Taylor F.W. Elementary climate physics (Oxford; New York, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаTaylor F.W. Elementary climate physics. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. - 212 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.211-212. - ISBN 978-0-19-856734-9

Оглавление / Contents
1. The  climate system .......................................... 1
    1.1.  Introduction: A definition of climate ................. 1
    1.2.  Solar radiation and the energy budget of
          the Earth ............................................. 3
    1.3.  Atmosphere and climate ................................ 6
          1.3.1. Evolution of the atmosphere .................... 6
          1.3.2. Temperature structure .......................... 6
          1.3.3. Pressure, composition, and temperature
                 variations and dynamics ........................ 7
    1.4.  Ocean and climate ..................................... 9
          1.4.1. Heat storage and transport ..................... 9
          1.4.2. Hydrological cycle ............................ 10
          1.4.3. Carbon dioxide exchange with the oceans ....... 11
          1.4.4. Dynamical coupling between the atmosphere
                 and the ocean ................................. 12
    1.5.  Radiative transfer in the atmosphere ................. 12
    1.6.  The greenhouse effect ................................ 14
    1.7.  The ozone layer and ozone depletion .................. 17
    1.8.  Climate observations ................................. 19
    1.9.  The stability of the climate ......................... 21
          1.9.1. Data on past fluctuations ..................... 21
          1.9.2. Origin of the observed fluctuations ........... 22
    1.10. Climate modelling .................................... 23
    1.11. Climate on other planets ............................. 26
    Further reading ............................................ 28
    Questions .................................................. 28

2.  Solar radiation and the energy budget of the earth ......... 29
    2.1.  Sun and climate ...................................... 29
    2.2.  Solar physics ........................................ 30
    2.3.  Source of the Sun's energy ........................... 30
    2.4.  The radiation laws ................................... 31
    2.5.  The solar constant ................................... 32
    2.6.  The solar spectrum ................................... 33
    2.7.  Solar observations ................................... 34
    2.8.  Absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere ...... 35
    2.9.  The balance between incoming solar and outgoing
          thermal radiation .................................... 36
    Further reading ............................................ 39
    Questions .................................................. 39

3.  Atmosphere and climate ..................................... 40
    3.1.  Introduction ......................................... 40
    3.2.  Atmospheric composition .............................. 41
    3.3.  Units of pressure .................................... 41
    3.4.  The variation of pressure with height ................ 42
    3.5.  Vertical temperature structure ....................... 43
          3.5.1. Tropospheric temperature profile .............. 44
          3.5.2. Stratospheric temperature profile ............. 46
          3.5.3. Observed temperature profiles ................. 47
    3.6.  The general circulation of the atmosphere ............ 49
    Further reading ............................................ 51
    Questions .................................................. 51

4.  Clouds and aerosols ........................................ 52
    4.1.  Introduction ......................................... 52
    4.2.  Potential temperature and entropy .................... 52
    4.3.  Potential energy and available potential energy ...... 55
    4.4.  Humidity ............................................. 56
    4.5.  Thermodynamics of moist air .......................... 58
    4.6.  Condensation processes and cloud formation ........... 60
    4.7.  Growth of cloud droplets ............................. 62
    4.8.  Growth of ice crystals ............................... 64
    4.9.  Collision and coalescence ............................ 65
    4.10. Aerosols ............................................. 65
    Further reading ............................................ 67
    Questions .................................................. 67

5.  Ocean and climate .......................................... 68
    5.1.  Introduction ......................................... 68
    5.2.  Ocean measurements ................................... 69
    5.3.  Composition of the ocean: Salinity ................... 72
    5.4.  Vertical and latitudinal structure of the ocean ...... 73
    5.5.  The oceanic equation of state ........................ 75
    5.6.  The general circulation of the ocean ................. 76
          5.6.1. The Coriolis Force ............................ 77
          5.6.2. Deep ocean dynamics: the thermohaline
                 circulation ................................... 78
          5.6.3. Near surface dynamics: Ekman transport
                 Sverdrup balance .............................. 81
    5.7.  Ocean circulation and climate change ................. 85
    Further reading ............................................ 85
    Questions .................................................. 86

6.  Radiative transfer ......................................... 87
    6.1.  Introduction ......................................... 87
    6.2.  Black body or cavity radiation ....................... 88
    6.3.  Atmospheric absorption and emission .................. 89
    6.4.  Atmospheric radiative transfer ....................... 90
    6.5.  The radiative transfer equation ...................... 91
    6.6.  Integration over wavelength .......................... 93
    6.7.  Spectral properties of atmospheric gases ............. 93
          6.7.1. Spectral lines ................................ 94
          6.7.2. Vibration-rotation bands ...................... 94
          6.7.3. Band absorption formulations and band
                 models ........................................ 95
    6.8.  Radiative equilibrium models for the temperature
          profile .............................................. 97
    6.9.  Temperature sounding and weighting functions ......... 99
    6.10. The inverse problem ................................. 101
    Further reading ........................................... 103
    Questions ................................................. 103

