U.S. Geological survey. Professional paper; 1730 (Washington, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe Gogebic iron range: a sample of the northern margin of the Penokean fold and thrust belt / W.F.Cannon et al. - Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, 2008. - v, 44 p. - (U.S. Geological survey. Professional paper; 1730). - Ref.: p.40-44. - ISBN-13 978-1-4113-1917-2

Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ........................................................ 1
Introduction .................................................... 2
General Geology ................................................. 4
   Neoarchean Rocks ............................................. 4
   Paleoproterozoic Rocks ....................................... 4
      Chocolay Group ............................................ 6
         Sunday Quartzite ....................................... 6
         Bad River Dolomite ..................................... 6
      Menominee Group ........................................... 8
         Palms Formation ........................................ 8
         Ironwood Iron-Formation ................................ 8
         Relation between the Ironwood Iron-Formation and
         the Emperor Volcanic Complex ........................... 9
         Stratigraphic Relations in the Menominee Group and
         Emperor Volcanic Complex .............................. 10
      Baraga Group ............................................. 11
         Copps Formation ....................................... 12
         Tyler Formation ....................................... 12
         Pabst Member .......................................... 12
      Age and Correlation of the Marquette Range Supergroup .... 13
         Stratigraphic Correlations within the Marquette 
         Range Supergroup ...................................... 13
         Absolute Age of the Marquette Range Supergroup ........ 14
      Paleoproterozoic Intrusive Rocks ......................... 15
   Mesoproterozoic Rocks ....................................... 19
Structural Geology ............................................. 19
   Mesoproterozoic Structures .................................. 19
      Atkins Lake-Marenisco Fault .............................. 21
   Paleoproterozoic Structures ................................. 22
      Central Gogebic Iron Range ............................... 23
      Eastern Gogebic Iron Range ............................... 24
         Extensional Phase ..................................... 24
         Contractional Phase ................................... 25
         Summary of Eastern Gogebic Iron Range Structure ....... 27
      Western Gogebic Iron Range ............................... 27
Economic Geology ............................................... 31
   Natural Iron Ores ........................................... 31
   Taconite .................................................... 33
Synopsis ....................................................... 34
   Sedimentation of the Marquette Range Supergroup ............. 34
      Environmental Setting of Deposition ...................... 34
         Chocolay Group ........................................ 34
         Menominee Group ....................................... 34
         Baraga Group .......................................... 35
      Tectonic Setting of Deposition ........................... 35
         Chocolay Group ........................................ 35
         Menominee Group ....................................... 35
         Baraga Group .......................................... 36
         Volcanism ............................................. 36
   Penokean Deformation ........................................ 38
Acknowledgments ................................................ 40
References Cited ............................................... 40

(In pocket)
1.  Geologic maps of the Gogebic iron range.

1.  Generalized geologic map of the upper Great Lakes region,
    U.S. and Canada ............................................. 3
2.  Schematic stratigraphic section along approximately 150 km
    of the Gogebic iron range ................................... 5
3.  Geologic map of part of the eastern Gogebic Range ........... 7
3-4.Photographs showing
4.  Stromatolites in Bad River Dolomite ......................... 8
5.  Examples of typical rocks types of the Emperor Volcanic 
    Complex .................................................... 10
6.  Schematic longitudinal section of part of the central 
    Gogebic iron range ......................................... 13
7.  Geochemical discrimination diagrams showing the 
    subalkaline tholeiitic character of the mafic rocks from 
    the Emperor Volcanic Complex and diabase near Atkins 
    Lake ....................................................... 14
8.  Chondrite-normalized rare earth element plot and
    primitive-mantle-normalized multi-element plot for mafic
    rocks from the Emperor Volcanic Complex and diabase near
    Atkins Lake ................................................ 18
9.  Block diagram illustrating the geometric relationship 
    between Neoarchean, Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic
    rocks in the central part of the Gogebic iron range ........ 22
10. Photomicrographs of rocks from the Atkins Lake-Marenisco
    fault zone on the north side of the Marengo River .......... 23
11. Schematic block diagram illustrating the geometry of 
    fault sets in the central Gogebic iron range ............... 25
12. Diagram illustrating the restoration of the 
    Paleoproterozoic geometry of the Presque Isle trough 
    constructed by compensating for the Mesoproterozoic 
    northward rotation ......................................... 27
13. Small scale recumbent fold in Ironwood Iron-Formation in 
    NEH, sec. 24, T.44 N., R.4W ................................ 30
14. Schematic block diagram showing the relation of natural 
    ores to the stratigraphy and structure of the central 
    Gogebic iron range ......................................... 32
15. Primitive-mantle-normalized multi-element plot showing
    the compositional similarity of mafic rocks from the
    Emperor Volcanic Complex and diabase near Atkins Lake 
    with basalts of the Hemlock Formation and Badwater 
    Greenstone ................................................. 37
16. Tectonic discrimination diagrams showing the within-plate
    affinity of the mafic rocks of the Emperor Volcanic 
    Complex and diabase from near Atkins Lake .................. 38
17. Primitive-mantle-normalized multi-element plot showing
    the compositional similarity of rift-related Late 
    Silurian to Early Devonian basalts from the northern
    Appalachians and the mafic rocks from the Emperor 
    Volcanic Complex and diabase near Atkins Lake .............. 39

1.  Whole-rock chemical analyses of Paleoproterozoic mafic 
    rocks from the Emperor Volcanic Complex and diabase near
     Atkins Lake ............................................... 16
2.  Sequence of tectonic events in the Gogebic iron range ...... 20

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