Pascal S.M. NMR primer: an HSQC-based approach with vector animations (Chichester, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPascal S.M. NMR primer: an HSQC-based approach with vector animations / S.M.Pascal; animations by J.M.McKelvie. - Chichester: IM Publications, 2008. - xiii, 129 p.: ill. (some col.). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-1-901019-08-7

Оглавление / Contents
Dedication ..................................................... ix
Preface ........................................................ xi
Vector diagrams and animations ................................ xii
How to obtain the animations ................................. xiii

Chapter 1: The simplest one-dimensional NMR experiment .......... 1
1.1  Nuclei are magnets or spins ................................ 2
1.2  Spins align with a field? .................................. 2
1.3  Conservation of angular momentum: spins precess about
     a field .................................................... 3
1.4  Quantisation of spin orientation: cone of precession ....... 4
1.5  Thermal energy: net magnetisation .......................... 5
1.6  Magnetisation in the xy-plane: chemical shift and the
     rotating frame ............................................. 5
1.7  B1 pulses precess .......................................... 8
Summary ......................................................... 9

Chapter 2: Two additional simple NMR experiments: measuring
           T1 and T2 ........................................... 11
2.1  Relaxation: T1 and T2 ..................................... 11
2.2  Measuring T1 .............................................. 12
2.3  Measuring T2 .............................................. 14
2.4  Refocusing chemical shift ................................. 15
2.5  T1 vs T2 .................................................. 15
Summary ........................................................ 16

Chapter 3: J-coupling and the INEPT sequence element ........... 17
3.1  J-coupling ................................................ 17
3.2  1JNH ...................................................... 18
3.3  J-coupling refocuses itself ............................... 19
3.4  Use of 1JNH to transfer magnetisation from 1H to 15N:
     spin operators ............................................ 19
3.5  Undesired effects of 1H chemical shift evolution .......... 22
3.6  Simultaneous 180° pulses solve the problem ................ 22
3.7  Creating in-phase 15N magnetisation ....................... 23
3.8  Advantages of using 1JNH to create 15N excitation: INEPT ... 27
Summary  ....................................................... 28

Chapter 4: The HSQC experiment (coupled, decoupled and
           gradient versions) .................................. 29
4.1  The coupled 1H,15N-HSQC ................................... 29
4.2  Detecting the 15N chemical shift via t1 incrementation .... 29
4.3  The decoupled 1H,15N-HSQC ................................. 32
4.4  Pulsed field gradients [PFGs] ............................. 32
4.5  PFG versions of the HSQC .................................. 35
4.6  PFG nomenclature .......................................... 38
Summary ........................................................ 39

Chapter 5: 3D HSQC-based double resonance experiments .......... 41
5.1  Double resonance experiments .............................. 42
5.2  NOESY-HSQC ................................................ 42
5.3  TOCSY-HSQC ................................................ 46
Summary ........................................................ 49

Chapter 6: 3D HSQC-based triple resonance experiments .......... 51
6.1  Triple resonance .......................................... 51
6.2  HNCO ...................................................... 53
6.3  HNCA ...................................................... 57
6.4  HN[CO]CA .................................................. 60
Summary ........................................................ 63

Chapter 7: 2D HSQC-based lbN relaxation experiments ............ 65
7.1  15NT1 ...................................................... 65
7.2  15NT2 ...................................................... 69
7.3  1H,15N ..................................................... 69
Summary ........................................................ 71

Appendix A: Fourier transform, sign discrimination, artefact,
            suppression ........................................ 73
A.1  FID ....................................................... 73
A.2  Oscillatory components and decay rates → frequency and
     line width ................................................ 73
A.3  Quadrature detection in the direct dimension .............. 73
A.4  Artefacts associated with quadrature detection: Ql and
     QG ........................................................ 74
A.5  Phase cycling: removing artefacts ......................... 76
A.6  Placing H20 at the centre ................................. 77
A.7  Aliasing .................................................. 77
A.8  Sign discrimination in the indirect dimension: States
     and TPPI .................................................. 78
A.9  States-TPPI ............................................... 79
Summary ........................................................ 80

Appendix B: Extracting dynamic information from relaxation
            data ............................................... 81
B.l  Global and internal correlation times ..................... 81
B.2  Dominant 15N relaxation mechanisms ........................ 81
B.3  Dipolar coupling [DD] ..................................... 82
B.4  Chemical shift anisotropy [CSA] ........................... 83
B.5  Spectral density function ................................. 83
B.6  Relaxation parameters are determined by J(ω) .............. 85
B.7  R1 ≥ R2 ................................................... 86
B.8  Internal motions change J(ω) .............................. 87
B.9  Changes in J(ω) change T1, T2 and NOE ..................... 88
B.10 More complex motions and relaxation ....................... 88
Summary ........................................................ 89

Appendix C: Additional HSQC options: sensitivity enhancement,
            TROSY, deuteration ................................. 91
C.l  Sensitivity enhanced HSQC [SE-HSQC) ....................... 91
C.2  Gradient selection with sensitivity enhancement
     (GSE-HSQC] ................................................ 93
C.3  Practical considerations of SE-HSQC and GSE-HSQC .......... 95
C.4  TR0SY: Transverse Relaxation-Optimised Spectroscopy ....... 95
C.5  Deuteration and TROSY ..................................... 96
Summary ....................................................... 100

Appendix D: HMQC .............................................. 101

Appendix E: Miscellaneous concepts ............................ 105
E.l  Chemical exchange ........................................ 105
E.2  Radiation damping ........................................ 105
E.3  Initial t1 value ......................................... 106
E.4  Relaxation-optimised INEPT delays ........................ 107
E.5  Bloch-Siegert effect and Bloch-Siegert compensating
     pulses (BSCP) ............................................ 108

Appendix F: Selected bibliography [some of my favourite
            books] ............................................ 111
Appendix G: Partial pulse sequence and concept bibliography ... 113
G.l  Bloch-Siegert compensating pulses ........................ 113
G.2  Constant time ............................................ 113
G.3  CPMG ..................................................... 113
G.4  CYCLOPS .................................................. 114
G.5  Deuteration .............................................. 114
G.6  Echo-antiecho ............................................ 114
G.7  EXORCYCLE ................................................ 114
G.8  GSE-HSQC ................................................. 115
G.9  HMQC ..................................................... 115
G.10 HN(CO]CA ................................................. 115
G.11 HNCA ..................................................... 115
G.12 HNCO ..................................................... 115
G.13 HSQC ..................................................... 116
G.14 Hypercomplex ............................................. 116
G.15 INEPT .................................................... 116
G.16 NOESY .................................................... 116
G.17 Relaxation ............................................... 117
G.18 Sensitivity enhancement .................................. 117
G.19 States-TPPI .............................................. 117
G.20 TOCSY .................................................... 117
G.21 TOCSY-HSQCand NOESY-HSQC ................................. 118
G.22 TPPI ..................................................... 118
G.23 TROSY .................................................... 118

Appendix H: Symbols and definitions ........................... 119

Appendix I: Creating the cover image .......................... 121

Appendix J: Index ............................................. 123

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