Horn A. Ultra-fast material metrology (Weinheim, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHorn A. Ultra-fast material metrology. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2009. - xvi, 206 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.183-193. - Ind.: p.199-206. - ISBN 978-3-527-40887-0

Оглавление / Contents
A Personal Foreword ........................................... VII
Preface to the First Edition ................................. XIII
Acknowledgment ................................................. XV
1  introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Motivation .............................................. 1
   1.2  Definition of Optical Pump and Probe .................... 4
   1.3  Guideline ............................................... 4
   1.4  Matrix of Laser Effects and Applications ................ 5
   1.5  Historical Survey of Optical Ultra-fast Metrology ....... 6
        1.5.1  Metrology Techniques Before the Advent of
               Laser ............................................ 6
        1.5.2  Ultra-fast Pump and Probe Metrology .............. 7
2  Ultra-fast Engineering Working Tools ........................ 11
   2.1  Ultra-fast Laser Sources ............................... 11
        2.1.1  General Aspects for Ultra-precise Engineering ... 12
        2.1.2  General Aspects on Ultra-fast Lasers for
               Ultra-fast Metrology ............................ 13
        2.1.3  Laser Oscillator ................................ 15
       Rod and Disk Solid-State Laser ......... 15
       Fiber Oscillator ....................... 16
        2.1.4  Amplifier ....................................... 18
       Amplification Media .................... 18
       Chirped-Pulse Amplification (CPA) ...... 18
       Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse
                        Amplification (OPCPA) .................. 19
       Amplifier Designs ...................... 20
       Commercial Systems ..................... 24
        2.1.5  Facilities ...................................... 25
   2.2  Focusing of Ultra-fast Laser Radiation ................. 26
        2.2.1  Ultra-small Laser Focus ......................... 26
        2.2.2  Gaussian Beam ................................... 27
        2.2.3  Beam Parameters of Gaussian Radiation ........... 29
        2.2.4  Pulse Duration .................................. 32
        2.2.5  Beam Stability .................................. 34
        2.2.6  Key Parameters for Ultra-precision Machining
               and Diagnostics ................................. 35
       Ultra-precise Machining ................ 35
       Ultra-fast Pump and Probe Diagnostics
                        for Mechanical Engineering ............. 36
   2.3  Beam Positioning and Scanning .......................... 36
        2.3.1  Positioning ..................................... 37
        2.3.2  Scanning Systems ................................ 39
   2.4  New Challenges to Ultra-fast Metrology ................. 41
        2.4.1  Temporal Domain ................................. 42
        2.4.2  Spatial Domain .................................. 42
   2.5  Domains of Optical Pump and Probe Techniques for
        Process Diagnosis ...................................... 43
3  Fundamentals of Laser Interaction ........................... 45
   3.1  Linear to Non-linear Optics ............................ 45
        3.1.1  Linear Optics: Group Velocity Dispersion and
               Chirp ........................................... 45
        3.1.2  Non-linear Processes ............................ 48
       Non-linear Polarization ................ 48
       Self-focusing .......................... 49
       Spectral Broadening by Self-phase
                        Modulation ............................. 51
       Catastrophic Self-focusing ............. 53
   3.2  High-Power Photon-Matter Interaction ................... 54
        3.2.1  Absorption of Laser Radiation in Matter ......... 54
        3.2.2  Energy Transfer from Electrons to Matter ........ 56
        3.2.3  Melting and Vaporization ........................ 58
        3.2.4  Melt Dynamics ................................... 60
        3.2.5  Onset of Ablation ............................... 62
        3.2.6  Ionization ...................................... 63
   3.3  Matching of Plasma Dynamics on Ultra-fast Time-Scale ... 64
        3.3.1  Absorption of Radiation in a Plasma ............. 64
       Electromagnetic Waves in Plasmas ....... 64
       Inverse Bremsstrahlung ................. 66
        3.3.2  Plasma Heating .................................. 69
        3.3.3  Ionization of a Plasma .......................... 72
       Cross-Section and Collision
                        Frequency .............................. 73
        3.3.4  Electron Transitions and Energy Transport ....... 74
       The Total Emission ..................... 76
       The Opacity ............................ 76
        3.3.5  Dielectric Function of a Plasma ................. 77
        3.3.6  Ponderomotive Force ............................. 78
4  Fundamentals of Pump and Probe .............................. 81
   4.1  Ultra-fast Laser Radiation ............................. 81
        4.1.1  Beam Propagation ................................ 82
        4.1.2  Dispersion ...................................... 82
        4.1.3  Coherence ....................................... 83
   4.2  Preparation of States and Conditions for Probe Beams ... 85
