Nanophotonics and nanofabrication (Weinheim, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNanophotonics and nanofabrication / ed. by M.Ohtsu. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2009. - xvii, 259 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.253-259. - ISBN 978-3-527-32121-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ XI
List of Contributors ........................................... XV
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   Motoichi Ohtsu
   1.1  History ................................................. 1
   1.2  Fiber Probes and Sensing Systems ........................ 2
   1.3  Theory .................................................. 3
   1.4  Devices ................................................. 6
   1.5  Fabrications ............................................ 9
   1.6  Applications to Systems and Evolution to Related
        Sciences ............................................... 11
   1.7  Toward the Future ...................................... 12
   References .................................................. 13
2  Nanofabrication Principles and Practice ..................... 17
   Tadashi Kawazoe and Motoichi Ohtsu
   2.1  Adiabatic Nanofabrication .............................. 17
   2.2  Nonadiabatic Nanofabrication ........................... 19
        2.2.1  Nonadiabatic Near-Field Optical Chemical Vapor
               Deposition ...................................... 19
        2.2.2  Nonadiabatic Near-Field Photolithography ........ 27
   References .................................................. 33
3  Nanofabrications by Self-Organization and Other Related
   Technologies ................................................ 35
   Takashi Yatsui, Wataru Nomura, Kazuya Hirata, Yoshinori
   Tabata, and Motoichi Ohtsu
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 35
   3.2  Near-Field Optical Chemical Vapor Deposition ........... 35
   3.3  Self-Assembling Method Via Optical Near-Field
        Interactions ........................................... 41
        3.3.1  Regulating the Size and Position of
               Nanoparticles Using Size-Dependent Resonance .... 41
        3.3.2  Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles Using Near-
               Field Desorption ................................ 45
        3.3.3  One-Dimensional Alignment of Nanoparticles
               Using an Optical Near-field ..................... 49
   3.4  Near-Field Imprint Lithography ......................... 55
   3.5  Nonadiabatic Optical Near-Field Etching ................ 60
   References .................................................. 64
4  Fabrication of Quantum Dots for Nanophotonic Devices ........ 69
   Kouichi Akahane and Naokatsu Yamamoto
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 69
   4.2  Fabrication of Self-Assembled QDs ...................... 71
        4.2.1  Control of Density and Emission Wavelength of
               Self-Assembled QDs .............................. 73
        4.2.2  Shortening Emission Wavelengths of Self-
               Assembled QDs ................................... 73
        4.2.3  Controlling the Density of Self-Assembled QDs ... 77
        4.2.4  Fabrication of Self-Assembled QDs with
               Antimonide-Related Materials .................... 80
        4.2.5  Fabrication of Ultrahigh-Density QDs ............ 83
        4.2.6  Summary ......................................... 90
   4.3  Fabrication Techniques of Site-Controlled
        Nanostrucrures ......................................... 91
        4.3.1  Nanopositioning Technique for Quantum
               Structures with Dioxide Mask .................... 91
        4.3.2  Artificially Prepared Nanoholes for Arrayed QD
               Structure Fabrication ........................... 95
        4.3.3  Nanojet Probe Method for Site-Controlled InAs
               QD Structure .................................... 96
        4.3.4  Scanning Tunneling Probe Assisted
               Nanolithography for Site-Controlled Individual
               InAs QD Structure ............................... 98
        4.3.5  Metal-Mask MBE Technique for Selective-Area QD
               Growth .......................................... 99
   4.4  Silicon-Related Quantum Structure Fabrication
        Technology ............................................ 100
        4.4.1  III-V Compound Semiconductor QD on a Si
               Substrate ...................................... 100
        4.4.2  Fabrication Technique of Silicon
               Nanoparticles as Si-QD Structures .............. 101
   References ................................................. 103
5  ZnO Nanorod Heterostructures for Nanophotonic Device
   Applications ............................................... 105
   Gyu-Chul Yi
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 105
   5.2  ZnO Axial Nanorod Quantum Structures .................. 108
   5.3  ZnO Radial Nanorod Heterostructures ................... 117
   5.4  Conclusions ........................................... 126
   References ................................................. 128
6  Lithography by Nanophotonics ............................... 131
   Ryo Kuroda, Yasuhisa Inao, Shinji Nakazato, Toshiki Ito,
   Takako Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Yamada, Akira Terao, and
   Natsuhiko Mizutani
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 131
   6.2  Principle of the Optical Near-Field Lithography ....... 132
   6.3  Optical Near-Field Lithography System ................. 136
   6.4  Fabricated Patterns by Optical Near-Field
        Lithography ........................................... 140
   6.5  Improvement of Resolution and Fabricated Ultrafine
        Patterns .............................................. 142
   6.6  Summary ............................................... 144
