Ujihara K. Output coupling in optical cavities and lasers: a quantum theoretical approach (Weinheim, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаUjihara K. Output coupling in optical cavities and lasers: a quantum theoretical approach. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2010. - xvii, 390 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.385-390. - ISBN 978-3-527-40763-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... XIII
Acknowledgments .............................................. XVII

1  A One-Dimensional Optical Cavity with Output Coupling:
   Classical Analysis ........................................... 1
   1.1  Boundary Conditions at Perfect Conductor and
        Dielectric Surfaces ..................................... 1
   1.2  Classical Cavity Analysis ............................... 2
        1.2.1  One-Sided Cavity ................................. 2
        1.2.2  Symmetric Two-Sided Cavity ....................... 5
   1.3  Normal Mode Analysis: Orthogonal Modes .................. 7
        1.3.1  One-Sided Cavity ................................. 7
        1.3.2  Symmetric Two-Sided Cavity ...................... 12
   1.4  Discrete versus Continuous Mode Distribution ........... 15
   1.5  Expansions of the Normalization Factor ................. 17
   1.6  Completeness of the Modes of the "Universe" ............ 17
2  A One-Dimensional Optical Cavity with Output Coupling:
   Quantum Analysis ............................................ 23
   2.1  Quantization ........................................... 23
   2.2  Energy Eigenstates ..................................... 24
   2.3  Field Commutation Relation ............................. 26
   2.4  Thermal Radiation and the Fluctuation-Dissipation
        Theorem ................................................ 28
        2.4.1  The Density Operator of the Thermal Radiation
               Field ........................................... 28
        2.4.2  The Correlation Function and the Power
               Spectrum ........................................ 29
        2.4.3  The Response Function and the Fluctuation-
               Dissipation Theorem ............................. 31
        2.4.4  Derivation of the Langevin Noise for a Single
               Cavity Resonant Mode ............................ 33
        2.4.5  Excitation of the Cavity Resonant Mode by
               a Current Impulse
   2.5  Extension to an Arbitrarily Stratified Cavity .......... 38
        2.5.1  Description of the Cavity Structure ............. 38
        2.5.2  The Modes of the "Universe" ..................... 40
3  A One-Dimensional Quasimode Laser: General Formulation ...... 47
   3.1  Cavity Resonant Modes .................................. 47
   3.2  The Atoms .............................................. 49
   3.3  The Atom-Field Interaction ............................. 49
   3.4  Equations Governing the Atom-Field Interaction ......... 51
   3.5  Laser Equation of Motion: Introducing the Langevin
        Forces ................................................. 53
        3.5.1  The Field Decay ................................. 53
        3.5.2  Relaxation in Atomic Dipole and Atomic
               Inversion ....................................... 55
4  A One-Dimensional Quasimode Laser: Semiclassical and
   Quantum Analysis ............................................ 61
   4.1  Semiclassical Linear Gain Analysis ..................... 61
   4.2  Semiclassical Nonlinear Gain Analysis .................. 64
   4.3  Quantum Linear Gain Analysis ........................... 67
   4.4  Quantum Nonlinear Gain Analysis ........................ 74
5  A One-Dimensional Laser with Output Coupling: Derivation
   of the Laser Equation of Motion ............................. 81
   5.1  The Field .............................................. 81
   5.2  The Atoms .............................................. 83
   5.3  The Atom-Field Interaction ............................. 84
   5.4  Langevin Forces for the Atoms .......................... 85
   5.5  Laser Equation of Motion for a Laser with Output
        Coupling ............................................... 86
6  A One-Dimensional Laser with Output Coupling:
   Contour Integral Method ..................................... 91
   6.1  Contour Integral Method: Semiclassical Linear Gain
        Analysis ............................................... 91
   6.2  Contour Integral Method: Semiclassical Nonlinear Gain
        Analysis ............................................... 94
   6.3  Contour Integral Method: Quantum Linear Gain
        Analysis ............................................... 95
