Strangeways I. Measuring global temperatures: their analysis and interpretation (Cambridge, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаStrangeways I. Measuring global temperatures: their analysis and interpretation. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. - xviii, 233 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.228-233. - ISBN 978-0-521-89848-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface	page .................................................. xi
Acknowledgements ............................................ xiii
List of acronyms .............................................. xv

1  The balance of energy ....................................... 1
   Solar radiation ............................................. 1
   Infrared radiation and the greenhouse effect ................ 7
   Measuring the radiation .................................... 10
   Changes in solar activity and climate change ............... 14
   References ................................................. 17
2  Thermometry ................................................ 18
   Air thermometers ........................................... 18
   Liquid-in-glass thermometers ............................... 20
   Fixed points and scales .................................... 23
   'Centigrade' scales ........................................ 27
   The absolute, or thermodynamic, temperature scale .......... 29
   The International Practical Temperature Scale .............. 30
   Modern thermometers ........................................ 31
   Electrical thermometers .................................... 36
   Satellite measurements of surface temperature .............. 39
   References ................................................. 39
3  Screens, stands and shelters ............................... 40
   The need for thermometer protection ........................ 40
   The evolution of screens ................................... 40
   References ................................................. 52
4  Measuring land surface air temperature ..................... 54
   The origin of data ......................................... 54
   The instruments ............................................ 55
   Met enclosures ............................................. 60
   References ................................................. 68
5  Measuring sea surface and marine air temperature ........... 70
   A brief history of measurements at sea ..................... 70
   Air versus sea temperatures ................................ 71
   Definition of 'sea surface temperature' .................... 72
   Ships as instrument platforms .............................. 73
   Measuring air temperature on ships ......................... 75
   Measuring sea surface temperature (SST) from ships ......... 76
   Buoys as instrument platforms .............................. 82
   References ................................................. 89
6  Measuring sea temperature profiles ......................... 92
   The bathythermograph ....................................... 92
   Argo: a drifting profiler float ............................ 93
   References ................................................ 100
7  Global instrument networks ................................ 102
   First station compilations ................................ 102
   World Weather Records (WWR) ............................... 103
   The Climatic Research Unit (CRU) network .................. 103
   The Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) .......... 104
   The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) ................ 104
   The adequacy of the GCOS network .......................... 109
   Using Google Earth to assess GCOS site conditions ......... 111
   Disseminating the data .................................... 112
   References ................................................ 113
8  From point measurements to global averages ................ 115
   Data from the land ........................................ 115
   Data from the oceans ...................................... 129
   Combining sea and land datasets ........................... 131
   References ................................................ 134
9  Changes in air and sea temperatures ....................... 137
   The datasets .............................................. 137
   Causes of temperature change .............................. 139
   Hemispheric and global temperature changes since 1850 ..... 150
   Central England Temperature since 1659 .................... 171
   Changes in maximum and minimum temperatures ............... 176
   References ................................................ 185
10 Temperature profiles through the atmosphere ............... 187
   Early measurements ........................................ 187
   Radiosondes ............................................... 188
   Sounders .................................................. 195
   Temperature profiles from sonde data ...................... 198
   References ................................................ 204
11 Future climate measurements ............................... 206
   The Global Climate Observing System ....................... 206
   A new instrument network .................................. 207
   Design of the new stations ................................ 208
   Data telemetry ............................................ 211
   Site locations ............................................ 211
   Cost and management ....................................... 212
   Concluding remarks ........................................ 212
   References ................................................ 212

Appendix A  The gas laws ..................................... 213
Appendix В  Relative humidity and dew point .................. 214
Appendix С  The electromagnetic spectrum ..................... 216
Appendix D  Satellite measurements of surface temperature .... 219
Appendix E  Metadata ......................................... 226
Appendix F  The Southern Oscillation Index ................... 227

Index ........................................................ 228

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