Rueter J. Adnominal person in the morphological system of erzya (Helsinki, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRueter J. Adnominal person in the morphological system of erzya. - Helsinki: Société Finno-Ougrienne, 2010. - xvi, 236 p. - (Suomalais-ugrilaisen seuran toimituksia = Mémoires de la Société finno-ougrienne; 261). - Ref.: p.225-236. - ISSN 0355-0230; ISBN 978-952-5667-23-3

Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ........................................................ V
Acknowledgements ............................................... VI
List of Hierarchies and Tables ................................. IX
Abbreviations .................................................. XV

0. Purpose ...................................................... 1
   0.1. General outline ......................................... 2
1. Introduction ................................................. 3
   1.1. Introduction to Erzya ................................... 3
   1.2. Introduction to person ................................. 27
   1.3. Research in the Erzya category of adnominal person ..... 35
        1.3.1. Background ...................................... 35
        1.3.2. The category of adnominal person ................ 38
2. Methodology and Corpora ..................................... 45
   2.1. Corpora ................................................ 46
   2.2. Phonological phenomena of modern Erzya ................. 48
   2.3. Morpho-semantic evaluation of stems and affixes ........ 49
   2.4. Compatibility of case and adnominal-person 
        morphology ............................................. 49
   2.5. The semi-automatic parser .............................. 51
   2.6. Sublexicon-case alignments and variation in adnominal
        person ................................................. 54
   2.7. Defectivity in the genitive slot of the possessive
        declension ............................................. 54
   2.8. Secondary declension ................................... 55
3. Phonology ................................................... 57
   3.1. Phonemes in Erzya transliteration ...................... 57
   3.2. Phonetic phenomena behind allomorphic variation ........ 62
        3.2.1. Vowel harmony ................................... 62
        3.2.2. Palatal harmony ................................. 64
        3.2.3. Devoicing ....................................... 66
        3.2.4. Voicing ......................................... 67
        3.2.5. Loss of affix-initial V ......................... 67
   Stem-final vowel loss ....................................... 68
4. Morphology .................................................. 69
   4.1. Nominal-type word-stem morphology ...................... 69
   4.2. Affixes ................................................ 74
        4.2.1. Case ............................................ 74
      Core cases ............................. 75
      Local cases ............................ 84
      Attributive Cases ...................... 94
        4.2.2. Number ......................................... 104
        4.2.3. Deictic markers ................................ 108
      Possessor-index markers ............... 109
               First person ............... 112
               Second person .............. 116
               Third person ............... 118
      Definite markers ...................... 127
        4.2.4. Nominal conjugation markers .................... 129
        4.2.5. The clitic -Gak ................................ 132
   4.3. Adnominal-type person in parts of speech .............. 134
        4.3.1. Possessive declension compatibility for 
               distinguishing parts of speech ................. 136
        4.3.2. Attested parts of speech and sublexica ......... 149
        4.3.3. Drawing conclusions ............................ 157
   4.4. Paradigm defectivity in Erzya possessor indexing ...... 164
        4.4.1. Background ..................................... 164
        4.4.2. A dialect attesting [±number] and [±kin] 
               parameters ..................................... 166
        4.4.3. Distinct common-noun referents indefinite 
               genitive forms in literature ................... 168
        4.4.4. Orkino ......................................... 169
        4.4.5. Recent grammatical presentation of the 
               possessive declension .......................... 171
   4.5. Adnominal syntax and secondary declension ............. 174
        4.5.1. Background ..................................... 174
        4.5.2. Compatibility of zero marking and adnominal-
               person ......................................... 188
        4.5.3. Compatibility of possessive-declension 
               modifiers with zero marking strategy ........... 191
        4.5.4. Personal and reflexive/intensive pronouns
               and secondary declension ....................... 193
5. Conclusions ................................................ 207

Erzya Source Literature (Corpora) ............................. 213
Reference Bibliography ........................................ 225

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