Czerepko J. Zmiany roslinnosci na siedliskach mokradel lesnych polnocno- wschodniej Polski (Sekocin Stary, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCzerepko J. Zmiany roślinności na siedliskach mokradeł leśnych północno- wschodniej Polski / Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa. - Sękocin Stary: Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, 2011. - 127 s.: il. + Teka ([11] k. map. złoż.). - (Prace Instytutu Badawczego Leśnictwa. Rozprawy i Monografie; 16). - Bibliogr.: s.120-124. - ISBN 978-8387647-99-5

Место хранения: 034 | Институт леса СО РАН | Красноярск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 7
2  Aim and scope of the study .................................. 11
3  Study objects ............................................... 14
   3.1  Study sites ............................................ 14
   3.2  General characteristics of forest wetland types ........ 37
4  Methods ..................................................... 42
   4.1  Changes of vegetation .................................. 42
   4.2  Soil conditions ........................................ 45
5  Results ..................................................... 47
   5.1  Changes of vegetation .................................. 47
        5.1.1  Changes of vertical structures of
               phytocenosis .................................... 47
        5.1.2  Changes of species richness of vegetation ....... 51
        5.1.3  Ecological indicator values ..................... 55
        5.1.4  General changes of ground vegetation ............ 59
        5.1.5  Detailed analysis of vegetation changes in
               particular types of forest wetlands ............. 62
        5.1.6  The dynamics of the DBH increase of stands as
               the indicator of changes of species structure
               of forest wetlands phytocoenosises .............. 70
   5.2  The analysis of the succession of the vegetation on
        the basis of the botanical composition of peat and
        the stratigraphy of the deposit
   5.3  Soil-water properties of habitats ...................... 85
6  Discussion .................................................. 96
   6.1  Changes in the structure and in the species richness
        of phytocoenosis ...................................... 105
   6.2  Changes of ecological indicator values ................ 108
   6.3  The pace and the direction of vegetation succession ... 110
   6.4  Factors conditioning changes of the vegetation of
        wetlands .............................................. 116
7  Conclusions ................................................ 118
References .................................................... 120
The photographs of chosen sample plots of forest wetlands ..... 125

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