U.S. Geological Survey professional paper; 1773 (Reston, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGroundwater availability in the Atlantic coastal plain of North and South Carolina / ed. by B.G.Campbell, A.L.Coes. - Reston: U.S. Geological Survey, 2010. - xxv, 241 p.: col. ill., col. maps + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.). - (U.S. Geological Survey professional paper; 1773). - Ref.: p.240-241. - ISBN 978-1-4113-2765-8

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ..................................................... iii
Acknowledgments ............................................... iv
Executive Summary .............................................. v

Chapter A
Groundwater Availability in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
North and South Carolina
Introduction .................................................... 1
   Purpose and Scope ............................................ 4
   Methods of Investigation ..................................... 5
      Data Compilation .......................................... 6
      Numerical Model ........................................... 6
   Previous Investigations ...................................... 6
Study Area ...................................................... 7
   Physiography and Climate ..................................... 7
   Capacity Use Areas ........................................... 7
Geologic History and Setting .................................... 7
Hydrogeology .................................................... 8
Hydrologic System ............................................... 8
   Surface Water ................................................ 8
   Groundwater .................................................. 8
Development of the Hydrologic System ............................ 9
   Groundwater Development History .............................. 9
   Water Use ................................................... 10
Development and Changes to the Hydrologic Budget ............... 10
   Simulated Groundwater Budget Analysis ....................... 10
   Regional Groundwater Budget ................................. 10
      North Carolina Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area
      Groundwater Budget ....................................... 16
      Sumter, South Carolina, Groundwater Budget ............... 19
      Aiken, South Carolina, Groundwater Budget ................ 19
   Effects of Potential Future Climate Variability on 
   Groundwater Levels .......................................... 24
Groundwater Level Monitoring Network Analysis in North and
South Carolina ................................................. 25
Summary and Conclusions ........................................ 42
References ..................................................... 44

Chapter В
Hydrogeologic Framework of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, North
and South Carolina Introduction ................................ 49
   Previous Investigations ..................................... 53
   Nomenclature and Classification of Hydrostratigraphic 
   Units ....................................................... 53
   Methods of Investigation .................................... 55
   North Carolina Methods of Investigation ..................... 55
   South Carolina Methods of Investigation ..................... 56
   Hydrogeologic Cross Sections ................................ 57
Pre-Cretaceous Basement Rocks and Structural Geology of the 
Coastal Plain .................................................. 61
North Carolina Coastal Plain Stratigraphy and
Hydrostratigraphy .............................................. 61
   Surficial Aquifer ........................................... 64
   Yorktown Confining Unit and Aquifer ......................... 67
   Castle Hayne Confining Unit and Aquifer ..................... 72
   Beaufort Confining Unit and Aquifer ......................... 77
   Peedee Confining Unit and Aquifer ........................... 82
   Black Creek Confining Unit and Aquifer ...................... 87
   Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit and Aquifer .................. 92
   Lower Cape Fear Confining Unit and Aquifer .................. 97
   Lower Cretaceous Confining Unit and Aquifer ................ 102
South Carolina Coastal Plain Allostratigraphy and 
Biostratigraphy ............................................... 105
   Late Cretaceous Formations ................................. 105
      Beech Hill Formation .................................... 105
      Clubhouse Formation ..................................... 105
      Cape Fear Formation ..................................... 105
      Collins Creek Formation ................................. 106
      Pleasant Creek Formation ................................ 106
      Shepherd Grove Formation ................................ 106
      Caddin Formation ........................................ 106
      Cane Acre Formation ..................................... 107
      Coachman Formation ...................................... 107
      Bladen Formation ........................................ 107
      Donoho Creek Formation .................................. 107
      Peedee Formation ........................................ 108
      Sawdust Landing Formation ............................... 108
   Tertiary Formations ........................................ 108
      Rhems Formation ......................................... 109
      Lang Syne Formation ..................................... 109
      Williamsburg Formation .................................. 109
      Fishburne Formation ..................................... 110
      Congaree Formation ...................................... 110
      Warley Hill Formation ................................... 110
      Santee Formation ........................................ 110
      Harleyville Formation ................................... 111
      Dry Branch Formation .................................... 111
      Tobacco Road Sand Formation ............................. 111
      Ashley Formation ........................................ 111
      Hawthorn Group .......................................... 112
