Nova Acta Leopoldina. Neue Folge; Bd.111, N381 (Halle (Saale), 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаClimate change and infectious diseases: international conference, Alfred Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Greifswald, May 26 to 28, 2009 / ed. by B.Friedrich et al.; Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina in collaboration with Indian National Science Akademy. - Halle (Saale): Dt. Akad. der Naturforscher Leopoldina; Stuttgart: Wiss. Verl.-Ges., 2010. - 119 p.: ill., graph., 12 tables. - (Nova Acta Leopoldina. Neue Folge / Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Halle); Bd.111, N 381). - ISBN 978-3-8047-2806-6; ISSN 0369-5034

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Оглавление / Contents
Friedrich Bärbel, Hacker Jörg, Hasnain Seyed E., and 
   Mettenleiter Thomas C.: Preface .............................. 7

Climate Change: Past, Present, Future

Wanner Heinz: Past Climate Change: Its Facts and Mysteries ..... 11

Stock Manfred: Predictions, Projections, and Perspectives of 
   Climate Change .............................................. 15

Walochnik Julia, Harzhauser Mathias, and Aspöck Horst: 
   Climate Change as a Driving Force for Evolution ............. 23

Aspöck Horst: Fluctuations of Biodiversity in Europe in Light 
   of Climate Change ........................................... 35

Rosenberg Eugene, Sharon Gil, and Zilber-Rosenberg Ilana: 
   Temperature-Induced Bacterial Bleaching of Corals ........... 45

Impact of Climate Change on Vector-borne Infections of Humans

Petersen Lyle: Arboviral Disease Emergence: What is the Role
   of Climate Change? .......................................... 53

Niedrig Matthias: Human Viral Diseases Imported to Europe ...... 57

Ahmed Niyaz: Helicobacter pylori - From Pre-History to 
   Industrialization: Acquisition, Adaptation, and 
   Endangerment of a Celebrated Bacterial Parasite ............. 65

Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases of Humans

Genchi Claudio, Rinaldi Laura, and Genchi Marco: Impact of 
   Climate Change on Dirofilaria Infections in Animals and
   Humans ...................................................... 71

Süss Jochen: Climate Change, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
   with Special Emphasis on Europe, Ixodes ricinus, 
   I. persulcatus and Tick-borne Encephalitis (TBE) ............ 79

Ready Paul D.: Impact of Climate Change on Leishmaniasis ....... 87

Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases of Animals 
(incl. Zoonoses)

Conraths Franz Josef, Gethmann Jörn Martin, Hoffmann
   Bernd, Beer Martin, Kramer Matthias, and Staubach 
   Christoph: Impact of Climate Change on Orbivirus 
   Infection ................................................... 93

Pfeffer Martin, and Dobler Gerhard: Impact of Climate Change
   on Rift Valley Fever Virus Infections ....................... 99

Hofer Heribert, and East Marion L.: Impact of Global Climate
   Change on Wildlife Hosts and their Pathogens ............... 105

Hendrickx Guy, and Lancelot Renaud: The EDEN Research 
   Project: A Successful Integrated Research Management 
   Approach ................................................... 113

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