Sambrook J. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual; Vol.3 (New York, 2001). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSambrook J. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. Vol.3 / J.Sambrook, D.W.Russell. - 3rd ed. - New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2001. - xxvii, P.15.1-18.136 (various pagings): ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-087969577-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xxi
Acknowledgments ............................................. xxiii
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols Online ........................... xxv
Quotation Credits ........................................... xxvii

Volume 3

Chapter 15
Expression of Cloned Genes in Escherichia coli ............... 15.1

1  Expression of Cloned Genes in E. coli Using IPTG-
   inducible Promoters ...................................... 15.14
2  Expression of Cloned Genes in E. coli Using
   the Bacteriophage T7 Promoter ............................ 15.20
3  Expression of Cloned Genes in E. coli Using
   the Bacteriophage λ p1 Promoter .......................... 15.25
4  Expression of Secreted Foreign Proteins Using
   the Alkaline Phosphatase Promoter (phoA) and Signal
   Sequence ................................................. 15.30
   ·Additional Protocol: Subcellular Localization of PhoA
    Fusion Proteins ......................................... 15.35
5  'Purification of Fusion Proteins by Affinity
   Chromatography on Glutathione Agarose .................... 15.36
6  Purification of Maltose-binding Fusion Proteins by
   Affinity Chromatography on Amylose Resin ................. 15.40
7  Purification of Histidine-tagged Proteins by
   Immobilized Ni2+ Absorption Chromatography ............... 15.44
   ·Alternative Protocol: Elution of Polyhistidine-tagged
    Proteins from Metal Affinity Columns Using Decreasing
    pH ...................................................... 15.47
   ·Additional Protocol: Regeneration of NTA-Ni2+ -
    Agarose ................................................. 15.48
8  Purification oi Expressed Proteins from Inclusion
   Bodies ................................................... 15.49
   ·Additional Protocol: Refolding Solubilized Proteins
    Recovered from Inclusion Bodies ......................... 15.53

Expression of Cloned Genes .................................. 15.55
E. coli Expression Systems .................................. 15.56
LacZ Fusions ................................................ 15.57
Chaotropic Agents ........................................... 15.60

Chapter 16
Introducing Cloned Genes into Cultured Mammalian Cells ....... 16.1

1  DNA Transfection Mediated by Lipofection .................. 16.7
   ·Additional Protocol: Histochemical Staining of Cell
    Monolayers for β-Gaiactosidase ......................... 16.13
2  Calcium-phosphate-mediated Transfection of Eukaryotic
   Cells with Plasmid DNAs .................................. 16.14
   ·Alternative Protocol: High-efficiency Calcium-
    phosphate-mediated Transfection of Eukaryotic Cells
    with Plasmid DNAs ....................................... 16.19
3  Calcium-phosphate-mediated Transfection of Cells with
   High-molecular-weight Genomic DNA ........................ 16.21
   ·Alternative Protocol: Calcium-phosphate-mediated
    Transfection of Adherent Cells .......................... 16.25
   ·Alternative Protocol: Calcium-phosphate-mediated
    Transfection of Cells Growing in Suspension ............. 16.26
4  Transfection Mediated by DEAE-Dextran: High-efficiency
   Method ................................................... 16.27
   ·Alternative Protocol: Transfection Mediated by DEAE-
    Dextran: Increased Cell Viability ....................... 16.32
5  DNA Transfection by Electroporation ...................... 16.33
6  DNA Transfection by Biolistics ........................... 16.37
   ·Additional Protocol: Histochemical Staining of Cell
    Monolayers or Tissue for β-Glucuronidase ............... 16.42
7  DNA Transfection Using Polybrene ......................... 16.43

Cotransformation ............................................ 16.47
Selective Agents for Stable Transformation .................. 16.48
Lipofection ................................................. 16.50
Transfection of Mammalian Cells with Calcium Phosphate-DNA
   Coprecipitates ........................................... 16.52
Chloroquine Diphosphate ..................................... 16.53
Electroporation ............................................. 16.54