   6.4  Contour Integral Method: Quantum Nonlinear Gain
        Analysis .............................................. 100
7  A One-Dimensional Laser with Output Coupling:
   Semiclassical Linear Cain Analysis ......................... 103
   7.1  The Field Equation Inside the Cavity .................. 104
   7.2  Homogeneously Broadened Atoms and Uniform Atomic
        Inversion ............................................. 106
   7.3  Solution of the Laser Equation of Motion .............. 108
        7.3.1  The Field Equation for Inside the Cavity ....... 108
        7.3.2  Laplace-Transformed Equations .................. 109
        7.3.3  The Field Inside the Cavity .................... 113
        7.3.4  The Field Outside the Cavity ................... 114
8  A One-Dimensional Laser with Output Coupling:
   Semiclassical Nonlinear Cain Analysis ...................... 119
   8.1  The Field Equation Inside the Cavity .................. 119
   8.2  Homogeneously Broadened Atoms and Uniform Pumping ..... 121
   8.3  The Steady State ...................................... 122
   8.4  Solution of the Coupled Nonlinear Equations ........... 125
   8.5  The Field Outside the Cavity .......................... 129
9  A One-Dimensional Laser with Output Coupling: Quantum
   Linear Cain Analysis ....................................... 133
   9.1  The Equation for the Quantum Linear Gain Analysis ..... 134
   9.2  Homogeneously Broadened Atoms and Uniform Atomic
        Inversion ............................................. 137
   9.3  Laplace-Transformed Equations ......................... 138
   9.4  Laplace-Transformed Noise Forces ...................... 140
   9.5  The Field Inside the Cavity ........................... 144
        9.5.1  Thermal Noise .................................. 146
        9.5.2  Quantum Noise .................................. 148
        9.5.3  The Total Field ................................ 151
   9.6  The Field Outside the Cavity .......................... 254
   9.7  The Field Correlation Function ........................ 156
   9.8  The Laser Linewidth and the Correction Factor ......... 162
10 A One-Dimensional Laser with Output Coupling: Quantum
   Nonlinear Cain Analysis .................................... 167
   10.1 The Equation for the Quantum Nonlinear Gain
        Analysis .............................................. 167
   10.2 Homogeneously Broadened Atoms and Uniform Pumping ..... 170
   10.3 The Steady-State and Laplace-Transformed Equations .... 171
   10.4 The Lowest-Order Solution ............................. 176
   10.5 The First-Order Solution: Temporal Evolution .......... 178
        10.5.1 The Formal Temporal Differential Equation ...... 178
        10.5.2 Thermal Noise .................................. 182
        10.5.3 Quantum Noise .................................. 182
        10.5.4 The Temporal Differential Equation ............. 186
        10.5.5 Penetration of Thermal Noise into the Cavity ... 187
   10.6 Phase Diffusion and the Laser Linewidth ............... 188
   10.7 Phase Diffusion in the Nonlinear Gain Regime .......... 190
        10.7.1 Phase Diffusion ................................ 190
        10.7.2 Evaluation of the Sum ∑m(|Am|2 + |Bm|2) ......... 196
        10.7.3 The Linewidth and the Correction Factors ....... 199
   10.8 The Field Outside the Cavity .......................... 202
11 Analysis of a One-Dimensional Laser with Two-Side Output
   Coupling: The Propagation Method ........................... 211
   11.1 Model of the Laser and the Noise Sources .............. 211
   11.2 The Steady State and the Threshold Condition .......... 214
   11.3 The Time Rate of the Amplitude Variation .............. 218
   11.4 The Phase Diffusion of the Output Field ............... 221
   11.5 The Linewidth for the Nonlinear Gain Regime ........... 223
   11.6 The Linewidth for the Linear Gain Regime .............. 228
12 A One-Dimensional Laser with Output Coupling: Summary
   and Interpretation of the Results .......................... 235
   12.1 Models of the Quasimode Laser and Continuous Mode
        Laser ................................................. 235
   12.2 Noise Sources ......................................... 236
        12.2.1 Thermal Noise and Vacuum Fluctuation as Input
               Noise .......................................... 236
        12.2.2 Quantum Noise .................................. 237
   12.3 Operator Orderings .................................... 238
   12.4 Longitudinal Excess Noise Factor ...................... 239
        12.4.1 Longitudinal Excess Noise Factor Below
               Threshold ...................................... 239