      Upland Unit ............................................. 112
      Undifferentiated Quaternary Units ....................... 112
South Carolina Coastal Plain Hydrostratigraphy ................ 112
   Surficial Aquifer .......................................... 116
      Age and Stratigraphic Correlation ....................... 116
      Lithology and Texture ................................... 116
      Hydrologic Properties ................................... 116
      Geophysical-Log Signature ............................... 117
   Floridan Aquifer System .................................... 117
      Upper Floridan Confining Unit ........................... 118
         Age and Stratigraphic Correlation .................... 118
         Lithology and Texture ................................ 118
         Hydrologic Properties ................................ 118
         Geophysical-Log Signature ............................ 119
      Upper Floridan Aquifer .................................. 119
         Age and Stratigraphic Correlation .................... 119
         Lithology and Texture ................................ 119
         Hydrologic Properties ................................ 120
         Geophysical-Log Signature ............................ 120
      Middle Floridan Confining Unit .......................... 120
         Age and Stratigraphic Correlation .................... 120
         Lithology and Texture ................................ 120
         Hydrologic Properties ................................ 120
         Geophysical-Log Signature ............................ 121
      Middle Floridan Aquifer ................................. 121
         Age and Stratigraphic Correlation .................... 121
         Lithology and Texture ................................ 121
         Hydrologic Properties ................................ 122
         Geophysical-Log Signature ............................ 122
      Gordon Confining Unit ................................... 122
         Age and Stratigraphic Correlation .................... 122
         Lithology and Texture ................................ 122
         Hydrologic Properties ................................ 122
         Geophysical-Log Signature ............................ 122
      Gordon Aquifer .......................................... 123
         Age and Stratigraphic Correlation .................... 123
         Lithology and Texture ................................ 123
         Hydrologic Properties ................................ 123
         Geophysical-Log Signature ............................ 123
   Meyers Branch Confining System/Crouch Branch Confining 
   Unit ....................................................... 124
      Age and Stratigraphic Correlation ....................... 124
      Lithology and Texture ................................... 124
      Hydrologic Properties ................................... 124
      Geophysical-Log Signature ............................... 124
   Dublin Aquifer System/Crouch Branch Aquifer ................ 124
      Age and Stratigraphic Correlation ....................... 125
      Lithology and Texture ................................... 125
      Hydrologic Properties ................................... 126
      Geophysical-Log Signature ............................... 126
   Allendale Confining System/McQueen Branch Confining Unit ... 126
      Age and Stratigraphic Correlation ....................... 126
      Lithology and Texture ................................... 127
      Hydrologic Properties ................................... 127
      Geophysical-Log Signature ............................... 127
   Midville Aquifer System .................................... 127
      McQueen Branch Aquifer .................................. 128
         Age and Stratigraphic Correlation .................... 128
         Lithology and Texture ................................ 128
         Hydrologic Properties ................................ 128
         Geophysical-Log Signature ............................ 128
      Charleston Confining Unit ............................... 128
         Age and Stratigraphic Correlation .................... 129
         Lithology and Texture ................................ 129
         Hydrologic Properties ................................ 129
         Geophysical-Log Signature ............................ 129
      Charleston Aquifer ...................................... 129
         Age and Stratigraphic Correlation .................... 129
         Lithology and Texture ................................ 129
         Hydrologic Properties ................................ 130
         Geophysical-Log Signature ............................ 130
   Appleton Confining System/Gramling Confining Unit .......... 130
      Age and Stratigraphic Correlation ....................... 130
      Lithology and Texture ................................... 130
      Hydrologic Properties ................................... 130
      Geophysical-Log Signature ............................... 131
   Ridgeland Aquifer System/Gramling Aquifer .................. 131
      Age and Stratigraphic Correlation ....................... 131
      Lithology and Texture ................................... 131
      Hydrologic Properties ................................... 131
      Geophysical-Log Signature ............................... 132
   Discussion ................................................. 132
Correlation of Hydrostratigraphic Units Across the North
Carolina-South Carolina Border ................................ 132
Summary ....................................................... 136
References .................................................... 139

Appendix B1. Aquifer and confining unit top surface 
             altitudes interpreted from borehole geophysical
             logs, cores, and other data in the Coastal 
             Plain of North Carolina, South Carolina, 
             eastern Georgia, and southern Virginia ........... 147
Appendix B2. Core description of ORG-393 (#68, section l-l',
             Plate 7) ......................................... 156

Chapter С
Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Atlantic Coastal Plain,
