Beckerman M. Cellular signaling in health and disease (New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBeckerman M. Cellular signaling in health and disease. - New York: Springer-Verlag New York, 2009. - xvii, 470 p.: ill. - (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.455-470. - ISBN 978-0-387-98172-7

Оглавление / Contents
Part I Metabolic Syndromes

1   Introduction ................................................ 3
    1.1   The Cellular Signaling Machinery Makes Homeostasis
          Possible .............................................. 4
    1.2   Inflammation Is Present in Diseases ................... 4
    1.3   Cholesterol Together with Inflammation Promotes 
          Atherosclerosis ....................................... 6
    1.4   Signaling Pathways Responsible for Maintaining 
          Cellular Homeostasis Are Uncovered and Explored ....... 6
    1.5   Biophysical Techniques Provide Detailed Information
          on the Three-Dimensional Structure of 
          Macromolecules ........................................ 7
    1.6   Signaling Pathways Have Been Illuminated Through 
          Intensive Efforts Spanning the Last 50 Years .......... 8
    1.7   Mutated, Misfolded Proteins Cause Cancer .............. 9
    1.8   The Microenvironment Is an Important Ingredient in
          Cancer Metastasis .................................... 10
    1.9   Neurons Are Cells Highly Specialized for Long-Range
          Signaling ............................................ 12
    1.10  Amyloids Are an Essential Ingredient in Many 
          Diseases ............................................. 12
    1.11  Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species Carry Out 
          Signaling in Ways That Contribute to Health and 
          Disease .............................................. 15
    Further Reading ............................................ 15
2   Energy Balance ............................................. 19
    2.1   Hormonal Signaling by the Endocrine Pancreas ......... 21
    2.2   In Response to Signals from the Pancreas, the Liver
          Maintains Glucose and Lipid Homeostasis .............. 22
    2.3   Energy in the Form of Lipids Is Stored and Released
          When Needed in Adipose Tissue ........................ 24
    2.4   Adipose Tissue Functions as an Endocrine Organ ....... 25
    2.5   Ghrelin Released by Endocrine Cells in the Stomach
          Acts in Short-Term Feeding and Long-Term Energy
          Management ........................................... 26
    2.6   Satiation Signals Are Sent by Cells in the 
          Gastrointestinal Tract ............................... 26
    2.7   Brown Adipose Tissue Carries Out Adaptive (Diet-
          Induced and Cold-Induced, Nonshivering) 
          Thermogenesis ........................................ 27
    2.8   Muscle Cells and β-Oxidation ......................... 29
    2.9   AMPK Is an Intracellular Energy Sensor and
          Regulator ............................................ 31
    2.10  AMPK Is Activated by Upstream Kinases and by 
          Depleted Energy Supply as Indicated by Increased
          AMP/ATP Ratios ....................................... 33
    2.11  The Hypothalamic Network Provides Feedback Signals
          to Peripheral Tissues ................................ 35
    2.12  Leptin Signaling and Regulation of Energy Balance 
          in the Hypothalamus .................................. 37
    2.13  Ghrelin Signaling and Regulation of Energy Balance
          in the Hypothalamus .................................. 39
    Further Reading ............................................ 40
3   Insulin Signaling and Type 2 Diabetes ...................... 45
    3.1   Type 2 Diabetes Develops in a Series of Stages 
          from Overnutrition ................................... 46
    3.2   Adipose Tissue Functions as an Immune Organ .......... 47
    3.3   Metabolic Overload Occurs in Energy-Responsive
          Tissues .............................................. 48
    3.4   Signal Transduction Begins with the Insulin 
          Receptor and Its Substrate Proteins .................. 50
    3.5   Phosphoinositide-3-OH Kinase (PI3K) and the PTEN 
          Lipid Phosphatase .................................... 52
    3.6   Activation of Protein Kinase В (PKB) and Protein 
          Kinase С (PKC) ....................................... 54
    3.7   GLUT4 Transport Biomechanics and Regulation .......... 56
    3.8   The TOR Cassette Is the Downstream Target of Akt
          Signals .............................................. 58
    3.9   Feedback Regulation of Akt by TORC2 and IRS by 
          TORC1/S6K ............................................ 60
    3.10  Insulin Resistance Develops from Inflammation and
          Metabolic Overload ................................... 60
    3.11  Glucose-Stimulated Hormone Release by Pancreatic
          Islet Cells .......................................... 63