        12.4.2 Longitudinal Excess Noise Factor Above
               Threshold ...................................... 240
   12.5 Mathematical Relation between Below-Threshold and
        Above-Threshold Linewidths ............................ 241
   12.6 Detuning Effects ...................................... 243
   12.7 Bad Cavity Effect ..................................... 245
   12.8 Incomplete Inversion and Level Schemes ................ 246
   12.9 The Constants of Output Coupling ...................... 247
   12.10 Threshold Atomic Inversion and Steady-State Atomic
         Inversion ............................................ 249
   12.11 The Power-Independent Part of the Linewidth .......... 251
   12.12 Linewidth and Spontaneous Emission Rate .............. 253
         12.12.1 Spontaneous Emission in the Quasimode
                 Laser ........................................ 254
         12.12.2 Spontaneous Emission in the One-Sided
                 Cavity Laser ................................. 256
         12.12.3 Spontaneous Emission in the Two-Sided
                 Cavity Laser ................................. 258
   12.13 Further Theoretical Problems ......................... 258
         12.13.1 Filling Factor ............................... 258
         12.13.2 Inhomogeneous Broadening ..................... 259
         12.13.3 Amplitude-Phase Coupling ..................... 259
         12.13.4 Internal Loss ................................ 260
         12.13.5 Spatial Hole Burning ......................... 263
         12.13.6 Transition From Below Threshold to Above
                 Threshold .................................... 264
13 Spontaneous Emission in a One-Dimensional Optical Cavity
   with Output Coupling ....................................... 267
   13.1 Equations Describing the Spontaneous Emission
        Process ............................................... 267
   13.2 The Perturbation Approximation ........................ 270
   13.3 Wigner-Weisskopf Approximation ........................ 271
   13.4 The Delay Differential Equation ....................... 272
   13.5 Expansion in Terms of Resonant Modes and Single
        Resonant Mode Limit ................................... 275
   13.6 Spontaneous Emission Spectrum Observed Outside the
        Cavity ................................................ 279
   13.7 Extension to Three Dimensions ......................... 282
   13.8 Experiments on Spontaneous Emission in a Fabry-Perot
        Type Cavity ........................................... 289
14 Theory of Excess Noise ..................................... 293
   14.1 Adjoint Mode Theory ................................... 293
   14.2 Green's Function Theory ............................... 306
   14.3 Propagation Theory .................................... 311
   14.4 Three-Dimensional Cavity Modes and Transverse
        Effects ............................................... 316
   14.5 Quantum Theory of Excess Noise Factor ................. 319
        14.5.1 Excess Noise Theory Based on Input-Output
               Commutation Rules .............................. 319
        14.5.2 Excess Noise Theory Based on Non-Orthogonal
               Mode Quantization .............................. 323
   14.6 Two Non-Orthogonal Modes with Nearly Equal Losses ..... 326
   14.7 Multimode Theory ...................................... 329
   14.8 Experiments on Excess Noise Factor .................... 329
15 Quantum Theory of the Output Coupling of an Optical
   Cavity ..................................................... 335
   15.1 Quantum Field Theory .................................. 336
        15.1.1 Normal Mode Expansion .......................... 336
        15.1.2 Natural Mode Quantization ...................... 344
        15.1.3 Projection Operator Method ..................... 348
   15.2 Quantum Noise Theory .................................. 349
        15.2.1 The Input-Output Theory by Time Reversal ....... 349
        15.2.2 The Input-Output Theory by the Boundary
               Condition ...................................... 351
        15.2.3 Another Quantum Noise Theory ................... 354
   15.3 Green's Function Theory ............................... 355
   15.4 Quasimode Theory ...................................... 355
   15.5 Summary ............................................... 355
   15.6 Equations for the Output Coupling and Input-Output
        Relation .............................................. 356

Appendices .................................................... 359

Index ......................................................... 385

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