Rasskazov S.V. Radiogenic isotopes in geologic processes (New York, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRasskazov S.V. Radiogenic isotopes in geologic processes / S.V.Rasskazov, S.B.Brandt, I.S.Brandt. - New York: Springer Verlag, 2010. - xiii, 306 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.249-290. - Ind.: p.291-306. - ISBN 978-90-481-2998-0

Оглавление / Contents
1  Theory and Experience ........................................ 1
   1.1  The Law of Rutherford-Soddy ............................. 2
   1.2  Determination of Decay Constants ........................ 4
   1.3  Mass Spectrometry ....................................... 4
   1.4  Isotope Dilution ........................................ 5
   1.5  Statistical Estimation of Results ....................... 8
   1.6  Summary ................................................. 9

2  Geochronometric Models ...................................... 11
   2.1  Isochron Model ......................................... 11
        2.1.1  Isochron Plane .................................. 11
        2.1.2  Common Rb-Sr Isochron ........................... 15
   2.2  Pb-Pb Isochron ......................................... 17
   2.3  Concordia-Discordia Model .............................. 19
   2.4  Summary: Models for Open and Closed Parent-Daughter
        Systems ................................................ 24

3  Principle Geochronometric Isotope Systems ................... 25
   3.1  Th, U-Pb Isotope System ................................ 25
        3.1.1  Decay Constants of 235U and 238U ................. 25
        3.1.2  U-Pb Dating ..................................... 25
        3.1.3  Pb-Pb Dating .................................... 26
   3.2  K-Ar Isotope System .................................... 27
        3.2.1  Constants of Radioactive Transformation ......... 28
        3.2.2  Conventional K-Ar Method ........................ 28
        3.2.3  40Ar/39Ar Method ................................. 30
   3.3  Rb-Sr Isotope System ................................... 35
   3.4  Sm-Nd Isotope System ................................... 35
   3.5  Re-Os Isotope System ................................... 37
   3.6  Isotope Systems of Extinct Nuclides .................... 38
   3.7  Isotope System of 14C .................................. 39
   3.8  Summary: Reliability of the Modern Isotopic Methods .... 42

4  Atmospheric Argon ........................................... 43
   4.1  Origin of 40Ar ......................................... 43
   4.2  Variations of 40Ar/36Ar and 36Ar/38Ar .................... 45
   4.3  Summary: Isotopically Inhomogeneous Atmosphere ......... 48

5  Distribution of Radiogenic Argon Within a Mineral ........... 49
   5.1  Closing Isotopic System: a-Factor ...................... 50
   5.2  The a-Factor in the Conventional K-Ar Method ........... 51
   5.3  Influence of Argon Distribution on Diffusion
        Parameters ............................................. 53
   5.4  Application for Dating of Imposed Geologic Processes ... 55
        5.4.1  Rectangular Distribution of Argon (a = 0) ....... 56
        5.4.2  Dominating Rectangular Argon Fraction\
               (0 < α < 0.5) ................................... 56
        5.4.3  Dominating Semi-Sinusoidal Argon Fraction\
               (0.5 < α ≤ 1) ................................... 58
   5.5  Summary: Low-Temperature Argon Losses .................. 59

6  Thermal Spectra of Argon Isotopes ........................... 61
   6.1  Presentation of Argon-Argon Spectra on Diagrams ........ 61
   6.2  Histograms of Argon Release ............................ 63
   6.3  Deduction of an Algebraic Expression for an Isochron
        Line in Inverse Ar-Ar Coordinates ...................... 66
   6.4  Kinetics of Stepwise Heating ........................... 67
   6.5  Separating Air and Radiogenic Argon .................... 68
   6.6  Econt = Erad = E39 ....................................... 69
   6.7  Econt < Јrad = E39 ....................................... 70
   6.8  Econt < E39 < Erad ....................................... 71
   6.9  Loss of Radiogenic Argon in the Geologic Past .......... 73
   6.10 Excessive Argon-40 ..................................... 74
   6.11 Argon of Poly-mineral Aggregates ....................... 74
   6.12 Argon in Two-Component Crystal Structure ............... 76
   6.13 Irreversible Processes of Argon Release from Mineral
        Phases ................................................. 78
   6.14 Summary: Peculiarities of Ar-Ar Spectra ................ 81

7  Radiogenic Argon in a Cooling Dike .......................... 85
   7.1  Argon Kinetics ......................................... 85
   7.2  K-Ar Isotopic Balance in a Cooling Dike ................ 88
   7.3  Closure of K-Ar Isotope System ......................... 92
   7.4  Geologic Application ................................... 94
   7.5  Summary: Temporally Varying Diffusion .................. 95

8  Radiogenic Isotopes in an Exocontact Zone of a Magmatic
   Body ........................................................ 97
   8.1  Theoretical Consideration .............................. 99
        8.1.1  Thermal Model ................................... 99
        8.1.2  Radiogenic Argon Retention in a Mineral under
               Varying Temperatures ........................... 102
   8.2  Geochronological Application .......................... 104
   8.3  Summary: Theory of Diffusion and Its Application
        for Study of Exocontact Processes ..................... 106
   8.4  Appendix: Two- and Three-Dimensional Cases ............ 107