North and South Carolina and Parts of Georgia and Virginia,
Predevelopment to 2004 Introduction ........................... 163
Model Development ............................................. 163
Simulation of Groundwater Flow ................................ 163
   Spatial Discretization ..................................... 166
   Temporal Discretization .................................... 166
   Boundary Conditions ........................................ 169
      Recharge ................................................ 169
      Groundwater Use ......................................... 169
   Hydraulic Properties Used in Model Calibration ............. 179
   Observations Used in Model Calibration ..................... 179
      Groundwater Levels ...................................... 180
      River Baseflow .......................................... 180
   Model Calibration .......................................... 180
      Model Fit-Groundwater Levels ............................ 196
      Model Fit-Stream Baseflow ............................... 215
      Simulated Regional Water Budget ......................... 215
      Sensitivity Testing and Analysis ........................ 236
   Model Limitations .......................................... 238
Future Opportunities for Improvements ......................... 239
References .................................................... 240

[On CD in pocket]
1.  Northwest to southeast hydrogeologic cross section A-A'
    through the South Carolina Coastal Plain
2.  Northwest to southeast hydrogeologic cross section B-B' 
    and west to east hydrogeologic cross section C-C' through
    the South Carolina Coastal Plain
3.  Northwest to southeast hydrogeologic cross section D-D' 
    and west to east hydrogeologic cross section E-E' through
    the North Carolina Coastal Plain
4.  West to east hydrogeologic cross section F-F' through the
    North Carolina Coastal Plain
5.  Southwest to northeast hydrogeologic cross section G-G'
    through the North Carolina Coastal Plain
6.  Southwest to northeast hydrogeologic cross section D'-H
    through the North Carolina Coastal Plain
7.  Southwest to northeast hydrogeologic cross sections I-I'
    and A'-C' through the South Carolina Coastal Plain


Chapter A
A1-A4. Maps showing-
       A1.  The Atlantic Coastal Plain along the Atlantic 
            Coast of North and South Carolina and parts of
            northern Florida, Georgia, Virginia, and Maryland ... 2
       A2.  Locations of selected groundwater level monitoring
            sites and hydrographs showing the effects of the 
            1998-2002 drought in North and South Carolina ....... 3
       A3.  Capacity Use Areas in North and South Carolina ...... 4
       A4.  Locations of areas of detailed groundwater 
            budgets, North and South Carolina .................. 11
A5-A7. Schematic diagrams showing-
       A5.  Simulated water budget in the Atlantic Coastal
            Plain aquifer system of North and South Carolina
            for predevelopment and 2004 ........................ 12
       A6.  Simulated predevelopment groundwater budget for
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina ........................................... 13
       A7.  Simulated 2004 groundwater budget for the 
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina ........................................... 14
       A8.  Graph showing simulated water budget per stress 
            period from predevelopment to 2004 in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina ........................................... 15
A9-A14.Schematic diagrams showing-
       A9.  Simulated groundwater flow budget for 
            predevelopment conditions in the North Carolina
            Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area ............ 17
       A10. Simulated groundwater flow budget for 2004 
            conditions in the North Carolina Central Coastal
            Plain Capacity Use Area ............................ 18
       All. Simulated groundwater flow budget for 
            predevelopment conditions in the Sumter, South 
            Carolina, area ..................................... 20
       A12. Simulated groundwater flow budget for 2004
            conditions in the Sumter, South Carolina, area ..... 21
       A13. Simulated groundwater flow budget for 
            predevelopment conditions in the Aiken, South 
            Carolina, area ..................................... 22
       A14. Simulated groundwater flow budget for 2004 
            conditions in the Aiken, South Carolina, area ...... 23
       A15. Graphs showing simulated net recharge rates for
            decadal stress periods from 2010 to 2100 used in
            the climate variability scenarios for the 
            Atlantic Coastal Plain groundwater flow model for
            North and South Carolina ........................... 25
       A16. Map showing locations of wells used in the 
            climate variability scenarios in the Atlantic 
            Coastal Plain of North Carolina, South Carolina,
            and Georgia ........................................ 26
A17-A22.Graphs showing simulated and observed groundwater
       levels for observation wells in the- 
       A17. Upper Floridan aquifer, 1900-2100, in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of South Carolina ........... 27
       A18. Castle Hayne/Pungo River/Middle Floridan 
            aquifer, 1900-2100, in the Atlantic Coastal Plain
            of North and South Carolina ........................ 28
       A19. Beaufort/Gordon aquifer, 1900-2100, in the 
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina ........................................... 29
       A20. Peedee/Crouch Branch aquifer, 1900-2100, in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina ........................................... 30
       А21. Black Creek/McQueen Branch aquifer, 1900-2100,
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina 
            and Georgia ........................................ 31
       A22. Upper Cape Fear/Charleston aquifers, 1900-2100,
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina ........................................... 32
A23-A29. Maps showing prediction standard error of the