7.  Earth's energy budget: The 'Greenhouse' effect ............ 104
    7.1.  Introduction ........................................ 104
    7.2.  Is the atmosphere a 'Greenhouse'? ................... 104
    7.3.  The 'Greenhouse' gases .............................. 105
    7.4.  Energy balance calculations ......................... 108
    7.5.  A simple physical greenhouse model .................. 109
    7.6.  A better greenhouse model ........................... 110
          7.6.1. The radiative-dynamical equilibrium profile
                 revisited .................................... 110
          7.6.2. Surface temperature versus absorber amount ... 112
          7.6.3. Effect of changing albedo on surface
                 temperature .................................. 114
    7.7.  A simple model with feedback ........................ 116
    7.8.  Conclusions ......................................... 117
    Further reading ........................................... 118
    Questions ................................................. 118

8.  The ozone layer ........................................... 119
    8.1.  Introduction ........................................ 119
    8.2.  Ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere ............. 120
    8.3.  Photochemistry of ozone production .................. 121
    8.4.  Variation of ozone concentration with altitude ...... 123
    8.5.  Catalytic cycles .................................... 123
    8.6.  Ozone measurements .................................. 125
    8.7.  The Antarctic ozone hole ............................ 126
    8.8.  The global distribution of ozone .................... 127
    Further reading ........................................... 128
    Questions ................................................. 129

9.  Climate observations by remote sensing .................... 130
    9.1.  Introduction ........................................ 130
    9.2.  Ground-based measurements ........................... 130
    9.1.  Satellite measurements .............................. 132
    9.4.  Infrared instruments for remote sounding ............ 134
          9.4.1. Calibration .................................. 134
          9.4.2. Modulation ................................... 135
          9.4.3. Radiometer optics ............................ 136
          9.4.4. Interference filters ......................... 136
          9.4.5. Thermal infrared detectors ................... 138
          9.4.6. Photon detectors ............................. 138
          9.4.7. Electronics and telemetry .................... 139
   9.5.  Radiometric performance .............................. 139
          9.5.1. Signal ....................................... 139
          9.5.2. Noise ........................................ 140
          9.5.3. Signal to noise ratio ........................ 141
    9.6.  Limb viewing instruments ............................ 142
    9.7.  Contemporary satellites and instruments: Three
          examples ............................................ 143
          9.7.1. Weather satellites: The Geostationary
                 Operational Environmental Satellite .......... 143
          9.7.2. Environmental satellites: ENVISAT ............ 145
          9.7.3. Research satellites: UARS and EOS ............ 145
    9.8.  Applications of remote sensing to climate studies ... 148
          9.8.1. Earth's radiation budget ..................... 148
          9.8.2. Atmospheric temperature sounding ............. 150
          9.8.3. Atmospheric composition and chemistry ........ 151
          9.8.4. Clouds, aerosols, and polar stratospheric
                 clouds ....................................... 153
          9.8.5. Doppler wind measurements .................... 153
          9.8.6. Surface properties ........................... 154
          9.8.7. Detection of climate change .................. 156
    9.9.  The future .......................................... 157
    Further reading ........................................... 157
    Questions ................................................. 158

10. Climate sensitivity and change ............................ 160
    10.1. Introduction ........................................ 160
    10.2. Astronomical changes ................................ 161
          10.2.1.The Milankovich cycles ....................... 161
          10.2.2.The ice ages ................................. 163
          10.2.3.Current changes .............................. 165
    10.3. Variations in solar output .......................... 165
    10.4. Changes in atmospheric composition .................. 167
          10.4.1.Greenhouse gases ............................. 167
          10.4.2.Aerosols ..................................... 168
          10.4.3.Cloud and albedo variations .................. 169
    10.5. Ocean circulation variations ........................ 170
          10.5.1.Changes in the thermohaline circulation ...... 170
          10.5.2.Rapid climate change ......................... 170
          10.5.3.Ocean-atmosphere coupling:
                 The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) ...... 172
    10.6. Natural temperature fluctuations .................... 173
    10.7. Summary ............................................. 175
    Further reading ........................................... 176
    Questions ................................................. 176

11. Climate models and predictions ............................ 177
    11.1. Introduction ........................................ 177
    11.2. Current models and predictions ...................... 179
    11.3. Multiple climate equilibria and sudden climate
          change .............................................. 182
          11.3.1.A simple radiative model ..................... 183
          11.3.2.Box models of the ocean ...................... 184
          11.3.3.Complex models ............................... 187
    11.4. Problems of detection, attribution, and
          prediction .......................................... 189
    Further reading ........................................... 192
    Questions ................................................. 193

12. Climate on other planets .................................. 194
    12.1. Introduction ........................................ 194
    12.2. Mercury ............................................. 195
    12.3. Venus ............................................... 196
    12.4. Mars ................................................ 199
    12.5. Titan ............................................... 201
    12.6. The Jovian planets .................................. 202
    12.7. Planets of other stars .............................. 204
    12.8. Planets without stars ............................... 205
    Further reading ........................................... 205
    Questions ................................................. 205

13. Epilogue .................................................. 207

Index ......................................................... 211

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