    3.12  КATP Channels and Their Regulation by Cellular
          Fuel Status .......................................... 65
    3.13  Islet β-Cell Failure and Diabetic Complications ...... 66
    Further Reading ............................................ 67

4   Metabolic Program Execution and Switching .................. 71
    4.1   Nuclear Receptors Are Ligand-Activated 
          Transcription Factors ................................ 71
    4.2   Nuclear Receptors Contain Five or Six Domains ........ 73
    4.3   The CAR Activates and Deactivates in a Manner
          Distinct from Other Nuclear Receptors ................ 74
    4.4   Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors Are 
          Lipid Sensors and Effectors .......................... 75
    4.5   Nuclear Receptors Require Coactivators and
          Corepressors ......................................... 77
    4.6   PGC-1 Scaffold Protein in Regulation of Lipid
          Homeostasis .......................................... 80
    4.7   FoxOs Mediate Survival, Metabolic, and Stress
          Responses ............................................ 80
    4.8   14-3-3 Protein Function as Small, Mobile 
          Phosphoprotein Binding Modules ....................... 82
    4.9   Gluconeogenesis in the Liver Is Stimulated by 
          Glucagon and Repressed by Insulin .................... 83
    4.10  Catecholamine Signaling Targets PGClα to Promote
          Diet-Induced Thermogenesis in Brown Adipose Tissue ... 85
    4.11  Caloric Restriction Extends Lifespan by Activating
          Protective Stress Responses .......................... 86
    4.12  SIRT1 Promotes Fatty Acid Oxidation in Liver and 
          Skeletal Muscle ...................................... 87
    Further Reading ............................................ 88
5   Cholesterol ................................................ 91
    5.1   Membrane Lipids Form Gels and Liquid States .......... 91
    5.2   Feedback Regulation of Cholesterol Synthesis by 
          Insigs ............................................... 94
    5.3   Feedback Regulation of Cholesterol Synthesis by
          SREBPs ............................................... 95
    5.4   SREBPs, Liver X Receptors, and Farnesoid X 
          Receptors Regulate Transcription ..................... 97
    5.5   Lipoproteins Are Carriers of Cholesterol and 
          Triglycerides ........................................ 98
    5.6   Apolipoproteins are Amphipathic, Lipid-Binding 
          Constituents of the Lipoproteins ..................... 99
    5.7   Cholesterol Comes in Two Forms - As a Sterol, i.e.,
          as a Free Cholesterol (FC) Molecule, and as a 
          Cholesterol Ester (CE) .............................. 102
    5.8   ABC Transporters Export Cholesterol from
          Macrophages ......................................... 103
    Further Reading ........................................... 104
6   Atherosclerosis ........................................... 107
    6.1   The Arterial Wall Consists of Three Layers .......... 107
    6.2   Cells Are Continually Subjected to Forces ........... 109
    6.3   Atherosclerotic Lesions Occur Preferentially in
          Regions of Disturbed Blood Flow ..................... 110
    6.4   Cells Utilize Multiple Mechanotransduction 
          Pathways That Convey Information About Blood Flow ... 112
    6.5   Mechanotransduction Pathways Relay Information
          About Blood Flow to Endothelial Caveolae and 
          Nitric Oxide Synthase ............................... 112
    6.6   oxLDL Is Atherogenic and Acts in Opposition to 
          eNOS and NO ......................................... 113
    6.7   Cell Adhesion Molecules and Chemokines Mediate
          Leukocyte Migration into Sites of Inflammation ...... 115
    6.8   Leukocyte Migration Occurs Through a Multistep
          Adhesion Cascade .................................... 117
    6.9   Selectins Are Key Mediators of Leukocyte Tethering
          and Rolling ......................................... 118
    6.10  Slip and Catch Bonds Play Important Roles in
          Selectin-Mediated Rolling ........................... 119
    6.11  Leukocyte Arrest Through the Joint Actions of 
          Chemokines and Integrins ............................ 121
    6.12  Epithelial Cell-to-Cell Adhesions Are Maintained
          by Junctional Complexes ............................. 123
    6.13  Leukocytes Enter the Intima by Passing In-Between
          Epithelial Cells and by Passing Through Them ........ 125
    6.14  Rupture of the Fibrous Cap and Not the Lesion 
          Itself Causes Thrombosis ............................ 126
    Further Reading ........................................... 128
7   Chronic Inflammation ...................................... 131
    7.1   The NF-кВ Signaling Node Consists of IKKs, IkBs,
          and NF-kBs .......................................... 132