       groundwater level monitoring network in the- 
       A23. Yorktown/Upper Floridan aquifers in the Atlantic
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina .......... 34
       A24. Castle Hayne/Pungo River/Middle Floridan 
            aquifers in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North 
            and South Carolina ................................. 35
       A25. Beaufort/Gordon aquifers in the Atlantic Coastal
            Plain of North and South Carolina .................. 36
       A26. Peedee/Crouch Branch aquifer in the Atlantic
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina .......... 37
       A27. Black Creek/McQueen Branch aquifer in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina ........................................... 38
       A28. Upper Cape Fear/Charleston aquifer in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina ........................................... 39
       A29. Lower Cape Fear/Gramling aquifer in the Atlantic 
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina .......... 40

Chapter В
B1-B3. Maps showing-
       B1.  Location of the study area, major geological 
            features, and the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina ........................... 50
       B2.  Location of observation wells and boreholes in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia ......... 51
       B3.  Altitude of the top of the crystalline basement 
            rocks underlying the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia 
            and Georgia, 2007 .................................. 62
       B4.  Stratigraphic correlations of hydrogeologic units 
            of the North and South Carolina Coastal Plain ...... 63
B5-B36.Maps showing-
       B5.  Areal extent and altitude of the top of the 
            surficial aquifer (layer 1) in the Atlantic 
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina Coastal
            Plain and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ...... 65
       B6.  Thickness of the surficial aquifer in the 
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina (layer 1) and parts of Virginia and
            Georgia, 2007 ...................................... 66
       B7.  Areal extents and the top altitudes of the 
            Yorktown confining unit (North Carolina) and 
            Upper Floridan confining unit (South Carolina)
            (layer 2), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North
            and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
            Georgia, 2007 ...................................... 68
       B8.  Thickness of the Yorktown confining unit (North
            Carolina) and Upper Floridan confining unit 
            (South Carolina) (layer 2) in the Atlantic 
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina and
            parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ................ 69
       B9.  Areal extents and the top altitudes of the 
            Yorktown aquifer (North Carolina) and Upper 
            Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 3), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ... 70
       В10. Thickness of the Yorktown aquifer (North 
            Carolina) and Upper Floridan aquifer (South 
            Carolina) (layer 3) in the Atlantic Coastal
            Plain of North and South Carolina and parts of 
            Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ......................... 71
       B11. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Castle
            Hayne confining unit (North Carolina) and the 
            Middle Floridan confining unit (South Carolina)
            (layer 5), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North
            and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
            Georgia, 2007 ...................................... 73
       B12. Thickness of the Castle Hayne confining unit
            (North Carolina) and the Middle Floridan 
            confining unit (South Carolina) (layer 4) in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina and
            South Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia,
            2007 ............................................... 74
       B13. Thickness of the Castle Hayne aquifer (North
            Carolina) and the Middle Floridan aquifer (South
            Carolina) (layer 5) in the Atlantic Coastal Plain
            of North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 .................................. 75
       B14. Areal extents and top altitudes of the Castle 
            Hayne aquifer (North Carolina) and the Middle 
            Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 5) in
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ... 76
       B15. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the 
            Beaufort confining unit (North Carolina) and the
            Gordon confining unit (South Carolina) (layer 6),
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ... 78
       B16. Thickness of the Beaufort confining unit (North
            Carolina) and the Gordon confining unit (South 
            Carolina) (layer 6), in the Atlantic Coastal 
            Plain of North and South Carolina and parts of
            Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ......................... 79
       B17. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the 
            Beaufort aquifer (North Carolina) and the Gordon
            aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 7), in the 
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ... 80
       B18. Thickness of the Beaufort aquifer (North 
            Carolina) and the Gordon aquifer (South Carolina)
            (layer 7), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North 
            and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
            Georgia, 2007 ...................................... 81
       B19. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Peedee
            confining unit (North Carolina) and the Crouch
            Branch confining unit (South Carolina)(layer 8),
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ... 83