   References ................................................. 146
7  Nanopatterned Media for High-Density Storage ............... 147
   Hiroyuki Hieda
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 147
   7.2  Nanopatterned Media ................................... 149
        7.2.1  Fabrication Process of Nanopatterned Media ..... 150
   7.3  Block-Copolymer Lithography for Nanopatterned Media ... 153
        7.3.1  Self-Assembled Phase Separation of Block-
               Copolymers ..................................... 153
        7.3.2  Fabrication of Magnetic Nanodots by Block-
               Copolymer Lithography .......................... 155
   7.4  Control of Orientation of Self-Assembled Periodic
        Patterns of Block-Copolymers .......................... 158
   7.5  Summary ............................................... 162
   References ................................................. 164
8  Nanophotonics Recording Device for High-Density Storage .... 167
   Tetsuya Nishida, Takuya Matsumoto, and Fumiko Akagi
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 167
   8.2  Thermally Assisted Magnetic Recording Simulation ...... 168
   8.3  The 'Nanobeak', a Near-Field Optical Probe ............ 170
   8.4  Bit-Patterned Medium with Magnetic Nanodots ........... 172
   8.5  Hybrid Recording Experiment ........................... 174
   8.6  Near-Field Optical Efficiency in Hybrid Recording ..... 175
   8.7  Summary ............................................... 177
   References ................................................. 178
9  X-ray Devices and the Possibility of Applying
   Nanophotonics .............................................. 179
   Masato Koike, Shinji Miyauchi, Kazuo Sano, and Takashi
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 179
   9.2  Design of the Multilayer Laminar-Type Grating ......... 180
   9.3  Specification of the Multilayer Laminar-Type
        Grating ............................................... 183
   9.4  Fabrication of Multilayer Laminar-Type Gratings ....... 183
   9.5  Simulation of Diffraction Efficiency .................. 185
   9.6  Measurement of Diffraction Efficiency ................. 186
   9.7  Roughness Evaluation using Debye-Waller Factors ....... 189
   References ................................................. 190
10 Nanostructuring of Thin-Film Surfaces in Femtosecond
   Laser Ablation ............................................. 193
   Kenzo Miyazaki
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 193
   10.2 Experimental .......................................... 194
   10.3 Properties of Nanostructuring ......................... 194
        10.3.1 Polarization ................................... 195
        10.3.2 Multiple Pulses ................................ 195
        10.3.3 Fluence ........................................ 195
        10.3.4 Laser Wavelength ............................... 197
        10.3.5 Pulse Width .................................... 197
   10.4 Bonding-Structure Change .............................. 197
   10.5 Dynamic Processes ..................................... 198
        10.5.1 Reflectivity of Ablating Surface ............... 199
        10.5.2 Ultrafast Dynamics ............................. 202
   10.6 Local Fields .......................................... 204
   10.7 Origin of Periodicity ................................. 208
   10.8 Summary ............................................... 222
   References ................................................. 212
11 Quantum Dot Nanophotonic Waveguides ........................ 215
   Lih Y. Lin and Chia-Jean Wang
   11.1 Conceptual Formation and Modeling of the Device ....... 216
        11.1.1 QD Gain vs. Pump Power ......................... 218
        11.1.2 FDTD Modeling for Interdot Coupling ............ 220
        11.1.3 Monte Carlo Simulation for Transmission
               Efficiency ..................................... 221
   11.2 From Concept to Realization - Fabrication of the
        Device ................................................ 224
        11.2.1 DNA-Directed Self-Assembly Fabrication ......... 224
      Self-Assembly Process and
                        Characterization ...................... 224
      Programmable DNA-Directed Self-
                        Assembly .............................. 227
        11.2.2 Self-Assembly Through APTES .................... 228
      Self-Assembly Process and
                        Characterization ...................... 228
      Multiple-QD-Type Waveguide
                        Fabrication ........................... 231
        11.2.3 Discussion on Fabrication Methods .............. 232
   11.3 How Well the Devices Work - A First Probe ............. 233
        11.3.1 Waveguiding with Flexibility ................... 234
        11.3.2 Loss Characterization .......................... 235
   11.4 To Probe Further - Summary and Outlook ................ 236
   References ................................................. 238
12 Hierarchy in Optical Near-fields and its Application to
   Nanofabrication ............................................ 241
   Makoto Naruse, Takashi Yatsui, Hirokazu Hori, Kokoro
   Kitamura, and Motoichi Ohtsu
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 241
   12.2 Angular Spectrum Representation of Optical Near-
        Fields ................................................ 242
   12.3 Generation of Smaller-Scale Structures via Optical
        Near-Fields: A Theoretical Basis ...................... 244
   12.4 Experiment ............................................ 247
   12.5 Conclusion ............................................ 249
References .................................................... 250
Index ......................................................... 253

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