Environmental management implications of organic facies studies: abstract book of 56th annual meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (Budapest, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEnvironmental management implications of organic facies studies: abstract book of 56th annual meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, Budapest, 12-18th September 2004 / [ed. by M.Hámor-Vidó]. - Budapest: Geological Institute of Hungary, 2004. - 92 p.: ill. - (Occasional papers of the Geological Institute of Hungary; Vol.202). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 963-671-239-5

Оглавление / Contents
Oral presentations

Kapolyi László: Advanced coal technologies will meet
   the challenges of the 21st century ........................... 7
István Bérczi: A Short History of the Oil and Gas
   E&P in Hungary ............................................... 9
Mastalerz M., Drobniak A. and Filippelli G.: Influence of coal
   petrography on mercury distribution in coal seams; Examples
   from Pennsylvanián coals in Indiana, U.S.A .................. 10
Johnson Ryan and Bustin R. Marc: Coal dispersal in the marine
   environment around a marine coal terminal, British
   Columbia, Canada ............................................ 12
Kalkreuth W., Cardozo Alves T., Cioccari G., Holz M.,
Kern M., Silva M., Willett J., and Finkelman R.: Coal
   Petrology and Chemistry of Permian coals from the Paraná
   Basin: 1. Santa Terezinha, Leăo-Butiá and Candiota
   Coalfields, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil ....................... 13
Cook Alan: Organic facies in the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary
   of the Gippsland and Bass Basin, South Eastern Australia .... 14
Gmur Dariusz: Lithofacies analysis of coal seams from the
   upper part of the coal-bearing measures of the Upper
   Silesia Coal Basin (Westphalian, Poland) .................... 16
Ercegovac M. and Kostic A.: Organic facies and palynofacies:
   nomenclature, classification and application for
   petroleum source rocks evaluation ........................... 18
Sajgó Cs., Galicz Zs. and Brukner-Wein A.: Comparisons
   of organic geochemical data to Organic Petrological
   observations and classification of organic matter ........... 20
Ercegovac M.; Zivotic D. and Kostic A.: Genetic-industrial
   Classification of brown coals in Serbia ..................... 23
Predeanu Georgeta and Panaitescu Cornelia: How petrography
   can establish the relationship between xylite and
   activated carbon ............................................ 26
Nowak G.J., Speczik S., Oszczepalski S. and Grotek I.:
   Petrological recognition of secondary altered organic
   matter in the Zechstein Kupferschiefer from Poland .......... 30
David Petra, van Bergen Frank, Nepveu Manuel and van
   Wees Jan-Diederik: Uncertainties of maturity calculations
   in basin modelling: a multiple ID probabilistic approach .... 32