        4.2.1  Preparation of States ........................... 86
        4.2.2  Preparation of States by Spectro-Temporal
               Shaping ......................................... 86
        4.2.3  Measurement of States ........................... 88
        4.2.4  Measurement of Radiation Properties ............. 89
       Pulse Duration ......................... 89
       Spectral Phase ......................... 90
   4.3  Imaging with Ultra-fast Laser Radiation ................ 91
        4.3.1  Diffraction Theory and Incoherent
               Illumination .................................... 91
        4.3.2  Image Formation by Microscopy and Coherent
               Illumination .................................... 95
   4.4  Temporal Delaying ...................................... 97
        4.4.1  Mechanical Delay ................................ 98
       Single-Pass Delay Stage ................ 98
       Multi-Pass Delay Stage ................. 99
       Mechanical Optoelectronic Scanning .... 101
        4.4.2  Non-mechanical Delay ........................... 101
       Free-Running Lasers ................... 102
       Synchronized Lasers ................... 103
5  Examples for Ultra-fast Detection Methods .................. 105
   5.1  Non-imaging Detection ................................. 106
        5.1.1  Transient Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS) ........ 106
       Principle and Setup ................... 106
       Characterization of the White-Light
                        Continuum ............................. 108
       Measurement by TAS .................... 112
        5.1.2  Temporal Shaped Pulses ......................... 113
       Principle and Setup ................... 113
       Characterization of the Si-Kα-
                        Radiation Source ...................... 115
   5.2  Imaging Detection ..................................... 118
        5.2.1  Non-coherent Methods ........................... 119
       Shadowgraphy .......................... 119
       Transient Quantitative Phase
                        Microscopy (TQPm) ..................... 120
        5.2.2  Coherent Methods ............................... 124
       Mach-Zehnder Micro-Interferometry ..... 124
       Speckle Microscopy .................... 127
       Nomarsky Microscopy ................... 129
6  Applications of Pump and Probe Metrology ................... 133
   6.1  Drilling of Metals .................................... 134
        6.1.1  Introduction ................................... 134
        6.1.2  Measurement of Ejected Plasma, Vapor and
               Melt ........................................... 134
   6.2  Microstructuring of Metals ............................ 137
        6.2.1  Introduction ................................... 137
        6.2.2  Detection of Plasma Dynamics ................... 138
   6.3  Marking of Glass ...................................... 140
        6.3.1  Introduction ................................... 140
        6.3.2  Detection of Laser-Induced Defects ............. 141
        6.3.3  Detection of Refractive-Index Changes and
               Cracking ....................................... 143
   6.4  Welding of Technical Glasses and Silicon .............. 145
        6.4.1  Introduction ................................... 145
        6.4.2  Detection of Laser-Induced Melting ............. 146
7  Perspectives for the Future ................................ 151
   7.1  Laser and Other Sources ............................... 152
   7.2  Methodology ........................................... 153
        7.2.1  Scanning Technology ............................ 253
       Spatial Scanning ...................... 153
       Temporal Scanning ..................... 153
        7.2.2  Beam Shaping ................................... 153
       Spatial Shaping ....................... 153
       Temporal Shaping ...................... 154
8  Summary .................................................... 155

Appendix A Lock-in Amplifier .................................. 159
Appendix В Onset on Optics .................................... 161
   B.l  Abbe Sine Condition ................................... 161
   B.2  Quantitative Phase Microscopy ......................... 162
Appendix С Plasma Parameters .................................. 165
   C.l  Transport Coefficients ................................ 165
        С.1.1  Electrical Conductivity ........................ 165
        С 1.2  Thermal Conductivity ........................... 165
        C.1.3  Diffusivity of Electrons ....................... 166
        С 1.4  Viscosity  ..................................... 167
   C.2  Debye Length .......................................... 168
   C.3  Plasma Oscillations and Waves ......................... 169
   C.4  Coupling Between Electrons and Ions ................... 171
   C.5  Hydrodynamic Instabilities ............................ 172
Appendix D Facilities ......................................... 173
Appendix E List of Abbreviations and Symbols .................. 177
   E.l  Abbreviations ......................................... 177
   E.2  Symbols ............................................... 178
References .................................................... 183
Glossary ...................................................... 195
Index ......................................................... 199

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