Varga C. Transition? To rule of law? (Pomaz, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаVarga C. Transition? To rule of law? Constitutionalism and transitional justice challenged in Central & Eastern Europe. - Pomáz: Kráter, 2008. - 292 p. - (PoLiSz series). - ISBN 978-963-9735-44-6; ISSN 1589-3405

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Оглавление / Contents

Radical Change and Unbalance of Law in a Central Europe under
the Rule of Myths, not of Law [1996] ............................ 9
1.  Post-modernity Diagnosed .................................... 9
2.  Radical Change with Radical Uniformisation ................. 10
3.  Some Symptoms .............................................. 16
    a) Unpreparedness .......................................... 17
    b) Utopianism .............................................. 18
    c) Bibo-syndrome ........................................... 19
    d) Between the West - and the West ......................... 21
4.  Brave New Start with Tradition Left Behind ................. 23

Legal Scholarship at the Threshold of a New Millennium
in the Central and Eastern European Region [1997] .............. 26
Naivety from the Beginning ..................................... 27
1.  The Limits of Law-modernisation ............................ 33
2.  The Need for Scholarly Reconsideration ..................... 34
3.  Rebuilding the Social Contexture of Law .................... 36
4.  Following Alien Patterns ................................... 37
5.  Want for Clarification ..................................... 42
6.  New Unorganic Components ................................... 46
    Past Legacy in Legal Experience and Scholarship ............ 46

Rule of Law: Imperfectly Realised, or Perfected without
   Realisation? [2000] ......................................... 50
1.  Declarations ............................................... 50
2.  Question-marks ............................................. 54

Rule of Law - at the Crossroads of Challenges [2001] ........... 59
   Law: Values & Techniques .................................... 59
   Human-centeredness and Practical Orientation ................ 66
   Theological and Anthropological Foundations ................. 74
   An Irreplaceably Own Task ................................... 80
   Recapitulation .............................................. 81
   A Final Remark in Comparison ................................ 82

Rule of Law, or the Dilemma of an Ethos: to be Gardened or
Mechanicised [2007] ............................................ 85
I   Two Models for Transition, Post-WWII and Post-
    Communism .................................................. 85
II  With Differing Understandings .............................. 91
III What is to Remain if the Peak is Shaken? ................... 95
IV  Circus Trainer, or a Cardener? ............................. 98
V   The German Master v.  the Hungarian Disciple .............. 100

                      THE BURDEN OF THE PAST

Why Having Failed in Facing with the Past? [2003] ............. 107
Creeping Renovation of Law through Constitutional Judiciary?
   [2005] ..................................................... 117
1.  Transitions in the Age of Globalisation ................... 117
2.  Constitutional Assessment: the Hungarian Way .............. 122
3.  An Example: Human Dignity in Isolation and Sterility ...... 133
4.  Public Law Privatised with the State Targeted as
    a Common Enemy ............................................ 138
5.  A Future with no Past ..................................... 146
6.  Legality with Justice Silenced: Crimes and Unpunishment ... 147
7.  Rule of Constitutional Court Dicta, not of Law ............ 154
8.  A Sliding Self-image ...................................... 157

What Has Happened and What Is Happening ever Since (In
Remembrance of Deportations to Forced Work Camps at
Hortobágy) [2005] ............................................. 161
    Preliminaries to a Betrayal ............................... 161
    "Deportation" with Consequences ........................... 165
    "Deportation" with no Silence Broken Since ................ 168
    Considerations on How to Treat the Past after the
    Communism has Fallen ...................................... 171
    Cul-de-sac as Assessed even by Liberal Standards .......... 175

1956 Judged by Ethics and Law, or the Moral Unity of the
Law's Responsiveness as a Post-totalitarian Dilemma [2006] .... 178
    Law and its Socio-ethical Basis ........................... 178
    The Necessity of an Ethical Minimum in Law ................ 185
    The Drama of 1956 ......................................... 187
    The Shame of Posterity for the Law getting Silenced ....... 192


Failed Crusade: American Self-confidence, Russian
Catastrophe [2002] ............................................ 199
1.  The Pattern-provider and its Transitology ................. 199
2.a.Organised Pressure on Making Patterns Followed ............ 202
2.b.Provoked Bankruptcy ....................................... 206
2.c.Cui prodest? .............................................. 210
2.d.Democracy Conceived in Tutelage ........................... 214
3.  Becoming a Pray of Globalism .............................. 216

"Radical Evil" on Trial [2002] ................................ 220
A.  Historical Background ..................................... 222
B.  Normative Dimensions ...................................... 225
    a) Political Aspects ...................................... 225
    b) Moral Aspects .......................................... 227
    c) Legal Aspects .......................................... 227

Rule of Law between the Scylla of Imported Patterns
and the Charybdis of Actual Realisations (The Experience of
Lithuania) [2004] ............................................. 236
    Transitology Questioned ................................... 236
    Lithuania ................................................. 238
    Ideal: Law & Balance ...................................... 239
    Ideal: Rights Counterbalanced by Duties ................... 241
    Anything Except to Democracy in Outcome ................... 242
    Legal Personalism as a Response ........................... 246
    A Call for Local Experience Assessed ...................... 246

                      WHAT CAN BE HOPED FOR NOW?

In Bondage of Paradoxes, or Deadlock at the Peak of the Law
we have Created for Ourselves [2007] .......................... 251
   A 'Good' Constitution ...................................... 251
   With Moral Crisis behind it  ............................... 254
   In Want of Legal Defence Available ......................... 259

At the Crossroads of Civil Obedience and Civil Disobedience
[2007] ........................................................ 262
   Civil Disobedience ......................................... 262
   Civil Obedience ............................................ 267

Subject index ................................................. 273

Index of Normative Materials .................................. 283

Name index .................................................... 284

Bibliography of CSABA VARGA's further books ................... 290

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