Poster presentations

Ligouis B., Kleineidam S., Karapanagioti H.K., Kiem R.,
   Grathwohl P., and Niemz C.: Applications of Organic
   Petrology in Sediment and Soil Contamination Studies ........ 37
Mastalerz Maria, Drobniak Agnieszka, Hower James C. and
   Eble Cortland: The environmental impact of trace element
   contents of Indiana and Western Kentucky coals .............. 40
Hanak B. and Kokowska-Pawłowska M.: Characteristics of
   variability of trace elements in coal ash from the 610
   and 620 coal seams (the Poruba beds) of the Upper Silesian
   Coal Basin .................................................. 41
Valentim Bruno, Boavida Dulce, Garcia Cândida, Gonçalves Rita,
   Lemos de Sousa M.J. and Gulyurtlu Ibrahim: Chemical
   characterization of Fly Ash from a Portuguese Power Plant ... 44
Lemos de Sousa M.J.: CO2 capture and storage in abandoned
   coalmines: presenting the "COSEQ" European Union S&T
   research proposal ........................................... 45
Gurba Lila W. and Weber Carl R.: Coal Petrology and Coal Seam
   Methane Generation in the Gloucester Basin, NSW,
   Australia ................................................... 49
Gmur Dariusz: Facies analysis of Tertiary coals from Skilvika
   Formation, Bellsund (Spitsbergen) ........................... 52
Misiak Jacek: Petrography and depositional environment of
   the No. 308 coal seam (Upper Carboniferous) from the
   Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland ........................... 54
Ivanova A., Syabryaj S., Zaitseva L. and Hámor-Vidó M.:
   Palynological and petro-graphical reconstruction of peat
   accumulation in the Trans-Carpathians and in the Pannonian
   Basin at Ilnitsa and Visonta coalfields ..................... 55
Siegl-Farkas Ágnes: Organic microfacies and palynology of
   the Ajka Coal Formation of the Transdanubian Central Range
   in Hungary .................................................. 57
Tomás C., Flores D., Machadinho A. and Gama
   Pereira L.C.: Organic Petrology Characterization of Shales
   from Buçaco Basin, Central Portugal: Preliminar Study ....... 59
Ósorio E., Kalkreuth W., Gomes M. and Vilela A.:
   Evaluation of Petrology and Reactivity of Coal Blends for
   Use in Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI) ...................... 62
Petter Filho E.A., Pacheco E.T., Sampaio C.H.,
   Almeida M.A.A., Lagreca I.H. and Kalkreuth W.: Density
   fractionation of a high-ash Brazilian sub-bituminous
   coal - implications for chemical and petrological
   properties .................................................. 63
Vasconcelos Lopo and Adelaide J. Pedro: Variation of Mineral
   Phases of Mozambican Coals with Different Heating
   Temperatures ................................................ 64
Kalaitzidis Stavros, Bouzinos Antonios, Christanis Kimon,
   Iliopoulou Eleni and Karapanagioti Hrissi: Impacts of
   Lignite and Peat Inertinite Content on Phenanthrene
   Sorption .................................................... 67
Antoniadis Prodromos and Mavridou Evangelia: Characteristic
   macerals coming from lignite deposits of Ptolemais
   tectonic graben (Greece) .................................... 69
Alekseev V.P., Pronina N.V. and Zuravleva D.D.: Coals of the
   Oil-bearing Basin of West Siberia ........................... 71
Stukalova I.E., Alysheva E.I. and Rasulov A.T.: Carboniferous
   Dombarovsk anthracite deposits, South Urals, Russia ......... 72
Fadeeva Natalya P. and Bazhenova Olga K.: Organomaceral
   Composition of Organic Matter in Maikop rocks and their
   oil potential ............................................... 75
Matchoulina Svetlana: Organic-rich sediments of the Dnieper-
   Donets Basin and Fold Donbass ............................... 77
Rodrigues P.R., Oliveira J.T. and Flores D.: Organic
   maturation of shales from Toca da Moura Volcano-
   Sedimentary Complex (Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal) ............ 79
Kovács S., Rálisch-Felgenhauer E., Hámor-Vidó M.,
   Siegl-Farkas Á. and Bóna J.: Conodont colour
   alteration and vitrinite reflectance data related to
   a half-graben structure in the Mesozoic of the Mecsek and
   Villány Mountains, southern Hungary ......................... 81
Kus J., Cramer B., Gerling P. and Kockel F.: Post Mortem 2D-
   Simulation Study of the Hydrocarbon Generation and
   Migration of a N2-rich Gas Field on the inverted
   Southwestern rim of the Lower Saxony Basin .................. 83
Fedor Ferenc: The origin of gases explored within the Inert
   Gas Zone, Hungarian Great Plain, Hungary .................... 86
Iordanidis A., Schwarzbauer J. and Charalampides G.:
   Aliphatic and aromatic bio-markers in Amynteo lignites,
   northern Greece ............................................. 88
Sajgó Csanád: Studies on the matrix effect in Pyrolysates
   of pre-treated organic rich sediments ....................... 90

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