Institute of Developing Economies. Annual report. 2010 (Chiba, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInstitute of Developing Economies. Annual report. 2010 - Chiba: IDE-JETRO, 2010. - 73 p.

Оглавление / Contents
I    Goals, Research Mission and Policy of the Institute of
     Developing Economies (IDE)
     1  Our Goal: Making Intellectual Contributions to the
        World ................................................... 5
     2  Our Research Mission: Promoting/Facilitating
        Sustainable Development in Developing Countries ......... 5
     3  Current Conditions Surrounding Developing Countries ..... 6
     4  Research Policy for FY2009 .............................. 7

II   Review of Research Projects (Priority Projects)
     1  China at the Crossroads: Dynamics of Economic Growth
        and Policy Decision-making .............................. 9
     2  Comparative Study on Industrial Development Process in
        China and India ......................................... 9
     3  An Approach to Inclusive Growth: India's Challenge ..... 10
     4  India's Contemporary International Relations: The
        Path to Becoming a Global Power ........................ 10
     5  Life Security System of Elderly People in the
        Emerging Countries ..................................... 10
     6  Disability and Law in the Developing Countries—From
        the Perspective of Establishment of Legal Rights ....... 11
     7  Industrial Cluster Formation in Asia and Regional
        Integration ............................................ 11
     8  Economic Integration and Industrial Location in CLMV ... 12
     9  Development Strategies for Lowest-Income Countries ..... 12
     10 Disabled Peoples' Organizations and Disability
        Policies in South Asia-From the viewpoint of
        Disability and Development ............................. 13

     (Major Projects)
     11 Analysis of the Current State of Affairs in Asia ....... 13
     12 Compilation and Use of the 2005 Asian International
        Input-Output Table (II) ................................ 14
     13 Compilation and Application of Trade Indices V ......... 14
     (Projects focused on urgent, pressing, or timely subjects)
     14 Responses of Major Rice Exporting Countries to the
        Global Food Crisis: The Cases of Thailand, Vietnam,
        and India .............................................. 15
     15 Indonesian Elections of 2009 and the New Government .... 15
     16 The World Economy in Crisis—Visions from
        International Input-Output Analyses .................... 16
     17 Political Confusion and Legal System in Pakistan ....... 16
     18 Formation of India's New Government Following the
        2009 Parliamentary Elections: Its Policy and
        Direction .............................................. 16

     (Basic and Comprehensive Studies)
     19 Stability in New Democracies ........................... 17
     20 Competitiveness and Constraint of Private Companies
        in the Middle East ..................................... 17
     21 Laos: New Development of "Chintanakan Mai" ............. 18
     22 Whither the Military Regime in Myanmar? ................ 18
     23 Conflict and State Formation in Africa and the Middle
        East ................................................... 18
     24 African Firms in the New Era of Globalization .......... 19
     25 "Food Crisis" and Maize Supply in Developing
        Countries .............................................. 19
     26 Comprehensive Study on Cuba: Politics, Economy and
        Society under the New Government of Raъl Castro ........ 20
     27 Family Business in Twenty-First Century: The Case of
        Mexico ................................................. 20
     28 Economic Management and Industrial Structure in DPR
        of Korea ............................................... 20
     29 Participation of Taiwan and Hong Kong in East Asian
        Regionalism ............................................ 21
     30 The Transformation and Implications of "Political
        Representative Structure" in Latin America ............. 21
     31 Rural Development in the Developing Countries: an
        Approach using Social Network Analysis ................. 21
     32 The Public in Turkey ................................... 22
     33 Globalization of Islamic Banking and Its Role in
        Individual Countries ................................... 22
     34 Global Capital Flow and East Asian Emerging Market
        Countries .............................................. 22
     35 East Asia's Economic Integration: Theory and
        Practice ............................................... 23
     36 Regular Jobs, Non-regular Jobs, and International
        Trade .................................................. 23
     37 Governance Problems in Public Financial Management in
        Developing Economies ................................... 24
     38 Changing Determinants of Secondary School Enrollment:
        The Case of Rural Indonesia ............................ 24
     39 Agricultural Productivity Growth and Economic
        Development: The Dynamic Effects of Land Ownership
        and Market Frictions ................................... 25
     40 Brand-new Regional Mechanism for International
        Security ............................................... 25
     41 Fiscal Decentralization and Development ................ 25
     42 Engineers as Engines of Industrial Development ......... 26
     43 Formation of Environmental Resource Conservation
        Policy in Economic Development Process ................. 26
     44 Building Basin Governance for Water Pollution Control
        in China: A Social Experiment in Community Roundtable
        Meetings in the Tai Lake Basin ......................... 27
     45 Fair Trade and Poverty Reduction ....................... 27
     46 The Growth and Transformation of Korean Chaebol in
        the Post-Developmental Era ............................. 28
     47 "Inter-firm Dynamics of Notebook PC Manufacturing
        Industry and the Growth of Taiwanese Firms" ............ 28
     48 The Role of the Japan-Korea Technology Network ......... 28
     49 Frontiers of Spatial Economics ......................... 29
     50 Pacific Island Nations in the Era of Globalization ..... 29
     51 Comparative Studies on the Governance of Local
        Governments in Southeast Asia .......................... 30
     52 International Recycling System Design .................. 30
     53 Studies on Macroeconometric Models for Policy
        Evaluation ............................................. 30
     54 Comprehensive Study of Taiwan III: Centripetal and
        Centrifugal Power of Taiwanese Society ................. 31
     55 Changing Legislative Process in Thailand ............... 31