9  Diffusion in a Laplace Regime .............................. 109
   9.1  Deduction of the Laplace Age Equation ................. 109
   9.2  Geologic Examples ..................................... 1ll
   9.3  Summary: Estimation of the Diffusion Parameter
        D/h2λ ................................................. 113

10 Early Earth ................................................ 115
   10.1 Initial Processes in the Solar System (4.57-4.54 
        Ga) ................................................... 115
        10.1.1 Classification of Meteorites ................... 115
        10.1.2 Dating of Meteorites ........................... 117
        10.1.3 Significance of Short-Lived Radionuclides ...... 118
        10.1.4 Evolution of Asteroids ......................... 121
   10.2 Priscoan Crust (4.4-3.8 Ga) ........................... 122
   10.3 Archean Crust (3.8-2.5 Ga) ............................ 123
   10.4 Oldest Crust in Asia .................................. 125
   10.5 Summary: Geologic Processes of the Early Earth ........ 126

11 Important Phanerozoic Boundaries ........................... 129
   11.1  Vendian-Cambrian ..................................... 129
        11.1.1 Stratotype Sections ............................ 129
        11.1.2 Radiogenic Isotope Ages ........................ 130
        11.1.3 Events and Hypotheses .......................... 131
        11.1.4 Alkaline Ultramafic Magmatism with
               Carbonatites in Cissayan, Siberia .............. 132
   11.2  Permian-Triassic ..................................... 135
        11.2.1  Stratotype Sections ........................... 135
        11.2.2  Radiogenic Isotope Ages ....................... 137
        11.2.3  Events ........................................ 137
        11.2.4  Hypotheses .................................... 138
        11.2.5  Siberian Traps ................................ 138
   11.3  Cretaceous-Tertiary .................................. 145
        11.3.1  Definition of the Boundary .................... 145
        11.3.2  Radiogenic Isotope Ages ....................... 146
        11.3.3  Events and Hypotheses ......................... 146
        11.3.4  Deccan Traps .................................. 147
   11.4 Summary: Specifications of the Important
        Phanerozoic Boundaries ................................ 147

12 Late Phanerozoic Magmatic Evolution of Asia ................ 149
   12.1  Hierarchy and Periodicity of Magmatic Events ......... 152
   12.2  Middle-Late Cretaceous: First-Order Processes ........ 158
        12.2.1  Dating ........................................ 159
        12.2.2  Geologic Background ........................... 160
   12.3  Early Tertiary: First-Order Processes ................ 162
        12.3.1  Thanetian Magmatic Events ..................... 162
        12.3.2  Spatial Connections Between the Thanetian
                and Lutetian Magmatic Events .................. 163
        12.3.3  Geologic Background ........................... 164
   12.4 Middle-Late Tertiary through Quaternary Transition
        from the First-, through the Second- to the Third-
        Order Processes ....................................... 166
        12.4.1  Central Mongolia and Adjacent Regions ......... 167
        12.4.2  South Primorye and Adjacent East Asia ......... 190
   12.5  Summary: Magmatic Geodynamics in Asia ................ 205

13 Late Phanerozoic Magmatic Evolution of North America
   and Northeast Africa: Comparisons with Asia ................ 209
   13.1  North America ........................................ 209
        13.1.1 Magmatic Migration of 120-37 Ma ................ 211
        13.1.2 Transition from Intermediate-Silicic to
               Basaltic Magmatism of 37-18 Ma ................. 211
        13.1.3 Predominating Basaltic Magmatism of the Past
   17-15 Ma ................................................... 213
        13.1.4 Geodynamic Models .............................. 214
   13.2 Northeast Africa ...................................... 215
        13.2.1 Earliest Volcanic Events in the Western Rift ... 216
        13.2.2 Hypotheses ..................................... 218
        13.2.3 Bilateral along-Axis Propagation of Rift-
               Related Magmatism .............................. 219
        13.2.4 Geodynamics of the East African Plateau ........ 221
   13.3 Comparisons: Africa—Eurasia—North America ............. 222
   13.4 Summary: Two Geodynamic Patterns of Rift-Related
        Magmatic Evolution in Continents ...................... 229

14 Separated Lead Isotopes .................................... 231
   14.1 Dating Problems of Ore Mineralization ................. 231
   14.2 Definition of Separated Leads ......................... 232
   14.3 Diffusion Discordia ................................... 233
   14.4 Electrical Charge of Pb Separated from U-Pb System .... 236
   14.5 Connected Points of Concordia and Discordia ........... 236
   14.6 Leads Released by Continuous Diffusion ................ 238
   14.7 Instant Release of Leads .............................. 239
   14.8 Tuning of T, t and μ .................................. 240
   14.9 Interpreting Separated Leads from Ore Deposits in
        Asia .................................................. 242
        14.9.1 The Southern Part of the Siberian Craton ....... 242
        14.9.2 The Gargan Block ............................... 244
        14.9.3 Geologic Implication ........................... 246
   14.10 Summary: Application of Separated Leads for
         Understanding Timing of Ore-Forming Processes ........ 247

References .................................................... 249
Index ......................................................... 291

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