Mercury contaminated sites: characterization, risk assessment and remediation (Berlin; Heidelberg; New York, 1999). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMercury contaminated sites: characterization, risk assessment and remediation / ed. by R.Ebinghaus et al. - Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, 1999. - xvii, 538 p.: ill., graph. - (Environmental science). - ISBN 3-540-63731-1

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Оглавление / Contents
I  Reviews

1  Natural and  Anthropogenic Mercury Sources and Their 
   Impact on the Air-Surface Exchange of Mercury on Regional
   and Global Scales ............................................ 1
   R. Ebinghaus, R.M. Tripathi, D. Wallschläger, and 
   S.E. Lindberg
2  Mercury Mines in Europe: Assessment of Emissions and
   Environmental Contamination ................................. 51
   R. Ferrara
3  Mercury Contamination from New World Gold and Silver Mine
   Tailings .................................................... 73
   L.D. de Lacerda and W. Salomons
4  Mercury-Contaminated Industrial and Mining Sites in North
   America: an Overview with Selected Case Studies ............. 89
   R.R. Turner and G.R. Southworth
5  Remediation Techniques for Hg-Contaminated Sites ........... 113
   M. Hempel and J. Thöming
6  Advanced Technology Available for the Abatement of
   Mercury Pollution in the Metallurgical Industry ............ 131
   A.B. Mukherjee
7  Mercury Contamination of Minamata Bay: Historical
   Overview and Progress Towards Recovery ..................... 143
   A. Kudo and R.R. Turner
8  Chemical Interactions Between Mercurial Species and 
   Surface Biomolecules from Structural Components of Some
   Biological Systems ......................................... 159
   A.C.A. da Costa

II  International Case Studies 

II.a  Industrial Sites
1  Distribution, Bioavailability and Speciation of Mercury 
   in Contaminated Soil and Groundwater of a Former Wood
   Impregnation Plant ......................................... 181
   T. Schöndorf, M. Egli, H. Biester, W. Mailahn, and
   W. Rotard
2  Relative Importance of Non-Point Sources of Mercury to
   an Industrialized Coastal System, Sepetiba Bay, 
   S.E. Brazil ................................................ 207
   R.V. Marins, L.D. de Lacerda, and R.C. Villas Boas
3  Monitoring and Assessment of Mercury Pollution in the 
   Vicinity of Electrical Engineering Plants in the CIS ....... 221
   E.P. Yanin and N.N. Moskalenko
4  Mercury in Gas and Oil Deposits ............................ 237
   N.A. Ozerova, N.R. Mashyanov, Yu.l. Pikovsky, V.V. Ryzhov,
   A.E. Chernova, A.A. Ganeev, S.E. Sholupov, and 
   L.A. Dobryansky

II.b  Mining
1  Atmospheric Mercury in Abandoned Mine Structures and
   Restored Mine Buildings at Mt. Amiata, Italy ............... 249
   R. Ferrara, B.E. Maserti, B. Mazzolai, F. Di Francesco,
   H. Edner, S. Svanberg, and E. Wallinder
2  Mercury in the Town of Idrija (Slovenia) After 500 Years
   of Mining and Smelting ..................................... 259
   V. Miklavčič
3  Evaluation of Internal Doses of Mercury at Intermittent 
   Exposure to Elemental Mercury at the Mine in Idrija ........ 271
   A. Kobal, E. Nanut, M. Horvat, P. Stegnar, and A. Sabadin
4  Mercury in Terrestrial Food Webs of the Idrija Mining
   Area ....................................................... 281
   A. Gnamuš and M. Horvat
5  Vegetation on Contaminated Sites near an Hg Mine and 
   Smelter .................................................... 321
   V. Banásová
6  Modern Mercury Contamination from Historic Amalgamation 
   Milling of Silver-Gold Ores in the Carson River, Nevada 
   and Jordan Creek, Idaho: Importance of Speciation
   Analysis in Understanding the Source, Mobility, and Fate
   of Polluted Materials ...................................... 337
   P.J. Lechler
7  Gold Mining in Siberia as a Source of Mercury 
   Contamination of the Environment ........................... 357
   T.G. Laperdina, M.V. Melnikova, and Т.Е. Khvostova

II.с  Emissions and Atmospheric Dispersion
1  Estimation of Gaseous Mercury Emissions in Germany:
   Inverse Modelling of Source Strengths at the
   Contaminated Industrial Site BSL Werk Schkopau ............. 377
   0. Krüger, R. Ebinghaus, H.H. Kock, I. Richter-Politz,
   and C. Geilhufe
2  Removal of Mercury from Gases by Modified Zeolites in 
   a Stationary Bed ........................................... 393
   O. Petzold, H.J. Fell, and H.W. Bräuer
3  Mercury Speciation of MSWI Flue Gas on Pilot and 
   Industrial Scales .......................................... 401
   I. Wang, Z. Xiao, and O. Lindqvist
4  Mercury Saturation Profile Across the Sulphur-Impregnated
   Activated Carbon Bed ....................................... 409
   Z. Špirič and M. Hraste

II.d  Remediation
1  Basic Study on the Remediation Technology of Mercury 
   Compound-Contaminated Soil by Low-Temperature Thermal
   Treatment .................................................. 421
   A. Matsuyama, H. Iwasaki, K. Higaki, H. Yabuta, T. Sano 
   and H. Agaki
2  Electroleaching: a Mobile Cleanup Process for Mercury
   Contaminated Materials ..................................... 441
   I. Thöming, L. Sobral, and R.D. Wilken
3  Mercury Decontamination of a Chloralkali Plant in
   Alexandria, Egypt .......................................... 457
   T. Meschede and R. Vogelsberger

II.e  Mercury Contamination in Aquatic Systems
1  Mercury Subsurface Maxima in Sediments: a Diagnostic 
   for Anthropogenic Origins .................................. 467
   G.E. Glass, J.A. Sorensen, G.R. Rapp Jr., M. Balcer, and
   L. Schwarzkopf
2  Concentration of Mercury and Other Heavy Metals in 
   Central India .............................................. 487
   K.S. Patel, R.M. Patel, A.N. Tripathi, C.K.
   Chandrawanshi, Р.К. Pandey, S. Chikhalikar, 
   A. Kamavisdar, and S.G. Aggarwal
3  Fluvial Transports of Mercury Pollution in the III River
   Basin (North eastern France): Partitioning into Aqueous
   Phases, Suspended Matter and Bottom Sediments .............. 501
   J.L. Probst, A. Messaïtfa, G. Krempp, and P. Behra
4  Distribution of Total and Methyl Mercury in a Creek
   Ecosystem Near Bombay ...................................... 521
   G.G. Pandit, R.M. Tripathi, S.K. Jha, and 
   T.M. Krishnamoorthy

Subject Index ................................................. 531

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