    7.2   Protein Ubiquitination Plays a Central Role in 
          Cellular Signaling .................................. 135
    7.3   TNFα Signaling Occurs Through Complex I and 
          Complex II .......................................... 137
    7.4   Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Influences the 
          Choice Between Survival and Death ................... 138
    7.5   Toll-like Receptor 4 Responds to Bacterial 
          Lipopolysaccharides and Mammalian Lipids ............ 139
    7.6   Downstream and into the Nucleus with NF-kBs ......... 141
    7.7   Glucocorticoids Terminate Inflammatory Responses
          and Restore Homeostasis ............................. 142
    7.8   LXRs and PPARγ in Transrepression of Inflammation
          Through SUMOylation ................................. 143
    7.9   The Local Microenvironment Is a Key Organizational
          Unit in Health and Disease .......................... 145
    7.10  The Inflammatory Response Is a Biphasic One with
          Distinct Clear Up and Reconstruction Phases ......... 146
    7.11  Macrophages Are Inflammatory Cells with Key Roles
          in the Body's Response to Infection and Injury ...... 147
    7.12  Fibroblasts Are Connective Tissue Cells ............. 149
    7.13  Mesenchymal Stem Cells Are Located Throughout the
          Body ................................................ 150
8   Redox Signaling ........................................... 155
    8.1   Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide Are Signaling
          Molecules ........................................... 156
    8.2   Nox Enzymes ......................................... 157
    8.3   Oxidation of Sulfhydryls and Hydrogen Peroxide
          Signaling ........................................... 159
    8.4   Nitric Oxide Synthases and Nitric Oxide Signaling ... 162
    8.5   The Frank-Starlings Law and Excitation-Contraction
          Coupling ............................................ 164
    8.6   Transcriptional Regulation of the Metabolic
          Programs ............................................ 166
    8.7   Inappropriate S-Nitrosylation Contributes to
          Neurodegenerative Disorders ......................... 168
    8.8   The Electron Transport Chain Can Generate Reactive
          Oxygen Species ...................................... 170
    Further Reading ........................................... 172

Part II Cancer

9   The Cell Cycle ............................................ 179
    9.1   The Cell Cycle Has Four Phases ...................... 182
    9.2   Ubiquitin-Mediated Proteolysis Is a Key Part of
          the Cell Cycle Machinery ............................ 183
    9.3   Several Families of Activators and Inhibitors Are
          Part of the Cell Cycle Engine ....................... 184
    9.4   The Retinoblastoma Proteins and E2F Transcription
          Factors Are Downstream Cell Cycle Effectors at the
          Gl/S Transition ..................................... 185
    9.5   Cell Cycle Effectors at the G2/M Transition ......... 187
    9.6   The SCF and APC/C Are Large Multisubunit 
          Complexes ........................................... 188
    9.7   Mathematical Modeling Is an Essential Tool in 
          Understanding Signaling Pathways and Networks ....... 189
    9.8   The Goldbeter Model of Entry and Exit from 
          Mitosis ............................................. 192
    9.9   Multiple Positive and Negative Feedback Regulate
          the Progression Through the Cell Cycle .............. 194
    9.10  Multisite Phosphorylation Helps Ensure the Correct
          Ordering of Events .................................. 196
    9.11  Traversing the Cell Cycle with the APC and SCF ...... 196
    Further Reading ........................................... 197
10  Cell Cycle Checkpoints and DNA Damage Repair .............. 201
    10.1  The G1/S Checkpoint Pathway ......................... 202
    10.2  Formation of IRIFs and Activation of ATM ............ 203
    10.3  Mediators Amplify the ATM Signal .................... 205
    10.4  Intra-S Phase and G2/M Checkpoints .................. 206
    10.5  Formation of SDSCs and Activation of ATR ............ 207
    10.6  Structure and Posttranslational Modifications of 
          Checkpoint Proteins ................................. 208
    10.7  p53 Structure and Function .......................... 210
    10.8  Restoration of p53 Function by Second-Site
          Suppressors ......................................... 212
    10.9  Special Domains Mediate Protein-Protein 
          Interactions and Chromatin Binding by Proteins
          that Function at the Apex of the Checkpoint and 
          Repair Pathways ..................................... 213
    10.10 Base Excision Repair ................................ 214
    10.11 Nucleotide Excision Repair .......................... 216
    10.12 Mismatch Repair ..................................... 216
