Mollier C. Buddhism and Taoism face to face: scripture, ritual, and iconographic exchange in medieval China (Honolulu, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMollier C. Buddhism and Taoism face to face: scripture, ritual, and iconographic exchange in medieval China. - Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2008. - xi, 241 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-0-824-83169-1

Оглавление / Contents
   List of Illustrations ...................................... vii
   Acknowledgments ............................................. ix

   Introduction ................................................. 1
1  The Heavenly Kitchens ....................................... 23
2  In Pursuit of the Sorcerers ................................. 55
3  Augmenting the Life Account ................................ 100
4  Under Stellar Protection ................................... 134
5  Guanyin in a Taoist Guise .................................. 174
   Conclusion ................................................. 209

   Bibliography ............................................... 213
   Index ...................................................... 231


2.1  Guanyin saving the faithful from the peril of sorcery ..... 59
2.2  The peril of sorcery in an illustrated Dunhuang 
     manuscript of the Guanyin jing ............................ 60
2.3  The peril of sorcery in a tenth-century illustrated 
     booklet of the Guanyin jing ............................... 61
2.4  The peril of sorcery in a series of recent paintings at
     the Wenshu yuan ........................................... 63
2.5  The peril of sorcery at the Pilu monastery ................ 64
2.6  Four Taoist talismans to expel the gu poison .............. 87
2.7  A Buddhist talisman for the expulsion of the gu poison .... 89
3.1  The Generals of the Six jia at Mount Heming, Jiange 
     (Sichuan) ................................................ 118
3.2  The talismans of the Great Dipper in the Taoist
     Yisuan jing .......................................... 124—125
3.3  The talismans of the Buddhist Yisuan jing from 
     Dunhuang ................................................. 126
3.4  The fifteen talismans of the Taoist Yisuan jing ...... 128-129
3.5  The five prophylactic talismans and the ten 
     demonifuge talismans ..................................... 130
4.1  Diagram of the Great Dipper .............................. 139
4.2  Medical prognostication related to the seven stars of 
     the Beidou ............................................... 148
4.3  The Method of Ge Xuan for Honoring the Great Dipper ...... 150
4.4  The true forms of the twelve Original Spirits ............ 154
4.5  The talismans of the seven stars and icons of the nine
     stars .................................................... 157
4.6  The talismans of the Great Dipper ........................ 158
4.7  An altar with lamps for the Beidou at the Laojun 
     temple, Xinjin (Sichuan) ................................. 161
4.8  The Method of lying down in the Dipper and meditating
     on the seven stars ....................................... 164
4.9  The talismanic names of the nine stars of the Great 
     Dipper ................................................... 167
4.10 The nine stars and their palaces ..................... 168-169
4.11 The nine stars and their palaces ......................... 170
4.12 The nine stars of the Dipper in a fifteenth-century 
     painting at the Baoning temple, Shanxi ................... 171
4.13 Two Beidou talismans of the late Han period .............. 172
5.1  The Water-Moon Guanyin at Pilu monastery, Anyue
     (Sichuan) ................................................ 176
5.2  Guanyin, Savior from Peril, a tenth-century painting 
     from Dunhuang ............................................ 187
5.3  Details of salvation from the perils by Guanyin .......... 188
5.4  Guanyin with a willow twig and a flask ................... 197
5.5  The Jiuku tianzun of Tongnan ............................. 201
5.6  The Buddha and Laojun side by side, Xuanmiao temple,
     Anyue (Sichuan) .......................................... 202
5.7  Jiuku tianzun and his two guardians, Xuanmiao temple,
     Anyue (Sichuan) .......................................... 203
5.8  Two paintings of jiuku tianzun ........................... 205
5.9  A statue of jiuku tianzun under construction at the
     Qingyang gong monastery, Chengdu ......................... 206
5.10 The statue of jiuku tianzun at the Qingyang gong 
     monastery, Chengdu ....................................... 207

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