     (Overseas Joint Studies in Developing Countries)
     56 FY 2009 Joint Research—"Japan-China Economic
        Collaboration" ......................................... 32
     57 CJK (Japan, China and Korea) FTA Joint Research
        Project ................................................ 32

     (Investment promotion program for Africa)
     58 Investment Promotion Program for Africa ................ 33

     (Commissioned Projects)
     59 Phase 1 of Impact Evaluation of the Pasak Irrigation
        Project in Thailand .................................... 33
     60 Foreign Direct Investment by the Japanese Agri-Food
        Industry in ASEAN and Its Effect on the Intra-
        Industry Trade of Food Products: A Statistical
        Analysis ............................................... 34
     61 The Impact of Small-Scale Irrigation Scheme and
        System of Rice Intensification in Indonesia ............ 34

     (Projects funded by Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research)
     62 Local Firm's Learning through Foreign Direct
        Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of the
        Garment Industry in Madagascar ......................... 34
     63 Job Search and Matching in Urban Labor Market:
        Networks in the Chinatown vs. Agglomeration ............ 35
     64 The Location Choice of Multinational Firms and the
        Impacts of FDI on Performance at Home according to
        FDI Type ............................................... 35
     65 Ethnic Chinese and the State ........................... 36
     66 Analysis of Poverty Reduction Policies in India Using
        Field-Experiments ...................................... 36
     67 Assembler-Supplier Relationships and the Growth of
        Local Suppliers in the Vietnamese Motorcycle
        Industry ............................................... 36
     68 The Basic Studies on Chinese Businessmen in Myanmar .... 36
     69 Qualitative Study of the Social Mobility of Rural-
        Urban Migrants in Modern China ......................... 37
     70 Microcredit Field Experiments: Loan Maturity and
        Group Lending .......................................... 37
     71 A Study of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
        (WEEE) Management in Asia .............................. 37
     72 International Migration of Nurses and its Impact on
        the Health System of the Sending Countries - Case
        Studies of the Philippines, South Africa, Ghana and
        Zimbabwe ............................................... 38

III  International Conferences, Symposia, Workshops
     1  International Symposium: Current Issues Faced by
        Pacific Island Nations—Global Warming and
        Globalization .......................................... 39
     2  UNCTAD-IDE Joint Seminar: The Tokyo Briefing on
        Economic Development in Africa Report 2009 ............. 39
     3  The 17th International Input-Output Conference:
        Special session on "the 2005 BRICs International
        Input-Output Table" .................................... 39
     4  International Symposium "Trilateral Joint Research
        among China, Japan and Korea: CJK- FTA Study
        Phase II: The Road to Economic Recovery and Trade
        Facilitation" .......................................... 40
     5  "Trilateral Joint Research among China, Japan and
        Korea: the Third Workshop" ............................. 40
     6  International Symposium: The Global Economic Crisis
        and Reconstructing East Asian Economies ................ 41
     7	  Workshop "The Formation of Industrial clusters in
        Asia and Regional Integration" ......................... 41
     8  International Workshop on "Compilation and Use of the
        2005 International Input-Output Tables" ................ 42
     9  International Workshop on "Comparative Study of the
        Industrial Development Process in China and India" ..... 42
     10 International Workshop on "Building New Clean Water
        Networks in China: Challenges and Opportunities for
        Protecting Lake Tai," Nanjing, China ................... 43
     11 IDEAS 20th Anniversary Workshop on the New Trends in
        Development and Human Resource Development (HRD)
        - Nurturing Development Experts for the Next Decade .... 43
     12 International Workshop on Late-comer Firms and
        Industrial Upgrading in Global Value Chains:
        Experiences from East Asia ............................. 44

IV   International Research Exchanges Promotion Activities
     1  Hosting of Visiting Research Fellows (VRF) ............. 45
     2  Dispatching of IDE Staff Abroad ........................ 46
     3  Networking Activities .................................. 48

V    Publications

     1  Asian Economies ........................................ 49
     2  Ajiken World Trends .................................... 49
     3  The Developing Economies ............................... 49
     4  The Contemporary Middle East ........................... 49
     5  Latin America Report ................................... 49
     6  Africa Report .......................................... 49
     7  Yearbook of Asian Affairs 2009 ......................... 50

     1  IDE Research Series .................................... 50
     2  IDE Selected Books ..................................... 50
     3  "What Is Asia" Series .................................. 50
     4  Current Affairs Report ................................. 50

     (Downloadable Papers and Reports)
     1  Spot Survey Series ..................................... 51
     2  Discussion Paper Series ................................ 51

     (Co-publications with Commercial Publishers) .............. 52

VI   Commendation for Outstanding Publications ................. 54

VII  IDE Library
     1  Library Collection ..................................... 55
     2  Services to Users ...................................... 57

VIII IDE Advanced School (IDEAS) ............................... 58

IX   Supporting Activities towards the Establishment of ERIA
     1  Objective of Activities ................................ 65
     2  Activities in FY 2009 .................................. 65

X    Organization
     1  Organization chart ..................................... 67
     2  Budget for Fiscal 2009 ................................. 67
     3  Executive Board and Staff .............................. 68

Appendix ....................................................... 72

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