       B20. Thickness of the Peedee confining unit (North 
            Carolina) and the Crouch Branch confining unit 
            (South Carolina) (layer 8), in the Atlantic 
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina and
            parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ................ 84
       B21. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Peedee 
            aquifer (North Carolina) and the Crouch Branch 
            aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 9), in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ... 85
       B22. Thickness of the Peedee aquifer (North Carolina)
            and the Crouch Branch aquifer (South Carolina)
            (layer 9), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North
            and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
            Georgia, 2007 ...................................... 86
       В23. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Black
            Creek confining unit (North Carolina) and the 
            McQueen Branch confining unit (South Carolina)
            (layer 10), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 .................................. 88
       B24. Thickness of the Black Creek confining unit 
            (North Carolina) and the McQueen Branch confining
            unit (South Carolina) (layer 10), in the Atlantic
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina and 
            parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ................ 89
       B25. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Black
            Creek aquifer (North Carolina) and the McQueen
            Branch aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 11), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ... 90
       B26. Thickness of the Black Creek aquifer (North 
            Carolina) and the McQueen Branch aquifer (South
            Carolina) (layer 11), in the Atlantic Coastal 
            Plain of North and South Carolina and parts of 
            Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ......................... 91
       B27. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Upper 
            Cape Fear confining unit (North Carolina) and the
            Charleston confining unit (South Carolina) (layer
            12), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and 
            South Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia,
            2007 ............................................... 93
       B28. Thickness of the Upper Cape Fear confining unit 
            (North Carolina) and the Charleston confining 
            unit (South Carolina) (layer 12), in the Atlantic
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina and 
            parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ................ 94
       B29. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Upper
            Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            Charleston aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 13),
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ... 95
       B30. Thickness of the Upper Cape Fear aquifer (North
            Carolina) and the Charleston aquifer (South 
            Carolina) (layer 13), in the Atlantic Coastal
            Plain of North and South Carolina and parts of 
            Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ......................... 96
       B31. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Lower
            Cape Fear confining unit (North Carolina) and the
            Gramling confining unit (South Carolina) 
            (layer 14), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia 
            and Georgia, 2007 .................................. 98
       B32. Thickness of the Lower Cape Fear confining unit
            (North Carolina) and the Gramling confining unit
            (South Carolina) (layer 14), in the Atlantic 
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina and
            parts of Virginia and Georgia, 2007 ................ 99
       B33. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Lower
            Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and Gramling
            aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 15), in the 
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 100
       B34. Thickness of the Lower Cape Fear aquifer (North
            Carolina) and Gramling aquifer (South Carolina)
            (layer 15), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia 
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 101
       B35. Areal extents and the top altitudes of the Lower
            Cretaceous confining unit and Lower Cretaceous 
            aquifer in North Carolina (layer 16), in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina and 
            part of Virginia, 2007 ............................ 103
       В36. Thickness of the Lower Cretaceous confining 
            unit and Lower Cretaceous aquifer in North 
            Carolina (layer 16), in the Atlantic Coastal 
            Plain of North Carolina and part of Virginia,
            2007 .............................................. 104
       B37. Generalized hydrogeologic framework of the South
            Carolina Coastal Plain along strike and dip ....... 113
       B38. Hydrostratigraphy at the Savannah River Site as
            defined by Aadland and others (1995) compared to 
            the hydrostratigraphy of the South Carolina 
            Coastal Plain downdip of the Savannah River 
            Site, as defined in this study .................... 114
       B39. Current hydrostratigraphic correlations of the 
            South Carolina Coastal Plain compared to past 
            correlations ...................................... 115
B40-B41. Hydrostratigraphic correlation cross sections from-
       B40. DIL-121, Little Peedee State Park, Dillion 
            County, SC, to BB 45M, Marietta, Robeson County,
            NC	133 B41.  HOR-973-1165, Myrtle Beach, Horry 
            County, SC, to H0R-388/HH 39J, Calabash, 
            Brunswick County, NC .............................. 134
       B42. Graphs showing continuous groundwater altitudes