    10.13 Repair Proteins Diffuse Laterally in One-Dimension
          Along DNA ........................................... 217
    10.14 There Are Two Double-StrandBreak Repair Systems ..... 218
    10.15 The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) Complex Is Involved in
          DNA Damage Sensing, Signaling, and Repair ........... 220
    10.16 Completing the Repair and Terminating the
          Checkpoint .......................................... 221
    Further Reading ........................................... 222
11  Apoptosis and Senescence .................................. 227
    11.1  Pathways to Apoptosis - Extrinsic and Intrinsic ..... 228
    11.2  Bcl2 Proteins Mediate the Apoptotic Balance ......... 230
    11.3  Sequestration and Release of Cytochrome с ........... 232
    11.4  Damage-Induced Apoptosis via p53 Transcription
          and Mitochondrial Actions ........................... 233
    11.5  Cells That Are Healthy Do Not Have an Unlimited
          Capacity to Divide .................................. 234
    11.6  Telomere Structure and Capping Proteins ............. 234
    11.7  Cancer Cells Increase Their Production of 
          Telomerase, an Enzyme That Immortalizes the Cells ... 235
    11.8  Regulation of Replicative Senescence by p53 and
          pRb ................................................. 236
    11.9  DNA Damage and Oncogene-Induced Senescence .......... 237
    11.10 A Model or Two of Oncogene-Induced Stress ........... 238
    11.11 p53 Undergoes Posttranslational Modifications 
          Including Phosphorylation, Acetylation, and 
          Ubiquitination at Multiple Sites .................... 240
    11.12 Heterochromatin Formation Provides a Route to 
          Oncogene-Induced Senescence ......................... 241
    11.13 The Retinoblastoma Protein Helps Establish the
          Senescent State by Mediating Heterochromatin
          Formation ........................................... 243
    Further Reading ........................................... 244
12  Epigenetics ............................................... 249
    12.1  Nucleosomes and Chromatin Structure ................. 250
    12.2  Epigenetic Marks .................................... 251
    12.3  DNA Methylation ..................................... 253
    12.4  Polycomb and Trithorax Group Proteins ............... 254
    12.5  Histone Acetylation and Deacetylation ............... 254
    12.6  Histone Methylation and Demethylation ............... 255
    12.7  Reading Out Histone Marks by Recognition Modules .... 256
    12.8  Cooperative Actions by Histone Modification 
          Enzymes and DNA Methyltransferases Can Silence
          Genes and Lead to Cancer ............................ 259
    12.9  Recently Discovered Small Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) 
          Regulate Gene Expression ............................ 260
    12.10 Atomic-Level Studies of Dicer and Sheer Provide
          Crucial Insights into ncRNA Function ................ 262
    12.11 MicroRNAs and Cancer ................................ 264
    12.12 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells ...................... 266
    Further Reading ........................................... 267
13  Tumor Growth .............................................. 271
    13.1  Growth and Survival Signaling Pathways .............. 271
    13.2  Receptor Activation Leads to Recruitment of
          Molecular Adaptors to Docking Sites ................. 273
    13.3  Ras and Other Small GTPases Link Adaptors to
          Downstream Signaling Elements ....................... 275
    13.4  Many of the Growth Signaling Proteins Function as
          Oncogenes ........................................... 276
    13.5  MAP Kinase Signaling Modules ........................ 278
    13.6  The MAP Kinase Modules and Their Substrates
          Function as Dynamical Circuits ...................... 280
    13.7  Active and Inactive Conformations of Protein 
          Kinases ............................................. 281
    13.8  Oncogene Addiction .................................. 282
    13.9  Target-Based Anticancer Therapies ................... 283
    13.10 Мус Protein Structure and Function .................. 284
    13.11 Phosphorylation and Polyubiquitination Sculpt
          Мус-Mediated Gene Transcription ..................... 285
    13.12 Regulation of Cellular Growth by Ras, Erk, and 
          Мус ................................................. 286
    13.13 Regulation of Cellular Proliferation by Мус ......... 287
    Further Reading ........................................... 288
14  Tumor Metabolism .......................................... 291
    14.1  The Central Growth Network of the Cell Is
          Organized About the mTOR Cassette ................... 292
    14.2  AMPK Supplies a Gating Signal Indicative of Energy
          Balance ............................................. 293
