Sun R.-C. Cereal straw as a resource for sustainable biomaterials and biofuels: chemistry, extractives, lignins, hemicelluloses and cellulose (Amsterdam; Boston, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSun R.-C. Cereal straw as a resource for sustainable biomaterials and biofuels: chemistry, extractives, lignins, hemicelluloses and cellulose. - Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier, 2010. - ix, 292, [4] p.: ill. (some col.). - ISBN 978-0-444-53234-3

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
1  Introduction
   Tong-Qi Yuan and Run-Cang Sun
   References ................................................... 5
2  Structure, infrastructure, and Chemical Composition
   Feng Xu
   2.1  Anatomical Structure .................................... 9
   2.2  Ultrastructure ......................................... 10
        2.2.1  Ultrastructure of Wood .......................... 10
        2.2.2  Ultrastructure of Grass ......................... 15
   2.3  Distribution of Polysaccharides and Lignin ............. 18
        2.3.1  Polysaccharides Distribution .................... 18
        2.3.2  Lignin Distribution ............................. 21
   2.4  Chemical Composition ................................... 29
        2.4.1  Cellulose ....................................... 31
        2.4.2  Hemicelluloses .................................. 34
        2.4.3  Lignin .......................................... 37
        2.4.4  Pectic Substances ............................... 39
        2.4.5  Proteins ........................................ 40
        2.4.6  Cutins, Suberins, Waxes and Other Extracts ...... 40
        2.4.7  Ash ............................................. 43
   References .................................................. 43
3  Extractives
   Pai Peng, Jing Bian and Run-Cang Sun
   3.1  Isolation and Purification ............................. 50
        3.1.1  Procedures for Isolation of Extractives ......... 50
        3.1.2  Purification of Extractives ..................... 51
   3.2  Structural Characterization ............................ 52
        3.2.1  Chemical Composition of Extractives ............. 52
        3.2.2  Spectroscopic and Thermal Characterization ...... 62
   References .................................................. 70
4  Hemicelluloses
   Jun-Li Ren and Run-Cang Sun
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 73
   4.2  Occurrence, Nature, and Classification ................. 73
        4.2.1  Occurrence, Nature, and Classification of
               Hemicelluloses .................................. 74
        4.2.2  Occurrence, Nature, and Classification of
               Straw Hemicelluloses ............................ 76
   4.3  Isolation, Analysis, and Structure ..................... 77
        4.3.1  Isolation ....................................... 77
        4.3.2  Structural Analysis of Straw Hemicelluloses ..... 85
        4.3.3  Structure ....................................... 89
   4.4  Physicochemical Properties ............................. 96
        4.4.1  Solubility ...................................... 96
        4.4.2  Mw and Mw Distribution .......................... 96
        4.4.3  Rheological Behavior ............................ 97
        4.4.4  Surface Tension ................................. 98
        4.4.5  Thermal Behavior ................................ 99
        4.4.6  Biological Activity ............................ 100
   4.5  Interactions with Cellulose ........................... 100
        4.5.1  Interaction of Hemicelluloses with Celluloses
               in Production of Celluloses .................... 101
        4.5.2  Interaction of Hemicelluloses with Celluloses
               in Papermaking Process ......................... 103
        4.5.3  Effect of Interaction of Hemicelluloses with
               Celluloses on the Bioethanol Production ........ 104
        4.5.4  The Assembly Characteristics of
               Hemicelluloses on Cellulose .................... 105
   4.6  Modification of Hemicelluloses and its Application .... 105
        4.6.1  The Potential Modification of Hemicelluloses ... 105
        4.6.2  Chemical Modification and its Application ...... 106
        4.6.3  Straw Hemicelluloses and their Application ..... 117
        4.7  Summary .......................................... 118
   References ................................................. 119
5  Cellulose
   Chuan-Fu Liu and Run-Cang Sun
   5.1  Occurrence ............................................ 131
   5.2  Isolation ............................................. 132
        5.2.1  Delignification and Alkali Extraction .......... 132
        5.2.2  Steam Explosion ................................ 134
        5.2.3  Alkaline Peroxide Extraction ................... 135
        5.2.4  Organic Solvent Extraction ..................... 135
        5.2.5  Other Isolation Methods ........................ 136
   5.3  Structure and the Crystalline Lattice of
        Cellulose I ........................................... 138
        5.3.1  Supermolecular Structure ....................... 138
        5.3.2  Cellulose Lattice I ............................ 138
        5.3.3  Conversion of Cellulose I to Cellulose II ...... 142
   5.4  Physico-Chemical Properties ........................... 143
        5.4.1  Structural Properties .......................... 143
        5.4.2  Dissolution of Cellulose ....................... 146
        5.4.3  Regeneration of Cellulose ...................... 151
        5.4.4  Hydrolysis of Cellulose ........................ 153
   5.5  Chemical Modification and its Utilization ............. 154
        5.5.1  Acetylation .................................... 155
        5.5.2  Acylation with Other Linear Anhydrides or
               Chlorides ...................................... 157
        5.5.3  Esterification with Cyclic Anhydrides .......... 157
        5.5.4  Carboxymethylation ............................. 158
        5.5.5  Other Chemical Modification .................... 161