            from the Marietta, North Carolina, monitoring 
            station, Robeson County, North Carolina, and 
            Calabash, North Carolina, monitoring station, 
            Brunswick County, North Carolina .................. 135

Chapter С
C1-C2. Maps showing-
       C1.  Location of the Atlantic Coastal Plain in North 
            and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
            Georgia ........................................... 164
       C2.  Locations of natural characteristics within
            distinct areas of the Atlantic Coastal Plain
            Physiographic Province, with a focus on the 
            study area in North and South Carolina, 
            southeastern Virginia, and eastern Georgia ........ 165
       C3.  Generalized cross section of the aquifers and
            confining units of the Atlantic Coastal Plain
            of North and South Carolina, 2007 ................. 166
       C4.  Maps showing Atlantic Coastal Plain groundwater
            model grid showing boundary conditions in layer
            1, which represents the surficial aquifer ......... 168
C5-C7. Graphs showing-
       C5.  Continuous precipitation data from
            precipitation stations in the Atlantic Coastal 
            Plain of North and South Carolina and parts of
            Virginia and Georgia .............................. 170
       C6.  Simulated recharge by model stress period for 
            hydrogeologic units in the Atlantic Coastal 
            Plain of North and South Carolina and parts of
            Virginia and Georgia .............................. 171
       C7.  Groundwater use by model layer for wells in in
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia ........ 171
       C8.  Maps showing locations of water-use wells and 
            2004 withdrawal amounts from the-
       C8A. Yorktown aquifer (North Carolina) and the Upper
            Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 3), 
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and
            South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
            Georgia ........................................... 172
       C8B. Castle Hayne aquifer (North Carolina) and the
            Middle Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 5), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 173
       С8С. Beaufort aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            Gordon aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 7), in
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 174
       C8D. Peedee aquifer (North Carolina) and Crouch 
            Branch aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 9), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 175
       C8E. Black Creek aquifer (North Carolina) and McQueen
            Branch aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 11), in
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 176
       C8F. Upper Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and the
            Charleston aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 13),
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia,
            2007 .............................................. 177
       C8G. Lower Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and 
            the Gramling aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 15), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia 
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 178
       C9.  Maps showing locations of water-level wells 
            completed in the-
       C9A. Yorktown aquifer (North Carolina) and Upper 
            Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 3) in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 181
       C9B. Castle Hayne aquifer (North Carolina) and Middle
            Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 5), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 182
       C9C. Beaufort aquifer (North Carolina) and the Gordon
            aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 7), in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia,
            2007 .............................................. 183
       C9D. Peedee aquifer (North Carolina) and the Crouch
            Branch aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 9), in
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 184
       C9E. Black Creek aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            McQueen Branch aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 11), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 185
       C9F. Upper Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and
            the Charleston aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 13), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 186
       C9G. Lower Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and the
            Gramling aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 15), in
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 187
       C10. Maps showing calibrated horizontal hydraulic 
            conductivities for the-
       C10A.Yorktown aquifer (North Carolina) and the Upper
            Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 3), in
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 189
       C10B.Castle Hayne aquifer (North Carolina) and the
            Middle Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 5), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 190
       C10C.Beaufort aquifer (North Carolina) and the Gordon 
            aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 7), in the 
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia,
            2007 .............................................. 191
       C10D.Peedee aquifer (North Carolina) and the Crouch 
            Branch aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 9), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 192
       С10Е.Black Creek aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            McQueen Branch aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 11), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia 
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 193
