Borowski Z. Wplyw drapieznictwa na dynamike populacji gryzoni - na przykladzie nornika polnocnego (Microtus oeconomus) (Sekocin Stary, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBorowski Z. Wpływ drapieżnictwa na dynamikę populacji gryzoni - na przykładzie nornika północnego (Microtus oeconomus). - Sękocin Stary: Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, 2011. - 124 s.: il. (w tym kolor.). - (Prace Instytutu Badawczego Leśnictwa. Rozprawy i Monografie; 15). - Bibliogr.: s.111-124. - ISBN 987-83-87647-98-8

Место хранения: 034 | Институт леса СО РАН | Красноярск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 9
   1.1  Population dynamics ..................................... 9
   1.2  Population cycles - causes and analysis ................ 10
   1.3  The role of specialised predators ...................... 15
   1.4  The aim of the study ................................... 17
2  Description of studied species .............................. 18
3  Study area .................................................. 20
4  Seasonal and multi-annual population dynamics and
   population structure of the root vole in Biebrza National
   Park ........................................................ 25
   4.1  Material and methods ................................... 25
   4.2  Results ................................................ 27
        4.2.1  Multi-annual population dynamics	................ 27
        4.2.2  The Chitty effect - biological indicator of
               the population cycles ........................... 37
   4.3  Discussion ............................................. 40
5  The role of avian predation in population dynamics of the
   root vole ................................................... 43
   5.1  Material and methods ................................... 43
        5.1.1  Analysis of raptors' impact on root vole
               population ...................................... 43
        5.1.2  Experimental exclusion of the avian predation ... 44
   5.2  Results ................................................ 46
        5.2.1  Relationship between frequency of raptors'
               visits and root vole population dynamics ........ 46
        5.2.2  Findings from exclusion experiment .............. 49
   5.3  Discussion ............................................. 68
6  The role of small mustelids in population dynamics of the
   root vole ................................................... 74
   6.1  Material and methods ................................... 74
        6.1.1  Analysis of small mustelids' impact on root
               vole population ................................. 74
        6.1.2  Experimental exclusion of small mustelids'
               predation ....................................... 80
   6.2  Results ................................................ 81
        6.2.1  Relationship between small mustelids and root
               vole population density ......................... 81
        6.2.2  Importance of small mustelids' predation on
               root vole population ............................ 85
        6.2.3  Findings from exclusion experiment .............. 88
   6.3  Discussion ............................................. 99
7  Summary .................................................... 105
8  Conclusions and implications ............................... 108

The impact of predation on small rodent population dynamics
as exemplified by the root vole (Microtus oeconomus).
Summary ....................................................... 109

References .................................................... 111

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