Optical Sensors and Measurement Systems

Novel interferometric measurement systems for the
characterization of micro-optics (invited paper) .............. 602
   H. Ottevaere, H. Thienpont
Design of a micro-optical low coherent interferometer array
for the characterisation of MEMS and MOEMS .................... 611
   K. Gastinger, K.H. Haugholt, A. Røyset, J. Albero,
   U. Zeitner, С. Gorecki
Looking for a new generation of MEMS-type confocal
microscopes ................................................... 618
   C. Gorecki, S. Bargiel, K. Laszczyk, J. Albero,
   J. Krezel, M. Kujawinska
Radial in-plane achromatic digital speckle pattern
interferometer using an axis-symmetrical diffractive optical
element ....................................................... 622
   A. Albertazzi, M.R. Viotti, W.A. Kapp
Wavefront Sensor Design based on a Micro-Mirror Array for
a High Dynamic Range Measurement at a High Lateral
Resolution .................................................... 628
   R. Schmitt, I. Jakobs, K. Vielhaber
Intellectual property in industry and academia: where
interests merge? (invited paper) .............................. 634
   N. Reingand, W. Osten
Moiré interferometer for surface mapping with liquid crystal
grids ......................................................... 648
   J.A.N. Buytaert, J.J.J. Dirckx
High resolution tilt scanning interferometry system for full
sensitivity depth-resolved displacement measurements in
weakly scattering materials ................................... 656
   B.S.H. Burlison, P.D. Ruiz, J.M. Huntley
Multifunctional phase-stepping interferometer for
measurement in realtime ....................................... 662
   V. Sainov, E. Stoykova
A Wonderful World of Holography, Interferometry, and Optical
Testing (honorary lecture) .................................... 670
   J.C. Wyant
Multifunctional Encoding System for Assessment of Movable
Cultural Heritage ............................................. 680
   V. Tornari, E. Bernikola, K. Hatziyannakis, W. Osten,
   R.M., Grooves, M. Georges, T. Cedric, G.M. Hustinx,
   J. Rochet, E. Kouloumpi, M. Doulgeridis, T. Green,
   S. Hackney
Investigation of electronic PCB component with two-color
digital holographic interferometry ............................ 688
   P. Tankam, D. Mounier, E. Moisson, P. Picart
Integrated Microinterferometric Sensor ........................ 693
   J. Krężel, M. Kujawińska
High Precision Measurement of plane-parallel Parts ............ 697
   M. Fleischer, T. Gnausch, D. Supp, J. Becker
Lateral Shearing Interferometry with Simultaneous Detection
of both Gradient Fields on a Common Detector Grid ............. 701
   V. Nercissian, N. Lindlein
Near infrared large aperture (24 inches) interferometer
system development ............................................ 705
   R. Zhu, L. Chen, Z. Gao, Y. He, Q. Wang, R. Guo, J. Li,
   S. Deng, J. Ma
Interior Geometry Inspection Using Rerouted Fringe
Projection .................................................... 709
   O. Abo-Namous, M. Kästner, E. Reithmeier
A Cellular Force Microscopic System for Cell Mechanics
Investigation ................................................. 713
   J. Fang, J.Y. Huang, С.Y. Xiong
Candle flame analysis by digital three-wavelength
holographic interferometry .................................... 717
   J.-M. Desse, P. Picart, P. Tankam
Moiré fringe generation and phase shifting using a consumer
product LCD projector ......................................... 721
   J.J.J. Dirckx, J.A.N. Buytaert, S.A.M. Van der Jeught
Speckle velocimetry for high accuracy and multi-dimensional
odometry ...................................................... 726
   T. Charrett, R.P. Tatam
Determination of Refractive Index Changes in Biconical
Optical Fiber Taper ........................................... 730
   K.A. Stasiewicz, R. Krajewski, M. Kujawińska,
   L.R. Jaroszewicz
Prosthodontic crown mechanical integrity study using Speckle
Interferometry ................................................ 734
   P. Slangen, S. Corn, M. Fages, F.J.G. Cuisinier
Monitoring of Drying Process of Paints using Lensless
Fourier Transform Digital Holography .......................... 738
   С. Shakher, G. Sheoran
On the Digital Holographic Interferometry of Fibrous
Materials: Opto-Mechanical Properties of Fibres ............... 743
   K. Yassien, M. Agour, C. von Kopylow
Geometrical camera calibration using lasers and diffractive
optical elements .............................................. 747
   M. Bauer, D. Grießbach, A. Hermerschmidt, S. Krüger,
   M. Scheele, A. Schischmanow
Measurement of the local displacement field produced by a
microindentation using speckle interferometry. Its
application to analyse coating adhesion ....................... 751
   A.E. Dolinko, G.H. Kaufmann
Space-Time Multiplexing in a Stereo-photogrammetry Setup ...... 755
   M. Große, R. Kowarschik
Interference Investigation of Concrete Structure and
Dynamics During Hydration ..................................... 760
   M.P. Gorsky, P.P. Maksimyak, A.P. Maksimyak
Off-axis Reconstruction Method for Displacement and Strain
Distribution Measurement with Phase-Shifting Digital
Holography .................................................... 764
   M. Fujigaki, K. Shiotani, R. Nishitani, A. Masaya,
   Y. Morimoto
"Flying Triangulation": A motion-robust optical 3D sensor
principle ..................................................... 768
   S. Ettl, O. Arold, P. Vogt, O. Hybl, Z. Yang, W. Xie,
   G. Häusler
Laser direct writing of high resolution structures on curved
substrates: evaluation of the writing precision ............... 772
   M. Häfher, R. Reichle, С. Pruss, W. Osten


Scanning Holography - A tutorial .............................. 778
   T.-C. Poon

Appendix: New Products ........................................ 787

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