       C10F.Upper Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and the
            Charleston aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 13), 
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 194
       C10G.Lower Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and 
            the Gramling aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 15), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 195
       C11. Graph showing observed and simulated water 
            levels for predevelopment calibration, in the
            Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia ........ 197
       C12. Graph showing water-level residuals and 
            simulated water levels for predevelopment 
            calibration in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia 
            and Georgia ....................................... 197
       C13. Maps showing simulated water levels and water-
            level residuals for steady-state calibration for
       C13A.Yorktown aquifer (North Carolina) and the Upper
            Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 3), in
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 198
       C13B.Castle Hayne aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            Middle Floridan aquifer (South Carolina)
            (layer 5), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 199
       C13C.Beaufort aquifer (North Carolina) and the
            Gordon aquifer (South Carolina), in the Atlantic
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina and 
            parts of Virginia and Georgia ..................... 200
       C13D.Peedee aquifer (North Carolina) and the Crouch 
            Branch aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 9), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 201
       C13E.Black Creek aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            McQueen Branch aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 11), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 202
       C13F.Upper Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and 
            the Charleston aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 13), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 203
       C13G.Lower Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and 
            the Gramling aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 15),
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 204
       C13H.Lower Cretaceous confining unit and Lower 
            Cretaceous aquifer (North Carolina) (layer 16),
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina 
            and parts of Virginia, 2007 ....................... 205
       C14. Graph showing observed and simulated water levels
            for 1980 calibration in the Atlantic Coastal
            Plain of North and South Carolina and parts of
            Virginia and Georgia .............................. 206
       C15. Graph showing water-level residuals and
            simulated water levels for 1980 calibration in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia ........ 206
       С16. Maps showing simulated water levels and water-
            level residuals for 1980 calibration for the-
       C16A.Yorktown aquifer (North Carolina) and the Upper
            Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 3), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 207
       C16B.Castle Hayne aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            Middle Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 5), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North
            and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and
            Georgia, 2007 ..................................... 208
       C16C.Beaufort aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            Gordon aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 7), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 209
       C16D.Peedee aquifer (North Carolina) and the Crouch 
            Branch aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 9), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Georgia, 2007 ............... 210
       C16E.Black Creek aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            McQueen Branch aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 11), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 211
       C16F.Upper Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and 
            the Charleston aquifer (South Carolina)
            (layer 13), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 212
       C16G.Lower Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and
            the Gramling aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 15), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 213
       C16H.Lower Cretaceous confining unit and the Lower
            Cretaceous aquifer in North Carolina (layer 16),
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina
            and parts of Virginia, 2007 ....................... 214
       C17. Graph showing observed and simulated water
            levels for 2004 calibration in the Atlantic 
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina and 
            parts of Virginia and Georgia ..................... 216
       C18. Graph showing water-level residuals and
            simulated water levels for 2004 calibration in
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia ........ 216
       C19. Maps showing simulated water levels and water-
            level residuals for 2004 calibration for the-
       C19A.Yorktown aquifer (North Carolina) and the Upper
            Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 3), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 217
       C19B.Castle Hayne aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            Middle Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 5), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 218
       C19C.Beaufort aquifer (North Carolina) and the
            Gordon aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 7), 
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South
            Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia, 
