Information technologies (InfoTech-2010): proceedings of international conference (Sofia, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInformation technologies (InfoTech-2010): proceedings of international conference, Varna - St. St. Constantine and Elena resort, Bulgaria, 16-18 september 2010 / ed. by R.Romansky. - Sofia: Technical University, 2010. - 340 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISSN 1314-1023

Оглавление / Contents
Conference Proceedings Publishing and Dissemination ............. 9
Scientific Program Overview .................................... 10

                         Plenary Reports

(PL01) Coordination of Work by using To-Do-Lists: Practices
and Requirements ............................................... 11
Hilda Tellioǧlu (Austria)

(PL02) Lessons from the Crisis: Good Governance and Financial
Responsibility - a Key to International Stability .............. 23
Ognian Hishow (Germany)

   2nd International Seminar on Security Policy (Security-2010)

(5001) Measures for Improvement of the Bulgarian-Macedonian
Relations ...................................................... 35
Emil Konstantinov (Bulgaria)

(5002) The Strategic Challenges on World Tungsten Market ....... 45
Boris Zafirov (Bulgaria)

(5003) Globalisation and Security .............................. 55
Plamena Karaivanova (Bulgaria)

(5004) Problems of Personal Security in Albania ................ 63
Sulejman Muca (Albania)

       6th International Workschop on e-Governance and Data 
                      protection (eGIDP-2010)

Technological Aspects of e-Governance

(W101) Specific Information Security Problems for Cloud 
Computing e-Government Applications ............................ 75
Slavcho Manolov, Roumen Trifonov (Bulgaria)

(W102) Technological Innovation Model for Public Sector ........ 81
Maria Nikolova (Bulgaria)

(W103) SOA Based Municipal Services ............................ 89
Roumen Trifonov, Boyan Jekov (Bulgaria)

Technological Aspects ofe-Learning

(W201) Research of Possibilities for Building-in a RSS and
Podcast for the Needs of Contemporary e-Learning Education ..... 95
Radoslav Miltchev, Boyanka Zhelyazova (Bulgaria)

(W202) Generating SQL Queries on the Basis of Query by 
Example for Purposes of e-Learning Databases Courses .......... 105
Elitsa Arsova, Silyan Arsov (Bulgaria)

Technological Aspects of Data Protection

(W301) New European Union Policy on Data Protection - 
Achievements and Problems ..................................... 113
George Stylios (Greece)

    24th International Scientific Conference on Systems for
      Automation of Engineering and Research (SAER-2010)	

Program Technologies, Data Security and Networking

(C101) Automated Test Chaining Based on Compound States ....... 127
Aleksandr Sukhorukov (Latvia)

(C102) Comparison of Two Parallel Algorithms for Cloth 
Simulation .................................................... 133
Tzvetomir Vassilev (Bulgaria)

(C103) Quality Assurance of Web-based Application: Approach
Based on Independent Verification of Analysis and Design ...... 141
Miroslav Bures, Ivan Jelinek (Czech Republic)

(C104) Security in a Particular Class of Images and 
Documents ..................................................... 149
Georgi Varbanov, Geo Kunev (Bulgaria)

(C105) Reliability Problem of Intrusion Protected System ...... 161
Vencislav Trifonov (Bulgaria)

(CI06) Session Initiation Protocol Interworking with 
Traditional Telephony and Signaling Delay Introduced by
Internet ...................................................... 167
Valentin Hristov (Bulgaria)

Computer Modeling and System Investigation

(C201) Architecture-Based Modeling of Reliability in 
Distributed Embedded Software Systems ......................... 173
Aleksandar Dimov (Bulgaria)

(C202) Component Model of the Enterprise Architecture ......... 181
Hristo Tujarov, Stefan Kalchev, Vassil Milev (Bulgaria)
(C203) Generalized Nets Model of Pipeline Processor 
Architecture .................................................. 189
Marin Marinov, Krassimir Atanassov (Bulgaria)

(C204) Affordable Gesture Recognition with WII Remote ......... 195
Mihajlo Andjelkovic1, Stoyan Maleshkov2, Angel Bachvarov2 
(1Serbia, 2Bulgaria)

(C205) Evaluation of Single Server Queueing System with 
Polya Arrival Process and Constant Service Time ............... 203
Seferin Mirtchev, Rossitza Goleva, Velko Alexiev (Bulgaria)

(C206) Application of Sine Regression for Modelling of Hall 
Sensors ....................................................... 213
Ventseslav Shopov, Vanya Markova (Bulgaria)

(C207) RAID as a Method for Improving PC Parameters ........... 221
Sergey Nedev (Bulgaria)

(C208) Decision Planning of System Identification ............. 229
Kaloyan Yankov (Bulgaria)

(C209) Lumped Dynamic Model of Vibrating Tunable Energy
Harvester with Serial Capacitive Feed-back .................... 239
Roumen Nikolov, Todor Todorov (Bulgaria)

Automation of System Design

(C301) Sensitivity Analysis of the Discrete-Time LMI-Based 
H Quadratic Stability Problem ................................ 245
Andrey S. Yonchev, Mihail M. Konstantinov, Petko H. Petkov

(C302) Minimal Diagnosis Set Generation Based on the 
Deterministic Approach ........................................ 255
Pavlinka Radoyska (Bulgaria)

(C303) Virtual Research Laboratories in the Field of
Electronic and Computer Technologies .......................... 263
Pavlinka Radojska, Nadezhda Spasova (Bulgaria)

(C304) Optimal Control of Heat Integrated Batch Reactors ...... 271
Boyan Ivanov, Desislava Nikolova, Dragomir Dobrudzhaliev 

(C305) An Approach for Automation of Research Using
Wireless TriLink Logger and LabVIEW ........................... 279
Tsvetozar Georgiev (Bulgaria)

Intelligent Systems and Knowledge-Based Applications

(C401) Customer Worth Evaluation Using Data Mining 
Prediction .................................................... 285
Galina Ilieva (Bulgaria)

(C402) Comparative Analysis' of Sequential and Fixed Length
Tests for Evaluation of Agent's Behaviour ..................... 293
Vanya Markova (Bulgaria)

(C403) Application of Pattern Recognition Methods for 
Simulation of Agent's Behaviour ............................... 299
Vanya Markova, Ventseslav Shopov (Bulgaria)

(C404) Searching Scientific Digital Libraries - Survey and 
Modern Trends ................................................. 305
Tatyana Ivanova (Bulgaria)

(C405) An Approach for Semantic Query Enrichment to Improve
Scientific Paper Search	....................................... 313
Tatyana Ivanova (Bulgaria)

(C406) Application of Neural Nets for Hall Device's
Sensitivity Modelling ......................................... 321
Ventseslav Shopov (Bulgaria)

Advertisement ................................................. 328

About International Journal of Information Technologies and 
Security ...................................................... 335

Next Conference ............................................... 337

Authors Index ................................................. 338

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