Chapter 17
Analysis of Gene Expression in Cultured Mammalian Cells ...... 17.1

CIs-acting Regions and Trans-acting Factors
1  Mapping Protein-binding Sites on DNA by DNase I
   Footprinting .............................................. 17.4
   ·Alternative Protocol: Mapping Protein-binding Sites on
    DNA by Hydroxyl Radical Footprinting .................... 17.12
2  Gel Retardation Assays for DNA-binding Proteins .......... 17.13
   ·Additional Protocol: Supershift Assays .................. 17.17
   ·Additional Protocol: Competition Assays ................. 17.17
3  Mapping DNase-l-hypersensitive Sites ..................... 17.18
Analysis of Primary Transcripts
4  Transcriptional Run-on Assays ............................ 17.23
Reporter Assays
   Introduction to Reporter Assays: CAT, Luciferase, and
   β-galactosidase (Protocols 5-7) ......................... 17.30
5  Measurement of Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase in
   Extracts of Mammalian Cells Using Thin-layer
   Chromatography ........................................... 17.33
   ·Alternative Protocol: Measurement of CAT by Extraction
    with Organic Solvents ................................... 17.40
   ·Alternative Protocol: Measurement of CAT following
    Diffusion of Reaction Products into Scintillation
    Fluid ................................................... 17.41
6  Assay for Luciferase in Extracts of Mammalian Cells ...... 17.42
   ·Alternative Protocol: Using a Scintillation Counter
    to Measure Luciferase ................................... 17.46
   ·Alternative Protocol: Assay for Luciferase in Cells
    Growing in 96-well Plates ............................... 17.47
7  Assay for β-galactosidase in Extracts of Mammalian
   Cells .................................................... 17.48
Inducible Systems
8  Tetracycline as Regulator of Inducible Gene Expression
   in Mammalian Cells ....................................... 17.52
   Stage 1: Stable Transfection of Fibroblasts with
            pTet-tTAk ....................................... 17.60
   Stage 2: Stable Transfection of Inducible tTA-
            expressing NIH-3T3 Cells with Tetracycline-
            regulated Target Genes .......................... 17.65
   Stage 3: Analysis of Protein Expression in Transfected
            Cells ........................................... 17.68
   ·Alternative Protocol: Tetracycline-regulated Induction
    of Gene Expression in Transiently Transfected Cells
    Using the Autoregulatory tTA System ..................... 17.70

9  Ecdysone as Regulator of Inducible Gene Expression in
   Mammalian Cells .......................................... 17.71

Footprinting DNA ............................................ 17.75
Gel Retardation Assays ...................................... 17.78
Baculoviruses and Baculovirus Expression Systems ............ 17.81
Green Fluorescent Proteins .................................. 17.84
Epitope Tagging ............................................. 17.90
Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase ........................... 17.94
Luciferase .................................................. 17.96
β-galactosidase ............................................. 17.97

Chapter 18
Protein Interaction Technologies ............................. 18.1

1  Two-hybrid and Other Two-component Systems ................ 18.6
   Stage 1: Characterization of a Bait-LexA Fusion
            Protein ......................................... 18.17
   ·Alternative Protocol: Assay of β-galactosidase Activity
    by Chloroform Overlay 18.28 Stage 2: Selecting an
    Interactor .............................................. 18.30
   Stage 3: Second Confirmation of Positive Interactions .... 18.38
   ·Alternative Protocol: Rapid Screen for Interaction Trap
    Positives ............................................... 18.46
2  Detection of Protein-Protein Interactions Using Far
   Western with GST Fusion Proteins ......................... 18.48
   ·Additional Protocol: Refolding of Membrane-bound
    Proteins ................................................ 18.53
   ·Alternative Protocol: Detection of Protein-Protein
    Interactions with Anti-GST Antibodies ................... 18.54
3  Detection of Protein-Protein Interactions Using the GST
   Fusion Protein Pulldown Technique ........................ 18.55
4  Identification of Associated Proteins by
   Coimmunoprecipitation .................................... 18.60
5  Probing Protein Interactions Using GFP and Fluorescence
   Resonance Energy Transfer ................................ 18.69
   Stage 1: Labeling Proteins with Fluorescent Dyes ......... 18.80
   Stage 2: Cell Preparation for FLIM-FRET Analysis ......... 18.84
   Alternative Protocol: Preparation of Fixed Cells for
   ·FLIM-FRET Analysis ...................................... 18.87
   ·Alternative Protocol: Microinjection of Live Cells ...... 18.88
   Stage 3: FLIM-FRET Measurements .......................... 18.90
   Analysis of Interacting Proteins with Surface Plasmon
   Resonance Spectroscopy Using BIAcore ..................... 18.96
   Stage 1: Preparation of the Capture Surface and Test
            Binding ........................................ 18.104
   Stage 2: Kinetic Analysis of the Antibody-Antigen
            Interaction .................................... 18.108

Filamentous Phage Display .................................. 18.115
Genomics and the Interaction Trap .......................... 18.123
Interaction Trap and Related Technologies .................. 18.125

1  Preparation of Reagents and Buffers Used in Molecular
   Cloning ................................................... A1.1
2  Media ..................................................... A2.1
3  Vectors and Bacterial Strains ............................. A3.1
4  Enzymes Used in Molecular Cloning ......................... A4.1
5  Inhibitors of Enzymes ..................................... A5.1
6  Nucleic Acids ............................................. A6.1
7  Codons and Amino Acids .................................... A7.1
8  Commonly Used Techniques in Molecular Cloning ............. A8.1
9  Detection Systems ......................................... A9.1
10 DNA Array Technology ..................................... A10.1
11 Bioinformatics ........................................... A11.1
12 Cautions ................................................. A12.1
13 Suppliers ................................................ A13.1
14 Trademarks ............................................... A14.1
Appendix References ............................................ R1
INDEX, 1.1 ..................................................... R1

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