            2007 .............................................. 219
       C19D.Peedee aquifer (North Carolina) and the Crouch
            Branch aquifer (South Carolina) (layer 9), in 
            the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South 
            Carolina and parts of Georgia, 2007 ............... 220
       C19E.Black Creek aquifer (North Carolina) and the 
            McQueen Branch aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 11), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia 
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 221
       C19F.Upper Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and 
            the Charleston aquifer (South Carolina)
            (layer 13), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of 
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 222
       C19G.Lower Cape Fear aquifer (North Carolina) and 
            the Gramling aquifer (South Carolina) 
            (layer 15), in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
            North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia 
            and Georgia, 2007 ................................. 223
       C19H.Lower Cretaceous confining unit and the Lower
            Cretaceous aquifer (North Carolina) (layer 16),
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina
            and parts of Virginia, 2007 ....................... 224
       C20. Map showing locations of wells in the Atlantic
            Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina and 
            southeastern Georgia with continuous observed 
            groundwater levels, 2007 .......................... 225
       C21. Hydrographs of simulated and observed water 
            levels for the- C21A. Yorktown aquifer (North
            Carolina) and Upper Floridan aquifer (South 
            Carolina) ......................................... 226
       C21B.Castle Hayne aquifer (North Carolina) and 
            Middle Floridan aquifer (South Carolina) .......... 227
       C21C.Beaufort aquifer (North Carolina) and Gordon 
            aquifer (South Carolina) .......................... 228
       C21D.Peedee aquifer in North Carolina .................. 229
       C21E.Crouch Branch aquifer in South Carolina ........... 230
       C21F.Black Creek aquifer in North Carolina ............. 231
       C21G.McQueen Branch aquifer in South Carolina .......... 232
       C21H.Upper Cape Fear aquifer in North Carolina ......... 233
       C21I.Charleston aquifer in South Carolina .............. 234
       C21J.Lower Cape Fear aquifer in North Carolina ......... 235
       C22. Graph showing simulated groundwater budget per 
            model stress period from predevelopment to 2004 
            in the Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifers of North
            and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
            Georgia ........................................... 236
       C23. Graphs showing relative composite sensitivities 
            for aquifer parameters and aquifer-parameter 
            pilot points ...................................... 237


Chapter A
A1. Statistics for analysis of effects of climate 
    variability on groundwater levels in the Atlantic 
    Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina .................. 33
A2. Prediction standard-error statistics for the analysis of
    the groundwater level monitoring networks in the Atlantic
    Coastal Plain of North Carolina, South Carolina, and
    parts of eastern Georgia and southern Virginia ............. 41

Chapter В
B1. Model layers and Atlantic Coastal Plain hydrogeologic
    units for southern Virginia, North Carolina, South 
    Carolina, and eastern Georgia .............................. 54
B2. Wells used in cross sections on Plates 1-7 ................. 58

Chapter С
C1. Model layers in relation to Atlantic Coastal Plain 
    hydrogeologic units in North Carolina, South Carolina, 
    eastern Georgia, and southern Virginia .................... 167
C2. Median and maximum model-layer thicknesses in the
    Atlantic Coastal Plain model simulating groundwater
    flow, predevelopment to 2004, in North and South 
    Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia ................ 167
C3. Descriptions of precipitation stations in part of the
    Atlantic Coastal Plain in South Carolina and Georgia ...... 170
C4. Ranges of reported aquifer transmissivity, and 
    calculated and simulated hydraulic conductivities for
    the aquifers in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and
    South Carolina and parts of Virginia and Georgia .......... 179
C5. Streamflow and baseflow data used in model calibration 
    and calibrated streambed conductance for selected sites
    in South Carolina and Georgia ............................. 188
C6. Calibrated hydraulic conductivity values, and calibrated
    values of specific yield, specific storage, and vertical
    anisotropy in the model layers representing the aquifers
    and confining units in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
    North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
    Georgia ................................................... 196
C7. Statistics for model calibration based on predevelopment
    conditions for aquifers in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
    North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
    Georgia ................................................... 197
C8. Statistics for model calibration based on 1980 
    conditions for aquifers in the Atlantic Coastal Plain
    of North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
    Georgia ................................................... 206
C9. Statistics for model calibration based on 2004
    conditions for aquifers in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
    North and South Carolina and parts of Virginia and 
    Georgia ................................................... 216
C10.Observed and simulated mean annual baseflows for 
    selected streamgages in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of
    South Carolina and parts of Georgia ....................... 235

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