    14.3  Cells Halt Growth in Response to Hypoxia and Other
          Cellular Stresses ................................... 293
    14.4  Regulation of Cell Growth by Amino Acid Starvation
          Signaling to mTOR ................................... 295
    14.5  Regulation of the Translation Initiation Complex
          by mTOR ............................................. 296
    14.6  Starvation and Autophagy ............................ 298
    14.7  p53 Modulation of Metabolism Is One of Its Barrier
          Functions ........................................... 300
    14.8  The PTEN Tumor Suppressor Acts at the Plasma 
          Membrane and in the Nucleus ......................... 302
    14.9  Mutations and Disturbed Redox Balance Deactivate
          PTEN ................................................ 303
    14.10 HIF Transcription Factors Sense and Respond to
          Low Oxygen Conditions ............................... 304
    14.11 HIFs Regulate Cellular Metabolism and Drive the
          Glycolytic Shift .................................... 306
    14.12 Hexokinase II and Akt Drive the Glycolytic Shift
          and Prevent Apoptosis in Tumors ..................... 307
    Further Reading ........................................... 309
15  Metastasis ................................................ 313
    15.1  Tumor Growth and Metastasis Are Community Affairs ... 314
    15.2  Macrophages and Fibroblasts Direct Invasion and 
          Intravasation ....................................... 316
    15.3  The SDF-1 /CXCR4 Axis Is a Central Participant in 
          Metastasis .......................................... 317
    15.4  Focal Adhesions and Metastasic Migration ............ 318
    15.5  Receptor Cooperativity and Src Signaling ............ 320
    15.6  The Transforming Growth Factor-β Pathway ............ 322
    15.7  TGF-β Promotes Cytostasis ........................... 325
    15.8  The Wnt Pathway ..................................... 326
    15.9  The Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition ............ 327
    15.10 MicroRNAs and Transcription Repressors Jointly
          Regulate E-Cadherin Expression ...................... 329
    15.11 MicroRNAs Act as Metastasis Repressors and 
          Activators .......................................... 331
    15.12 Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells .................... 331
    15.13 Changing Views About Metastatic Spread .............. 332
    15.14 The Notch Pathway ................................... 333
    15.15 The Hedgehog Pathway in Drosophila .................. 335
    15.16 The Hedgehog Pathway in Mammals ..................... 336
    15.17 Bone Metastasis Is a Seed-and-Soil Exemplar ......... 338
    Further Reading ........................................... 339

Part III   Neurodegeneration

16  Protein Folding, Misfolding, and Aggregation .............. 345
    16.1  Proteins Spontaneously Fold into Their Native
          State Based Solely on Their Primary Amino Acid 
          Sequence ............................................ 348
    16.2  Protein Folding Can Be Described in Terms of an
          Energy Landscape Dominated by a Folding Funnel ...... 349
    16.3  Some Landscapes Are Smooth While Others Are 
          Rugged .............................................. 351
    16.4  Proteins, Especially Those Involved in Signaling,
          Often Fold into Nonglobular, Extended 
          Conformations ....................................... 352
    16.5  Dialysis-Related Amyloidosis Is Brought on by 
          Partial Unfolding and Aggregation of β-2 
          Microglobulin ....................................... 354
    16.6  β Cell Failure and Amyloid Formation in Type 2
          Diabetes Is Brought on by Amylin Misfolding and 
          Aggregation ......................................... 357
    16.7  Some Proteins Have Native States That Are 
          Metastable and Not at a Global Minimum in the Free
          Energy .............................................. 357
    16.8  β-Sheet Conformational Variations Underlie the 
          Prion Strains and Disease Potential ................. 358
    16.9  Strains and Transmissibility ........................ 361
    16.10 General Observations on How Proteins Fold into
          Alternative Disease-Causing Structures 
          Characterized by Cross-β-Sheets ..................... 362
    Further Reading ........................................... 364
17  Alzheimer's Disease ....................................... 369
    17.1  Generation of the Amyloid β Protein ................. 370
    17.2  Removal Through Degradation and Clearance ........... 373
    17.3  Folding Physics, Metal Homeostasis, and Redox
          Chemistry ........................................... 375
    17.4  Normal Physiological Function of the Aβ Protein
          at the Synapse ...................................... 376
    17.5  Action of the Aβ Oligomers at the Synapse - 
