How much is enough?: Buddhism, consumerism, and the human environment (Somerville, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHow much is enough?: Buddhism, consumerism, and the human environment / ed. by R.K.Payne. - Somerville: Wisdom Publications, 2010. - xii, 232 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-0-86171-685-2

Оглавление / Contents
Editor's Preface
"How Much Is Enough?": Buddhism and the Human Environment
by Richard K. Payne ............................................ xi
   Acknowledgements ........................................... xii

Just How Much Is Enough?
by Richard K. Payne ............................................. 1
   Global Perspectives on the Environment ....................... 3
   Contents of the Collection ................................... 4
   Final Thoughts .............................................. 14

Buddhist Environmentalism in Contemporary Japan by Duncan 
Ryūken Williams ................................................ 17
   "To the Honorable Mitsui Real Estate Company: Plants and
   Trees Have Buddha Nature" ................................... 17
   Establishment Buddhism and Sect-Wide Environmentalism:
   The Case of the Sōtō Zen "Green Plan" ....................... 20
   Japanese Engaged Buddhism and the Search for an
   Alternative Paradigm: The Case of Jukōin Temple ............. 23
   Conservative Japanese Buddhist Environmentalism in Local 
   and Global Contexts ......................................... 28
   Conclusion .................................................. 33

HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? How Much Is Enough?: Buddhist
Perspectives on Consumerism
by Stephanie Kaza .............................................. 39
   Introduction ................................................ 39
   The Scope and Impact of Consumption ......................... 40
   Traditional Critiques of Consumerism ........................ 45
   Buddhist Critiques .......................................... 46
   Buddhist Methods for Liberation ............................. 50
   Buddhist Consumer Activism .................................. 57

Pure Land Buddhism and Its Perspective on the Environment
by Mitsuya Dake ................................................ 63
   Introduction ................................................ 63
   Pure Land Buddhism and the Environment ...................... 64
   The Ecological Perspectives Seen in the Idea of the Pure 
   Land ........................................................ 68
   The Tension between the Ideal and the Actual in Buddhism .... 71
   Shinran's Radical Understanding of the Pure Land and the 
   Environment ................................................. 73
   Postscript .................................................. 76

Gary Snyder's Ecosocial Buddhism
by David Landis Barnhill ....................................... 83
   Buddhism, Environmentalism, and Politics .................... 84
   The Anarchist Tradition ..................................... 86
   The Nature of Reality ....................................... 93
   Snyder's Buddhist Ecosocial Critique ........................ 99
   The Ideal: Eco -Buddhist Anarchism ......................... 102
   The Path ................................................... 104
   Conclusion ................................................. 111

A Buddhist Economics to Save the Earth
by Shinichi Inoue ............................................. 121
   Borrowing from the Cosmos .................................. 121
   Environmental Education .................................... 122
   The Environmental and Social Assessment of Industries ...... 123
   Agriculture as an Earth-Friendly Industry .................. 125
   Unrestrained Consumption ................................... 127
   Competition ................................................ 127
   The Buddhist Approach to Money ............................. 129
   Avoiding Waste by Recycling ................................ 130

The Noble Eightfold Path as a Prescription for Sustainable
by Tetsunori Koizumi .......................................... 133
Introduction .................................................. 133
   The Manifest versus the Latent World ....................... 134
   The Manifest World as a Space for Interdependent Systems ... 135
   The Noble Eightfold Path as a Set of Complementary 
   Principles ................................................. 137
   The Noble Eightfold Path as a State of Systemic Balance .... 138
   The Noble Eightfold Path as a Law of Conservation
   of Matter-Energy ........................................... 140
   Conclusion ................................................. 142

The Debate on Taking Life and Eating Meat in the Edo-Period 
Jōdo Shin Tradition
by Ikuo Nakamura .............................................. 147
   Taking Life and the Idea of the Karmic Wheel ............... 147
   The Conversion of the Human-Animal Relation ................ 149
   The Jōdo Shinshū Discussion of "Taking Life and Eating 
   Meat" ...................................................... 151
   Hōonji Temple's Manaita-biraki ............................. 155

Is "Buddhist Environmentalism" a Contradiction in Terms?
by Malcolm David Eckel ........................................ 161

The Early Buddhist Tradition and Ecological Ethics 
by Lambert Schmithausen ....................................... 171
   Preliminary Considerations ................................. 171
   Nature in the Context of the Ultimate Evaluation of
   Existence .................................................. 177
   Origination in Dependence and Ecological Ethics ............ 179
   Early Buddhist Spirituality and Ethics in Relation to
   Ecological Ethics .......................................... 181
   Intramundane Evaluations of Nature ......................... 189
   The Status of Animals ...................................... 193
   Conclusion ................................................. 197

Index ......................................................... 223
About the Contributors ........................................ 219

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