   5.6  Concluding Remarks .................................... 162
   References ................................................. 162
6  Lignin
   FaChuang Lu and John Ralph
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 169
   6.2  Monolignols, and Lignification in Grass Cell Walls .... 170
        6.2.1  Biosynthesis of Monolignols .................... 170
        6.2.2  Lignin Deposition and Topochemistry ............ 171
        6.2.3  Lignification - Polymerization of
               Monolignols .................................... 173
   6.3  Isolation and Purification of Lignins ................. 174
        6.3.1  Milled Wood Lignin ............................. 175
        6.3.2  Enzyme Lignin .................................. 177
        6.3.3  Alkali Lignins ................................. 178
        6.3.4  Organosolv Lignin .............................. 180
        6.3.5  Purification of Lignins ........................ 182
   6.4  Analytical Methods for Lignin Characterization ........ 183
        6.4.1  Thioacidolysis ................................. 183
        6.4.2  DFRC Method .................................... 184
        6.4.3  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ........ 185
   6.5  Structural Characteristics of Straw Lignins ........... 187
        6.5.1  Ferulates in Grass Lignins ..................... 188
        6.5.2  ρ-Coumarates in Grass Lignins .................. 192
        6.5.3  Lignin-Carbohydrate Complexes in Grasses ....... 193
   6.6  Utilization of Lignins ................................ 194
        6.6.1  Wood Adhesives Made from Lignins ............... 195
        6.6.2  Biochemicals/Biofuel from Lignins .............. 196
   6.7  Concluding Remarks .................................... 197
   References ................................................. 198
7  Chemical Modification of Straw as Novel Materials for
   7.1  Chemical Modification of Cereal Straws as Natural
        Sorbents in Oil Spill Cleanup ......................... 209
        Diao She, Run-Cang Sun and Gwynn Lloyd Jones
        7.1.1  Hazard of Oil Spill ............................ 209
        7.1.2  Methods for Controlling Oil Spills ............. 209
        7.1.3  Classification of Oil Sorbents ................. 209
        7.1.4  Principles of Sorbency ......................... 210
        7.1.5  Influence of Sorptive Capacity ................. 210
        7.1.6  Chemical Modification of Cereal Straws as Oil
               Sorbents ....................................... 211
        7.1.7  Types of Catalysts in Chemical Modification .... 212
        7.1.8  Agro-Based Sorbent Application ................. 213
   References ................................................. 216
   7.2  Modification of Cereal Straws as Natural Sorbents
        for Removing Metal Ions from Industrial Waste Water
        Feng Peng and Run-Cang Sun
        7.2.1  Introduction ................................... 219
        7.2.2  Mechanism of Metal Biosorption ................. 220
        7.2.3  Adsorption Models .............................. 220
        7.2.4  Methods of Chemical Modification ............... 221
       The Methods of Direct Chemical
                        Modification .......................... 222
       Chemical Grafting Modification ........ 223
        7.2.5  Chemically Modified Straw ...................... 227
       Sugarcane Bagasse ..................... 227
       Rice Straw/Husks/Hulls ................ 230
       Wheat Straw/Wheat Bran ................ 231
       Corncobs .............................. 231
       Soybean Straw/Hull .................... 232
       Other Straw/Hulls ..................... 233
        7.2.6  Summary ........................................ 233
   References ................................................. 234
   7.3  Modification of Straw for Activated Carbon
        Preparation and Application for the Removal of Dyes
        from Aqueous Solutions
        Tong-Qi Yuan and Run-Cang Sun
        7.3.1  Introduction ................................... 239
        7.3.2  Technologies Available for Dye Removal ......... 239
       Biological Treatments ................. 240
       Chemical Methods ...................... 240
       Physical Methods ...................... 240
        7.3.3  Dye Removal Using Commercial Activated
               Carbons ........................................ 241
        7.3.4  Dye Removal Using Agricultural Wastes or
               Byproducts ..................................... 242
        7.3.5  Production of Acs from Agricultural
               Byproducts ..................................... 244
       Physical Activation ................... 245
       Chemical Activation ................... 245
       Dye Removal Using Acs from
                        Agricultural Byproducts ............... 245
        7.3.6  Summary ........................................ 247
   References ................................................. 248
   7.4  Liquefaction and Gasification of Cereal Straws
        Ming-Fei Li and Run-Cang Sun 
        7.4.1  Hydrothermal Liquefaction ...................... 253
        7.4.2  Solvolytic Liquefaction ........................ 256
        7.4.3  Thermal Gasification ........................... 259
        7.4.4  Hydrothermal Gasification ...................... 261
   References ................................................. 263
   7.5  Biorefinery Straw for Bioethanol
        Кun Wang and Run-Cang Sun
        7.5.1  Introduction ................................... 267
        7.5.2  Lignocellulosic Biomass Recalcitrance .......... 268
        7.5.3  Biorefinery Straw for Bioethanol Production .... 270
       Acid Hydrolysis ....................... 270
       Enzymatic Hydrolysis .................. 272
        7.5.4  Summary ........................................ 282
   References ................................................. 283

Index ......................................................... 289

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