          Aberrant LTD ........................................ 377
    17.6  The Local Microenvironment Contains Neurons, 
          Astrocytes, and Microglia ........................... 379
    17.7  Microglia Respond to Amyloid Plaque Buildup by
          Mounting an Inflammatory Response ................... 380
    17.8  Inflammatory and Synaptic Cytokines Are Released
          by Microglia and Astrocytes ......................... 382
    17.9  Tau Hyperphosphorylation and Formation of the 
          Tangles ............................................. 384
    Further Reading ........................................... 387
18  Chaperones, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, and the 
    Unfolded Protein Response ................................. 391
    18.1  The Cellular Complement of Molecular Chaperones ..... 392
    18.2  Hsp70 Structure and Function ........................ 393
    18.3  Hsp90 Structure and Function ........................ 394
    18.4  Heat Shock Factor 1 Is a Master Regulator of 
          Protein Homeostasis ................................. 396
    18.5  Folding, Processing, and Maturation of Membrane
          and Secreted Proteins ............................... 397
    18.6  N-Linked Glycan Processing .......................... 399
    18.7  The Unfolded Protein Response ....................... 401
    18.8  ERAD and the Sec61 Translocon ....................... 404
    18.9  The p97 Motor Protein Is a Molecular Chaperone
          Required for ERAD ................................... 405
    Further Reading ........................................... 407
19  Parkinson's Disease ....................................... 411
    19.1  α-Synuclein Is a Presynaptic Protein ................ 414
    19.2  Abnormalities and Toxicity Result from α-Synuclein
          Misfolding and Aggregation .......................... 414
    19.3  Oxidative Damage Is a Cause of α-Synuclein
          Aggregation and PD .................................. 415
    19.4  Parkin Is an E3 Ubiquitin Ligase .................... 416
    19.5  Protein Carbonylation and UCH-L1 .................... 417
    19.6  PINK1 Is a Neuroprotective Serine/Threonine 
          Kinase .............................................. 417
    19.7  DJ-1 Protects Against Oxidative Stress .............. 418
    19.8  LRRK2 Is a ROCO Family Member and Mutations in 
          This Protein Are Most Strongly Associated with PD ... 419
    19.9  HtrA2/Omi Removes Misfolded Proteins ................ 420
    19.10 The Pathway Is Illuminated .......................... 421
    19.11 Proteasome Organization ............................. 422
    19.12 Cellular Garbage Collection and the Aggresomal-
          Autophagic Railway .................................. 424
    19.13 Histone Deacetylase 6 Mediates Transport Along 
          the Disposal Railway ................................ 425
    Further Reading ........................................... 426
20  Huntington's Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis .... 431
    20.1  Huntington's Disease Is an Expanded PolyQ Repeat
          Disorder ............................................ 432
    20.2  The Structure of the Huntingtin Protein Is That of
          a Multipurpose Signaling Organizer .................. 434
    20.3  Synaptic Terminal Interactions Occur ................ 434
    20.4  Impaired Fast Axonal Transport Happens .............. 436
    20.5  Zippers, Aggregation, Fibrils, Inclusion Body 
          Formation, and Toxicity ............................. 436
    20.6  The Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Regulates Synaptic
          Transmission and This Function Is Impaired by 
          Mutant Htt .......................................... 438
    20.7  Impaired Transcription: СВР and PGC-1 - and 
          Mitochondrial Dysfunction ........................... 439
    20.8  Structure and Folding of the Superoxide Dismutase
          Protein SOD1 ........................................ 440
    20.9  SOD1 Mutations and Aggregation ...................... 441
    20.10 Impaired Fast Axonal Transport and Retraction of
          Axons from Synapses ................................. 442
    20.11 A Model for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ........... 443
    20.12 Acceleration of ALS Through Interactions Between
          Neurons and Other Cellular Residents of Its 
          Microenvironment .................................... 444
    20.13 PolyQs, Mutant SOD1, and Impaired ERAD .............. 446
    20.14 Mutations in Genes Other Than That for SOD1 Can
          Cause fALS .......................................... 447
    20.15 Interlocking Signaling Networks Underlie Health
          and Disease ......................................... 449
    Further Reading ........................................... 450

Index ......................................................... 455

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