Varga C. Law and philosophy: selected papers in legal theory (Budapest, 1994). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаVarga C. Law and philosophy: selected papers in legal theory. - Budapest: Loránd Eötvös University, 1994. - xi, 530 p.: tables. - Bibliogr.: p.492-513. - Ind.: p.515-530. - ISBN 963-462-848-6; ISSN 1218-0610

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Оглавление / Contents
Table of Contents ............................................. vii
Foreward ........................................................ 1

LAW AS PRACTICE ................................................. 5
1  La formation des concepts en sciences juridiques [1970] [in
   APhD XVIII (Paris 1973)] ..................................... 7
2  Geltung des Rechts-Wirksamkeit des Rechts [1978] [in 
   Die gesellschaftliche Wirksamkeit des sozialistischen 
   Rechts ed. K.A. Mollnau (Berlin 1978)] ...................... 35
3  Macrosociological Theories of Law [1983] [TR III (1986)
   3-4] ........................................................ 43
4  The Law and Its Inner Morality [1984] [RIFD LXII
   (1985) 3] ................................................... 77
5  The Law and Its Limits [1985] [in Hungarian from 
   A jog és korlátai (Budapest 1985)] .......................... 91

LAW AS TECHNIQUE ............................................... 97
6  Domaine "externe" et domaine "interne" en droit [1983] 
   [Revue interdisciplinaire d'Etudes Juridiques (1985) 
   N 14] ....................................................... 99
7  Die ministerielle Begründung [1977] [RT12 (1981) 1] ........ 119
8  The Preamble [1970] [A.Jurid XII (1971) 1-2] ............... 141
9  Presumption and Fiction [with J. Szájer] [1988] [ARSP
   LXXIV (1988) 2] ............................................ 169
10 Legal Technique [with J. Szájer] [1988] [in Rechtskultur-
   Denkkultur ed E. Mock & Cs. Varga (Stuttgart 1989)] ........ 187

LAW AS LOGIC .................................................. 199
11 Moderne Staatlichkeit und modernes formales Recht [1982] 
   [A Jurid. 26 (1984) 1-2] ................................... 201
12 Heterogeneity and Validity of Law [1986] [in 
   Rechtsgeltung ed. Cs. Varga & O. Weinberger (Stuttgart
   1986)] ..................................................... 209
13 Leibniz und die Frage der rechtlichen Systembildung
   [1973] in Materialismus und Idealismus im Rechtsdenken
   ed. K.A. Mollnau (Stuttgart 1987)] ......................... 219
14 Law and Its Approach As A System [1975] [lnfomatica e 
   Diritto VII (1981) 2-3] .................................... 233
15 Logic Of Law and Judicial Activity [1981] [in Legal 
   Development and Comparative Law ed. Z. Péteri & V. Lamm 
   (Budapest 1981)] ........................................... 257
16 Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law [1988] [in Hungarian from 
   H. Kelsen's Reine Rechtslehre (Budapest 1988) Preface] ..... 289
17 The Nature of the Judicial Process [1991] [in Hungarian 
   Áj XXXIII (1991) 1-4] ...................................... 295

LAW AS EXPERIENCE ............................................. 315
18 The Socially Determined Nature of Legal Reasoning [1971]
    [LA (1973) Nos.61-62] ..................................... 317
19 The Ontological Foundation of Law [1983] [RIFD LX 
   (983) 1] ................................................... 375
20 Is Law A System of Enactments? [1984] [in Theory of legal
   science ed. A. Pezenik, L. Lindahl & B. van Roermund 
   (Dordrecht 1984)] .......................................... 391
21 The Uniqueness of National Legal Cultures [1992] [in The
   Common Iaw of Europe and the Future of legal Education
   ed. B. De Witte & C. Forder (Deventer 1992)] ............... 399
22 Institutions As Systems [1988] [in A Jurid. 33 (1991)
   3-4] ....................................................... 413

LAW AS HISTORY ................................................ 425
23 From Legal Customs to Legal Folkways [1981] [TR 2 
   (1985) 1] .................................................. 427
24 Anthropological Jurisprudence? [1985] [in Law in East and 
   West ed Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda University
   (Tokyo 1988)] .............................................. 437
25 Law as A Social Issue [1985] [in skize z teorii prawa i
   szczególowych nauk prawnych oriiprawai ed. S. Wronkowska
   & M. Ziclinski (Poznan 1990)] .............................. 459
26 Law As History? [1986] [in Philosophy of Iaw in the 
   History of Human Thought vd. S. Panou, G. Bozonis, 
   D. Georgas &. P. Trappe (Stuttgart I988)] .................. 477
27 Rechtskultur-Denkkultur [1988] [in Rechtskultur-
   Denkkultur ed. E. Mock & Cs. Varga (Stuttgart I989)] ....... 485

Curriculum Vitae .............................................. 491
Bibliography .................................................. 493
Index ......................................................... 515
Index of Normative Materials .................................. 523
Index of Names ................................................ 525

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