Brine migration from a flooded salt mine in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, New York: geochemical modeling and simulation of variable-density flow (Reston, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBrine migration from a flooded salt mine in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, New York: geochemical modeling and simulation of variable-density flow / R.M.Yager et al. - Reston: U.S. Geological Survey, 2009. - vii, 51 p.: ill. (some col.), col. maps. - (Professional paper; 1767). - Prepared in cooperation with New York State Attorney General's office. - Ref.: p.49-50. - ISBN 978-1-4113-2502-9

Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ........................................................ 1
Introduction .................................................... 2
Hydrogeologic Setting ........................................... 6
Mine Flooding and Aftermath ..................................... 7
   Flooding and Formation of Rubble Chimneys .................... 7
   Water-Level Recovery and Migration of Brine ................. 10
   Interception of Brine and Saline Water ...................... 10
Geochemical Modeling ........................................... 13
   Inverse Models .............................................. 15
   Forward Models .............................................. 19
   Discussion of Results from Geochemical Modeling ............. 21
Simulated Migration of Brine and Saline Water During Water-
Level Recovery ................................................. 23
   One-Dimensional Flow ........................................ 24
   Three-Dimensional Flow ...................................... 24
      Model Design ............................................. 26
      Model Calibration ........................................ 29
      Model Results ............................................ 30
   Discussion of Results ....................................... 37
Simulated Pumping of Brine and Saline Water .................... 37
   Model Design ................................................ 37
   Model Results ............................................... 38
   Model Sensitivity ........................................... 42
   Discussion of Results ....................................... 42
Implications for Future Mitigation Efforts ..................... 44
   Current Conditions in the Collapse Area ..................... 44
   Considerations for Future Mitigation ........................ 46
Summary ........................................................ 46
References Cited ............................................... 49
Appendix. Wells and Boreholes in and near the Collapse Area 
          above the Flooded Retsof Salt Mine ................... 51

1.  Map showing location of aquifer system and Retsof salt 
    mine in Livingston County, N.Y. ............................. 3
2.  Stratigraphic section A-A' depicting rubble chimney above
    collapsed room in saltmine, Livingston County, N.Y. ......... 5
3.  Graph showing solubility of anhydrite (CaSO4) at 10°C as 
    a function of halite content (NaCl) in solution ............. 6
4.  Topographic map showing location of sinkholes, and pumped 
    and monitoring wells in the collapse area above the
    flooded salt mine, Livingston County, N.Y. .................. 8
5.  Geophysical logs conducted in well Lv309 in April 1994 and
    March 2004 .................................................. 9
6.  Graphs showing drawdown and recovery of (A) water level
    in well Lv368 (lower confined aquifer) near the collapse
    area, and (B) brine level in wells Lv301 and Lv396 
    (flooded salt mine) ........................................ 11
7.  Stratigraphic section B-B' showing rubble chimneys and 
    deformation zone in the collapse area above the flooded 
    salt mine and direction of flow during water-level 
    recovery, January 1996 through August 2006 ................. 12
8.  Graph showing chloride concentrations observed within 
    the collapse area in well Lv309 (elevation 0 m) and well
    Lv322 (lower confined aquifer) after inundation of 
    the salt mine, January 1996 through August 2006 ............ 13
9.  Vertical profile of halite saturation with depth 
    measured in wells Lv309 and Lv322 in September 2006,
    showing stratigraphy and sample depths of final waters 
    used in inverse geochemical models ......................... 14
10. Vertical profiles of halite saturation with depth in well
    Lv309 measured in August 2004 and September 2006, showing
    transition zone between brine and saline water in 
    the Bertie Limestone ....................................... 15
11. Stratigraphic section B-B' depicting screened intervals 
    of pumped and monitoring wells, and the distribution of
    halite saturation within the rubble chimneys and 
    deformation zone in September 2006 ......................... 16
12. Graphs showing relation between halite saturation and (A)
    chloride concentration in samples of saline water and
    brine near the collapse area above the flooded salt mine,
    and (B) specific gravity of halite brine ................... 20
13. Ternary diagrams showing water-rock reactions for 
    different mixtures of waters in the collapse area without
    and with ion exchange ...................................... 22
14. Ternary diagrams showing subsidence rates resulting from
    water-rock reactions for different mixtures of waters in
    the collapse area: (A) without ion exchange, (B) with ion
    exchange ................................................... 23
15. Graph showing comparison of vertical profiles of halite 
    saturations observed in wells Lv309 and Lv322 with those 
    simulated in one-dimensional simulations with different
    layer spacings ............................................. 25
16. Diagram showing boundaries of three-dimensional model 
    showing extent of flooded salt mine, and locations of 
    rubble chimneys, deformation zone, and wells ............... 27
17. Section C-C showing boundary conditions specified in 
    three-dimensional model, and depths and extents of 
    fracture zones ............................................. 28
18. Graph showing comparison of vertical profiles of halite 
    saturations observed in wells Lv309 and Lv322 with those 
    simulated by one-dimensional simulation and by three-
    dimensional simulations with models A and В ................ 30
19. Graphs showing changes in water compositions in wells 
    Lv309 (elevation -23 m) and Lv322 from January 1996 
    through August 2006 in four-solute simulations with: (A) 
    model A and (B) model В .................................... 32
20. Block diagrams along section C-C in the collapse area 
    showing simulation results from January 1998 through 
    September 2006 with model A and model B: (A) changes in
    spatial distribution of halite saturation, and (B) 
    changing directions of groundwater flow .................... 33
21. Block diagrams along section C-C showing changes in 
    the composition of water in the collapse area from 
    January 1996 through September 2006 in simulations with
    model A .................................................... 35
22. Block diagrams along section C-C showing changes in 
    the composition of water in the collapse area from 
    January 1996 through August 2006 in simulations with
    model В .................................................... 36
23. Section D-D' showing changes in halite saturations
    simulated by models A and В in response to pumping from
    the collapse area: (A) initial conditions, September 
    2006; ДО February 2008; and ДО September 2011 .............. 39
24. Graphs showing changes in halite saturation in 
    the collapse area during pumping from September 2006 
    through February 2008, and those simulated by models A 
    and В from September 2006 through September 2011: 
    (A) well Lv526, (B) well Lv529, (C) well Lv527, 
    (D) well 530, (E) well Lv309, and (F) well Lv322 ........... 40
25. Graphs showing changes in water levels in the collapse 
    area during pumping from September 2006 through February
    2008, and those simulated by models A and В from
    September 2006 through September 2011: (A) well Lv526,
    (B) well Lv529, (C) well Lv527, (D) well 530, (E) well 
    Lv309, and (F) well Lv322 .................................. 41
26. Graphs showing halite saturations simulated by model В at
    well Lv530 from September 2006 through September 2011 
    with different values of (A) hydraulic conductivity, (B) 
    porosity, (C) brine-displacement rates, and (D) pumping 
    rates ...................................................... 43
27. Diagrams showing simulated halite saturations in 2011 and
    2016 following shutdown of brine-mitigation project after
    2 years of pumping from September 2006 through August
    2008: (A) along section C-C through the collapse area,
    ДО in plan view of fracture zone at Onondaga / Bertie 
    contact (O/B-FZ), and (C) in plan view of lower confined 
    aquifer (LCA) .............................................. 45

1.  Chemical composition of brine and groundwater in November
    2005 near collapse area above flooded Retsof mine, 
    Livingston County, N.Y. .................................... 17
2.  Inverse models of waters in the collapse area showing 
    calculated percentages of initial waters and mole 
    transfers for water-rock reactions ......................... 18
3.  Saturation indices calculated with the Pitzer aqueous 
    model for sampled waters in the collapse area .............. 21
4.  Values of hydraulic and transport properties used in one-
    dimensional simulations .................................... 25
5.  Values of hydraulic and transport properties used in 
    three-dimensional simulations of saline water and brine 
    migration during recovery of aquifer system ................ 29
6.  Average halite saturation in water pumped by brine-
    mitigation project in February 2008, and simulated 
    saturation and composition of pumped water with models A
    and В ...................................................... 38
7.  Sensitivity of simulated concentrations in February 2008 
    and mass of halite produced from September 2006 through
    February 2008 in models A and В to changes in rates of
    brine displacement (Qbrine) and pumping (Qpumping) ............ 44

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